HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEMPORE CHUCK JOHNSON, PRESIDING DECEMBER 11, 2012 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Pro Tempore Chuck Johnson Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Sandra McCourt EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison ' Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Executive Secretary Teresa Allen BUDGET ISSUES Finance Director Nick Gerde - Property Acquisition Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson said this issue would be moved to an executive session at the end of the meeting. Finance Director Nick Gerde reviewed the Financial Report for the month of November 2012. Public Works Director Don McGahuey said the Transportation Improvement Board has approved a grant in the amount of $391,000 for an Overlay Project on Misawa Way / 81h Street NE to James Street. He added the City's match for the project will be approximately $69,000. Community Development Director Lori Barnett gave an update on the Loop Trail — Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) right-of-way surplus and transfer project. She reviewed three maps depicting the areas to be surplused, transferred, and retained. She said based on State Law that passed in 2007 the City and County would have the fast right to purchase surplus property located within ' their jurisdictions. She said any property transferred would have to remain as trail use, and, if at some point the City or County decides not to use it for trail use they would have to buy it back from WSDOT at fair market value. She stated that WSDOT would also like to finalize the sale of City property on the West side of Fred Meyer and agreed to some appraisals to determine if the appraised value would be adequate to purchase the potential surplus sites the City might be interested in. Council agreed by sago;uuaM lsea `onuanV ueld MN 6Z£Z `aoslod Inn ' aago;ewtA Iseg `anuaAV uoiufl S I0171 `pielleg X11a?I aagolumAk Isug `anuanV uotufl S IObI `psgllug aso-d aagolLw/A isug 'py# anuanV luom;sea OOZI `Iiuzoo uuuetnd aagoleuaM °loans uulag0 S IZ6 `mOTIM q 13ae2xelnl aago)=M ISea `gN;aanS q,8 599Z EuauuW alojuD aagoluuaM lsea `HN IaanS ,s8 £99Z `piuuoa-1 BUN aaga1MMIA `anu(I )loosalPPUS S 16 `umlg L &UW aaga;uwAk isea `anuand gdasof N Z6Z `,CauoluW utoieyq ;equg loans aSus £OiZ `uoasaM asluaQ aagalea Ak `Pgo2I gVOX SOIZ `[tend 3110113 I •IoogoS gStH luougsug lu plaq Smaq mo.g laana a317 10J .Ce[a2l Iunuuu 0141 ;uanaJd pinom aSauga stg; su `•uru OO:L of •u3•d 00:I I utoij ostou;o smoq aql ltunl pinom gotgm aouumpJO ag1 01 aSuugo u ;smeSe axods siayoddns a3FI io3 Culag Smmollo3 agy ansst aql uo not;u.taptsuoo ,Cuu mog 3lasmq posnooi 1moDoW mquiompounoD •ansst aq; ssatppu 01,C1tunlioddo uu amq an18 01 pioaaJ oq; uo sluammoo Aug duplum ploggltm pinom aq plus put! 1mo0oW jagmaugtounoD o1 suiaouoo possaidxo `aagaimmM 10I# ltufl 1aa4S alduNi 568I `sunlmul-1 pang 'ut'd 8S919 Suueaq opgnd aq; pauado uosugof aiodntay oid jokaW 5Z'6 jaldgg0 Supulotn io3 441md og1)4uula o1 pue 'saotldooxa algeotlddu S3ugla o1 `astou aouegmistP otlgnd a;o uotltm3ap aq; C3uela Ilim 1uq; aoueatpto ue iaptsaoo 01 Sutseaq aggnd d IO ZI'ZI ONMVaH OI'IEM;i papton aiam 0IL£ Pug L£ IL£ sa3gmnu:13013 - sxaaU paptoA •tn '917'689`OL£$JO MOM atp ut 110LCud ZIOZ aagmanoN iO3 Z9IL£ gSnoigl 091L£ Pug `8VIL£ OnoMgl 8£IL£ `9£IL£ OWED ZIIL£ `Z90L£ gSnoigl LZOL£ sjagmnu 3loago anoiddu saop ItounoD `ZIOZ `Ii aagmaoa(I `alup stgl;o sy - Ilo ud ZIOZ tt *69'089`Ltii$JO MOM 191013111 ut ZZZL£ gSnoigl £91L£ Pug 191L£ `I I IL£ `0I IL£ sJagmnu 3130110 anoiddu saop paunoo `ZIOZ `ii ngm000U a)up stg; 3o st+ - saigg ud ZIOZ t salqu,Cud jo uotleiapisuoD •Z ZIOZ `LZ iagcuanoN `uotssaS JWnSag - salnUIN JO u011uOptsuo0 