HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/12/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JULY 12, 2011 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - Excused Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Community Development Director Lori Barnett Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Sergeant James Ashenbrenner PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal Street, expressed his desire to have more information included on the City's webpage in user friendly formats. He commented that he had received an email from an elected official referring to the East Wenatchee City Council as a Good Ole Boys Club and he also believes this to be true. Ken Dominguez, Clearwater Saloon and Steakhouse asked about the status of the Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown — Proposed Downtown Planning Project. He said he agreed with the some of the comments made by Mr. Scott. He asked Council to step up and take charge and make it a legacy to see something done downtown. Community Development Director Lori Barnett said she is behind schedule and is working on getting a draft survey questionnaire to ecoPlan and Design that will be part of the study to determine a vision for Valley Mall Parkway from 6th Street north to Douglas County Public Utility District. She added she would also like to set up something at the mall to inquire what people would like to see in the downtown area. Betty McKee, Property Owner, 814 Valley Mall Parkway, expressed an interest in viewing plans and offering ideas for what the Proposed Downtown Planning Project should look like. z Iusodoid au; glint paoiBu IiounoD ,Cliniloauuoo glnos — gliou iallaq Sapinoid puu sloogos lulan,as of Iuaoufpu aJom si laa.lS sourer Se asuas S031Em sign •laagS ssaooV IuooZ u of uoiluogissulo a0130110D Iuolino sli mog laaxlS nMoi asinaJ of osodold ant `sigl io3 «dunes„ u sV Iaails xoloalloo u oI ss000d Iu307 u mo.g 1004S Sourer SutSuugo st uoisin01 pasodoid IuWodmi Isom agl plus XonqugoW •.ryg •pagissulo ,flluuoilounj aru sAuMpuoa lugl winbai joj,(Iddu ant Iugl sluujB oql jo Isom su suoiloipsunf luool oql jo Ilu of luulaodun sum li lugl Smluls safuugo posodoid otp Suiplu2oi slui3g3o poloola Iuool aqI moj «pou puaq„ u Ian siagmam aallim uoD Aiosinpd IuomPaj, oql po3lsu suq jjuls D.LA k agl `momoH suoiloipsunf Iunpinipui agl jo pannboi uo IOU lumioJ ou si 0.131l pappu OH -AOIIun agl ui malsXs AuMpuoi agl jo uopuogtssulo luuoiloung oql alupdn of ss000id u g2nonp IuaM Alluaozi 00lltmmo3 fjosinpd Iuoiugoas (Ds Am) liounoo uoilupodsuml fzIIuA aagoluuam oql plus AonquDoW •ayg 10130II0g ZZ'0 ;uougseg anmo-S aR IR6I SpEOg QJMnd 1Euu310d aagOIEuaM Iseg J01301103 SS033V IEoo•I 001 IPOI PEog;uez0 SamEp ssaoov IE30Z J01301I0D 09'0 TS PEOg;UUJD EMol SS300d IEoo'I IEiialrb JOU.IW 17£'O pua-pEe(I OUTI TH QAUU OOEd ioloallog F!Jolry JOUTW VL'O onuand luOU4SUa 8z -as am laa.4S luSI Jumliv lout lEdtoud 9' ?Ii� gos� loads g;6 anuOAV luourlseg UOIIEOgTSselo U0I1E3iupselD s3pw 01, UIOd3 OUMN AUMPEO-d posodoid ivaunD q)BUa7 •xojddd :SmMolloj aqI opnlom goigM suoismoi posodold ail SuiMogs alupdn uoiluogissulo luuoiloun3 aqI pamoinaj — ioloanQ s3lrom oilgnd `XanquDoIN uoa •urall aml Aq somlipuodxo Ia$pnq of lunlou Suipnlom `I IOZ aunt aoj liodai amlipuodxo puu onuanai AIgluom `•OIOZ m poilad amus otp of uosisedmoo m puu `Ia2pnq of uosiaudmoo um slinsaz lunlou TPiAe I I OZ 3o Sgluom xis Isn,J agl JOJ Salnpagos Mott gsuD :I I OZ aunr jo gluom oip io3 puu sgluom xis lsmj ail ioj so2uugo puu sasuadxo `sanuanai Jo alnpagos Iuiomm3 `• I I OZ io3 sllnsai luiouumr aunr ogl3o oAquuuu jopq u papnloui goigM podag Immm13 agl poMainaz — aoloa. (j aouuut3 `OPIOD 3I3IN zuoddu zud IUVdau •possnosip oq Ilya Iugl smalr jo upua2u uu paMaiAw aH 'm'd 00:9 IL, `i TOZ `TZ KTnr uo plag oq ITiM SmlaaW 3allimuio3 Ia2png Ixau aql pies `loloa (I aouum3 `opmD 31oiN Sdfissi iMang •ssaooid sigl jo dol uo Als of 44poud u li oAum pinoM oq ptus Sm-1 ioKtW •posso.ippu aq of poau