HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/22/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MARCH 22, 2011 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Pro tempore Hendricks asked for the roll call. Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember George Buckner - excused Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Engineer Don McGahuey City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Events Coordinator Dawn Collings Court Administrator Joan Sims Records Clerk Andrea Sharp Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Steve Lachowitz gave a brief presentation on the Art on the Avenue, Outdoor Art Exhibit. He said he will be contacting the East Wenatchee Planning Department about an opportunity to place another pedestal with an art piece in East Wenatchee for the ongoing exhibit. Mayor Lacy arrived at 6:34 p.m. and presided over the remainder of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS Director of Parks David Schwab, Eastmont Metropolitan Park District, said there is a vacancy on the park board for anyone who would be willing to participate. He also announced that the Park District would be interviewing candidates for a new Director of Parks, and that as soon as they hire a person he will no longer be there. He stated that it had been a pleasure working with the City of East Wenatchee. Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal Street NE, thanked Attorney Devin Poulson for showing him where the bargaining unit contract links were located on the City's website and other City Staff for filling his recent Z u aajdns IOU pip umusiW `uoiluz?uu2ao XpD aalsiS umssiW agl uuoad saaglo glum pug ag suoiluo?unuiuroo agl ui p?es aH •.zu3X s?gl uuduf of Eu?lanual oq IOU ii?m Kaii-eA aagole M agl uuoad uorlu2013Q �I?D aals?S umesiW Dill ueduf u? aalses?p ?ru-eunsl puu o3lenbilla-ea Iuaooi agl oI onp lugl poliodai ,Co-ed ioXuW •suuld oinln3 puu `uollupuoo Iuiouuuid Iuwino s,Alt0 Dill uo alupdn uu anu2 ag qoi im ur Iuana .iaquzui D ,CalluA aagoluuaAA, agI puu `uoagound s,uauuoM uuoulgndaN agl lu `XI?D Dill do dlugaq uo paauoddu pug ag plus Aoud .ioXuW •2uioueug agl oI solulai I? se Xlil?quil lutlualod mog uo?looloid Iugl popaau am lugl 3zru2oaai sn �uidlag uu luluauinilsu? sum `auiil Iugl lu Aauzollu .ino sum ogm `uuuiaauuunZ DlongD -.iW lugl PDPPe OH ,CI?I?qu?i 3o uoulel?uu?I 2uTp 3oa o5unfuul agl pauuuluoo Iurll Iu3um3jBV IuoolaaluI Dill do p-enoidde Isnluana agl alum 5uolu `xel s3lus3o oinldmai Dill ui aagolumAk Isug do ,CI?3 ag13o uoulud?o?laud agl puu loiuls?Q sa?l?I?ou3 oulgnd agl 2u?p.iu5oi 90OZ puu SOOZ uroid salnuiui pounoD AI?D do pijoud Dill i?uup?noad and piuureg uuuCl 31.ualD Al?3 p33luugl Aoud aoKvW lldoalI SHOAVIV •2upoom I?ounoo `l IOZ `Zi I?adV agl iod poppagos oq llim iiulauag oulgnd u p?us ails •Isanbaj Dill Dap?suoo of ftmnq oulgnd u 2uiplog Isag aa}Iu sluauianoiduu Iaaals an?um puu `njap `f•I?poui oI pounoD gill and ssomid -e sap?noad 0I1•8ti'Si opoD Iuduorunyq aagoluuaM Iseg Dull lugl pluls puu soilaud oml agl ,Cq pall?uigns uoiluuuodui Dull pomaunaa agS •saad luauaanoidun Iaaals an?um of slsanbaa oml aap?suoo of 2uu-eag o?Ignd u las oI I?ounoD aoj Isanbaa u pall?uugns uoumg pod aoloaauQ luauudolanaQ AllunuiuioD •.zalul salaam jo oldnoo -e plag Iunulso j Suijq�3q owl seuils?agD Iunuuu gill gI?m puwpom Buinris3luegJ of loud plag oq pinom go?ilm auuil suuils?agD ao3 opuaud u 3I3uq'duuiiuTiq aq II?m IuauuluudaQ sluang agl p?-es oqS •.ivaX s?gl P,,Z aagolop gi?noxgl ,x iogmzjdz)S ioj palnpailos Iunilsa3 slaagAk puu si?urM gill `,,,£I Isn2nV puu q,6 Xinf plag 2upq sao-ea duiumS aapung,L aql `XvW ur puxlaam Isag Dill do �WTmoo mops auD puu apuaud s?ssugD XssulD agI `,,L I p idd uo do �3uiuuoo ;unH OEg aalsug .iaxaw paid Dill papnioui go?gm `I IOZ and sluana Xl?D Ouiuioodn agl jo alupdn uu 3n-e2 s13uulloD umuQ aoluurpaooD sluing OIOZ -iod slu?ou-eug puu `Xoualunmba aiuul Tina Puu pool asuo paaanoo gougm lanoD agl jo al-els oq p.IL331 uinpuurouuaui e pamaunaa aH •uualsXs oo?lsn f puu mul agl ul saaquiauu iaillo oqj gl?m puu lanoD Iuduorunw aagol-euam Is-eg ao3 oBpnf agl su anaas oI 02311nud leaa2 -e s? 