HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/13/2010 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 13, 2010 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Hendricks Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Bremmer Councilmember Raab Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Community Development Director Lori Barnett Police Chief Randy Harrison Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Events Coordinator Dawn Collings City Engineer Don McGahuey Clerical Assistant Catalina Garibay PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Lacy read the following proclamations. Public Service Recognition Week - May 3-9, 2010 Police Week, May 9-15, 2010 & Peace Officer's Memorial Day — May 15, 2010 Apollo Club Week — May 10-16, 2010 PRESENTATION Brandon Mauseth, Street Superintendent, and Dr. Gam Christensen, Superintendent, Eastmont School District, gave a presentation regarding a Regional Fuel Depot proposal and potential use of City owned property near the intersection of 2°d Street NE and Eastmont Avenue. PUBLIC COMMENTS Denise Briggs, 3010 101h Street NE, East Wenatchee, asked for clarification as to whether or not it is unlawful to use the permit process for the Sprint Boat races, and if the City had yet obtained a permit. glosnuW uopunig luopualuuadnS IaaalS Aq poluosaad S i OZ-0 i OZ smaA 2uinsua 011I.10J uiva201d Iuauianoaduti uoilulaodsuuaZ aug k-xiS oql of luampuauiu uu 2uipau8aa 8uuuag otlgnd d IO-�O-Oi t DNDWHH OPIS[ld •papioA alarm Z06ZZ Puu `Z98ZZ `i98ZZ sluuuum aiqu"fud 'iZ'Z£8`60Z$ Jo lunoure Iulol all uI b86ZZ ggnoagl ZLBZZ saaquinu luuuum anoaddu swop IiounoD 10 i OZ `£ I iudd `olup sigi �o �' — saiqu ud 0 i OZ i salqu4udjo uoiluaapisuoo Z OI OZ `£Z g3juW `uoissaS auln8ag — saintgW .I (paurelsqu aauilong) •0-9 `pauauo uoiloui aqZ •poluosaad su aupualuo luasuoo agl anoaddu of `uosugof aaquiouiliounoD Aq pu000s `quug aaquiaugiounoO Xq apuut suns uoiloui d :uot;ad itaunoa moiloui ouo ui palouua aaam puu Apnis aoj aouuApu uE saaquiaugtounoo of paingialsip aaam moloq palsil suialI H V(INH'IdO .LNaSAiOO •ounl jo pound papuoixo uu ao3 umusiN ut sXuls it lugs uoilTuoo all uo umLmW of ouuld agi digs of slsoo uoilulaodsuual MAoo of paaaJJo sug `dnoI2 oIAio umvsiW u `aaliiu moD salddd ani3 all `pappu Aou-I aoKuW aaquzaldaS PIaI iuntlsa3 aid umusiW aql ioj uuduf `umusiW of IopaaA ss!W all ftpuas of spau2aa glim auuld IopaaA ss'W agi sumo lugl dnoa8 all `aalilmmoD aaloluuam 30 llr!dS pool agl puu uuduf `umusiW jo igoiauu,L ioAuW glim 8uMom uaaq sug ag pius Aou-I aoxtw ',,,5I iiadd of aoud uoissiunuoD aansolosi(I otlgnd all glim sguiii3 1-3 nagl ololdwoo of pounoo all popuiuuaa .foul aoKuW .L?IOda2I SIIIOAVLII •mogS no ag opuaud sissugo Assulo qumgoS sa'I Puu `saomd luog IuudS pasodoad `IunH 8221 aalsug aaAQW paa3 :solupdn luang — aoluuipaoo.0 sluang `sEuilloD umuQ luamjjuda(l SivaAa •Iaodag iuiouuut3 OI OZ goauw — aoloama aoutma `ap-loD vix Iuampudaa aouvuil SIHOdaI ZAIHWllIddHQ •quug aaquiauiliounoD jo jjugaq uo papuap, Iauguaug aaqutauiliounoD ua"ong aaquiaugiounoD puu `s3loiapuaH mquiougpunoo `Iauquaug aaquzauzliounoD aaam aouupuollu uI •y,8 ludd uo lom aalltunuoD la8png oq L uoloonCl oouuut3 `opaaD �ioiN - laodag oalliuzuzoD IaBpng S2tfISSI 1.HOQIIg •luana 2uioud luog luudS agI glim 8uinuiluoo jo uoisioap atoll aapisuooaa of Iiounoo Alio agl paaIsu agS XouZ aoAuW fq paaannsuu aaam goigm luana 2cuou21 luog IuudS agl ifuipau�aa suoilsanb luaanas pa:Isu puu sluounuoo apuui `aagoluuam lsug `onuand opM 'N 108 `aazliamgoS Xslag O i 0Z `£ I-ii'did SalflMIW 'II0NnO0 a9IO LdNaM LSV9 10 A-LIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES RESOLUTION APRIL 13, 2010 Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:58 p.m. Hearing no comments Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:59 p.m. Denise Briggs asked if she could comment on the public hearing. Mayor Lacy reopened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. Ms. Briggs asked if the proposed changes related to Grant Road and Georgia Avenue pedestrian crossing. Mayor Lacy said explained the process of prioritizing the Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). He said the amended Six -Year TIP project list identifies the proposed pedestrian crossing for Grant Road, adjacent to Eastmont Metropolitan Park as a "stand alone" project, moving it to position number 2 on the Six -Year TIP. Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 8:02 p.m. 4. 10-04-02 A resolution amending Resolution 2010-01, adopting a Six -Year Transportation Program. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 2010-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ITS SIX -YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THIS RESOLUTION WITH THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to amend the proposed Six -Year TIP to move the Eastmont Avenue Reconstruction project to number 3 on the project list. Mayor Lacy clarified that this is a priority list. It does not mean that we have funding for the project at hand. Councilmember Bremmer withdrew his second to the motion, Councilmember Hendricks withdrew the motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner to adopt the resolution as presented. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to amend the proposed Six -Year TIP to move the Eastmont Avenue Reconstruction project to number 3 on the project list. 1 'tJOiD 4D pluutug uuuQ •urd SZ:8— .Lmapjmuaorav 'OIOZ 101 gomW uo ploq $uilaaut IuautdolanaQ V uotluniasuoo owns d uol8uigsum lualuaD gljoN - uosugof aaquuaTupunoD 'OIOZ 10T gomW uo plaq 2upoom loulsiQ IuauidolanaQ oiuuouoog uol8uigsuM luiluoD gljoN - uosugof joquiauxllounoD . OTOZ `bZ �utuga3 uo plaq Builaaut llounoO uoilwodsuluL Xallun aagoluuaM - Aou-jaoAuW . 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