HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/22/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 22, 2012 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Harry Raab - excused Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - excused Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison ' Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PUBLIC COMMENTS Roger Klute, 1803 Aspen Creek Lane, Wenatchee Finance Director, submitted and reviewed the Financial Report for the Month of April 2012. DEPARTMENT REPORT Nick Gerde, Finance Director, submitted and reviewed the Financial Report for the Month of April 2012. Mr. Gerde reviewed a memorandum he prepared upon the Mayor's request regarding Douglas County Resolution No. CE 12-27, that was adopted and then repealed. The resolution was a proposition to be placed on the fall ballot authorizing an additional Sales and Use Tax at the rate of two -tenths of one percent (0.02%) pursuant to RCW 82.14.450 to be used for Criminal Justice, Public Safety, and other purposes. The memorandum included a table comparing the estimated generation of this tax if it had been applied to actual retail taxable sales in 2011 for the County and the five incorporated cities in Douglas County. ' Another table showed a comparison to the existing 0.1% Criminal Justice portion of the Sales and Use Tax. Both tables show there would be a reduction of revenue to the City while Douglas County and the five incorporated cities of Douglas County would receive an increase in revenue. MAYOR'S REPORT .io; aiotgaA olenud u dutnup ao3 =Aoldma ue sasmquitai ,ut3 oq1 ales oql SutSuego Aq £0 Z I OZ uopnlosag Smpuame nolSutgsLM 'aagoleuaM lseg 3o ,C;to agl;o uot;nlosag V gO-SO-Z I u;stQ satllltaeg aggnd �a;aa� s;uaAH IeuolSaH aaga;g,naM japajf) aq;;o pjeoq Sutu]aAOS aq; o; ,Cltj aq;;o;legaq no axpuluasajdaa SUI;OA e se .ioAvW aq; Sul;euSisap'uolAmgseM °aaga;euaM;sed;o Alta aq;;o not;nlosag V 6i-ZtOZ •oN vot;nlosag uol2uigseM'aaga;euaMIsea3o o:) '0-S `pat3leo uoilom ag•L •IoulsiQ saililtoed oilgnd .ialaaa sluang ImoiSoll aogoleuaM ialeaxE) aql 3o p]eoq SuiumAOS aqI of oAlle;uasaidai se Aou l Soi(LW Iupdde of Imu3lang iagmauiilounoD Aq puoms `Sum (I mgxuampaunoD Xq opera sem not ;out V :not 1!aunoj AouiollV Al!D `uosinod utnaQ Aq poluosaid •loulstQ sai ipaed 0tignd ia;uaD sluang leaot20-1 aagolg,vaM lawaiD aq; ;o pmoq SuluianoS aql of f4!D aqI 3o 3legaq uo anlle;uasaidai SutloA e se JoCew alp SmleaStsap volSulgsg,M `aagoleuaM lsn3;o f4lD ag13o uotlnlosag V £0 SO ZI Nolia os" tiE'bI I`£9E$3o Iunome aqI m lloi,Ced ZIOZ IudV J03 £OLSE gSnonP 61795£ Pug `01M gBnoigl 9911E s.iagmnu 31oa13 ' anoidde saop ItounoD `ZIOZ `ZZ AmW algp stgl 30 sV — I[o gd ZIOZ i< paptoA sem 6899E pap salquAud'£L'£SS`ZLI$ 30 lunome lelol aqI ut Z8L9£ gZnomp VOLS£ Pug I699C saaquinu Sloago anoidde swop itounoD `ZIOZ ZZ AvW alep sM 3o sti — salge— e, p t salquj(vd jo uotleioptsuoD Z ZIOZ `8 AvW `uotssaS jelnSad — salnu!Wjo uotlBmptsuoD • I '0-9 `p Ira uotlom aU •poluasaad se aepualUD luasuoD agl anoidde of Suua;a(j.iaquiamitounoo Aq pu000s `imoD3lN mgmaugtounoo dq opera sem uot;om V :uoi V ltaunoZ) vopom auo ui paloeaa aiaM pue fpnls io; aouenpe m s,aagmangtonnoD oI painqulstp aiam Molaq paistl small HVQNd7V0INHSN00 mu=El s,ioltstA aq; 3o uotlontg panmluoo aql se llaM se Qolstg stgl Malnai o1 oalpimoM 3o z;un}l �laei3 ioSey�i gild lam .SRuaoai Pm1 ag lugl PaPPE aH 'Pieog aql JO dnalem ag101 palelai 1! se Iuatnanlonm s,nmJng siollstA alp pns aanl1mt03 AloslnpV xey SmSpo-I ag13o ACtolstq aql pomamaa aH •alnlelS aq1 gllm amulldmoo ui daa31 01 sidwane pmog sivaAH aago;g,WM Ise3 •ain1g1S ag13o small aq1 loam )on swop pmg nwing s,ioltstA ,SalleA aagole OM aq1 ptes OH •aanluimOD fJostnpV xey Su>$po-1 a 6q suotlepuammomi uodn paseq xe1 ialom/laloq sil puads Isnm i1l0 aqI alnlgiS a3g1S oI Sutpioaae Iegl ples Coe l io Seyq I motimaoid ui mo;;o smpl aanlnf of;oodsaj gltm pauluoisutelq pug, 'sluatualels uolsstm 'sleoS passnastp AogL •pmog sivang aq1 gltm leailai a ul paledtotl�ed peq ag ptes Aoe-1 soArW ZI OZ `ZZ AVNI sEanNIN-H3N[I00 as 0 LVN3M LSVH 40 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 22, 2012 ' city business from the Internal Revenue Service rate for charitable organizations to the Internal Revenue Service rate for business miles driven. Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember McCourt, to adopt the resolution amending Resolution 2012-03 relating to reimbursement for driving a private vehicle for city business. The motion carried, 5-0. City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2012-15 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, amending Resolution 2012-03 by changing the rate the City reimburses an employee for driving a private vehicle for city business from the Internal Revenue Service rate for charitable organizations to the Internal Revenue Service rate for business miles driven. 12-05-05 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, declaring certain property owned by the City as surplus to the needs of the City. Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by ' Councilmember Johnson, declaring certain property owned by the City as surplus to the needs of the City. The motion carried, 5-0. City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2012-16 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, declaring certain property owned by the City as surplus to the needs of the City. 12-05-02 Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Auction Sale Agreement with Booker Auction Services. Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Auction Sale Agreement. The motion carried, 5-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Bucker reported that he had given a presentation at a seminar sponsored by the Economic ' Development District (EDD) at the Greater Wenatchee Area Technology Association (GWATA) regarding how Quest for Economic Development loans money though the revolving loan fund. He added QWATA gives awards to local businesses for entrepreneurship. Councilmember Detering attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting which there was not a lot to report 1 41313 43 pluumll EueQ POOH Z V ' •m•d 50:8 lRal amour •m•d go:g IE pauanuoow pounoD •suopupoSau IoR4uoa posodoid pun uoi poe pasodoad e;o sxsu iedai;o aocssnosip a oAEq of uolssas anilnooxo olnurm OE E paileo Aawl ioXvW •mrd Oy:L ld s ragmeg0 llounoD u! smgmamllouno0 xplm uoissos aminooxo oql ploq puE ouoAnAa asnoxa pinoM aq 'aigjaiaq L •uoTssas anunoaxo agl .rage ualel uorloE ou oq pinoM a mql ples Soul .ToAuW .aunf jo ind isig agl STrunp aanlamos painpagasai oq Ipm SupaaW aall?urmo3 p2png aql puE slotiiaoo Sulinpagos amm aiagl poppu aH •unq of pap?Aoid uoaq Alsnolnaid peq iEgl uoilLuuo3ul jaglo puE ueid lumugm3 loaioid lElldvo aql ssnosip of Supaam aonp=oD 138png lxau oqi puaue ILIA+ uamug uo-I ioloanQ luamdoianaQ A4mnumao0 puE AangeOoW uo(I ioloaiiQ s3iioM oggnd ples apiaD 3loiis iopoanQ aoaem3 glint sigl ssnoslp of uosiad aql aq pinoM oq puE STnuana snp pasnoxa sent AangeHow uo(i oolaaq(l qiom oilgnd pies Aawl joAeyq •sAemanup puE Supped laaals jjo 3130lq of lou sE os moos SmMold jo sAEM aApu=ilE mpTsuoa pinoM AITo aqi IagiagM puE aaimM agl m pomold are Sjaa liS agl MOq 1nogE pOOg30gqSTaa STq m ouoamos Aq pa7lse sum oq p!Ls uosugof ]agmamilaunoD •sagtApoE .uagl uT olgcssod se gonm se sanssi puE sassauisnq aagoleua jA 1sEg saleiodrooTn jagmeg0 aql 1Egl ams SunlEm m lsaialm 30 lanal gSlq a sEq aq pies Aoel ioAElni ' aosatmao03o iagmEqD aql ro3 iaSeueyTl aniinoaxg sE uoilTsod slq mog uMop Sulddois si uosjwl SIEmo imp jadedsMau aql m peai aq wipA ialel sAEp aldnoo E posudxns sum al uagl puE ZIOZ `ZZ AV,w SEIMI HW IIONnOZ) HaRDIVNHM ISVU d0 ADD