HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/27/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison Court Administrator Joan Sims Assistant Court Administrator Mary Beth Holzerland PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS Paul Falcon, East Wenatchee, expressed concerns of solar flares affecting communications devices and encouraged Council to consider it if someone comes forward with a computer operation enabling us to better prepare ourselves for widespread power blackouts and without critical communication signals for long periods of time. Mr. Falcon said at the last meeting a citizen set up a movie camera and filmed the Special Council meeting. He said he is all for first amendment rights. However, he felt this was not appropriate as the person filming the meeting is running for public office. Mr. Falcon lodged an objection to people who live in this city that go around portraying the city as a place that spends money uselessly and complaining about small government. Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal Street, East Wenatchee, said he felt the Special Council meeting regarding Thunder Swamp sprint boats was well attended. However, he believes information should have been submitted prior to the meeting to encourage more public participation as the only thing sent out was the agenda. 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He also reviewed 2012 Budget Assumptions and Highlights which included Budget costs, Department Capital Costs, Bargaining Unit Agreements for Police Officers and Police Clerical wages, Local 846-W Cola increase, Increased Healthcare premiums, Commercial insurance, detention costs, RiverCom costs and other significant costs through quotes from vendors, revenue sources for the City, preliminary assumptions for capital costs for street projects, and the cost factors identified in the 2012 preliminary budget. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councihnember Johnson, second by Councihnember Bremmer, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 7-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, September 13, 2011 —Special Session, September 20, 2011 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2011 Pa, a� — As of this date, September 27, 2011, Council does approve check numbers 33930; 33926 through 33927; 33929; and 33976 through 34021 in the total amount of $199,709.87. Payables check numbers 33785, 33787, 33890, 33947, 33951, 33953, and 33963 were voided. ii. 2011 Payroll — As of this date, September 27, 2011, Council does approve check numbers 33668 through 33707 and 33718 through 33758 in the total amount of $361,334.83 for the month of August. No payroll checks were voided. 3. Performance Agreement with Luke Boyce as L-Bow the Clown. ACTION ITEMS 4. 11-09-04 Professional Services Agreement — Assignment of open ended contract with Alliance Consulting Group to SCJ Alliance. Presented by Lori Barnett, Community Development Director. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councihnember Bremmer, to approve the assignment of the contract to SCJ Alliance and authorize the Mayor to sign the document. The motion carried, 7-0. RESOLUTION 5. 