HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
NOVEMBER 22, 2011
6:30 P.M
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Dennis Hendricks
Councilmember George Buckner
Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Dave Bremmer
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
City Attorney Devin Poulson
City Clerk Dana Barnard
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde
Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell
Executive Secretary Teresa Allen
Associate Engineer Brandon Mauseth
Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson
Tim Detering, 814 1 Ph Street NE, commented on an article in the Wenatchee World titled "Eastside
Council already promising openness", he said a great deal of decisions are made with minimal amounts of
discussion and citizens do not understand how Councihnembers make those decisions. He suggested that
Council have open ended honest discussions so people know their thoughts on certain issues and how
these issues are brought to a decision. Mr. Detering thanked council for their work.
Bob Graff, Faucher Heights, commended the City Councihnembers and Mayoral candidates for removing
campaign signs immediately following the election.
Finance Director Nick Gerde said the Budget Committee held a meeting November 16, 2011. The items
discussed were related to the 2012 Annual Financial Budget. He said the two important items discussed
were the replacement costs of labor and benefits for the retired police officer which are now included in
the preliminary budget, and whether to increase property taxes by 1% allowing those funds to be placed in
a separate fund for street projects. He said there were a variety of other issues discussed which included
liquor profits, additional sales tax revenue, improvements to the City's website, and an Equipment Rental
suopolpstmC;gSla aaq;o aq; uo uogux% sales lsuog[ppe osodmn o; pasn oq ianau pinom /4uoq;ne Supm
naq; s;aaamoop uopuauo; oq;3o ynad su Pus `A;g!mj sa
p ao3 aousaa;clew pun uoponaysuoo;o sysoo 2q3
' Cugap dlaq o; 08 pinom;ag; suopolpsunf;gg!o aaq;o aq; moa; xu; sales 3o am;dmo aq; to;;daoxa as;u20
s;oAoy amply aq; promo; uopnqu;uoo lu!ouuug ,Cum SuMas ;ou oaam Aaq;imp ;as; aq; pmsugdma Amp
13;u20 ¢;oAoy umoy ag; ao; pasodoad aq; pa;aasaad sum l!ouno0 A;!O aq; am!; aq;;u p!ss Aril loAvw
a!oq; 3o a;on a ysnf gplm pam a;on o!lgnd ao; ;no SmoS 3o A;!ssaoau ag; ;noq;!m xm; sales B osodan
o; A;!I!qu aq; anBq pinom pmoq Q3d;uauna aq; `aogels!Sal Aq io; pap!noxd osmoo oq; iano `pupl amos
;o;uamasumm so;uomaaaSe us gomaa;oa pxp saogolps!mf pool aq;;!;sq; sum uopels!sal ag;;o uoyxod
;uallus oqy (3d aq; 3o uogauuo; oq; ul panlonul suopolpsunf oulu oq; uaam;aq s;uamaoaSu snolnaid
aaq;o Ile oposaadns pinom ;! ;eq; os uau!jm sum II?9 slay •pa;uosoid sum sio;ulslgal aq; Aq polosaods
pus ao!UO smamseaay a;u;S oq; Aq Aluumud uauum uo!;ulsaol pasodoad ;o ooald V •oompuoum
