HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/24/2010 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 24, 2010 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Dave Bremner Councilmember Harry Raab - excused Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Events Director Dawn Collings City Engineer Don McGahuey PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS Chelan Douglas Community Network (CDCN) — Update on Network Activities Coordinator Sandy Morrison 209 W Peters, Wenatchee, and East Wenatchee representative Gloria Ojala 3144 Bermuda Street, Malaga, reviewed the CDCN budget for the 2007-2009 biennium totaling $111,540. Ms. Morrison said in the present budget for the 2009-2011 biennium there is a forty-five percent reduction due to cuts by the State Governor. She said the programs receiving funding for this budget period include the Chelan Teen Center, Civil Air Patrol, Mariachi Huenachi, Catholic Family and Child Service "Play and Learn", Solomon's Porch and the Young Lives program. She added a website showing statistics regarding the success of these programs is available at the www.fpc.wa.gov website. PUBLIC COMMENTS Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal, East Wenatchee, asked Council to reject the upcoming proposal from the Public Facilities District (PFD) regarding the proposed imposition of an additional tax to cover costs associated with the Town Toyota Center. Dave Schwab, Director of Eastmont Metropolitan Parks District, 255 N Georgia Avenue, East Wenatchee, said the British Car Show held on August 21, 2010, at Tedford Park was very well attended. He said he received several positive accolades and anticipates an increase in participation next year. sajquAud jo uoiiunptsuOD Z OI OZ 0I IsanV uoissoS iLIao d — salnuiw jo uotiuzaptsUOD ' I 0-9 `Pauiva uotioul oIH, •paluasaid se jupualuo luosuoo agI anoiddu of uosugof nquiauipounoo Aq pu000s `l.Tn000W mquiauijtounoD Xq apuuu suns uoiloui d :uoUad jtaunoD •uotioul auo ui polouuo a iam puu Apnls ioj aouunpu ui s,.aquiauijtounoD of palnqulsip wom molag palstj suiall ansst agl uo alon u supjul of loud ojotlzu agl puaz ItounoD palsai�Ens OH 'IIL'JIJogs agl .iaptsuoo of .gutjjtm aq lg2tTu otlgnd aql jaglagm mptsuoo uagl puu lgop oqj umop Cud of Altouduo puoq otuungjounoo 2ummuiai slt puadxa of aagoluuam Suuinbai Aq pastnai aq It lugs `lojluq oTjl uo asua.IouT xuI posodaid u Suilind jo uoilipuoo u se `amnba i pjnom jusodo id ialunoo agZ 'aagoluuam Isug 2uipnjouT suoilotpsunr auiu oqj Aq apuui aq pinom lugl 5upluui uoisioap puu aloe, otlgnd juiluolod u Outpiu2az (Q,da) loulstQ sojjjjtoud oilgnd agi of jusodozd .ialunoo u polsaHns sug gal tocW agZ aagoiuuam isug jo uaz,113 u osju sT ogm ssaid anduig aqj uioij mliodaj u Aq ual um olopiu uu3o Adoo aouunpu uu pani3003 ag Ptus AOWI JOA113W •pualiu oI dul oqj Inoqu woui guuuag m polsaaaltq auoAuu paitnut OH 'u'd 00=L lu `y,0£ lsnSnd AupuOW uotlusajap agl joj IutooS possa(I u oq Ipm aiaijl plus Aou-I JOAU �l •L'musiln,I uT alTgm paniaoai aqs pqs puu Iwo Adduij agi pamogs aTIS 'aouauadxo ITT3.iapuom Alms u pug aqs plus ails -AilunoD zagiouu gltm sdtgspuat i� plmg puu a�ugs of u�uaj uuo am gonui moil puu umusTy�l gltm d. oiluja.1 ino jo alduiuxa pooS u sum s!ql Ijai 3qS •sluapnis jo ssulo aiji oI suid jaduj f4tD palnqulsip aqs plus QqS •jaglo goua of 2unnul uu&aq ,Cagl puu uopu2ajap agi JO antlisinbui omm sluapnis agZ •o)blo 1, of dl it plQU ssulo u uo auo2 pug Iugi utuil agl uo sluapnis pjo luau ZI puu 113o ssulo u sum a.Tagl plus aqs •umuslW of hull lallnq agI uo wom Aagl uagm lggtl