11-09-05 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement authorizing the City of Wenatchee to act as lead entity in administration and use of Homelessness Housing and Support Funds collected locally and those provided through the Washington State Department of Commerce. •uJidt,o jad S103WO of pawlai sogspms pup `saiouaSn Juatuaotojua mul impo ut mno imp sxouq;no q;inn aauo;EuaM Jsug o; 103JJL `uare a2utan03 `ao.toJ ut uotJonpaz u q;inn sutaouoo f4ojus w qnd passnostp pounoO •ssaoozd;a5pnq atp a;aidutoo of jopio m sfvvp 09;xou otp utg;ten uo paptoap oq of poau ll!m onssi atp pappu off •onssl oqJ uo Sulzuoq otlgnd u plog Aigtssod pug passnostp oq pings Jl Jg2nogJ put, 3o aont,j ut oq pinom otignd otp Suiq;autos sl sigl sins Jou si ag pips off •aamgjo aoliod u jo Jumajila.t Juaoa.z aqJ of onp do oureo slg; pips off 'ZIOZ ul JuatuamIday u ioj lo2pnq Jou puu aaat•,go ouo Aq aojoj oollod oqJ oonpat pinotls f4l3 oq; aatpagnn passnostp Xoq; Suilaotu oaulututoD Ja2png Juaom olp Jg plus Xc)u i JOAW ;a2png;uaut;auda(l aailoa (aatnlong `uosugof) 'Z-S `paluuo not;oui oqj, •uot;gtoossV;uog Jtn.tdS paJlufl oqJ tpinn JuaumaoiBu osuaotl ag; puu `D,Irl `;asunS tualsaAk q;lAn ;uaumaBu usual puul au; a;uutuua; of `. owmaag a3gw3ugl3unoD Xq puooas `s3l3ljpuag jaquiouglounoo Aq opuut suns uolJout V :pot;ow Ilaunoa •digsaapual Auu;noq;inn RSnoni; s;uana oq; aas o; anuq pinonn ann;uau4ndaQ s;uang aq; 2witI Yuma Xq puu sissegD XssulO pup slaogAk put, sSuiAk su gons s;uana f4lD aaipo uo s;nd p gog s;uang agJ plus aH tusunoJ aoj pasn oq Aiuo uuo san imaj f4lD oip JpuJ xul is;oMa;oH otp Jug; poult,ldxo 0u-I aoStW •Juou4mda(I s;uaag aq; Sullumunia puu `spt,oa aoj spun] oq; Eutsn `sJuana uzsimo; sago aoj sputg otp Bulsn `Juana atp jo uoi;lsoddo io poddns of polulai a;lsgann p.ljoAk aago;uuam otp uo }Iai sJuouttuoo `Juana aq; Sutptt,20J s;uapisai f4!D Stnlluo ploo utog sosuodsat `Juana aqJ Sutpunj ut :poddns s,AllD atp 2utp MSOJ pantaoa.z anpq kgq; s;uatuIU03 `Juana atp aano o3M sjosuods opgnn smax do oldnoo Jxou aqJ aano 2utpun3 3o Junoutu oql ostmoop `Juana otp Satpunj onus;uoo pinogs f4lD oq; tag;agnn passnostp IlounoD ;uaAa 2uiauH;uog;ui.adS dtulu&S iapungjL uotssnostp aoJ upu31p aqJ of sutaJt oAnJ pappu XMI-I JOXUW *aLvQ 3AI.L3H,ddH NV OMHSI'IgV.LSH QNV `90OZ `LZ .LSflJfIV NO Q3.Lf13HX3 IMMAi3HHOV 'IVDOIHF[,LNI NV ONIQHS?IHdfIS ffDdgwwOD 30 ZNHNi.L-IVdHQ g.LvLS NO.LDMESVM alu AU XO HOfIOXHs Q3QIA02Id HSOH,L (INV A'IIV30'I Q9133'II03 SQNfl3 IXOddflS QNV ONISfIOH SSH'IaWOH d0 3Sfl (INV NOI.LVIUSIMI V NI AZIINH QVH'I SV .LOV O.L HHH3 LVN3M ONIZRIOH.LfIV 40 HSOddfld allL XOJ ALNfl03 NV'IHH3 QNV `AlNfl03 SV'IOfIOQ `33HO,LVN3M JO ALI3 HHI `HaHDIVNHM .LSVH d0 AID 3H.L N33ML3g .LNaWRaHDV 'IVDO-MEI.LNI NV NOIS Ol XOAVL1i HHI ONIZRIOHZfIV NO.LONIHSVM `33HO.LVN3M ZSVH AO A1I3 3HZ d0 NOI.LfYIOSHx V S I -i i 0Z *ON NOI Lfl'IOSH2I '0-L `pat.upo not;out aqs '91-1IN u01;nlos3212ut;dopp Ju3umaaz2d lgooiaaJul tm tuts o; .toXuW oq; 2utzuoipng `jau3l3ng taqutauglounoD "q puooas `.taututatg .taqutatuitounoD Xq opuut span not;out V moi Ilounoa •.To;oa.tlQ JuautdolanaQ (J!unwtuoD `JJautug l-to I Xq pa;uasaid I IOZ `LZ 2I3gWaldHS SH.LfINIW'II3NflO3 33H3.LVNHM .LSVH AO ALI3 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 COUNCIL REPORTS Councihnember Hendricks asked if the City is planning to adopt the International Building Code as Douglas County has done. Ms. Barlett said there have not been any recent discussions. Councilmember Bremmer asked if Code Enforcement Officer, Jeff Morrison, has been following the process Douglas County is taking regarding the International Energy Conservation Code. Mayor the responded that he will ask Mr. Morrison to give an update. The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the Citv Council meeting. Mayor Lacy — Minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on August 15, 2011. Councilmember McCourt — Minutes from the Link Transit Board of Directors meeting held on August 16, 2011, and the Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee regular meeting held on August, 25, 2011. ADJOURNMENT 9:3 0 PM Dana Barnard City Clerk