pinoM sloafoid laglo ftiouuug 3o onssi otp Inq `a.zagl Xauom Smpuads Ajtlsnf pinoo puu Iol Oupflud aqI sumo c4i:) oql IEgI poluls off •possaippu uaoq jou suq loofoid uMoluMoCl agl3o loadsu luiouuug agl pies Xou7 aoKuy j I i0Z `zi ATU SgJ flls W'IIDIMOD gFIHDi 711gt1c1.Lsva dO ALID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 12, 2011 MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy acknowledged Catalina Garibay for 5 years of dedicated public service to the City of East Wenatchee. He said that due to Ms. Garibay being out on leave at this time he would have Judge Chancey Crowell present her with the certificate upon her return. Mayor Lacy thanked Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Raab, and Councilmember Buckner for the long day of help during the Thunder Swamp Event. He said at this time there are no figures regarding cost or attendance. He added that he had made it a point to ask people what their impression was of the event and he only received positive comments. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, June 28; 2011 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2011 Pa a� — As of this date, July 12, 2011, Council does approve check numbers 33373 through 33432 in the total amount of $171,109.93. Payables check 33289 was voided. ACTION ITEMS 11-07-01 Authorization for the Mayor to sign the recommendation of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners to extend the Growth Management Population and Allocation to the year 2030. Presented by Steven C. Lacy, Mayor. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Bremmer, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Growth Management Population and Allocation to the year 2030. The motion carried, 6- 0. COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Lacy stated that Councilmember Barnhart will be working out of town for the next four months. He asked Councilmember Bremmer if he will be attending the RiverCom Board Meetings during Councilmember Barnhart's absence. Councilmember Bremmer said he would attend those meetings and if he is not available he would ask Councilmember Raab to attend in his absence. Mayor Lacy then appointed Councilmember Raab to serve as alternate to Councilmember Bremmer during Councilmember Barnhart's absence. Mayor Lacy said the Health Board continues to face financial cutback issues. He said the cutbacks resulted in combining the Environmental Health Records position with the Executive Director position which resulted in the layoff of Mark Marquis. He said a severance package is being considered for Mr. t, 1 x1313 KIT.3 p.Tt,uaug t,ut,Q InwIlv F 'n - Laid SS:L JLM3WN OfGV 'I I 0Z `8 aunf uo plaq SuTlaauT preog anilt,TlsiuTUTpd uioDTanrZI aqI uxord solnu!W — Iit,qu ug iaquTougiouno0 'IIOZ `8 aunf uo ploq SuilaouT;uauTdolanaQ 2g uoi;umosuoD ooanosag uojRuigst,M lu4uoD q:poN oy puL, `I I OZ `8 aunf uo ploq SuilaouT ;o!4sTQ IllowdolanaQ otuzouoog uojSuTgsLM lu4u3D iWoN a p wo.g solnu!IX — .Tau3long jaquiaugiounoD -But aam llaunoa ij aq; o; aoii uula,u ui pa};imgns atam sa;Haim/so az utAiono3 aqy •.Taddo aql pautloap XOwl JOXLW •o5udgom otp uo aas of o3pi pinom oilgnd aql uoilt,uuodui do adf4 lt,gm do ss000id guMuT uoisioap u ui a;udiota red of paaaddo IIooS -jW •Iegl uo Ino sn dlaq of a2allo3 XQIIUA aagoluuam uToad luopnls t, 3Isu pjnoo am iaglailm put, a t,dgam aq; uo s;axoud ItounoD .'3uiould passnosip siogwaugtouno3 •ounl sTgl lt, Sump do olquduo si li jvgm oxmquo of .Tap.To uT o2udgam ogldo uotlipuoo luaimo oql gstlqulso of Isoo oql 2uuoldxa oslu sT fqD aql pappu ag •saoTn10S ,LI aptno.Td oI .TopuaA u ql!m Iou.Tluoo u anuq Xlluanno lou coop 40 aql su `lioddns a.Tumpzt,q put, aat,mUos (LJ) aolougoa,L uoTlt,uuoduI .Tod It,sodoid .Tod Isonbag t, 2uildu.ip do ss000id aql uT sT dduls ;t,gl pouTuldxo ,foul ioX-eW -aloA t, of sauToo sTgl uagm SOX aloe of spualut aq pappu ag -oOvjoud aouu.Tanas posodaid luuT2tso sill puoXoq smbmW I l0Z `ZI A'I U SaInNIK 'IIDNf1OO F[aHD LVNaM LSVFI dO UIO