of auiuo Allua.i umusiW of og Aagl Iugl uosua.z agi puu Quip jTTj.iapuom u Pug fCagi plus ImoD3W •sW •uudup `umusiW Ol dui agi uo vodai of I.moD3W aagtuc)tujtounoD palsu Aourl JOA72W •s3jaam jo aldnoo ixau agl ui suoiluiio8au uoiun 2uiiiuis aq jjtm am iugi paliodaa,CouZ �o�Cuy�l UOUGH JO VnOD InooS alSug uu lu 3luads of ftuana still •urd SI:L AIaluumcoiddu lu 31osuuig Euisnoxa oq pinom ag plus fiourl .IoAPW lHodau SIHOAVLII •ajnpagos Iuana agl Inoqu aldoad gltm pa:Ijui puu s-1aijl Ino popuug luauiiiudaQ sivang aill, 'suoilsonb iamsuu of puug uo azam sunup agi puu pa�uldstp sluoq aouj aajgl wom amigj loj �unliud s��ioujnl iv laa� puu iaatu u sum a.uagl 1,1Z Isniind uo puu `u,9I Isn2nd uo ilou.Ti agi joj Auouiano $upluazg punoB u sum wagi pappu OqS 'aluom loofold sTgl a?luui of uuo Sogl ftgLy .iana ftia3o Sallun agi uT aldoad luzanas uaaq anug aiagl plus agS •uaiu ftpunonns agl Jo uotiuia20n Iumluu oill puu uoilonjisuoD mzuud Aq polajduioo 2uTaq 3lovil agl jo uoiloTuisuoo agl poquosap ,Outuodo t, •IdaS joj fipua.z IsowIL, jowl luoq luuds aagoluuam isug„ ajotliu ags 'Prom aagoiuuam agl jo uoilTpa s,Aupoi ui alotl.Iu agI joj Ita3 ajjagou-d .ialiodw pwiuugi s2UT110D -SW •alupdn aouj Iuoq iuuds ,duiemS npunq j, — -ioiuuipjOOD sluang `s2u11103 umuQ Iuauijjuda(l sluang Sixodau INHWIRVdad O i OZ `vZ isnDnd S3.LflNIW 'll3NnOO RaHDIVNHM ISVR 10 AIID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2010 i. 2010 Payables — As of this date, August 24, 2010, Council does approve check numbers 31028 though 31089 in the total amount of $218,411.27. No payables checks were voided. Mayor Lacy excused himself to attend another commitment. He assigned Mayor Pro -tern Buckner to preside over the remainder of the Council meeting. ACTION ITEMS 10-08-05 Service Contract between the Tillicum Riders and the City of East Wenatchee. Presented by Events Coordinator Dawn Collings. Councilmember Bremmer expressed concern of the City running a beer garden. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the Services Contract for a Beer Garden with the Tillicum Riders and the City of East Wenatchee during the Thunder Swamp Sprint Boat races. The motion carried, 4-2. (Bremmer, Hendricks) ORDINANCE 10-08-06 First reading of an ordinance amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 6.04 relating to Animal Control, adding certain penalty provisions and amending text. Presented by City Attorney Devin Poulson. ORDINANCE NO.2010-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.04, ADDING CERTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS AND AMENDING TEXT, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Without objection Mayor Pro-tem Buckner elevated the ordinance to second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to adopt the ordinance relating to Animal Control, adding certain penalty provisions and amending text. The motion carried, 6-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmembers suggested placing a discussion item on a future Council agenda regarding yard debris collection by Waste Management. The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the City Council meeting. • Councilmember Raab — Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting minutes from August 5, 2010. b 1 1 pinuzug nuuQ pmyn�� 'iu'd SZ:L .LKaPR-RIflOtQd '0IOZ `OZ Xinf uzojj salnutuz 2uilaaui sjoloanQ3o pleog I!sue.i,L Wrl—uosuuof joquioug!ounoD 01OZ `61 finf wo.q salnuiuz 2uilaaut uliL,opi3o piL,og `IotjIsiQ ulieag sejiinoQ-uL,tau0 — I.znoDow jagw3wltounoD • 0IOZ `bZ Isfigav Sff.I.fIrI W'II3Nf1OD 9aHDlVM9M.LSVH d0 AID