HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
NOVEMBER 27, 2012
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Tim Detering
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
Councilmember Frank Collings
Councilmember Chuck Johnson - Excused
Councilmember George Buckner
Councilmember Harry Raab
City Attorney Devin Poulson
City Clerk Dana Barnard
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde
City Engineer Don McGahuey
Executive Secretary Teresa Allen
Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison
Mayor Lacy explained that there was an original intent to hold a public hearing this evening regarding the
Noise Ordinance. However, due to a desire to have people heard on this issue a public hearing would be
required by state statute. In order to comply with state statute to meet the publication requirements, the
public hearing will not occur until December 11, 2012. He invited anyone who came to speak on the issue
tonight to do so.
Mayor Lacy said that so there is no confusion on the issue of a the proposed amendment to the noise
ordinance, this is not specific to the Relay for Life Event, but rather to curtail noise between the hours of
11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. He added this amendment would not affect the Relay for Life Event, as the
Event would not violate the ordinance in its current form, or the proposed form.
Buell Hawkins, 1845 Maple Street, Wenatchee, said he understands Mayor Lacys' explanation and that
was not the understanding of those who are concerned about the Relay for Life Event, so he would really
appreciate that reassurance. He said having debated and adjudicated Noise Ordinances in Chelan County
he would caution the City Council that a lot of times the language written in an Ordinance is expressed in
' qualitative measurements and they have to enforce them through quantitative means, which becomes very
difficult, and at times very costly, and arbitrary, so with that he asked Council to choose their mission
carefully in what they want to accomplish.
' 'sueo'I Pund lsnt,l, srliolA aggnd jo3 suotpeandde lacuna aq; Pug
aa3 qul -im OZ$ aq; halloo of suolluoU!1unb Sumlajdmoo m sdals lxau aql `Awdo.rd SuuoggSlau asegamd
of Alcljgedea lelauemAk mcaaa�poa3,j
AllO aql lunoasip aqp possnoscp oslu ,Cagy •nuamg sloltsiA AalleA aaga;eua/A oql of ouoS anuq pinom
Alsnoinaid legl laatioa lllm AliO aq; ;eql saxep SulBpol la;ou/jalog ag; passnaslp Amp ganlm m Smuana
Aupsonl, plaq Smlaam aourrumo0 la8png aqp 2ujpie8ai lrodax a aneS `ap120 131N aopaanQ aaueatd
Tsai uea sroggSjau oql pug onulluoo ueo ;uana aqp os saglo goea
poadsai of paau saoggSlau aqp pue sluedlallxed puang aqp pappe aqS -pagoeai aq uuo asiuoiduoo u sodoq
pue sdaals .raAou I! pue auo ou sloodsax .raaue0 plus 'gljomuanea l `puo'l AwE) repa0 bbs I `uolsam Auuaf
aneq oqm asogl .ro3 pue xaauga panlnms aneq oqm asogl xouoq o; Aluo Aep auo 10J si luang aql pegl Sarpels
;uang aj!,j io3 Aela d aq; .ro3 lxoddns passaidxa ionlnms raaaea u se `anuaAV gdaso f N Z6Z `AauoleW aei3
ill pue ue8mm3 •it'll Aq opum sluourmoo agp;o amos palpngaj `perlug jaa4S aSeS £0IZ `lloosatA asluo
•loogaS gSTH oq; of luoourpe
sroggSlau oql pue ooueuipi0 asloN aq; io; lioddns siq possaidxa `anuantr ulSroaO N LSE `coaled 'g Ined
' •alon AluoCem Aq oploop,(aqp `ITounoO aql are Aagl pnq `satlinl;ae pgSnuano OSiel ueq l,uplp
Aagl peal pa;uloddeslp alu[I a st aH ;T m glaal q;lm aaueurprp asiON mou a Smpelnnuo3 io3 jcauno0
paNuegl al; •Apsauoq pue Vodsw 'Asa;moa sl to3 Sunlse we sioggSlau aqp lle pappe aH •poogloggScau imp
ur sjonwns ioaueo Pug ` oigai `palgeSlP sgq pegp poogrogqSiau u Suigmisip aq lou pinom Aagl `pomoajam
aq pinom Aagp aragm eane ue ssam qspuoSn 'H eq
AlunoO ro `sred `sloogoS qg!leaoj ;e Inc,lno dutm smug; sluang Alleil Altununuo0 le legp poluls
golgm `Surpsarapul Aian Su glamos ssorae auea oq allsgam s,ap-j io3 Aulag;o ga.reas scq Suunp plus aH
•slgSll alp
pue `siaj;Ijdue pnol aqp `asiou;o uolldrusjp aql s[ alndslp sill m d 0£ 6 Aq iano are sameS Ilegloo3 Isom
;eql creme sl aq [ooqaS qS.H ;noupseg 3o paapnps iauuo3 a se lnq `untpels ailajgld ue of lxau panom
aq asneoaq pozraquo Suloq ao; pue °pancaoaa seq oq sra;lal oql 3o auol aqp 3o suxaauoo possaadxa al;
;c o; do Sucpeal asiou oql Inge paummoo Alan aie Aagl lnq `ajq aq3 Aulag
o; apaq;uduiSsun IOU we sioggg!au aqp pigs all •),mODO q ragmaurjiouno0 si lugl pug mmea gptm pnoq
iaq moij allleq oql uom imp Apel u pue `iaauga SuipgSg Ajantlae sl leg3 ueu a sc uo[l�pad aqp uo plus ali
'sassaippe lu=jj!P uanas le sauoleaSrs uanala suq uol;llad
aql PUP `HN loans p. gU no PII8 `loans emol `anuand u!SiooD no sosnoq uaalgSla palis!n aq'uollrlad
oql pauSls puu pooqjoggStau aqp m sang 3mo0aIK Mgmamltauno0 'sluang ;gSmiano piemop pa;aarip
