HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/20/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 6:30 P.M. Mayor Steven C. Lacy acknowledged the following Councilmembers attendance. Councilmember George Buckner — Excused Councilmember Wayne Barnhart — Excused Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Sandra McCourt EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Events Coordinator Dawn Collings Events Assistant Brooke Black Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC HEARING 11-09-03 A public hearing to discuss the City of East Wenatchee sponsored Thunder Swamp Sprint Boat Events — financial results and economic value/impact. Mayor Lacy said this meeting is being held to consider issues pertaining to the City's financial commitment and involvement in the Thunder Swamp Sprint Boat event in which we have held three races over the last year. Events Coordinator Dawn Collings submitted and reviewed information regarding attendance for the July 9, 2011, race which totaled 1,407, and attendance for the August 13, 2011, race totaled 1,175. She reviewed the Thunder Swamp revenues and expenditures for 2011, which shows a negative figure of $42,175.97 for the two races in 2011. She added these figures do not include an of the $100,000 plus of in -kind contributions. The labor and benefit costs for the Street Department totaled $16,300, and for the Events Department they totaled $6,527, in which $1,345 was paid, the remainder was accumulated as compensatory hours for the Events Coordinator. Mayor Lacy said the figures tonight do not include the $70,000 net investment the City made in 2010, which included the infrastructure, such as building the track, access road, and utilities. 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Mayor Lacy thanked everyone who came to this meeting to share their feelings regarding the Thunder Swamp races. Mayor Lacy and closed the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. Mayor Lacy gave a brief history of how the Thunder Swamp Sprint Boat races originated. He said the City sponsors the Wings and Wheels Festival and Classy Chassis and those two events are not money makers but they are an enhancement of the community and a building of our economic base through tourism. Mayor Lacy said he is concerned about the trend that he saw in the two races this year. He believes City staff has done everything they could with the limited resources to make this a successful event. He said he does not think we should end Spring Boat racing but we should make it clear to everyone involved in the Sprint Boat program that the City is going to curtail its financial support, so as to not run a greater risk of the loss of tax payer dollars than needed. Mayor Lacy said the City Council will have to decide if they want to decrease the budget incrementally in order to wean the City's budget from this, and increase the capital sponsors and contributions of others in order to keep this going, or if we should simply write it out of the budget and leave it up to those in the community that want to keep it going to find other options for its funding. b 1 I -MID, 40 pauu.Tug UuuQ Wd oz:8 ivapiNInor(tv •luosaid omm szagmougtaunoD tin plun onssi oql uo uoisioop oql Aulop of snsuosuoo Aq paa.T$u saaqutaugiounoD •gouoidde oA pouoid a uo )Izom of osp pun `szaulmd digs.iosuods olgissod se Bons `sloodsu Taglo a.Toldxa um AI!D oql um plun sTil uo uoispap agl Aupp of 03PI pinom aq pappe OH •ZIOZ joj x2uTauz luog JuudS aoj oluudoiddu of 2mlltm on om `Auu 3i `AououT jo Junomu Jugm mou31 of paau om puu joSpnq ZI OZ ail uo 2ugiom jo ssaooid aql uT sT ,CIID oql pus Aae- ioAuW dTTlsiosuods mog Aume �?uiunam oRm anutluoo of auTTl azouT Juana agl guTnT2 pue `AilsTTpul olvAud Tllim 2uiladmoo Jou `A413 aql uTTIJim a.Tagn Oslo spun3 osoiJ 2ulpuads `anssT ail 2utp u5o T Ilod ouguo uu jo sllnso T `aae.T oql of soaj A4m SuTanpa.T Ju ifuplool 'o2udgam agl uo uollumjojal oqJ ilumuld passnosip smgmougpunoD I IOz `oz-daffKawas S9ifIN W IIONflOD E1aHDLVNHAA .I.SVR JO JUIO