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The major problems they had inside the city were from the earthquake which included significant damage to approximately fifty buildings, lack of power, travel problems, and due to public transportation being shut down it was difficult to get medical treatment after the earthquake hit. He added that the Misawa Delegation was still making plans to come for Apple Blossom with a group of 12 youth and 3 adults. He stated he will inform Council if this changes. Mayor Lacy provided some history with regards to the website issue stating that about two years ago the issue of the website was discussed specifically at Council level because at that time Wenatchee was in the process of hiring a consultant to revamp their website at a significant cost of approximately $100,000. He stated that our council decided, given the financial disparity at the time between our ability and the other needs of the city, that we could get by with what we had. At that time we were maintaining our website with a contract employee, who obviously did not have the capability that a $100,000 consultant would have to redo a website. Mayor Lacy stated that when it comes to the capability of our website to do more for our constituents we would have to spend money to create a more capable website. However, it would have to be a policy decision of this Council as to whether or not it was something that warranted spending money on. He added the problem we are faced with right now is that we do not have an Information Technology (IT) employee at the city, and at this time we have only been paying for acute problems that need done to stay up and running. He indicated that he had directed the City Attorney to provide a proposed policy to deal with computer issues and who should take the lead as being a contact person for IT issues. He added this matter is on -going and he anticipated that within the next month he will have a recommendation and a policy for Council to review with respect to IT, but that he is not necessarily going to make a decision on the website matter at this time. Councilmember Barnhart suggested the webpage be included during the 2012 budget process. He added the City should seek proposals from companies to create a web design and have the proposals presented to the Budget Committee to see what level we want our webpage to be. He added that we should put some of Mr. Scott's requests and ideas on the website. Mayor Lacy agreed with Councilmember Barnhart and thought that once they identified who was going to have the task of overseeing the IT they could get into the specifics that would need to be submitted in a budget proposal. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, February 22, 2011 2. Consideration of Payables and Payroll i. 2011 Payables — As of this date, March 22, 2011, Council does approve check numbers 32477 through 32532, in the total amount of $174,320.88. No payables checks were voided. ii. 2011 Payroll — As of this date, March 22, 2011, Council does approve check numbers 32326 through 32420 in the total amount of $356,030.35 for February 2011 payroll. No payroll checks were voided. t 1 3IialD 4D piuuiug uuuQ 'urd SS:L - .LIB 2tKNMOf(tV I I OZ `8Z Xiuniga3 uIO.g Ouilaaui t[IIEQH Jo piuog sul2noQ uulailD — ,�ou-1.ioXuW • uilaaiu paunoO t3 aqj oI ioijcl Builpm ui paHiuigns a.iam salnuiui/spo a.i u!moll03 aq,L •iapisuoo of llounoo ioj anssi snli of uoilnlosai u iiuipn2ai soiUloods giim ltounoo aul aiojaq Ouigiauios Ouiiq pinoils om uoiloofgo inoiliim lugs paluls AOU-1 ioxuw •aouuutpio aul anuq of pug pooio3u3 ,�Ijufoj aq of paluum sum Iuul OuiillXuu lugs paluls uoslnod AQUioiid AJID *FIX I-ViIS y,L uo umop mots Ilim sunup iuill os onssi aul inoqu o2 of moil jo suapi iaillo io ,fluid lu uaiplr su dons a2uu2is of spiu23i illim possaippu uaaq purl uolo-a assay uiog iailal u 3I p33Isu IinoDoW ioquiauiliounoD SI'dOJHH rUDNIfiOD (qoiipuai-D 'I-S •?lung iauuug uioij I?pa.ID Jo QUIZ ai{I Jo Iumauai ai[I io3 sivauinoop uuol aql u2is of ioALW aql ozuoillnu of uosugof iaquuuipounoo Aq puooas `iiuiluiug iogiuz) iltounoD ,fig opuui sum uopoui d :uot)aV Ilaunoa •apiaO NoiN ioioaiiQ a3uuui3 ,Cq paluasaid '000`00S$ 3o iunouiu aql ui 3fuug iauuug uioi3 Iipaij jo oui-I aill jo lumauai ioj sivauinoop uuol ai[I u&s of Iunoiddu ioXuW aill ,'IuiAii? uoiluzuotilnv £0-£0-I i (pouiuisqu spiipuaH) •0-S 1paiiiuo uoiloui oil •ivauiaoBV osua-I oqi of uinpuoppV oql u2is of ioXgN gill ozuoilinu of uosugof iaguiouilpounoD Xq pu000s `liugmug iaquiompouno7 Xq apuui sum uoiloui y :uoiiad liaunoa •uoslnod uinaQ,sauioilV XJID ,Cq paluasaid •paluool si duiumsiapnq L ails oiogm ,ii_iadoid 3o dtilsiaumo auI 2ui,jipoui 2uipiu2ai Iuauua.i2V asua-I puu-1 — uinpuoppd i0-£0-i I Sbvan NOI.LDV I I OZ `ZZ H02IM S=Mw IlloI noo 9dLI3.Lvx9/ l .ISH9 dO 'kilo