HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/22/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING FEBRUARY 22, 2011 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director Don McGahuey Community Development Director Lori Barnett Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell Events Coordinator Dawn Collings PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming East Wenatchee's support for the 2011 Washington State Special Olympics Winter Games being held in the Wenatchee Valley March 4 through March 6, 2011. PUBLIC COMMENTS Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal Street NE, said there has been discussion regarding various Union Contracts of the City. He asked how he would be allowed to comment as there are not a lot of specifics known. He said the State of Washington offers information regarding employee pay on their website. He added he would like to know the base pay of all City employees, the cost of healthcare benefits, and any other required benefits such as pension etc. He would also like to know the specifics of the current Employment Agreements and any fringe benefits. He would like these things to be readily available to the public in some form that is easily accessible, allowing anyone to easily gain a limited understanding. Mayor Lacy responded to Mr. Scott stating that salaries of all employees with the exception of bargaining unit contracts and contract employees of the City are passed by ordinance each year. He said employment contracts which would include benefits, contracts for services, and benefits associated with the employees of the City are defined in the City's Policy and Procedure Manual, salaries and benefits of the Union Employees are defined in the Collective Bargaining Unit Agreements, and all of this information is available from the City Clerk's office and available to anyone upon request. pap?oA aram L9ZZ£ Pun 69ZZ£ sjoago sajquXud "£678S`90I$ jo Iunouuu lulol agI ur SZ£Z£ ggnonll LLZZ£ sraquunu Noaga anouddu soop I?ounoD `1IOZ `ZZ faurug33 `alup s?gl 3o sV - sojqu ud I TOZ ? solquXud jo uo?Iunp?suoD Z 01OZ `8 fautug33 `uoissoS jujn2oZj - solnulWjo uoiluiap?suoo "I "0-L `Polnuo uo?lout oq L •poluasoid su jupuoluo luosuoo agI anoiddu of `n"ong a3guratulrouno3 Aq puoaos `pnoDoW ngtuatul?aunoD Kq opuur sum uorlotu d :uoi;aV Ilaunoa •uorlotu auo uu palanua auam puu Kpnls rod aauunpu to s,jaguuatujiounoD oI palnq?GIs?p a.ram moloq pals?I suuoll xvau:41TV3 iKaSUO3 •ajdood Al.�qgl Xiolumixoiddu jo uoilu�iajop u oq II?m a.uagl uoiludimpud Ilnpu agl gl?m pappu aH •dul Iugl uo ualld usa.uj opnjoui of junoiddu iiupjaos aq II?m aq `imf, sell oludimpud of s.u3gtuaurl?3uno3 Xuu wog Iuauul?unuoa u anraoaz Iou p?p ag aours Plus aH •Isand ur uuduf of del agl .roj siopussuquzd ullnoA UOAaja palaajas sug dnw2 Kilo .rals?S umusiW agI plus Kou7 .uo)iuW suorlu?lo$au Iourlu00 uoturl Eu?pzu�ar �urlaaur s?gI �urmollo� Iaauz jj?m j?auno� p?us Aou-I ioXLW ,L'IOdau SINOAVN •�Ijom jo uo?Ialdtuoo oql jo Ouruutl uodn posuq Iuatupuotuu p5pnq u a.nnbau Auuu stall pappu aH "000`OOZ$ XIolumixoiddu oq f,1xi?i Isotu pjnom £ uo?ld0 jo Isoo agl `oluuillo guippiq olquionuJ agl glrm `.ranamoH '000`ZZZ$ sum lo3faid aril jo uo?liod s?ql joj luouil?uTmoo juumiuo agI pins Aongu0aj^j 'JW •puog IuuuO uo uorlaas.ralul AumIJUd UPW AaiinA agI gi?nojgl alaiouoa inod - £ uoild0 puu `,�umjjud IiuW AaIPA oI 8Z 2IS uuoij opnuoo .inod - Z uorld0 `Ilugdsu 2ur,Cuj jo