m osxs aaam 8vo4suuV a�x.W andpe;uosaadag a;a;S pee `euopuo0 AmO anpu;uasaadax amS `auaimd
-sasng epu11 anpu;uasaada-d a;e;S `uosgoouf aISl anpu;uasaadag 00y3O saaansuaay a;e;S uo;9algseA
`Aaleag a;ad Aaucouy Qgd `ou20 mly uosaadneq:) Pmog ((I3d) ;a?gs?(I sang?as3 aRgnd `aosgoasr
0IA1 anpe;aasajdaa oog3O s oinseaay a;e;S uo1Su?gnM PPS OH Wupng ogiooD aagmauglounoO
pue `iammoig anmQ aagmamllouno0 `geeg AueH aagtu2mpouno0 `uoslnod ulnaQ AamouV
AD gl!m JO;aa0 e;oAoy umoy aq;;e IT IOZ IS IagmanoH uo Su!wua s popuoue oq pies Aas7 joAmyg
•A;!anmmoo aq;3o;gauaq aq; ao; jm4 aq; a vasaad o; spojo mo m pmmao3 days s sl slip pappu
OH •sossudmooua ;uq; puel aq; 3o gonm mop o; se do pamalo oq o; paou II?^s ;! piss OH •aopssaadmoo
;o A;!ssooaa oq; ;nopmaa;suuq ;uq; a;m 4oa•Ha pinom galgm MA sup om;els?Sol aq; o; ll!q m
aosaods o; paa&g anuq ogm puommaH ulnmd aopmuodsasay30 AM0332S IOQSAA se Ilam se `SuoaysmaV
aTyg ange;aasaido-d opgS ipyA suolssnoslp peq suq aq p!ms oqm Asp% aapAuS oleo aauolsslmmoO
A;anoQ o; paAxe; ag pp;s OH '(LO(ISAA) nopepodsaejy;o ;uamumdoa a;e;S uolSa!gseM o; aopesaadmoo
;noq;lm A;ano•J Pue 413 oq3 3o siopioq aql u!gllm qma ;sqj Ile4 aq; 3o Yajsue4 s laS Plnoo am 3j
aas o; dlaq anpels!Sax amos Smme;qo o; spmSai q;cm suo!ssnos!p m panlonm aaaq seq OH I!WJL ap!syseg
oq; o;;oadsm g;lm uopnlos olglssod is uo Sunuom uoaq anuq A;unoD puu A;!O oqy plus Awl toAuW
•uolsloop;eq; moa3
;eq; s;gouaq aq; Sulaas am om se `aaaulsua A;tO 8 am{ o; AUO aq; pagsnd oqm iammasg sagmamx[amtoO
Alminopmd `saagmamxlonnoo A4!3 popuommoo Aolrj ioAuN •;uuA aq; Su?a!s;go pmt Sa!nsmd
ao; AanquDOIN uoQ aaaulsaa AD papuammoa aH •gl.I;aaRS p6l o; am w4s w£ mop anuand;aoagseg
a;aldmoo o;;uw8 pieog;uamanoidml uopeyodsueay lsuog!ppe M pan!aoaa A;!O ag; pies Aos1 aoAlRW
muss q;!m so;ogd pus s4uamgsa4ai `sdnoi8
puogo g;!m SuugSl l mjt seagsugD IunuuV ag; al Illm `I IOZ `I aagmmoci v p paounoum Aos1 aoAsW
ZIOZ Amnuel u! Supaam;su3 oq; plun
s;uoum8!ssV jagmauglounoa aa3aP ll!m oq `ZIOZ ul Suluu!Saq Ilouno0 mo o; o2uego aq; tp!m'aanamoH
aagmaaaQ u! ouop AlleoldA; am suoplsod pmog o; s;uoumslssV aagmoxupounoD aq; plus Aou1 aoAuIN
-spun; pue s;uamumdop
Aq Sa!paads pus anaanaa ;o suopaoollu ;o puaads maA .mo3 u puu `pund Aq ;aSpng &eui Ima
uol;enuogq pzlonsald Ammmn$ `s3gS![RS!H pue suol;dmnssV ;aSpng ZIOZ oq1 pataoma opaaO •ryg
' ';a2pnq psug aq; M am saansg
;oomon aq; aansuo o;;g8!uo; sma;! osa p ssnoslp o; pounoO paSemomo off '(-dW-da) pund Smnlonag pee
I IOZ `ZZ WHEEKaAON sain IIN'IIONnOO aaHotwam im AO A113
without the consent all eight jurisdictions. That was analyzed by legal representatives of each jurisdiction
and each jurisdiction received legal advice to the extent that it would be a binding commitment once it
was signed. As a result and a reliance on that the City Council voted to enter into an Interlocal agreement
to form the PFD and become a member.
