HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/9/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 9, 2011 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Chuck Johnson — Excused Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal Street, East Wenatchee, said he had received notice from Link Transit that they would like his input regarding their webpage update. He asked Council not to take action on the East Wenatchee City Council Rule of Procedure at this meeting to allow the public to digest the information. He expressed concerns regarding the time limit referred to in the proposed document. Barbara Miles, 481 7th St. NE, East Wenatchee, expressed support for rehabilitating buildings and installing sidewalks around schools. Ken Dominguez, 838 Valley Mall Pkwy, East Wenatchee, requested that funding be provided for projects in the downtown area. He mentioned that a substantial amount of improvements need to be done downtown to make it a nicer place to live and shop. He stressed that there needs to be a well thought out plan and follow-through with projects to make the area a place the city can be proud of. Katie Dominguez, 838 Valley Mall Pkwy, East Wenatchee, mentioned that they had a good turnout last weekend when a tour bus came through town. She would like to see more tour buses come through. The downtown looks dead and ugly and needs to be cleaned up to draw more people to the area. 'AIiD oq; ui ssauisnq �?uiop si orlon 3Ioua; o; olgu oq o; paau am 3lutq; saop aq `-IanamoH •saaJ ag; asiu.i o; paau am 3Iuig;;ou saop off •asuaoil ssauisnq u anuq Xag; ji are oldood osatp oqm mou3i om ui sautoo ;uuildutoo u ji osnuooq ;uepodiut si Imp s3liiig; off •ssautsnq Suiop f4tD ag; ui st ogm mom o; sn smollu goignnjo auo `asuaotrl ssatnsng u jo asodtnd ag; pauttldxa goigm piuureg 3IialD ,'4iD IU04 paniaoal podoi oq; po lil off •uoi;ou Auu o3pi ;ou om popuounuooaj ;.ruqu ug iaquiztuliounoD •.iaq;o otp ao Sum auo paq o;;t;nd o; paau am s3Iutq; ag put pasita AIluui2uo suns sip gouts sq;uoui 3o aldnoo t uaag sag ;i pits aH uoi;ou a puu not;sanb gip alga; io 'si ;i �Ctm aq; ;t aAual o; osoogo uuo IiounoD •asuaoil ssautsnq u Sututu;go utog sassauisng utupoo ;dutaxo o;. Iusodoid oq; 2uipm2oi suoi;sonb osiu i jo ;uautuioo o; f4tun4.ioddo ut snquiauiiounoD oq; ant2 o; o3lil pinom oq pits Xou-I joxuw •anuq pinom oouuuipao oq; o; o2uugo pa;saifns gip 2ui;uatuoldun jo ;otdun aq; ;ugm .tualo ;ou Ili;s si ;t `gammon • f4tD ag; jo ;uotuuouAuo asuaoil ssautsnq ag; jo 2?utpui4s.iopun .ta:4aq u anuq mou om not;uuuojui otp tginn ;tip pappt off •s;iuill ,Clio opis;no pa;uool osoq; puu aago;uuaM Isug 3o aip utq;im pa;tool sossautsnq jo aaguinu ail; .Wuimogs sioploq asuooi-I ssouisng jo aagtunu luauno ag; jo sisXluut uu puu `o5uugo siq; olum of kmssaoau oq pinom WIT uot;uuuojm iodo.id oq; 2uuo;iuour so 5uiuiu;go ut anuq pinom A4iD ag; safuallugo jo ;sil u pamatnaI aH staAud x% asog; a;ulosi o; Atm ou si magi dlugaq ono uo s;oalloo a;u;S gip xt; ail; Buijulodialu! puu onuanaH Jo ;uouq itdaQ gip Aq popino.id podw xin solus Altpuotu aq; of 2utua3ai Aq ;daoxa `f4iD otp ui olimua2 sioploq asuaoil ssautsnq .ino jo Auu onuanaJ gonut moq mou3i ;ou op Xl;uouno om pits off 'j(lIunuuu 000`SI$ uugI ssol sum )4io ag; ui ssautsnq lit;at .