HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/8/2010 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JUNE 8, 2010 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dave Bremmer EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Events Coordinator Dawn Collings Clerical Assistant Catalina Garibay PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS Dan Beardslee, representing the North Central Home Owners Association, said he had sent a letter to Councilmembers regarding development regulations that are under consideration by the City Council and he would like to have an opportunity to discuss those issues. Mayor Lacy said this issue regarding development regulations is not on the agenda this evening. He said it will be discussed in the setting of a public hearing. A public hearing date will be recommended later in this meeting. BUDGET ISSUES City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde updated Council on the items discussed at the recent Budget Committee meeting. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said Legal Counsel advised him that the City should not be in the position of constructing the facilities necessary to put on the Sprint Boat event as they would be subject to bidding laws. Therefore, by entering into a Land Lease Agreement with the property owner, the City would be a tenant of the property and the improvements would need to be completed by the land owner. He said he would like this agreement to be solidified before moving forward with the application for the event, as well as an 1 1 '0-L `Pauiuo uoijoui atj,L •papuauiu St'uiu.i8ozd luauianoiduq uoilul.iodsuuijL .ivaA-xiS oqj Oupdopu uoilnjosai oqj Idopu of `j. v4wug mgtu3tujjounoO Aq puooas `uosugof jaquiauijiounoo Aq opuui sum uoiloui d :uo► ;)V 1iauno3 '0-L `Pauiuo uoilow oqj, •suoilisod t, Puu `£ `Z aqj of do S puu `j, `£ sjoaCoid anoui puu `s ngtunu 13ofoid of umop Z .imgtunu joaCoid Buinoui Aq dLL iva k-xiS oijl puoum, of `. iumaig .iaquiauijiounoD Aq puooas `s)joupuaH .iaquiauijiounoD Aq apuui sum uoiloui d :uo► V jpunoa XanTjugojq uoQ iaaui8ug,kjj3 Xq pojuasaid .9I OZ- I I OZ s.ivax 8umsuo oql Joi (dj,L) tutBoid juouianoiduij uoijuliodsuoil jw k-xiS aul guildopu uoilTijosa.i d uT'd 90 L ju 8ui.nroTj oijgnd oql pasojo XouZ ioAuw sjuatuuioo ou 2uL=H •urd SO:L ju iluuuaq oijgnd aul pauodo An -I joKLw XontpooW uo(I jaoui8ug Alla Aq poluosaid '9 j OZ- I I OZ sivaA Sumsua aTjj JOJ (d I) 7Luui2ozd juauiano.iduij uopupodsuui,L imA-xiS ail 8updopu Buuuatj oijgnd V. •popion ajam s3j3ago sajquAud ojq 6£' I £0`t�S$ 30 lunouiu juloj aql ul `60b0£ InoJT £b£0£ s.iaquinu ijoago anoiddu swop jiaunoD `OIOZ 18 aunr `alup sigj jo sd — sajqu ud OIOZ i sajquAv,l jo uopTUopisuoD 01OZ SZ ALW `uoissoS iujaa�j — sajnulWjo uopunpisuoO ZO-90-0I SAIOLLfYIOSau j 0-90-0I 9AUW9H JI'laad '0-L `Pauuuo uoiloui aqj, •juauip owu polsog2ns aqj Tjlim jupuajuo juasuoo oqj anoiddu of `.Tauiuiwg .imquiauijiounoD Aq puooas `uosugof .iaquiauijiounoD Aq opuui sum uoijoui d :uot;aV itaunoj •«ssaooid oql Sui.znp luujjnsuoo Qqj Aq pomoin.Tajui Suiaq Aq uujd polupijosuoo oTjj jo uoiju.Tudazd a-qj ui oludioiliud of panajunjon .T wpng laqui3tupounoo Put uosugof -iagtuaujjiounoD« puai of Tuoli jugl iopun gdu.iftud Isuj oql 8ui2uugo Aq 60-90-0I nquinu jpq upuo2u `solnuiui aijl jo £ aBud of luouipuouzu uu .io3 pa3isu jjau.reg !JO-1 iojaamCl luauidojanaQ AliunuituoD •uolloui auo ui polouua ajam puu Apnjs ioJ aouunpu UT s,.TaquiauijiounoO of pojngpjsip a lam mojaq polsij suialj HWINa'IvO ZAiHSKO:3 •a8uuijo Auui 40 gill .ioi uoilu2ilgo juiouuuig aqj `suoijuijo8au aqj uo posuq pappu aH •Iuauiaaau 3su3311 aijl JO SUU31 atll Ouip.iu83i VEISSfl aqj puu `osuaj aqj ajpuuij om moq uo jaumo fliado.id aqj ijjim suoiluiloOou jo ssaooid oql ui on am auiil luazino aTjj ju plus aH '(VHSSfl) uoijupossy juog juiidS solujS paliufj olgl Tjlim luauzaaau 010z `8 aNflf SalnI HW'IIONf1O0 d'AHO.LVMHAk .LSdd JO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCBEE COUNCIL MINUTES RESOLUTION NO. 2010-05 JUNE 8, 2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A SIX -YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PTOGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THIS RESOLUTION WITH THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE TRASNSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. 