Mayor Lacy said he expressed concerns regarding whether the legislature has the power to delegate to a
nonelected body such as the PFD to impose a tax, and whether legislature has the ability to unilaterally
impose a tax on any municipality when it is not imposing a tax generally on the rest of the State. He said
this bill will be presented to the legislature in special session for immediate consideration. He added if the
bill passes the State Treasurers Office will use funds that are not part of the State's general fund but rather
specialty funds kept by the Treasurer's Office to pay the bond holders on the entire $42 million dollar
obligation, which would leave the PFD Board with the ability if they so choose, to impose a 2% tax on
the region in order to provide a source of revenue to pay back the State. He said this legislation requires a
pay back of the $42 million dollars in ten years' time, and provides for a thirteen month period from the
time that it goes into effect on December 1, 2011, until the end of 2012 during which the jurisdictions
would be allowed to get together and form a plan for repayment of these funds. If they do not reach an
agreement then the State would step in and collect the fiords directly from the jurisdictions out of their
sales tax revenue. If the loan is not paid back it would provide some very stiff penalties in terms of
outcome to the various jurisdictions.
Mayor Lacy said City Attorney Poulson did some figuring based on per capita which would mean East
Wenatchee's share would be 18% of the total, of the annual payment of $4.8 million dollars a year for ten
years. This is just short of $900,000 a year for East Wenatchee. As a carrot the legislation provides that
we could individually impose a .2% tax in our jurisdiction by Councilmatic action. We could impose that
in order to raise the revenue to pay the City's annual $900,000. There are other options such as,
negotiations that could occur during that thirteen month period so that Wenatchee would carry the
majority of this debt and maybe the taxation that we put to our own citizens would be less than .2%.
Mayor Lacy said he questions Wenatchee's incentive to want to engage in negotiations to take on the
majority of the debt. He said that when we forted the PFD as a joint operation under these Interlocal
Agreements we did not care who sat on the PFD Board because the total obligation was being bom by the
City of Wenatchee. The City of Wenatchee at that time proposed that the board be an appointed board of
seven members with three members on that board appointed by Douglas County, Chelan County, and
East Wenatchee and that Wenatchee have the power to appoint four members to that Board. The other
five jurisdictions are not represented on that Board at all. He expressed concern that we would have a
Board that consists primarily of people that served at interest of the City of Wenatchee making a decision
to tax the whole region, as opposed to having equal representation on this Board.
Mayor Lacy said that if the Legislation passes we will dodge a major lawsuit. However, if a default does
occur there is no jurisdiction that will be safe from litigation over the outcome from the bondholders. The
cost of litigation would be enormous.
He authorized City Attorney Poulson to send a letter to every member of Legislature regarding the
proposed bill.
Items listed below were distributed to Councihnember's in advance for study and were enacted in one
•w•d 90:8 lu SuLmN o!Ignd aql pasolo ,Sowl
aoAlN smauium ou SuueaH •w•d 50:8 is Saueaq oggnd ag; pauado Xoerl .togeW
50:8 le pauanuooai pounoO •ssaaas a;nu!w ang s palluo ,Sae -I io,C W •w•d 00:8 IV
,CauaoUV AI!D `uoslnod u!Aa(j Aq paluosoid
•aul `uolSulgseM 30 luaw32PUR 1 alseM g;tm luawaa.aSV
p:sods!Q pue uolloallo0 Sullabo-d alseM pgoS aAisuagasdwoO s olu! aalua
of luawaaiBu anps;ual s,ir41O mp Sulpmgat sluawwoo omam of Suueaq oggnd V OI-I 1-1I
'w•d SS:L le Suln:aq atlgnd aql pasolo ,Soe7 iostIN
£IOZ u!
