HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/28/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JUNE 28, 2011 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Dennis Hendricks - Excused Councilmember Sandra McCourt - Excused EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison Sergeant James Ashenbrenner PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal St, expressed his objection to the City using tax payer dollars for Events. DEPARTMENT REPORT City Engineer Don McGahuey gave an update regarding the Grant Road overlay project. He said Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has opened bids for the East Sellar Bridge Bypass project, which includes the Grant Road overlay and Canyon A storm drain improvements. The total bid for the Grant Road overlay is approximately $927,000 which is about $110,000 over the engineer's estimate. The City's total commitment for the overlay project would be approximately $156,000, plus an additional $100,000 authorized for contingencies. He recommended the City provide the bid approval that WSDOT requires to move forward with the project. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to provide the bid approval that WSDOT requires to move forward with the project. The motion carried, 5-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy read the following letter into the record. •papioA aaanA sxaaya solghd ON ZL"iti0`09$ do iunoum lujol atg ui ZLZ££ g2noagl SZZ££ saaqumu }loago aAoaddu soop IiounoO `1 i0Z `8Z aunr `alup sitli do sv — salqu ud I I0Z I salq Xtcj jo uoiluaapisuo0 Z I I OZ `V I aunr `uoissoS auln2a-d — salnuuW do uoult,aapisuoO • I 0-S `Paiaauo uogotu oql •poluasaad su aupualuo luasuoo aug anoaddu of `quug .taquuautliounoD Xq puooas `uosugor saquuautliaunoD sq opuw sung uoilouu d :uopaV Iiauno0 •uoilouu Quo to polot,ua woo put Xpnls and aim pu ui s,.zaquxauiliounoD of poinqulsip aaanA nnolaq palstl small HVC[Naliva Imas m0O •;IutuaAa Stull 5uulaoui IiounoO otp do luoununofpu aa}lu uoissos uoiltgoBaN uoiufl u oq ll!m aiatp poounoum Xot,rl aoArw •.read goua Xauotu paAus sutl A4!D agl lugl smogs goMm `sooimaS lu2aq opisino and Ioualuoo u snsaaA lasunoD lu2z-1 osnog-ul and uoslnod •aW Aq pap!Aoad sisoo Iu2al do slsXluuu ut, pannaiAaa QH •aagoluuaAA, Ist,gdo 44D agl of aoiAaas oilgnd paluoupap do snoX S and olt,ogilaao u gl!m uoslnod u!Aa(l Xauao74V fli3 paluosaad Sou -I aoXbW .f4!D agl of lsoo Oulu `uudt,r ` musiy�I of spoo$3o ivatudrgs agl paaosuods f4IO ag L •suoliuuop luool loalloo Stndlag ui Iuluotun 4sui sung pauog sluang ',,(ltD oql ptus Xou7 aoAvW CIO unnusiy�I ao�uy� igoiout,Z usuuunzuN `Alaaaouls •tpluaq pool put, ssaoons aagland anoX and sagsinA Isaq put, isaaaouus situ ldomv osuald -f4!lu4ydsoq purl anoX and uiu& nos 3lut,gl of a3p.I pinom I Tuisolo uI •uoiluaod000 ponuiluoo puu Sutpuuisaapun anoX and nos 3luugl of gsim I •ssauisnq faagsg oslu Inq X snpui oiuiouooa Xluo IOU aanooaa of iaodda Xaana 031utu ll!tA aAk •sluauua2l mooua puu spoddns uuaum inoX of s*ugl laad uo 3Iouq ia�? of Sutlilfnals aau OM IOAOMOH •palulsunap uaaq sug sa►ltlioud sit opnjout of tare laod faagsg cull `umusIN ul •ouuti olgissod ISailaua aull It' saSuutup agl I;)AOOaa suuu131A dlaq of pasn AIantloadda aq IlinA Aauoui ags, •ut,dt,r `fNogojL Isuoo lsua cull Itq iureunsl puu a)lunbgiat,a IuaB 11 goauW aql do anvil a p lu uoiluuop dailaa snoaaua2 anoX and uoilutoaaddt, aaaouis Am ssaadxo of a)pl pinom I `,44to wAtmW do suazilio aqi Ilu do dlugaq u0 •uosuas uaaB gsaad agl ui IIanA AaaA Btnop aau nos adoq I `Xourl aosvw at,aQ I I OZ `8Z dNflf SE1IfIN W 'IIDNf1OD HHID.LVNaM LSVH dO kJ ID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 2011 Service Contract with Tillicum Riders for Beer Garden during Thunder Swamp Event. RESOLUTION 11-06-05 A resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, adopting a Six -year Transportation Improvement Program for 2012-2017. Presented by Don McGahuey, Public Works Director. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to adopt the Six -year Transportation Improvement Program for 2012-2017. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTION NO.2011-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A SIX -YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2012-2017, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THIS RESOLUTION WITH THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, AND CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 11-06-06 First reading of an ordinance establishing minimum levels of service for the collection of solid waste and for the collection of designated recyclables. Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading. Presented. by Devin Poulson, City Attorney. Countywide Solid Waste Director Ron Draggoo stated that most of the comments submitted in a letter from Waste Management regarding the minimum service levels do not change the substance or the intent of the minimum service levels. Some of the questions brought up in the letter are already contained within the existing contract and are now being formalized in the proposed minimum service levels. Further discussion ensued. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to adopt the ordinance establishing minimum levels of service for the collection of solid waste and for the collection of designated recyclables. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO.2011-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE FOR THE COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE AND FOR THE COLLECTION OF DESIGNATED RECYCLABLES. 3 xiatD f4iz) piuulEg uLIEQ Wd SS=L .LAIHPOMOMV I IOZ 9Z,(Uw uo ptatl 2titlaatu it'ln2ag aagojuu3M do XI►D otp V 4unoD ut'tagD 3o fjilogjnd StusnOH oqj puU `I IOZ `LI AN uo ptag 2uipau sioloaitQ 3o pit'og jisLiEi1 }llMI aup uiog salnury�l — jinoDoW ngtuatupounoD I IOZ `L aunt uo putt 2uij3aui gjjuoHdo pluog IutoodS aqj pus `I IOZ `9I AuW 110 ptaLt 2tnjaaui tpluaHdO piuog jniijsIG gjlsaH st'ftoQ ustatID oilj uioig salnuiw — XOu7 loxuw • uijaatu Iiaunoa I3 aqj of not t uijt tAA ui pajjnugns 535m sajnunu/sjao a.t u!AAoIIo3 aqy •ponsuo uoissnosip lagpn3 •auit-uo Sjuana pus uisiinoj 1?uiplu2al uoijuuuodut do sjunoum snopuauiall apiAoid nuaing siOlislA XOIIEA aagOlt'uam atll pus ItounoD spodS XatluA aagOjuuarn aLi1 oilgnd aqj oI uotjt'uuodui 3o pu.1 jugj aptAold of pou2isop XItungtoads are jEgj sjullop m4 lunjou tjj!m sjioddns f4jo oqj jutp sonuaAu pool XItuai autos on, aiagj pauiutdxa OH •ssoulsnq f4iD ui panlonui pus pouuojui nilgnd aig jag of 2uif.4 do onssi juujsuoo u uaaq sug ji piss Xmq JOSSN -Ii ui uoiuido SELL puu pazitui101ipa Si jl `uaAi'R SI uoiluuuOJul put' uaAt9 St uOIIEuuOTut aLp iI2LIM puu SpLreg S,Otlgnd oqj Ojui uoijuuugjui Suijja2 of Splu2al LpIAA uoijOE jo 3I3ut S,ITounOZ) pagsijus jou si ail pies off Liuuitod puulsiapun-oj Xsua uu ui oilqnd oqj jo spuuq oqj ojui sjnud pasuiqun autos jaS am mo `Xououl do asn oqj jnoqu 3IIul am su lagjind dals u Imp Sui3lEZ •possud si jugM pus Xoilod ItounoZ) oqj AAoIIo3 KIuo 33ujS XIjD puu pounoD Suipuluiai ioAvIN aqj sojuioaiddu `IS luuuzuuyg 8I6 `1103S uugjuN S.LAIaWN03 JYinfid •oq pinogs f4iD sill do 2uplutu iogod oqj jugm of se uoisioop pounoo u Si jt su ajuiidoidds aq ptnom jugj `Xoitod atll IiSiAai oI SagS AA liounoD 3! poppu off •lajso3 of onuguoo of juum noX Koilod u si ji 3i apioap put' uoilntosoi sup do alunnu aq pinogs pounoD •aag3juuaM Ist'g jo fIilEltn Oituouona aLtj anusLtua sanallag �iD aLtj S3ljiAll3s put' sjuana iod stusodoid Iloddns put, lajsod ojddt'js uanlip suq siq,L •«ualE oill jo asn juinjlno put, Oiuiouooa fauwijd qons juauialduioo IIIM su juowdolanap luiijsnpui puu `lulnjlnaiBu `pulai `It'iolaulwoO qMo JOd aptAold of Suinulluoo XIjuommlloO opgm `osodind X.Iuuuld jugj lod sanlnosoi ut'ttlntl pure `3igdu12otuap `3tgdui2o32 lno do asn jsoq oqj Silt it,t i `uoijuainoi pure uisunoj lod ualu uoiluuilsap u olul laullum algisuaj XIIEnItuouona puu XIlapio us ui podolanap `fq!o ino SuipnlnLII `unit' aagnlELlaM lajuat agl aas of atisap am„ `sajujs Lloijntosal pajdoPe SlgI •t,-L6 tioijnlosag Jo PunoD papunuai A30I loAuW 'Suazllln Sji Oj JO ?ISII OLII Sosualoul A4!D oqj gj!m osuanit SSOuisnq u aunbou Oj 2tnnuq wog Sjuopisol-uou puipnloxo jugj `uoqulap!suoo Ojul ajul Oj Spaau liounoD t4 j!D oqj `al03alaq L •anLtaJJO 2111Allp pajslai tOgoolE ut' JOJ LIOIIOIAUOO juooai u puLl jimildh oqj pomogs goigM fq!D aLp Sq ouop s-em ImIl )lnago punoB)Iotq u uo pasuq paivap sum 3suaoit oq,L 'OSLiani'I S,iaAIiQ !xe L E pomop Liaaq puq oqM ILlunilddu luanal u puu suosinduloD ostlaoi'I Ssouisng SIIIpiESai LunpimoluxiI gill lod uoslnod Xout jld XIlD partuugj Xos7 lo.�uW s.Luoaa d 'II:)NfIOJ I IOZ `8Z dNIIf saj nxm IIDNIIOD 3aHDIVX31c1.LSVH 30 A.LID