HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/8/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
MARCH 8, 2011
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy arrived at 7:00pm
Mayor Pro Tempore Dennis Hendricks
Councilmember George Buckner - excused
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Dave Bremmer- excused
Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
City Attorney Devin Poulson
City Clerk Dana Barnard
City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde
City Engineer Don McGahuey
Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Police Sergeant Bruce Nash
Records Clerk Andrea Sharp
Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison
Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal St. NE, East Wenatchee, expressed concerns/issues about the Town Toyota
Center. He said he is concerned that Wenatchee City elected officials are trying to manipulate the public
into accepting a tax increase or taking out a loan to the Public Facilities District. He said it was his
understanding that the citizens of East Wenatchee were not going to be paying taxes for the Town Toyota
Center. He encouraged Council to speak out against the information that we are receiving from
Wenatchee officials.
Mr. Scott said he is opposed to a City employee participating in the delegation to Misawa, Japan. He
asked Council to consider sending a distinguished member of the community
Mr. Scott said he would like to learn more about the business of the City. However, he feels that
information is not being made easily accessible to the public. He would like additional information
included on the City's website such as the union contracts. He encouraged Councilmembers not to take
any action or approve any agreements until the public knows the current salary and benefits of the
employees affected by the current bargaining agreements being negotiated.
City Attorney Devin Poulson stated that the Employee Manual and the Union Contracts have been on the
website for several months. He invited Mr. Scott to view the webpage where the documents could be
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Councilmember Barnhart stated that he has been asked to serve on the finance committee of the Regional
Fire Authority. He added at this time the group is only in the planning stages.
Councilmember Hendricks updated Mayor Lacy on concerns expressed by a constituent during the public
comments portion of this meeting regarding funding the Town Toyota Center, and the lack of information
provided on the City's website. He asked Council for a raise of hands if they support a tax increase.
Mayor Lacy encouraged Councilmembers to reserve judgment and particularly a vote until they have
something concrete to consider. He said at this time there is just a possibility that something might be put
before you. He said that in the spring of 2006 he attended a meeting at the City of Wenatchee with
representatives from the nine jurisdictions from the Public Facilities District (PFD) and it is his
recollection that he expressed to the PFD that as long as they were simply seeking our nod to recapture
sales tax along with the other jurisdictions, and as long as the City of East Wenatchee would not be called
at any time to make a decision, or to have our citizens support the operating expenses or the debt service
for the Town Toyota Center that the City of Wenatchee would take that responsibility and have that put in
writing as part of the Interlocal Agreement. He indicated Section 8 of that agreement states that all
liabilities incurred by the PFD shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets, credit and properties of the
PFD. He added that he will have the City Council minutes regarding the PFD provided to Council prior to
the next meeting.
Mayor Lacy said our website has a limited capacity because it was not developed by a professional
website builder. As a result, our website is capable of going back approximately a year with the agendas
and the minutes. He stated that the City of Wenatchee developed their website, which is far superior to
ours, with costs ranging about $100,000 and a consultant to develop that website. He said East Wenatchee
has not spent any money to develop the City's website and added if this council wants to appropriate
funds in the budget, then there is an unlimited amount of things we could with our website. He added that
he will continue to look into improvements to the website.
Mayor Lacy reported that negotiations for the union contracts are essentially done as far as meetings are
concerned. We are waiting for both unions to take final positions with respect to the contract. We will
then bring those contracts to Council for ratification.
The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the City Council meeting.
• Mayor Lacy — Chelan Douglas Health District meeting from January 24, 2011, and from
Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting from February 10, 2011.
• Councilmember George Buckner — North Central Washington Economic Development District
Membership meeting minutes from February 9, 2011.
• Councilmember George Buckner — North Central Washington Resource Conservation &
Development Annual meeting minutes from February 9, 2011.
• Councilmember Wayne Barnhart — RiverCom 911 meeting minutes from February 9, 2011.
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