uo!l!sod oql Sulllg 30 ,Ct!pq!ssod aql le alool uagl pus jjo tul ,Sue plone of uol;!sod
aogod lueaeA acp Ilg of jou pounoO pa)lse `SIOPH i3gauE3 `iagsulU XMD
•wooi lmoo aql ialua Aaq; se oggnd
aq; joago pus uopoaloid op!Aoid of lmoo Su!inp aunt IIn3 aiaq aq of Suuduioo
f4unom u anq o; lesodoid aql iap!suoa of I!aunoO paalse off ga8png ,Czen!w!loia
aql w Sulmogs lou si wal! s!ql 'IanamoH •paau atp ssauppu of Ausdwoo
f4pmas pang a pus puem ,Sl!moas a `Iesodoid p2pnq sr ul papnlaw peg aq
plus off •puodsai of palsanbw atam aogod acp golym ui oouelsu! us peq seq aq se
spmpuels awns aql SmAsq;ou linoD IndplunIN oagalsuaM;seg aq;3o swaauoa
passaadxa aH '600Z u! paldope ataM sp.ispue;S f4a3uS o!lgnd osnoglinoO
alelS uolSu!gseM aql p!as llamoaD aSpnr lino Iud!a!unyg aagalsuaM Ing
'w'd 8b:L lu Suueaq ollgnd aql pauodo 6ouII io CByq
ioloanQ aouew3 `apaao joIN ,Sq paluasaid
•aagaleuaM lsu$ 30 Jr4jO
aql io; laSpng Iuu!3 ZIOZ otp Su!pjuSai s;uounuoo anlaoai of Suueaq o!lgnd V 60 I I'I I
•paptoA aiaM spago salgs,Sed ON -0S'S89`£IZ$
jo lunowe Islol oql ul 9bhb£ q8nomp SL£b£ siagwnu Naaga anoidde
soop potwoO `IIOZ `ZZ .tagwanoN `alep slip 3o sV — salge a 1pZ !
salquAud;o uo!luiap!suo0 Z
I l OZ `8 .tagwanoN `uolssaS aelnSag — salnu!w;o uol;e-1appuoO
'0-L `Pal.usa uollow ag,l• •Sulpaax puoaas of aousulpio atp
' palsAala Spuaalu puq Aoe-I io uW su `I IOZ io3 laSpnq aagalsuaM lseg otp Jos galgm 6I-OIOZ QOuuu!PjO
puawe of uollow aql anowaI of salnulw IlaunoO otp;o S aSud Su!loaLoo mpualeO luasuoO aql anoaddu of
`pnoDoW jagwaug!aunoO Aq puoaas `uosugor jagtuawllaunoO Aq apuw sum uo!low V :uop3V paunoO
NOVEMBER 22, 2011
11-11-04 A Resolution to of the City of East Wenatchee increasing the license fee for an
altered dog to $20.00 and an unaltered dog to $60.00, maintaining other animal
control fees at their current levels, and repealing Resolution 2009-13.
Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by
Councilmember Johnson, to adopt the resolution increasing fees related to altered
and unaltered dogs. The motion carried, 7-0.
A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee increasing the license fee for an
altered fog to $20.00, increasing the licensing fee for an unaltered dog to
$60.00, maintaining other animal control fees at their current levels, and
repealing Resolution No. 2009-01.
11-11-05 A Resolution of the City of East authorizing the City of East Wenatchee
authorizing Mayor Lacy to sign a Contract with Wenatchee Valley Animal
Control, LLC for the provision of animal control services.
Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by
Councilmember Barnhart, authorizing Mayor Lacy to sign a contract with
Wenatchee Valley Animal Control, LLC. The motion carved, 7-0
A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the Mayor to sign a
Contract with Wenatchee Valley Animal Control, LLC for the provision of
animal control services.
I1-11-07-A An ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing an increase of one
percent in the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2012 tax Year.
I1-11-07-B An ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing an increase of $84,720
in the regular property tax levy resulting from banked capacity to be collected in
the 2012 tax year.
11-11-07-C An ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax
levy to be collected in the 2012 tax year and authorizing any increase which may
be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and
the State assessed property provisions of State Law.
