HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/23/2010 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING FEBRUARY 23, 2010 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember David Bremmer Councilmember Chuck Johnson (Excused Absence) Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Dennis Hendricks EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk Dana Barnard City Attorney Devin Poulson City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Police Chief Randy Harrison Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth Clerical Assistant Catalina Garibay Events Coordinator Dawn Collings PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department — Nick Gerde, Finance Director January 2010 Financial: Report _ East Wenatchee Events Board — Dawn Collings Inland Northwest Motorcycle Show & Sale Street Department — Brandon Mauseth, Street Superintendent Grant Road Pedestrian Crossing Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab, to commit funds up to $100,000 from capital reserve, towards the Grant Road Pedestrian Crossing project. The motion carried, 6-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy asked Events Coordinator Dawn Collings if she would be interested in being appointed to represent the City at the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce meetings. Councilmember Buckner said he would continue to serve as an alternate. Ms. Collings accepted the appointment. Mayor Lacy asked City Clerk Dana Barnard to revise the list of representatives. z 1 1 1 '0-9 `pai.uleo uollout oqs •2utputy san.1033.I 4!3 ag13! utals,Cs luautuBlle.ule oap!n le luautalduu pule llulsui of l noD Ilediotunyouou4judaQ oo►lod aqI ozi ioglnu of jotu taig .Iaqu. owpounoD ,Cq puooas `lregLuug nqu owpounoo ,Cq opuul suns uotlout d :uogaV Ilaunoj •uoslnod UTAOCI ,Cautolld c4T:) ,Cq poluasoi l •?utpunj santaoa.t ,Clio aglji utals,Cs lu3ut0tuule oap!n u luautaldun pule Ilulsut of [.moo iledtoiunyouou4judaQ aotlod oql aoj uotlurt.Ioglnd •papton SUM tIZ8Z aagwnu Iule.um IloiXud 0I OZ ,Crenuu f 3o gluotu aql .toj 10I OZ `£ ,(xutug3 j piled i S' £ i Z`8b£$ 30 lunoum Ilelol aql ui 9ZZ8Z gSnotgl IV18Z sioqutnu luu um pule `slisodop loa up pule saoulenpu ao3 S S S g2no tql 8 £S siaqumu luu m sano tddu pounoD `OIOZ `£Z ,Cluntga3 oltp sigl jo sV — Iloi led OIOZ nulef •n •pap►on SUM t�SLZZ luuutm solgtXud '09'ZI8`Z8$ jo lunowu Ilelol aql uI I6LZZ g2nojgl I £LZZ saaqumu lule.uuM anoiddu saop I!ounoD `0I0Z `£Z faunigo j `atop stgl do sd — solqu led 01 OZ 1 IlojAled V salquXled 3o uogu.t3ptsuo3 O I OZ `6 ,C.turug33 `uotssaS tuln2o-d — solnuiWjo uotlu.taptsuoD SO-ZO-01 £ SL all Nihau -0-9 `painuo uotlout oqy •poluasaid sr .tepualuo Iuasuoo agl anotddu of `.Iauilong .taqutatupounoo ,Cq puooas `quu21 ngwotupounoD ,Cq opuuz suns uotlout d :uoi :)V I!aunoj •uoiloul auo uI paloleua 313M puu ,Cpnls JOJ aouuApu ut s,.iaqutaulliounoD of paingitlsip wow molaq polsil sutall HV(I IH'IVJ .LNHSNOJ •loafoid aql ut uotludiatl ed s,liounoo paSuinooua apt '10IU 39toud suvll Is.n3 aql Butlu.[ou owwoo Ig2!lj I IN oql loj lsatalui astut of uuduf uI uotludt ipud ioj .rea,C SIT Iopaan ss'W aql 2utltodsuu.Il jo uapi aql alulil!oud dlaq of vmustW jo ,44t0 oql utoij dnot8 aql puu `uostutl u su dnolB lug[ gl!m OuPI Om st apt •soiltunututoo gloq ,Cq uoiludtoipud alut.tdotddu guns uuduf `unnustW oI Iopaan ssryq Xg of si Iusodoid aql -I £6I ut WHA uopu.tapl uaoqi?uud aql Jo ,Ctus tan,tuuu M08 aql guns optoutoo p[nom golgM `I IOZ 3o lit'i .to .taututns aql ut luana uu of pleat pinom lugs umBoid u lrels of umusiW jo ,Clio aql puu aagoluuaM lsug do ,CIID aqI guns do usual of aitsap u poluotpui suq dnoA aagoluuaM jo lutdS oq 1, 'IIle3 sigl s,CuQ uoiluiAV uI aludtorpud of uuduf of Iopaan ssryq oql 2utliodsuletl jo ,Cltliq!svDj oql Inogle tut nnbul umlesiW'jo ,Clto oql gli*m suoiluoiunuzutoo 2ulA1003a uaaq anug ,Cagl p!us apt •Iopaan ssryq agl JO uot[dat aqI umo oqm aagoluuaM jo lt.ttdS aqI do s.taqutaut aql qj!m 2uilaaul uaaq suq oq plus Aou-I ao,Cuw •,Callus aagaluuaM oql Outluosa.Idw salu2alap 0£-SZ ,(lalleunxoiddu gl!m 2uolu uuduf ` mustyq of uliq ,Cuudw000u [lino linoDOW iagwz)wl!ounoD `a•Iojoioq,L •unoDoW .IagwowpounoD wotj autuo asuodsol stgl pius apt •.tua,C stgl uuduf `um-esryw of gui0O uotlu231aQ aqI 2tuple2oI aaqu.IauglounoD auo utog lsa.Ialut pani3031 pug oq piles ,Cowl .to,CuW .tuntga3 uo Ou►nnatnaalut y,yZ ,C l rels ll!m puu uotltsod noui2ug ,C4t0 all .to3 suoiluoilddu ang p3AI033.t suq cl!D aqI p►us ,CouZ .to,CuW O I Oz `£Z 1t dvfl2Iggd Salf1MW 'IIDNf1OO a9HDJVXAM ISVa JO AID D CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2010 4. 10-02-06 Approval of Sprint Boat Racing as a City sponsored event. Presented by East Wenatchee Events Board Coordinator Dawn Collings. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember McCourt, to authorize the Sprint Boat Racing as a City sponsored event. The motion carried, 4-2. (Bremmer/Hendricks) ORDINANCE 5. 10-02-07 First reading of an ordinance changing from the current warrant expenditure process to a check disbursement process. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.2010-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO PAY ITS CLAIMS OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS BY CHECK, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading without objection from the City Council. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Barnhart, authorizing the City to pay its claims and other obligations by check. The motion carried, 6-0. COUNCIL REPORTS a. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District meeting held on January 25, 2010. b. Councilmember Raab submitted minutes from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting held on February 4, 2010. C. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce meeting held on February 16, 2010. Mayor Lacy called a ten minute break from the meeting. He said when the meeting is reconvened we will go into executive session with no following action. Therefore, staff and the public are adjourned. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:10 p.m. Mayor Lacy called an executive session regarding Collective Bargaining Session — RCW . 42.30.140(4) 3 1 1 311010 )(I10 Pimileg louuQ w'd 51:6 - .LAiHb1 NMf1OfC[V OIOZ `£Z A-dvfldilaq SHIf11`I W 11ONnOD aaHDJLVMHM ISV9 AO AZIO