�taq; jt asuaoil u utu;go o; soiuudutoo f4io jo ;no 5ui nnbai ;ou puomwoow o; sum ilui;aaui ;a2pnq `I I OZ `I Z Aln f alp it, uoissnosip aaptuiutoD jo2png aq; ptus off •aago;uuaAk ;sug jo /4iD gip ui ssautsnq 2utop soiuudutoo uare jo-;no uTwoo Toj asuaoil ssautsnq u ifuture;go woad uot;dutaxo .toj lusodoid ag; o; Sututupad podw sn;t;s u pamouoi op.iag •aAI •uza;t outl Aq saan;ipuodxo joSpnq o; lunlou Buipnloui `I IOZ flnf .ioj liodag om;ipuodxg XltpuOW put `.tua;i auil �4 sonuanat pa;uuii;so o; Iun ou 2uipniaui `i i0Z f-Inf aoj podag onuamag xigluow `•OI OZ ui pouad cures otp of uosi.iudtuoo ut puu `I IOZ 3o sq;uom uanas ;s.ig oq; ioj solnpagoS Mold gsuD !I I OZ jo sg;uoui uanas ;s.nJ aq; put 11 I OZ Xlnf .to3 sanuanag jo olnpagoS Ittouuuid u papnloui goig^n `I I OZ Xln f jo gluoW oql aoj :podag ltiouuutd ag; pannatnai `apaaO Xailq so;ooiI aautui3 SixodaI iuTIixvdaa •sailtado.id aiag; ut ;oall aJ auo ,tag; ;uq; to iu MR IOJ uotsiA t ipim s ioumo ssautsnq aq; apino id Ilim ueld u puu Aliunuuuoo ag; dlag llim umo;umop oq; Outnoidui! Imp pouiuldxa `oaga;tuaM `pg uoSueD jaga;id 9991 `i3:40A WOOL TIM atp sanoidun ;i ;ucp sadog aH uaiu umo;umop atp do uualo o; 5uiui s:pojja iiag; sa;tioajddu oq pq; IiaunoO oq; plo; off •umo;umop ssauisnq mou u pouado suq oq puu ooixalN uio�g outuo Xlituuj siq piru oq ;tip pauiuldxa (XId IFIN AaIIuA uo ssauisnq sumo) `aago;tuaM;sug `X H Iap UISM am I S6£ 1z3ztai;n0 aso f •Injss000ns oq puu uaju oq; o; auioo s;uut2iuiuu gas o; posuald AJOA St agS •ssauisnq mou uoq; io3:ioddns passaidxo puu;imua; mou ioq paonpoi;ui agS •dn pauuala umo;umop aq; gas o; s;uem agS •s;uazud autooui mol o; olqup.iojju ifuisnoq aoj paau u si ajaq;;uq; pouot;uaut aqS •loogos o; 3I1um Alogs auo uaipligo os s3Ilumopis aos o; a3pI p1nom aqS •Xpuailu apisui aq; o; s;uauianoiduit oputu suq aqS -op o; ;uilm mou3I o; sluum ;nq Buippnq sag 3o opts;no alp o; s;uautanoiduu 03Iutu o;.ia2uo puu 2uillim si ags;uq; patiot;uatu agS •iallaq uaiu umo;umop aq; allutu o; ouop Buitpouios Oatlla� ioj;uatua;ioxo possaidxa `(.iaumo fgiodoid X^NId Ilt'W XaIIEA) uu2ouu3iO `L6 AMH 99OLZ `aaxaW XUag I IOZ `6 .LSflJfld SaLfllsm'II0Nfl0D RaHolvxam ISNH 140 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 9, 2011 Councilmember Buckner said with the new data provided in the status report he would like to crunch the numbers a little more and does not think immediate action is necessary. He said if we do decide to take action, he would like to let the businesses know in advance what those changes would be. Councilmember Raab said that by leaving it as it is, it makes all businesses equal whether they are located within the City limits or not. Mayor Lacy said at this time there will be no action taken until a Councilmember brings a motion and raises this issue. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Lori Barnett reviewed the process that has taken place to date with the East Wenatchee Planning Commission and asked them to weigh in on the process and provide us with alternatives for the list of projects we can potentially do regarding the downtown revitalization project. They reviewed the three surveys Ms. Barnett had drafted and offered additional suggestions. She said the first survey is a Stakeholders survey that is in person with some elected officials, some community leaders and downtown business owners. The second survey targets the property owners to give us demographic information. The third survey is for the general public to evaluate what they want by their answers. Ms. Barnett reviewed the Annual Action Plan that is on