Mayor Lacy read second reading of each of the ordinances.
alep angaa•Ila ue 8uigstige;sa pue'asnela SIIIIglManas
e 2ulumquoa'ZIOZ teas aql 2uunp aago;euaAk;sug3o S;IJ aq;3o soaSoldwa
pue siel393o uieytaa of pled aq o; uogesuadwoa pug sal tales aq; Nmwigaoo
pue 2UMU 'u0J2ulgseA4, 'aagaleuaM iseH 3o AD aql 3o 03ueutp-10 UV
-L 'patiteo uoilom oqy •ZIOZ ut sooSoldwa pue sletotllo uieltao of uoqusuodwoo
pue sourlus 8m;dope aouuutplo atq ;dope of 'uosugol• lagwaugtouno0
Sq pumas 'aatgong iagwaiupounoJ Sq apuw sum uolow V :uogaV Ilauno0
•8utpeat puooas of aouempto agl pallanaia SoeZ toSlayQ
•uotlow oql of puooas 011 A'Olpq]IM
uosugof .tagwamitounoJ 'uotlow oqi maapg;lm stioupuag s.tagtuouq!ouno3
•saaSoidma uoiun-uou 311 sxanoo Siuo;t saueies s,iaoy3O aatloa opniout;ou
ptp ooueuipto sitq;etq 8ui;els uoquogmlo jo lulod u opum uoslnoa SawouV ,C;tD
•1a2pnq oq1 wog Saeies s,jo'3WO aottoa auo anowat ol'uosugor aagmautitouno0
Sq pumas 'stioiapuag .tagwaugtounoD Sq apem sum uoilom V :uogoV Il3uno0
' •ZIOZ ieaS oql to sookidwa pus steioujo utlaliao
o1 ptud aq of uogesuadwoo pue saueies 2mldops oouuutpio ue;o Sutpuai isitd
veaS z81 Z10Z
aql ui pa;aalloa aq of Seal xs; Avadold ieingaa aq; ul;uaatad auo jo aseaaaul
ue 2uizuoq;ne 'uo;2uigse� 'aaga;euaM ;sua 3o 5;10 aq; 3o oanuuipa0 uV
•(gzupuag `iamwaig) •Z-g P3,JM3
uotlow atLL n2A xul ZIOZ aq1 ut pa;oapoo aq of ,Coal xe; Syadoid soln2w agl ut
luaoaad ouo;o anwoui uu 8utzuo'Pne V LO-I 1-11 ldope of quuH aagwawitounoJ
Sq pumas 'uosugof iagwaugtounoJ Sq apuw sum uotlow V :uogaV Ilauno0
•(uosugo j `linoDoW 'gee11 'jau3long ' iuqu mg)
•S-Z `Pai!la3 uotlow atis, •Merl 0119S 3o suotstnoid Sliadoid passasse olelS atg pue
Suadoid of sluawanojdwt 'uotlawuoa Mau aapun lunotuu otp m pamollu aq Sew
gotgm aseaIout Sala 8utzuotgnu pue xuaS xe1 ZIOZ atg ut paloailoo aq of Snag xm
S;tadoid .tulaw oql 8utzuoglne 0 LO-11-11 ;dope o; iawwaag iagwaugtounoD
Sq pumas slolipuoli aagwawitounoD Sq apuw slam uotlow V :uogaV p3uno0
-pumas e3o Maul io3 palte3
uotlow aq•I, -moK xe1 ZIOZ aiq ut poloapoo aq of Sitoudeo po3iuuq wos3 $utlinsaa
Snai xu1 Slaadad .tuln8ai aql ul OZL'178$ 3o aseaiaul ula Sutzuog;ne ElLO-1I
-I 1 idopla o1 '.tatniong .tagwowitounoJ Sq apuw sum uotlow V :uogaV Itauno0
NOVEMBER 22, 2011
11-11-12 First reading of an ordinance authorizing the final budget for the City of East
�. Wenatchee for the fiscal year 2012.
Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by
Councihnember Johnson, to remove one police officer from the budget and add
$500 to the Court budget for a security wand.
Councilmembers discussed not filling the vacant police officer position and
eliminating that salary from the budget, adding $500 to the Court budget for
purchase of a security wand and using a Police Officer for security purposes
during court sessions, and reducing the Events Department Budget.
