HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/11/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Tim Detering EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director Don McGahuey Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PUBLIC COMMENTS Nathan Scott, PO Box 3142, Wenatchee, expressed concerns regarding the City's consideration of implementing a $20 car tab fee to East Wenatchee residents and asked Councilmembers to let the voters decide on the $20 car tab increase by placing it on the ballot. East Wenatchee Civil Service Commissioner Mike McCourt, reported that the Civil Service conducted a Sergeants Exam and Oral Board Interviews. Following the interviews and reviewing the qualifications, the Oral Board selected Dan Dieringer, Joe Hinkle, and Dave Schreiber, as the top three applicants. Mayor Lacy said an order is being placed for shirts through several departments of the City. He said the Legislative budget has no funding at this time. However, if Councilmembers wished to purchase a new shirt with a City logo they could purchase them with the City's order at a cost of approximately $38. Mayor Lacy said he has received emails and phone calls regarding the car tab issue, for the most part citizens expressed concerns of an increase particularly for those on a fixed income. ' Mayor Lacy said he has been involved with several meetings with respect to the reconstituted Public Facilities District (PFD) in which they voted to authorize a Resolution for the issuance of unrated bonds. He added the sale of new long-term bonds would pay off the current short-term debt that went into default when it was not repaid last December 1. The PFD will offer the bonds for sale without a rating as two of 'BIOZ-£IOZ sjeai ' Smnsaa aqI ioj ueld luamanoidug uo?leltodsueiy mmk-X?S aqI Su?puame uorinlosag V £0 60 ZI 'NOIDNIHSVM 30 dyV.IS aHI IIOd QIIVOR ,INaWaAOZIaW NOIIV,IuOdSNV2I.I ALL QNV NOIIV,Ldoas Hi d0 Auviaums HHi HUM NOIIf1'IOS3I SILL HrM 01 MU2197 AID alll DMIMMG (INV LQVHf)OHd .INdN aAOHaN l NOIZV,IHOdSN"l HVdA-XIS SJd ONIOIN2[WV `NO.IONHISVM `amai VNam ,ISV3 'I0 A.LIJ 3H.I d0 NOIL(I IOSaI V OZ-ZIOZ 'ON NOI.IIl'IOSaI •0-L `RIM3 uo?Iom aq,l,'LIOZ-ZIOZ SMA gumsuo aqI jo3 ueld Iuauianojdml uogeljodsuejy jeaA-x?S aql Su?puamu uo?lnlosa-d aqI ldope of `uosugof jagm3ml?3uno3 ,Cq pu000s `yequieg jaqu ouipunoD ,Aq opera sees uo?Iom V :uogaV OaunoO joloaj[Q gjoM o?lgnd `,ianVOoyq uOG :Aq paluasajd 'L I OZ-Z I OZ sjeai Smnsua aqI jo3 ueld Iuamanoiduq uo?leljodsuejy imA-x!S aqI Smpuamu uopnlosaX V ZO 60 Z[ joloan0 gjoM oRgnd `AangeOoyll uoQ :xq paluasajd ' loofold uo?1eAlasajd AL,Avljed Ut,W f,alIEA oql Pue Ioafojd ,CIajuS op?ALCI?D ogl jo; pan?sow slu B mo.g spunl apnlou? 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RESOLUTION NO.2012-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ITS SIX -YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THIS RESOLUTION WITH THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. ACTION ITEMS 12-09-04 Approval of a contract with the Department of Commerce regarding the Urban Growth Area (UGA) expansion. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Council Action: A motion was made Councilmember Buckner, authorizing th DISCUSSION ITEMS e 12-09-05 A discussion regarding the Countywide Solid Waste Program Budget for 2013. Presented by: Frank Collings, Councilmember Councilmember Collings expressed concerns regarding the cancellation of the White Goods Collection and the Hazardous Waste Collection programs. He asked Council for their opinions and to give him some direction prior to the next Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting. Mayor Lacy gave a brief history of the Solid Waste Program. Councilmembers discussed host fees, hauling fees, and reinstating collection events in East Wenatchee. Mayor Lacy said without objection he would instruct Councilmember Collings to express the concerns discussed this evening at the next TAC meeting. No objections were heard. COUNCIL REPORTS ' Councilmember Lacy said he appreciates the written submissions related to Council assignments. However, he would like to emphasize the importance of sharing meeting information from individual assignments with Councilmembers so that important issues are not overlooked. 1 11013 43 pxeuleg eueQ •m•d OS:L jNaj1RamofQV •ZIOZ `S jaq=1daS Ito Piaq &nlaom IeIoadS a PIIe `ZIOZ `8 1sn2nV Ito PTaq 2tniaam pieog anlleilslulmpV 116 utoOtanIld aql u104 sainunu - uequng aaquiaugpunoO •ZIOZ `I I Ainl• uo plaq Snlloam laulslQ luamdolana(I anuouoog uolSulgseM lerivaO quol`l aq] cuog sainucm — tau>jang iaqutautllaanoD -am pam IlaunoO •� aq; o; sou nyl� a nl pa lmgns alam sa;nulm/sp ai ulmollo} aqZ -At uouo)ne jo swmoo possaidxa ule2e Aowl io feW •la2pnq £ I OZ aqi Suueda.td;o ss000id aqi ul we om se UAAM aqi spun; of analiuoo lllm fltO aqi aaglagm pue 'sacauase agi;o uollezluu2.iwj aqi possnaslp siagmaugTannoO •anliuelsgns Sulgyiuu 2ulneq aio3aq teat auo Claleutlxoidde atlel of sldiuHfIn uio�g oldood xis iulodde pinom foua2d peg axatumoo jo iaqujegO AolleA aagaleaaM aqi gllm aaSaaut olgTssod a 3o sliulap alp ino 31iom of aaillunuoO a Outgsgqeisa 3o mpl oql 2uiluasaid aq IITm aq Sullaaut (UAAA,o neang stollslA AalleA aagaleualA Supoodn oql Suunp legl Poliodai uosugol• MqutauglounoO •slaatls leguaplsai autos 3o olppint aqi of mous gulmold olul Tool of isanbai luaaat a Sulpae2ai Aanq DoW uo(l tolaanQ s)ltoM ollgnd utojj la3laed aqi ul paiilmgns liodai a Ito sam sod aqi gSlamino ATTE1iuelsgns sam u2au oql legs poluoututoa ialgang iaquiauglounoD -gaua2e leool a sns.ran slseq aplmaielS a Ito polpueq oq pinoo gaiedsip 116 atagm lmod e of auroa ,teat it qulgi aq paauequa aioui Sultnooaq salllllgedea oluoiloala aqi gllm pue sagntnmutoO of osuadxa ue ;o oiout pue moat Sultu000q ate miAJas SouaSiama legs paluaututoa Aowl ioAuW ' •£IOZ g3juW io Ajutuga3 Aq pollg uoptsod aqi aneq of sadoq mootantg •siseq luaueut.tod a Ito uollisod oql llg of palonpuoo aq lllm gaieas a pappe all •moyanrd J03 iolaanQ tumiul aqi se pan{ uaaq seq ddtu(egasl.tO ptes laequteg mquiauglaunoD ZIOZ 'I I wailwgmgs SH. nd UW 'II M03 aaHZ),LVXaM ISV3 30 A113