the agenda for a public hearing and a resolution adopting the Plan. She said this was also reviewed by the East Wenatchee Planning Commission. She explained that the funds must be used for projects that principally benefit low and moderate income households. These would include decent housing, suitable living environments and expanded economic opportunities. She included two maps showing the areas of population in poverty and the areas of low to moderate income. She reviewed the summary of projects and funding allocations. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said that Local 846 Union employees has accepted the final offer from the City and approved the contract. He said the Teamsters Union employees have filed for mediation regarding the following issues: education incentive, wages, and sick leave buy out. Mayor Lacy said State Legislation has passed, allowing community gardens for the purpose of raising marijuana for medical use. He said options of the City are fairly limited but Federal authorities have still not approved this kind of program. This puts the Cities in a position of having to make some decisions as to what to do. He said one of our options might be to impose a six month moratorium to study this further. He said he is not suggesting anything tonight other than snaking you aware of the issue and give you the opportunity to do some individual research if you so choose, as this will probably come before you for further discussion and possible action over the next couple of months. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, July 26, 2011 t, •01311puaH) T-S `paureo uoiuoui aqZ '000`09$ of 000`Oti$ tuog `£ IuoD3o Iunoum aqI osuaioui puu 00010S$ of 000`09$ uioj T It,oD jo Iunouiu oql osuajoop of ut,ld uoil3V oqu puam of `q and i3gwouq!ounoD f-q puooas `aauiuiaig ioquiouq!ounoD Xq opuui suns uoiloui d moivaV paunoa •suoilt,ogtliao IuatudolanaQ uugin put, SuisnoH pannboi Itu uais ou .10xvIN oql Joj uoilt,zuoglnt, put uuld uoilod lunuud I IOZ oagoltuarn Istg Jo ,CltD aql tnnozddt, uoiInlosai oql Idopt, ou `Inqujug ioqu otuj!ounoD Aq puooas `jaulong jagwompounoD Xq opt,tu suns uoiuoui V :uollaV liaunoa •.ioloanQ IuotudolanaQ f4junwwoD `Ilaumg uorl Xq poluosa.id -auld uoilod junuuV i i0Z aagolt,uaM Ist,g 30 f4ID aqI Idopt, oI uorinlosoi t, jo uoTuuiopisuoD ZO-80-I T 'ta-d Ob=L It, liuijt,aq oilgnd aqI posolo fowl io"N •paniaoa� sluauiuioo ssaippu of kwssaoau pouiaap ji uuld uoilot, It,nuut, aqI of Iuatupuoum uu jo uoilulapisuoo aoj ltounoD aqu of pa:4itusuu4 oq Ilim paniaoOJ sluaumioo Cud 'TTOZ `LZ IsnSnd of spuauxa uuld aql uo pouad Iuaunuoo aql Iugl pappt aqS s3loupuaH siuua(j puu `aa)IoW Xp3q `olgp naQ `uioj ut,ld oql 2utp.it23t slit,uia aaam a.zaqu Iugl I3313aa of pjooaa aqI poluum Iuauit,g joloajiQ IuauidolanaQ fIiununuoD •uan Iuqu olui Ind Xououi ajow oas of o3lil pinom oq pit,s `zaamwoQ uax •onuana.i puu salts osuaioui pinom goigm uam otu of aldoad Amp put Cliununuoo luool ogl glim dlaq II?nn It Alloamoo pazililn si Xauoui situ 3i `zoauituoQ ailux :sluaunuoo luuoilippt opuui Buimollo3 aq.L •Iuounuoo ltiliin ao sluaunuoo ltuotltppt 03ltui of sagsiM auo)Cuu Iuana atl ui Iaags u[ ais aql tuog saureu aql puai Ilim oq lnq 2uilaaui sitl3o uoypod Iummoo oilgnd otI �?uimp o3lods aldoad It.ianas pits ,iotZ jofuW •u'd 9£:L It 2uut,aq oilgnd oqu pauado Xourl ao"w 'ZIOZ `0£ TagwaudoS g2nonp `IIOZ `I aagolo0 JBOA, uit,i20.zd IIOZ aql Suunp