HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/26/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JULY 26, 2011 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Dave Bremmer — Arrived at 6:32 p.m. Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember George Buckner — Excused Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Associate Engineer Brandon Mauseth Police Chief Randy Harrison Code Compliance Officer/Building Inspector Jeff Morrison Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Lacy asked Patti Clark to come forward. He then presented a Good Samaritan Award to Ms. Clark who was instrumental in saving the life of a two year old boy who fell in a pool on July 12, 2011, by performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. BUDGET ISSUES Nick Gerde, Finance Director, presented and reviewed a report from the Budget Committee Meeting held on July, 21, 2011, which consisted of follow up items from the previous Budget Committee meeting regarding Leased Vehicle Listing with payoff amounts, and rationale for Police vehicle models and types. He also reviewed the topics that were discussed and considered, which included Loop Trail and Shoreline's Future Vision Group Conclusions and Recommendations, a proposal for Street Preservation and Maintenance Program Evaluation, Eliminating Business Licenses for out of town vendors, Investment Proposal for achieving a better rate on the City's invested funds, review of Six Months Operations and consideration for Budget amendments, and Preliminary discussion of the Budget Process and suggestions or proposals for the 2012 budget in which two suggestions were submitted which included evaluation of the Sprint Boat Races after the second event in 2011 and any resultant budget Z •papion Senn 691 ££ Ioatia saiquAd 90'ZLL`80I$ JO Iunouut, Iupol oq; ui £i7S££ g2nougl SLfff s.uaqu nu xoauo anoiddu soop IiaunoD `I IOZ `9Z Xlnr `apup slip do sV — salqu ud I IOZ 'I saiquAd jo uoult,aapisuoD Z I I OZ `ZI XInp `uoussoS reiaag — sapnmWjo uoipuiapisuoD • I '0-9 `paiuuo uoupouu oqj •papuasaid su aupuaiuo Iuasuoo aup anoiddu op `quug izgwougtounoD Aq pu000s `uosugop aaqulaugiounoD Xq opum suns uoipow d :uoi;av pannoy •uoipouu auo ui papoma aaam pup Apnps lod oouunpu ui s,aaquuaugiounoD op papnglgsip auam molaq papsq suuall Hv(i I2t'IVO ZAiMM03 •sapol JORMl anuq pugp asogp and spsoa Iuuoiplppu ppe pinoo Ii `aanamoH •aa3aid Amp uuo a2egju2 jo oms agp ui f4lllgixag aulos s.Iaunnoauioq anuq II?M uo?um ampouups aleu algt,uen u suuupuoa apeuuuiaq Iusodoud alst,� ptloS zip pauueidxa Aou7 ao�Cuy�I au naoQ ssounu310 oouuat,addd agp uII?m aauutlduuoa uu axe Amp oinsuo op sjoogput,H jaqulaugi3uno3 aim p mainai op IiounoD poputuuai off •ItaunoD agp jo 2ugoom undo uu apnpipsuoo pinom Iugl um p ajouu Xuu su szaquuauultaunoD aanlp oq Aluo uuo auagp pies off •oappiuuuuoo oqj uo Suipuduaulut,d ui Isauapuu ue passaudxa IIu `ImoDow jaquuaug?ounoD AIgissod put, `uosugor aaquuaugiounoD `quug aaquuaugi3uno3 `.uauuuuaig .uaquuaugiounoo •oappuuuuuoo sigp uu �uupt,dtoipred uu papsaaapui auam suaquuaugiaunoD Xuu di pa3Isu puu �,6Z Isuu�n� uo siusodozd aapisuoo op ssaaoid u oq Ilim waulp poppt, off •puauua2uueW apsum puu `suoip3auuo3 apsuM `IusodsiQ ow gsunS `IusodsiQ papt,ptiosuoD aaam sauuuduuoo asauiy •siusodoid apsum piios ifuilpiuugns Alluguapod .uod oouauaduoo Iusodoud aid oqj papuappu oqm sauuuduuoa inod onm aaagp plus Am-1 JOA:uw •BuLmoq oilgnd allp uu apudim ued op auoo umopumop oqj ui ouop spuauuanoiduu oas op pogsim Xauip 3? pugp `2uuuana sump puosaid osogl op possa.udxo Xou-I aoKuW 'fluid uo?pad IunuuV I I OZ oqj op spuouupuoure Iuupuapod .uo3 IiounoD Xq paiop?suoo oq Ilim pouad Iummoo popuapxo agp op iou.ud puu Suuuaul oilgnd aulp ioUu panuaaa.0 spuauuuuoo Niue puu `IIOZ `LZ Isn2nd I?pun spuapxo po?lad Iuauluuoa aul; pappu aulS •uuid uoipaV IunuuV oqj Suipdopu jop!suo3 op fuipaauu IiounoD f4!3 `I IOZ `6 IsanV alp it, fuu.uuoq oilgnd u oq II?m auagp plus oqS •IuauudolanaQ uugin puu 5uisnoH do IuauulredaQ •S•n aull Xq pap?void spund Iut,ug 3looig IuauudoianaQ f4iunuuuuoD do osn agp joj saip?nupoe puu spoofoud Iuipuapod Supuapi op su ueid uoil3V Iunuad auipdo osodmd ogjL •uuid uuu 2OJd