I •O-9 `Patuua uotlom aqy •poluosoid se aupualu0 luasuoD aqI anoiddu of `gegg jaqutautftouno0 Aq puoaas `liequxug iagtuam paunoo ,Cq opum sum uotlom d :uoyaV Ilaunoj •uotlom ouo m polaeaa wam pug ,fpnls ioj aauenpe m s,iogmamlt3uno0 o; pa;ngLgstp aaam molaq pa;stl small HVQN3'IVO ,LNHSNOJ ' •ia;suen ag1 moy ia[ueS ueo Caq; lugm aas o1 slaaiud aatq; aq; uo uonemio3at luaotltppu ansmd of snsaasuoa ZIOZ `I [ lIHHNIHO3O SH.LflMW IIJNflOJ RaRD1VNHM LSVH dO AM CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 2012 1 Tom Cummings, Rock Island Kate Bratrude, 2030 Broadway N, Wenatchee Sarah Strain, East Wenatchee Michelle Fuller -Lyle, 776 Garden Court, East Wenatchee Wayne Chocola, 408 Nightingale Place, East Wenatchee Carrielee Farris, 644 0 Street NE, East Wenatchee Dustin Jackson, 1719 Walnut Street, Wenatchee Bennet Jackson, 1116 Poplar Avenue, Wenatchee Holly Thorp, 1409 Poplar Avenue, Wenatchee The following spoke in favor of a change to the ordinance which would limit the hours of noise from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Tim Finnigan, 341 N Georgia Ave, East Wenatchee Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson closed the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. 12-12-04 First reading of an ordinance amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to clarify the definition of a public -disturbance noise, to clarify applicable exceptions, and to clarify the penalty for violating Chapter 9.25. Presented by: Devin Poulson, City Attorney. Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson read the ordinance summary. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Detering, to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion failed, 5-1.(Johnson) Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, to not approve the revision to the ordinance. The motion failed for lack of a second. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Raab, to consider the motion with the exception of striking the terms in 9.25.040(a)(1) "between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m." to allow the exemption exception to be 24 hours. No vote was taken as there was a misconception as to whether the motion to elevate the ordinance to second reading had passed. Mayor Pro tempore Johnson said he had voted against elevating the ordinance to second reading which requires a unanimous vote. ACTION ITEMS 12-12-02 Request for approval of a contract with RH2 Engineering for engineering services related to the combined capital facilities plan for the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan UGA expansion project. Funding provided by the Washington State Department of Commerce. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director. •ioloama luamdolanaQ Altununuo0 `llauieg uo-I :Xq paluosoid •qaud amoq pamloujnuum puu `satuoq altgoui °sacuoq pamlognuem 03 Smme3tad (V)080'ZL'LI Pus `0£I'b9'LI 'OZO'Z£'Ll `OCb'80'LI 'OZb'80'Ll saot3oas m apo0 ledtotmtW aagnleuaM lseg aql Smpuotue aoueutpio ue 3o Sulpeai Isma '0-9 `Patmt:o uotlom aqy •AouaS,tama PAto u Suunp sauea.n3 3o ales oql ltgigoid of iluoglnu s,IOAU q aq3 Sutnouloa Aq pus, uueam3 u SutCmeo lsme8e uotltgtgoid agl Smnomai Aq mul olels gltm luolstsuoo oq of opoD pcdtotunw aagoleuoM;seg oql Sutlupdn anuumpio ag3ldopu ol'lmo0oW .tagmamltounoD Aq puooas `SutaalaQ .tagmamltounoO Aq opetu sum uotlom V :uoi;aV Il3uno0 '0 9 patvua uotlom aqy Sutpeoi puooas of aoueatpao oql alenala of `geeg mgmaugtounoo Sq pu000s 'iautlong sagmamltouno0 Aq opem sum uotlom V :uoilaV IlaunoZ) -buaSaama Ilela a Sulmp smasaag ;o ales aql uglgojd o; Ap iogins s,aoAuR aql SulAOmai Sq pas to naig s Sul6u83 ;sulsSs uoglgtqoad aq; SmAOma.1 Aq Msl alsis q;im;ua;stsuoa aq o; apoj Isdtamnw