uuld juuri?uo oql gl?m Xuls - I uorld0 •suorldo aa.nll .uoj s?sAluuu Isoa u I?uugns of .LOQSAk paNsu AanquOoW -jW •simX 8 AIaluunxoiddu Isul pjnom ljugdsu suazagm snoa 0£ Xlalumixoiddu lsul pjnom ola.rouoo p?us ,CanguDOW 'JW •Ijugdsu jo pualsuu alanuoo japlsuoo of aajq oslu pjnom AID agl P POW puu puoZl IuUJD puu 8Z US 3o uouloasJOlut agI uu c)Ionuoo Owllnd 2mi3p1suoo onm KC )ql paluls puu AIluaow uunj pagonoiddu (.LOQSAk) uorlul rodsuai 1, Jo IuauulJudaa aIuIS uol2utgsuM Ingl palaodar aH 'AumI.zud IIEW AaIInA 3o uorloaszalul agI giino.zgl 8Z 2IS mozj puo21 luuiO3o uorloosiolul agl jo 2urmu.ip u pall?tugns Aangu03W uoa .uol om(I sjuom oulgnd s,IaoM a!Iand I IOZ `I£ Ajunuuf 2u?pua gluotu agl joj podo-d lu?aunur3 agl pamarnau .IOlaauQ a3unu13 `ap100 3I01I\I aaunui3 SIHOJHH ZAIdb1IIdvddQ •aall?tutuoD 132png ZIOZ oql .roj sanrlu?I?ul 132png jo Inopuug u PQMQIA31 ap.r30 •-i jN •pl£ go-iLw -ioi palnpagos sr aall?unuoD pa ipng Is j oqj -I I OZ ui Piag oq Illm luql s�iurlaauu agI .ro3 aall?tumoo p2png Z I OZ agI ioj podolanap Outaq sr mptioluo la2pnq u plus iojoamC[ oouuur3 `opia0 313?N S3nSSI1:49C IR al?sgam .gagl uo uorlumiojur 3o ad,(I s?gl .radjo sa?oua2u joglo se al?sgam s,,KI?O agl of ojqujrunu apum oq uoilnuuoju? stgl �urlsa2�ns aq Xuuu IlooS •.xW Iugl s)Iunjl atl p?us s�jorupuaH aagtuauujraunoD I I OZ `ZZ A2Ivflxgad SH I.fIMW IIONaO0 UHHD VNgM .I.SVR 3O AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2011 DISCUSSION ITEM Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown — Proposed Downtown Planning Project. Presented by Community Development Director Lori Barnett. Approximately thirty-five interested business owners and property owners of the downtown area attended this meeting. The following offered suggestions and spoke in favor a planning project and offered suggestions: Ken Dominguez, Clearwater Steakhouse Chris Mingo, In -Print Printing John Blade, parents own building downtown James Lake, 29 Hamilton Loren Adams, 534 Rock Island Road Craig Larson, Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Craig Larson on behalf of Kirk Bromiley, property owner Marcia Reynolds, family owns property downtown ACTION ITEM 11-02-03 Discussion of initiating a Downtown Planning Project and potential use of city funds to pay for the project. Presented by Community Development Director Lori Barnett. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember McCourt, to initiate the Downtown Planning Project and authorize up to $5,000 for a consultant contract. The motion carried, 5-2. (Johnson, Hendricks) 11-02-04 An Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and Eastmont Metropolitan Park District. Presented by Events Coordinator Dawn Collings. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement regarding allocation of registration fees collected for Apple Bin Races during the 2011 Les Schwab Classy Chassis Car Show. The motion carried, 7-0. 11-02-05 Authorization for the Mayor to sign an extension to an Agreement for Services between the City of East Wenatchee and the Wenatchee Valley Visitor's Bureau extending the term of the Agreement to December 31, 2011. Presented by Mayor Steven Lacy. 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Councilmember McCourt — Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee meeting minutes from the January 19, 2011, Annual Meeting and the February 16, 2011, Special Meeting. ADJOURNMENT — 8:15 p.m. pka,," Dana Barnard City Clerk u 1