10-06-03 A resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, adopting a Public Involvement Plan. Presented by Community Development Director Lori Barnett. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve Resolution No. 2010-06 adopting a Public Improvement Plan. The motion carried, 7-0. RESOLUTION 2010-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT, TO ESTABLISH A PROCESS FOR INVOLVING THE COMMUNITY IN AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND ANY DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ACTION ITEMS 10-06-04 A Sponsorship Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and Waste Management to cover City events. Presented by Events Coordinator Dawn Collings. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to approve the sponsorship agreement. The motion carried, 7-0. 10-06-05 Land Lease Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and Ryan & Tenille Vickery. Mayor Lacy said Mr. Vickery has received the agreement and he has requested additional amendments be negotiated prior to approving the Land Lease Agreement. Mayor Lacy said he is not asking for any action to be taken on this item this evening. 10-06-06 Settlement Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and Keglers, Inc. doing business as Wild Card Sports Bar & Grill/Keglers Casino. 1 'Oloz `ZI At,w uo plag Oullaaut IiounoD IuautdolanaQ 7y uoiluAnsuoD ownoso-d uol2uitllsuA In.iluoD guom — .19M ng zQquzaulliounoD 'OIOZ `0I AuW uo plag futlaa I pat,og 3utu.IanoD `jionnlaN poddnS Iuuoi2321 - ImoyW jaqul3uzlt3uno3 • utlaaui Ilaunoj I3 aqI of 101.1d 3IqjjjM ui Paianngns ank sa;nultu/sw as u►mollo3 aq1, -pounoD oql of papuut onm sioAi3 'uj'd 0£:6 01 0£:9 ul04 gISI aunf uo aagolnuaM ui Buiuuuid Iuoo'I uo osznoD I.IogS agI puallu of siaqutaugtounoo po2zinooua llauit,g .Ioloom(l IuauzdotanaQ AltununuoD (uosutlof) 'I-9 `pauluo uoiloul ag,L •apoo Iudioiuny�I aagolnuaM Isug aqI 3o Z I Put, `L 1 `9I `S I salU oI suoisrn a� 2utp.iu2i 2uu=q otlgn ad u su OIOZ `ZZ aunf las of `ImoDoW mgwouiliounoD Aq pu000s `numaig mquiowj!ouno3 Aq opuul suns uopoul d :uo'PV IiaunOJ •opoD IudtotunW aagolnuaM Isug agI to Z I Puu `L 1 `91 `S 1 salll L of suotsina-I 2utpzu23 2u11aaul pounoD OIOZ ZZ aunf agl joI olt,p 2ut.reaq oilgnd u las of pagsinn Aagl it IlounoD po lsu An -I IOALyq SiLuodau IIIOAif10a •uotstoap s,aagolnuaM 3o Aj!D aqI jo pauuo� ltounoD daaal IUM ag plus ag •Aliluo luouxaSuuuut ouo aapun utagl Ind put, osagl aluPilosuoo oI sum ulagl iol uotlt,puatuulooaa ag,L •ialuaD uloAol, unno,L agI put, nalu00 uotluaAwo agI gloq .Io3 polpuug azu Aagl mog puu sooiAns poo3 01 2ulMiaiIad sonssl Jaglo a.re aaagl pappu OH 'JOW03 uoiluanuOD agI put, `nuoing uotluanuoD put, aolistA agl `joluoZ) t,loAol, unnol, agl to Isisuoo gonlnn `slnllop utsunol .uagl a2uuuuz pinogs Aagl nnog ouT mpisuoo sI aagolnuaM to AIID ag,L •nuamg s.ioltslA agI of loodsa.t gltnn uotllsod ino nnatn,aa oI sn posnuo anug Iugl soiltlua utsunol stlo,JLA gltnn uo fto2 sa2uug3 lt,tluolod are ajagl plus Aou-I aoAuW •IouiluoD nuaing aoitsiA AalluA aagolnuaM NOISSfIDSIQ •uotldopu of ao!id srqj jo autoolno aqI nnatnai pinonn Aaulolld AI!D agl jt p331sn put, anssi cures sigl of fuilulaz saulll, opluaS agl uI Allu000i ansst uu sum magi Pius uosugof mgtuautliounoD •uoslnod utAaQ Aau.IopV Aj!D Aq poluosazd •3lred u ut ut.reaztg u 2uI, .=o IsuluBu uolltgigojd OutA0uta3 Aq Oti0'Zi' I apoD ludlotunW aagolnuaM Isug agI �3utpuoulu aouuutpJO uu Jo 2uipuaJ Isn3 LO-90-01 (MolipuoW *1 -9 `pai.uno uotlout ag,L •AIID agl3o 3iug3q uo luouta3i2v luautalllaS agI ats of ioKuw agI ort.Ioglnu oI `uosugof .IaqutautltounOD Aq pu000s `.ia"ong nquzatultounoo Aq apuut suns u0pout d :uoi)ad Iiaunoa •op.IoD iioill ioloanQ oouuut3 Aq paluaswd OIOZ `8 3Nflf Sa.LfINjW'IIONnOD HgHD LVMRM LSdd d0 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 8, 2010 • Mayor Lacy— Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on May 13, 2010. ADJOURNMENT 8:00 p.m. W/i/ iP,, r DaniBarnard City Clerk 1