HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/25/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 25, 2011 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Dennis Hendricks EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Community Development Director Lori Barnett Events Coordinator Dawn Collings Court Administrator Joan Sims PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Community Development Community Development Director Lori Barnett reported on the Downtown Business meeting in which downtown businesses discussed; what the downtown area should look like, sufficient parking, enhance the access to the downtown area, additional lighting, and parking lot improvements. The result of the meeting was to try to involve more businesses and create a vision and identify some projects to enhance the downtown area. Ms. Barnett said a follow up meeting has been scheduled and a meeting notice has been sent out targeting all business owners from the Wenatchee Valley Mall north to the Douglas County Public Utility District. This meeting will provide for some brainstorming to see how much support there is from other business owners in that area to form some type of an organization similar to the Wenatchee Downtown Association and if there is a significant amount of interest, Ms. Barnett would like to see this progress into doing a project in that area. Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Bremmer, and Councilmember Raab said they would attend the meeting. This meeting will take place at the Clearwater Steakhouse and Saloon on Tuesday, February 1"at 12:00 p.m. Finance Department Finance Director Nick Gerde said Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Johnson, and Councilmember Johnson along with Mayor Lacy and himself are the budget committee for 2011. He said Z 1 'IiojAud aaquianoN aoj i�b'SI0`99£$3o;unou-m Iu;o; ag; ui 96L I £ ugno ui; I £LI £ pun V69 i £ gSnOJq; 9991 £ sJagtunu 3130110 anoiddu swop I?otmoD `i I0Z `SZ Asunuu f `a;up s?q; jo sd - Ilond O i OZ T?? •papton atam s3l3ag3 solqukud oN'6L'££L`S8$ JO ;unoutu lu;o; ag; ut ILIZ£ gOnONI LI I pun VLOZ£ staquanu 3loago anoaddu swop I?ounoD I IOZ `SZ A=uLf `a;nP II jo sd - solqu ud I IOZ '?? •pap?on aaam s3l3ag3 olquXud ON 'SZ'LtbZ`L$ JO ;unoutu lu;o; ag; ut `LLOZ£ poE 9LOZ£ S-mquanu VOW anotddu swop i?ouatoo `i i0Z `SZ Aaunuuf `a;up s?q;jo sV - salqu ud OIOZ t iio Aud puu salquAud3o uo?;uiap?suoD Z OiOZ `I I Ajmunf °uo?ssaS auln2ma - sa;nugNjo uo?;utap?suoD • I •pau?u;sgd;.tnoDoW iaqutauq?ounoa puu .aau)long mqutatul?ounoD Z-S `pouum uot;oua oqs, •pa;uasaid su iupuoluo ;uasuoo ag; anoiddu o; `quuH mqutautllounoa Aq pu000s `uosugo f mgtuauq?ounoD Aq opuua suns uoi;out d moip aunoa •uoa;0ua ouo ut pa;ouua amm puu Apn;s aoj aouunpu u? s,.ioquaatul?aunoD o; pa;nqu;sap a.tam molaq pa;stl suta;I 2ivcNawa iMISM03 •2umu?;uo3 on suotput;ogau uo?un aq; p?us Soul joStW anssz ag; 2tt?pre2ai puur;S aW;au;uoo pinom ag pres Aou7 ioiuW poogjoggS?au sig ut um loa;uoo laznnbs SutoSuo uu jo u xaouoo gutssa tdxo pue4S pogog uiog .aa pol u pan?aoo a ag p?us Xou7 Toxuw •matna.a anoA aoj not;uua ioju? s? smquaaual?ounoZ) of paII?uagns ;uamoaBV an?;u tad000 lon3 oq; p?us Am-1 ioSnyg ua aq o; uo?;ou toy upua�iu ag; uo st uta;t s?g; pappu aH *21N IQ-iS w£ o; puoH ;uujo uxoij anuand ;uout;sug jo uo43n4suo3aa aq; aoj (ql j) pmog ;uoutanoiduq uo?;wodsuLj jL oq; uaoij A;?un;.aoddo ;uua.8 u pan?aoaz siN 44?D ag; ;uq; smou pantaooi suq AI!D ag; p?us Am -I aokow aua,k s.p2utpuaIIu ut;saaa;ut uu possaadxo s3lot.apuaH iaqutatul?ounoD puu mm aaig jaqutautpounoo • I I OZ `I Ajutugo q si suot;uogddu jo aullpuap aq; su uudu f `umusty�l o; a;ugalap u SR AalluA aago;uuaM aq; Btn;uasa.zdaz u? pa;swa;ut snqutatul?ounoD Auu wom aaaq; j? pailsu ,Caul .toAvW 'iin3 ;xau g2notq; onq; ;dal aq II?m puu uuduf `umus?yg ut s? IopaaA ss W aq; p?us ag •lopaaA ssryq jo ;q-lig og?oud-suual, do;suoN ;sma oq; jo Ajusiantuuu q;08 oq; 3Iiuua II?m =A snp p?us �Coul aoALW lHodau s6HoAvw '01OZ `I£ aaquaaoaQ 8u?puo sq;uoua anlam; puu .tagtuaoaQ 3o g;uoua ag; ioj vodaH lu?ouuutd aq; poma?nat opaaD •.ayN •sanssi Amlod puu sam;?puodxa jo ain;uu otp su gons `aauluauaoD;agpng oq; jo sant;oo fqo puu sluo8 ssnos?p o; aa;;!tutuoD ;a8png oq; o3pl pinom ag •gareyq 3o Sutuumiag atl; ;u ploq oq II?m liut;aaua ;srg ail; i I OZ SZ A-dvflm v'f SaIn IIW 'LION lOD aa[IDIVNgAk ISd3 aO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCBEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2011 ACTION ITEM 11-01-03 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract between the City of East Wenatchee and Tony DiTommaso and Nick Yedinak for Public Defender Services. Presented City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Bremmer to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for Public Defender Services. The motion carried, 7-0. 11-01-04 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a Dollar Volume Agreement with the Wenatchee World. Presented by City Attorney Devin Poulson. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Hendricks, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Dollar Volume Agreement. The motion carried, 7-0. 11-01-05 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement with the State of Washington Transportation Improvement Board for the Eastmont — Grant Road to 3rd Street NE Project. Presented by Public Works Director Don McGahuey. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Johnson, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement. The motion carried, 7-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Bremmer said he received a letter from the Community Foundation of North Central Washington requesting the City of East Wenatchee contribute $1,000 per year for the next three years for the continued support of the Chelan Douglas Trends website. Mayor Lacy asked Councilmember Bremmer to give the information to the City Clerk to be included on the next Council agenda for review. Finance Director Nick Gerde said the City contributed to the initial start up of the website in 2008 by contributing $5,000. He said this website was created to provide comprehensive indicator data for Chelan and Douglas Counties on: People & Population, Culture & Leisure, Economic Vitality, Education, Environment, Health, Housing, Public Safety and Transportation in Chelan and Douglas Counties. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:40 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a twenty minute executive session regarding a complaint against a public employee, and pending litigation tb 1 1 valD '14iD pJuuzug uuuQ 1 PW"7 "vq •uT•d 01:8 — jLmawNTxaorav •0-L `paiuuo uoilouz oU -Aoldnojuuq salmi urnjuo oql ui miujo s,AjjD aqI jo jusstuzsrp oql �?uizuoglnu `uosugo f nquxampunoo Aq pumas `Jourmwa i0qumagl3unoD Aq opuui suns uoiloui V moi;aV Iiaunoj (sojoupuag `uosugor) 7-9 TQa Uuo uotlout aq,L •aouunaiaB .nags uo pasuq szalsuiva jL aqi gum iajjo luouiajllas oluudoiddu uu u8is puu oluilo2ou of joAuW agl Buizuoglnu `lmquiug mgwouzptounoo Aq pu000s `niumaig iaquiaurp3uno3 Aq apum suns uoilm d moipV paunoj "�"d 50�8 lu pauanuooai jtouno� salnutuz ang juuoilippu uu uoissaS anilnooxg agl popualxo Aoul aoSuW •urd 00:8 Id i i0Z `SZ ,k,dvf]Ndf Sa.LfllMW'IIONflOD ilaIOLVNaM ISVEI dO AMD