Police Chief Harrison said there is was not enough coverage in the Police
Department for an Officer to spend a full day during court sessions. He gave
statistics regarding the crime rate for Cities in the State of Washington. He said
he would like the East Wenatchee Police to continue to be proactive by reacting
to service calls, getting around and being seen out in the community and
residential areas of the City.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by
' Councilmember Buckner, to amend the motion to increase the Court budget by
$12,000 for purchase of a security wand and a security services during court
sessions. The motion failed, 3-4. (McCourt, Barnhart, Bremmer, Hendricks)
The motion to remove one police officer from the budget and add $500 for a
security wand carried, 5-2. (Barnhart, McCourt)
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by
Councihnember Bremmer, to reduce the Events Department budget by $69,000.
The motion failed, 2-5. (McCourt, Barnhart, Raab, Buckner, Johnson)
City Clerk Barnard explained that in the Council Rules of Procedure the Council Meeting shall adjourn at
9:00 p.m., unless extended upon approval of a motion by a majority of the Council.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner,
to extend the Council meeting. The motion carried, 7-0.
11-11-13 First reading of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to sign a Comprehensive
Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Agreement with Waste Management of
Washington, Inc.
Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by
Councilmember Johnson, authorizing the Mayor to execute the contract with
Waste Management of Washington, Inc. The motion carried, 7-0.
' xjalO ,CUO
pjeujeg eueQ
IIOZ'LI jagolo0
uo plaq Smlaam liouno0 soileljodsuejs SalleA aagoluuaM aql moj3 salnu!W — ,foe -I io isyq
ayaam 1iauno0 413 aql o; jou ugum ui pauimgns ajam sa;nuim/spo al uimo11% aq,L
•Sm;aam lxou aql it, jlouq lgSnojq aq ❑im mall sill
pue pogoeue lou sum oouuu!Wo oql pps q;asnsyq uopuejg jaauiSug ap possd
•juo,i lu-3sg ZIOZ aq; jq; laSpng
ja;eAk uuo;g aagoleuatA lseg ja;eajO aq; Sm;dope aoaempjo ue3o Smpeaj lsji3 SI-I I-11
' •0£0'V£•V apoO ludialanW aaga;euatA;sng
Sulpuamu ,fq lnaaiad ,fluaml o; suazgla amoam-mol pug 'saazyla palgesip
'suazgia jolaas jo3 uopaalloo asnpa pug aSggju2 jo3 uouanpaj a;ej ilillln
aq; 3o ;unome aq; Suuamol aaga;euaM ;seg 3o d410 aq; jo aaueuipjo uv
60-110 •ON HDNVM(IRO
•O-L 'Paujeq uogom
aU •0£0•V£•V apoD ludiolunW oagolumM peg Saipuaum Aq luaajod ,fluaml
of suozylo amoom -mol pne suoz.4p polgesip 'suazilia jot jg luaojad )iluaml
01 alej flililn aql Smonpaj aomutP o aq1 ;dope of 'uosugof jogmQwpnunoD
iq puogas `sKoupuall jagmangiounoD iq apew sem uopom y :aoilat+ pauno0
Smpuaj puooas 01 agnempjo aql palenala SOU l JOSEW
•0£0•V£•V apoo lediolunW oappmaM
lsug Suipuamu ,iq luawad £1umg of suozilio amooui-mol puu 'suazilia palqusip
'suozi;lo joluas jo3 uoiloalloo asn3aj pus aSegMf jo3 uoi;onpaj olm f4ggn mpjo
lunouiu alp Suuamol oagoleuaM Isug3o il1D agl;o ooueuipjo uu3o Suipeaj lsjid Vi-1I-1I
•asI'uo;NuigsetA;o;uamaSeueW alsvA g;im;uamaaj$V psodsiQ
pug uoyaapo0 Suiladaa-d pug alse� piloS anisuagajdmo0 a aSis o; ioSvW
aq; 2uizuoglne'uo;2uigsnAA'aaga;uuaA4,;se2[;o Al!O aq43o oaueuipao uV