aaga;suatA ;sea aq; Sul;spdn 'aagn;suaM issg 3o fqj aql ;o aausnlp� , UV LT-ZIOZ 'oN aausulPJO nolSulgssM °aag34suaM4ss3;o f4ij • ssutmns aouumpio oql pwi uosugo f aiodtua•l, oid ioAuW dawopd �11� boslnod utnaQ :Xq paluasaid •,SouaStama Itnto a Sutmp sauea tg;o ales aql 1tglgo.td of Aluoglne s,.io LW oql Sutnoulw Xq pus mteam3 a Stn Cueo lsuteSe uoM qTgojd oql ilMAoma] ,Iq Axel alels gltm lualstsuoo aq of apo0 ledtotunW aagnleaaM lse3 aril Sutleptin aagaleuaAA 1seg;o A1tO agl3o anneatpi0 uu jo Sutpew 3su '0-9 `Patuen uotlom aqy •;uamaa�e ue olnooxo pue olegoSau of io.(LIN atn ozuoglnu put, saouttas luamdolanap alisgaAx io; lounlul uotstA mm3 aql loalos of uotlepuatmuoaai aq3 anoidde of `que-d mgmamltounoD Xq puoaas 'SEnjopQ mgmamltounoD iq opum sum uotlom V :uoi pav llaanoj io33omQ qtoM otlgnd `,CangvDo➢q uo(I :fq paluosaid •luauutalSe us olnooxo pus olupoSau of ioXvIN oql ozuoglnu ragpq of pus sootnaas luamdolanap a)tsgaAx ao3 laumlul uotstA uug otp loolos of uotlepuammooat jjuls a anoiddd '0-9 °pa uuo uotlom oql •loa fold uotsuedxa VDfl ueld antsuogaidmo3 m-lV aagoluaom lsug .taluaiO aql io3 ueld saRtltoe3 lellduo aql of polulai soomMs Smiaam8uo io; SuuaautSug ZM gltm lou4uo3 oql anoidde of Uuquaeg nquaougtounoD Aq puooas '.tatnlong jaquraugrouno0 Aq apum sum uotlom V :aoi V Ilounoj 90-Zl-Zl SO-ZI-ZI co-ZI-ZI ZIOZ`II213HNI3J3a SF1IfIIIIW IIJNII0033HO.LVN3M.LSV330.C,LIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 2012 IMayor Pro Tempore Johnson read the ordinance summary. City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2012-20 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code in sections 17.08.420, 17.08.430, 17.08.440, 17.32.020, and 17.72.080(A) pertaining to manufactured homes, mobile homes, and manufactured home parks, containing a severability clause, and setting an effective date. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Buckner, to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, to adopt the ordinance amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code in sections 17.08.420, 17.08.430, 17.32.020, 17.64.130, and 17.72.080(A) pertaining to manufactured homes, mobile homes, and manufactured home parks. The motion carried, 6-0. 12-12-07 V A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee ratifying an amendment to Appendix B of the Douglas County Countywide Planning Policies revising the Population Projection and Allocation for 2010-2035. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director. Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson read the resolution title. City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2012-25 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, ratifying an amendment to Appendix B of the Douglas County Countywide Planning Policies revising the population Projection and Allocation for 2010-2035. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Deleting, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to adopt the Resolution ratifying an amendment to Appendix B of the Douglas County Countywide Planning Policies revising the Population Projection and Allocation for 2010-2035. The motion carried, 6-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION ' At 8:21 p.m. Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson called a 7 minute executive session regarding consideration of acquisition of property. Council reconvened at 8:28 p.m. 1 3I'aIa Amo "et 'm'd 6Z:8 INIaro N orliV 'Z I OZ `I jagolop uo plaq &nlaam pisog ra SutunoO llomlaN lioddn$ Ieao!SaII M2inoa-uigogD aql mog salnmm — ImoOoyq jagmamlrounoO ul am pannoa ,O aqI of iou •qab ul pauimgns aiaem salnu!m/spoclai Nuimofloj aq jL s.ndodaI'IIJN 03 ZIOZ `I I HFIEKHJHQ SaJn II➢H'IIONnO0 RaHDI VN3M ISVH 10 AM