sum uocplpad agl'>jied amok a(tgolq iotaas panpag a sl poogrogqSlau srq'uotl!lad agl3o roglne oql sc aH
' •pgSlens pioaal aql pas o; spoon aq pue alemaou aru uagl jo lle lou Alaleurwojun pnq `pouno0 aq; of
Pug anluA Ala•}es aql of siallal uaaq aneq aiagl ouu peg) aauls leg; plus al; •sluana pgSlarano SuuaaanOo
Apoq slap o; not; pad a pa;aasaid aq ieaA srg13o Ajnf m lug; Plus `anuanV ecSsoaD N Ib£ `aeSlum3 uq,l,
Community Development Director Lori Barnett reported that the City received a Grant Agreement from
the Department of Commerce to work on the expansion of the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Boundary
Area. The City advertised for a Statement of Qualifications for Consultant Services. The City received
submittals from two firms, RH2 Engineering, and SJC Alliance. Both firms were interviewed and scored
with RH2 being the firm with the highest score. She asked Council to accept the recommendation of the
interview panel, authorize staff to begin negotiations with RH2 Engineering within the scope of $45,000,
and to come up with a Statement of Work for that project.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Barnhart,
to accept the recommendation and authorize staff to commence negotiations with RH2 Engineering. The
motion carried, 6-0.
Mayor Lacy said the consensus of the Budget Committee was not to appropriate funds or make a
recommendation for the purchase of adjacent property. He said he would like to defer the issue until
Councilmember Johnson is present.
Mayor Lacy asked Council if they would like to participate in an Employee Holiday or Christmas
luncheon hosted by the Mayor and Council on December 20, 2012. Council agreed by consensus to host
' the Employee Christmas Luncheon.
Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one
Councilmember Detering asked that a correction be made to Page 2 of the minutes changing the word
from cultural to economic.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Collings, to
approve the Consent Calendar as with the requested correction. The motion carried, 6-0.
1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, November 13, 2012
2. Consideration of Payables
i. 2012 Payables — As of this date, November 27, 2012, Council does
approve check numbers 37026, and 37063 through 37109 in the total
amount of $108,952.32.
12-11-04 A public hearing for the purpose of fixing the 2013 Final Budget for the City of East
Wenatchee. Taxpayers may appear and be heard for, or against any part of the budget.
Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. Hearing no public comments Mayor
Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:25 p.m.
Uemtuns aoueuipio aql peas Xn-I IOAUW
' •aaauiSug fllO 'AanguOoyg uoQ :Xq paluasaid
'apoO ludioluny j aagolumM lseg agi3o Z£'0I jaldegO
Sulpuamu Aq slam! Alto aql ulgltm silm!l paads Suueloop aouuuiplo ue;o Sulpea, ;s.n3 60-I I-ZI
'0-9 'papno uollom aqL •sloeuuoo olul .talus of Alpoglne acp speaH
ivautuedaQ pup toAuW aqi But
uuj2 uoilnlosai oql ;dope of 'tauilong .tagmauglounoO
Aq puoaas 'Sui.r3l2U iagmampouno0 Aq apem sum uopom V :aollaV liannoO
foutouV A;iO 'uosinod mnaa :Aq poluasoid
•slotmuoo o;m niva of fluoglne polimil speaH
luautltedaa pue aoAL,w oql Suiluu.t<9 aagoluwtA isug3o AllO ogl;o uoilnlosai posodoid V 80-I I-Zl
'0-9 `PPM uollom aU 'M
-9t68 leoo 13o saaAolduta io3 olnpogos Aud £ IOZ agl anoidde of liuqung iagmaugrounoO
Aq pu000s `Suil3jo(j .tagmauglouno0 Aq opera sum uollom V :uollaV paanoa
•Aouio)iV Alto 'uosinod ainaQ :Aq paluasaid
'M-968 Ir"I3o saafoldma io; olnpagos fed £IOZ agl;o lenoiddV LO-I I-ZI
'0-9 vo!' o uollom
oU 'lazwd tamlllM ooAolduta M-948 leoo l to3 saSem Sulssaippe io; Sutpuelsiapufl
;o mnpuetomayq agi uSts of soAuw oq; azuoglnu of 'sgullloO .tagmatuilounoO
Aq puooas `ltuquteg jaqutampaunoO fq opem sum uopom V :nopaV Ilaunoi
•AoutouV f4l0 'uoslnod ulnaQ :Aq poluasoid
•luou4mc cl halls oql to3 J031ioM
aaueaaluluw '.tazuid tumMAt 3o sogum Suissatppu M-968 leoo I puu aagaluuaM ise3 jo
A;1O agl uaamlaq 2ulpue;saapuf13o umpuuiotuaynl a uSis of ioAuyq aql ioj uopuzuoglnV 90-11-Zl
'0-9 °pa uuo uollom aq•L poluiodwoul OOAI(I
q;im luawooaV aop, mS aql uSis of ioAuN aql azpoq;ne of 'pugaxeg sagmatuliounoO
Aq pu000s 'nuDlong jagmamllouno0 Aq opem sum uollom V :uollaV IlannoO
•iaauiRug A;10 'AanquE)OW uoQ :Aq paluasatd
•saopuas leoptugoam puu slo4uoo
OVAH Ie1312MM03 io; palelodiooul OOAIQ g1lM luamaaISV OOMMS a 30 lenoiddV 90-I1-Zl
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2012-14
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, establishing the speed limits within the
city limits by amending Chapter 10.32 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code.
Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading without objection.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by
Councilmember Buckner, to adopt the ordinance declaring speed limits within the city
limits by amending Chapter 10.32 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The motion
carried, 6-0.
12-11-10 First reading of an ordinance adopting the Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Budget
for the 2013 Fiscal Year.
Presented by: Don McGahuey, City Engineer.
Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary.
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2012-19
' An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, adopting the final budget of the
Greater East Wenatchee Storm water utility in the amount of $4,497,149 for the
fiscal year commencing on January 1, 2013.
Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading without objection.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by
Councilmember Raab, to adopt the Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Budget for the
2013 Fiscal Year. The motion carried, 6-0.
12-11-11 First reading of an ordinance fixing and confirming salaries to be paid to certain officials
and employees in the year 2013.
Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director.
Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary.
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2012-15
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, fixing and confirming the salaries
' and compensation to be paid to certain officials and employees of the City of
East Wenatchee during the year 2013, containing a severability clause, and
establishing an effective date.
Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading without objection.
p,ea,eg eaeQ
•ZIOZ `oi ,agolop uo plaq Sugaam dMmgtuam loulslQ luamdolanaa onuouoog uoOulgselA
IPluOD gPDX aql mog salnunu pue 'ZIOZ 'ZI mgmaldaS uo plaq Suilaam uotlt:ZtuL'Zjo
dumueld uolleltodsuemy leaodfo- le,luoo quoN aql mg osalnutm — ,amlong ,agmatullouno0
mlaam llounoj oj aql of joija Buiiln++ m palilmgns aaam salnuim/spodai aulmonoj aqy
•suollezlae$,o,aglo pue'(uuV uollenleS `asnopl 1112K7 aql 01 sluuj2 ino papueI
,(aql gotgm m 'ssalamoq oql ioj aalllmmo0 SuLm S aql uo paAms oqs ptes lmoOoW ,agmatupounoO
•£IOZ `I g3jew lo31as sl assod samef,oloa,tQ
moO,anlx ,03 amp Ims omiLlual aql, quoutl.tedaQ and alnuoS agl g1lm;atgD luels[ssV se aauauadxa
3o s,ea,( aa,g1-,(lull seq oqm ,oloa,tQ mau a pa,Iq seq moO aAix legs pal,oda, vetpueg ,agmauglouno0
S.Luodau rHaNIIOJ
'0'9 ` oa uea uoilout aq L �go3�aAA
lseg3o Ai!o oql ,03 Opng Iuouunid lenuuV £ IOZ oql ldope of ',au,long ,agmamliounoD
Aq pu000s 'SupolaQ ,agmauglounoo Aq apem sera uollom V mollod llaunoa
'uotloofgo 1nogltm Rmpea, pu000s of aouemp,o aql palenala ,(ae-1 toAvW
•£lOZ `I Sionasp Smauaunuoa aea i leasid aql ao; S41j agl;o laSpnq lenuue
aql Supdope °aagalsuaM lsag 30 fllZ) aql 3o gounoj f4lj aql 3o a3ueu!pa0 uV
91-ZlOZ •oN aaueulp,O
uolSmgseM'aagaleuaA4,;ssdlo Ap
C,emmns aoueulp,o aql pea, ,ioe l ,o (elnl
,olooma aouemd `apjaD 131N :Aq poluasa,d
'aagoleaaAk lsn'g
3o CIIO ag1,o3 laSpng IeEonEm3lenmit £IOZ aql Sutldope aonemp,p ae;o 8utpea, lsnd Zi I I ZI
'0-9 °pau,eo uollom oU •£IOZ imA aql ul saa,foldmo put, slelog;o mel,ao of
' pled oq of saueles 8ulmn3uo3 pue Suncg oaueuip,o oql ldope of 'sSullioO mgmampiounoD
Aq puooas ',au>jong ,aqutaugtounoO Aq opem sum uopom V :uoipV llauno3