puuuD �Iaolg IuauudoianaQ �IuunuuuuoD i IOZ }Iuip ogjjo Moo Iieuua ue pani0301 anuq s.uaguiauuliouno3 p?us ppauuug aopaanQ IuauudojanaQ '4!unuuuloD •Iuods oq uua Aououu pump sXum oqj jo auo si Iuulp Ioafoud juinoi�md u joj suoupuag?Iunb Iuiapaj auip IIu spaauu f4!D aulp jj •mou ss000ud sump g2nonip BwO2 are aM •snil uu Pius u anuq ,{lapt,uupin uuo joAuW puu IiaunoD fq?D oqj •Iuads Alapuuupin aiu spund asaull moti puauuuuoaau pee auuuuuapap op uoissiuuuuoD 2uuuuuid aug iononip pomollod si ssaaozd oqp plus off *AI?D auip op papuaollu wu spund ggQo aqp goigm ui ss000id a si aaagp plus Aou-I JoAvw IHOCIAH S1110AVw •Iaafoud „ uoipezuiepinag puaulluoly, aup uu sasn uo `3o pioddns uod spund (DgQD) Iuui[) �ioolg IuauudolanaQ f4?unuuuuoD auip 2uisn saugapu.ups 2uipund dolanap put, `spuampuaure 1IOZ `9Z ATU SHIfIN1W'II0Nf100 HaIO.LVNHM ISVFI 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DULY 26, 2011 ii. 2011 Payroll — As of this date, July 26, 2011, Council does approve check numbers 33273 through 33370 in the total amount of $362,128.62. No payroll checks were voided. ACTION ITEMS. 11-07-02 Bid Award for the 10`h Street Storm Small Works Project to the lowest bidder. Presented by Brandon Mauseth, Associate Engineer. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to award the 10fl' Street Storm Small Works Project to the lowest responsive bidder, Pipkin Construction. The motion carried, 6-0. ORDINANCE 11-07-03 An Ordinance designating each officer or employee who must furnish an official bond to the City of East Wenatchee for the faithful and honest performance of his or her official duties and adding Chapter 2.06 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney. Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading with no objection from Council. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to approve the ordinance designating each officer or employee who must furnish an official performance bond to the City of East Wenatchee. ORDINANCE NO.2011-05 OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DESIGNATING EACH CITY OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE WHO MUST FURNISH AN OFFICIAL BOND TO THE CITY FOR THE FAITHFUL AND HONEST PERFORMANCE OF HIS OR HER OFFICIAL DUTIES AND ADDING CHAPTER 2.06 TO THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Bremmer said he had attended a Home Builders Association Governments Affairs Committee meeting. He said also attending was Douglas County Commissioner Jenkins who had mentioned that Douglas County was going to adopt the International Energy Building Code vs. Washington Energy Code. He wanted to bring the suggestion forward for East Wenatchee to consider. He said the savings for a builder is approximately $5,000 to $10,000 for construction of the home. He said we would be consistent with Douglas County, Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee. Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector Jeff Morrison, explained the different requirements of the two codes. He stated that the savings in the International Code would come from allowing the Building Official to waive some of the testing requirements. However, in the 2012 version of the International ti 1 xzalD f4ID auuumq uuu(I rmlllv KP7- Wd SZ:L zuHV24xn0raV i I OZ `OZ aunt uo Ptaq 2uga3uu glluaH do pxeog loulst(l glluaH sulifnoQ — uulogo oqI more salnu!W — Sou7 ioSun I IOZ `9I aunt uo plaq 2utl00uz aagolu OAm jo AID oql 2g ,clunoD uulogD jo ,14taoglnV 2uisnoH aql woij salnutyq—:pnoD3w jaquxaugpunoZ) • apaaw Itaunoa ij aqI of jopa Nuiices ui pa}Iltugns aaam salnuiui/sJjo aj u!mollo3 aqZ ,jjo plul uaaq puq lugl oaXoldum sill pm luauialllas u pagouaz puu onssi aogl panlosae suq pmog glluaH aql plus Xou- .zofrW •ssaooid amus oql nnollo3 of ailil Plnom aes zaglagen of su uoisioap u o3puz uuo aes Imp os ssaowd s,f4unoD sul2no(I uo squl d3331 of uosLuoN •.ryq pwlsu Aou-I io,ibW i £OZ JuaX aql Xq %OL 2ulsnoq ut asn Mom aanpaz oI ain4ulsi2al mozj anup auxos si ongt -apoD anug luuoiluuialuj ZiOZ aqI Idopu of paau om Iugl si pounoD apoD Suiplmg alulS oql it, uoissnosip luauno plus off •Aumu of IIIM uoildo lugl apoD I I OZ qz ATU SaInINM 'IIDNaOD F[aID.LVNaM .LSd3 d0 A LID