HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/14/2011 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
JUNE 14, 2011
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Dave Bremmer
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
Councilmember Dennis Hendricks
Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember George Buckner
City Attorney Devin Poulson
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde
City Engineer Don McGahuey
Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison
Events Director Dawn Collings
Mike McCourt, Eastmont Kiwanis, said they sold hamburgers last year at the Sprint Boat Races. He
reported that it was the best single day of fundraising the Kiwanis have ever had. He said they will be
back this year and their desire is to raise funds for kids with cancer. He added the Sprint Boat Races is
probably one of the best things that has happened to this community, and he is very supportive of it.
Chelan/Douglas Land Trust, Eliot Scull and Mike Scott — Loop Trail — Department of Transportation
Corridor Plan.
Mr. Scull said the Department of Transportation has been asked to surplus these lands sometime in the
near future. He stated that the date is up in the air, but speculation is that it may be in the next 2-4 years.
Mr. Schull reviewed a report which represents the conclusions and recommendations of a diverse Vision
Group of citizens that have met weekly since January 2011 to study the issues facing the eastside of the
Apple Capital Loop Trail. He said the most important page of his report was page 2, "The Nub of the
Vision" which outlines Land Use, Development, and Stewardship and Management and includes some of
the points that they wanted to make, and the rest of the report deals with those issues in more detail and
how they think they can achieve them. He added that it would be a great advantage to this community if
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-pzumioJ anoui of 3lo agi aaauTBua filo aql
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Mayor Lacy reminded Council and Staff of a reception being held here Thursday, June 161' at 3:30
p.m.for Officer Nash's retirement. He encouraged everyone to be here as we don't often get a 30 year
police employee retiring from the City, and an opportunity to thank him for that kind of service.
Mayor Lacy said now that we have our Police Annex essentially done and operational, he would like to
invite Councilmembers to go over there and look around. He stated that it turned out really nice and that
it was amazing that we were able to accomplish this for a cost between $125,000 and $200,000. He
applauded Council for making that decision and suggested that we might want to plan and conduct a
ribbon cutting for the Police Annex.
Councilmember Barnhart suggested that along with a ribbon cutting he would like to include a Police Day
or something related, with kid activities or something similar to what the Fire Department does. He stated
that we should make it a combination kid's day event with fingerprinting etc., to snake it a total event.
Mayor Lacy said he would bring it up with staff and see what can be done with it.
Mayor Lacy said he did not have much to report with respect to the union contracts but will keep
everyone informed as time goes on.
Mayor Lacy said the Thunder Swamp event the City is sponsoring will be held on July 9fl', and we have
been asked to get involved personally to help out at the event and be visible in terms of support, and to set
an example to the volunteers that put so much time into the event.
Mayor Lacy said he attended the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting and heard a
presentation that was particularly interesting and a little bit concerning to him and he wanted the Council
to be aware of it, which has to do with the formation and maintenance of Metropolitan Planning
Organizations (1VIPO's) in the United States. He said both the prior Bush Administration as well as the
current Obama Administration have recommended as part of their overall budget planning that the
definition of MPO's be redefined or redone by increasing the size of a qualifying WO from 50,000 to
200,000. If that were to occur we would no longer be a Metropolitan Planning Organization for this area,
and that it would have a significant impact on federal revenues for the Wenatchee Valley. He added that it
would change the whole ball game for our City in terms of how we apply for and obtain funding for major
infrastructure projects.
Mayor Lacy appointed the Councilmembers attending the Association of Washington Cities conference as
voting delegates for the annual business meeting.
Councilmember Barnhart stated that Grant Road is the designated road for garbage trucks by the County,
and in doing some research thought the City was entitled to impact fees, and if that is the case then we
should pursue it. Mayor Lacy said we have pursued it, which is how we acquired $102,000 from the
County last year, through what they call their County Distress Funds, and this year that amount was
considerably smaller at approximately $42,000. He said that it is actually called Sales and Use Tax but
Douglas County calls it the County Distress Fund. The County's position is that they are designating
those funds for us specifically because of our suggestion that we needed it for Grant Road and this year it
is unknown whether that was the justification or not.
Mayor Lacy said the County has an Impact Hauling Fee Agreement with Waste Management in which
Waste Management specifically pays the County for the impact of trucks hauling across the roads of the
County. He said that to his understanding, when they negotiated that contract their justification included
the span of Grant Road from Highway 28 through the City limits. He said the contract between Waste
Management and Douglas County has been in place for quite some time.
•lot tluoo sill uo puq pinonn ognn Ino putt puu slusodojd Jq j Isanbaa u Buisiaaanpu oq
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I I0Z_`bi UNflf SRLf1I W'U3Mn0D HFIHD.LVNaM ISVd 90 AM
Mayor Lacy said the one concern he had was whether or not we would be subsidizing other jurisdictions
if we entered into a joint contract negotiation. He said this matter had been resolved for him by Mr.
Councilmember Johnson asked if disabled, elderly, and low income is based on income, as he believes
that those people who are elderly with a large income should not get a reduced rate. Mayor Lacy said that
is something that will need to be addressed in the contract, which will be up to the Council when the
contract is finalized.
Approval of Addendum to License Agreement with United States Sprint Boat
Association (USSBA).
Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney, and Events Coordinator Dawn
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by
Councilmember Johnson, to approve the License Agreement with USSBA. The
motion carried, 5-2. (Bremmer, Hendricks)
Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Indemnity and Insurance Agreement with
Douglas County pursuant to the Sprint Boat Race event to be conducted in
connection with issuance of CUP-10-04.
Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney.
Council Action:
Agreement with
carried, 7-0.
A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by
Johnson, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Indemnity
Douglas County in connection with CUP-10-04. The motion
Bid award for paving of the Police Administration parking lot and paving
improvements surrounding the Public Works salt storage facility.
Presented by Don McGahuey, Public Works Director.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by
Councilmember Raab, to award the bid to the low bidder, Central Washington
Asphalt in the amount of $18,503.28. The motion carried, 7-0.
Councilmember Johnson made suggestions regarding the information submitted regarding business
licensing and feels that the concept is very unfair.
Councilmember Barnhart suggested the issue of business licensing be brought up during the budget
process. He added he would not like to change something just because one person was upset about paying
for a business license.
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•i 1OZ `8Z It.idV uo ploq 2uilaaui oatioluuam
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papuautulooaz OH •saaj lumouaa asuaoil ssauisnq Iunttuu aql 2utloallo3 do ssaooid aql unOoq Isnf anLq
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ssauisnq u Suinuq .tod sasodind are aiatp3i Inq `li jo pp lad pinogs am uatll 2uisuooil ssauisnq ioj osodind
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oql jo asodind atll lugM IL Tool puL ILiouuug otp Isud ?loot of paau am lull paluls quu-a jaqutaugtounoD