spunJ IutuJ 3loolg uuauidolanaCl f4!untuwoD It,i3p33 otg jo asn .ioj suoisioap 2uipunj posodoid soquosop uuld uoilot Iunuuu aqj -uuld uoiloV lunuuV I IOZ aagoluuam Ist,g jo f4I0 IJWCI aqI do uoildopt, oql jo uoilt.iapisuoo aqI oI I11En3101 Auouulsol Id000t, of Suuuoq oilqnd V 10-80-I T DA MVaH 3IZgfld 'papion sum 619££ 130go salg hd '£0'81£`51£$JO lunouiu lulol oql to S99££ g2no.igl Z09££ siaqumu 3loogo ano.iddu soop liounoD `I IOZ `6 usnWnd `olup situ jo sd — solqu ud I I OZ I salqu,�ud jo uoilujapisuoD Z I IOZ `6 J SfIJf1H Sd.LfMW 'IIO1 nOD SdHO. VM9AA ISVE O ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 9, 2011 The motion to adopt the resolution adopting the City of East Wenatchee 2011 Annual Action Plan and authorization for the Mayor to sign all required Housing and Urban Development certifications. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 2011-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE "CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 2011 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AT 24 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS PART 91 AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11-08-03 A resolution of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a Use of City Resources Policy. Presented by Steven C. Lacy, Mayor. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Buckner, to pass the resolution adopting the Use of City Resources Policy. The motion carried, 5-1 (Bremmer) RESOLUTION NO.2011-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A USE OF CITY RESOURCES POLICY. 11-08-04 A resolution of the City of East Wenatchee approving the payoff of leases and promissory note on police vehicles. Presented by Nick Gerde, Finance Director. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to adopt the resolution approving the payoff of leases and a promissory note on police vehicles. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION NO.2011-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE PAYOFF OF LEASES AND A PROMISSORY NOTE ON POLICE VEHICLES. ACTION ITEMS 11-08-05 Approval of an upgrade to convert the East Wenatchee Municipal Code from Folio format to HTML format and include a customized banner to match the City's webpage. Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney. 5 9 1 NCI st,:8 smapit-morav 'TTOZ `£T AInf uo plag 2uTlaaw pjuog oATIu.Tlsiuiuzpd uxoDzani2T agI moa3 solnu!W — Imqujug aaquiougiounoD 'TTOZ `6 oun f uo plag 2upoatu IiounoD uoilupodsuuil AalluA aagoluuaM aql tuo g salnu!W — Aou7 poxvw • ugam Iiaunoalj aql olio!jd Bui.4ptA ut pal;nugns aaaes salnuiui/spo a i Numolloj aqs, sluoaa2I'IIONIIOa TOT uoilaas—uoiluluasaidaZl`.Suiulis puu `t,•Z uoiloaS — suoTssaS antlnoaxg `aupualu3 IuasuoD — upua�IV do oldumS `•9'£T uoTloaS — W3,j oad.TOXUW3o Iunoumag `•Z'T uoTloas—uotloala3o uoiluogi�Tao�o uoTluo3uulD :SuTnnollod agl jo palsisuoo passnosip smoij •ampaooad jo saing TiounoD A4iD aagoluuoM Isug oql 2utzilmg of loud liounoD word sluaU uToo olq pinom oq puu }Iu.ip u si sigl Iugl poluls `uoslnod uiAa(I Aau.Tol;d f413 •ampaooad jo soing punoo f4i3 aagoluuaM Isug &np a&j uoissnosTp d 90-80-1T '0-9 `Pai.uua uollow agZ •opua2dn aql ioj slsoD puu 3IioM do odooS oql u2Ts of ioSieW oql ozuotllnu of `.Taumzaxg aagtuoiupounoD Xq puooas `s3I3upuoH aagwauTliounoD Xq opuuT suns uoTlouz d :uoilaV Tiaunoa I I OZ `6 .LSflDfIV SH In IIW 'IIDNaOD IIIIfIOZVTIaM JLSVFIAO AID