HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/10/2010 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 10, 2010 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Dave Bremmer Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Dennis Hendricks Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - excused Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Clerical Assistant Catalina Garibay PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS • Misawa Sister City Association Mayor Lacy presented the Student Delegates going to Misawa, Japan with Ambassador Certificates. Students Ambassadors: Sean Martin, Linda Prado-Barbosa, Jackson Ross, Shelby Hayes, Bobby Liu, and Rachel Sanchez. Adult Delegates: East Wenatchee Mayor Steven C. Lacy, East Wenatchee Councilmember Sandra McCourt, Wenatchee Councilmember Karen Rutherford, Apple Blossom Queen Margaret Robinson, Apple Blossom Princess Laurie Brazen, Apple Blossom Princess Lauren Ferguson, Rosalinda Matrin, Zhininf Gong (Nicole), John and Pauline Sweeney, Susan Schmitt, Linda Lopez, Jenann Ross, Daryl and Kim Ferguson, Preston Ferguson, Ann Caldwell, and Adriane.Holliday. • City of Wenatchee Executive Services Director Allison Williams will give an update on the Wenatchee Convention Center and the food service/marketing and management decisions. Mayor Lacy said he had received notice that this presentation has been delayed until and will be brought back at a future Council meeting. •m•d OI:L Iu 8uuuaq oilgnd otp pauodo Aoug ioALw •unla uopod lunuud 01 OZ aqi Pun uuid PainpilosaoO IuauidolanaQ Allununuo0 SIOZ-OiOZ aqI jo uolldopp mptsuoo of 8uumq oilgnd d I0-80-01 OAIIuvaH wicna •PaptoA WOM sxoago olgufud oM 8L'L6Z`08 i $ 3o Iunouzu IpIOI aqI ui £860£ q$nonil ZV60£ ssaqumu )POW anozddu swop pouno0 `0I0Z `01 Isanv `wp sigl jo sy — salgp ud OJOZ I solgieAud 3o uopunpisuo0 Z 01 OZ `LZ A nr `uotssaS .Iulag-d — salnuryg 3o uotip.Mpt7uo0 • l '0-9 `patupo uopow oql •paluosazd su mpualpo ivasuoo aqI anoiddu of `IjnoD3W jagut3uzlt3uno3 Aq pu000s `uosugof joclumuipounoo Aq apum suns uoiloui V :uonad itaunoj •uotloul auo ui palouua amm pup Apnis ioj aouunpu ul s,jaguiaumouno0 oI palnquistp alarm molag palsil stualI uvauaqNO .LNHSUOJ •aural auo It ivaurtuoo puu nnatAW .ioj pall!wgns sluouioiBu oApuiuoi aqI lit! aqI Su'Auq uugl nxilpi palliuzgns 0.19 Sluaulaa. 213 antlplual su AwA aqI 8uolu suoissos aminoaxo lwun3;)j BmAug Aq imA sTgl Iua�a3�ip aillii u suot113.1 au aqI alpuug of will Pinonn oq Iugi uoiun oql io3 wua,i, out u u2jug aql of polpoiput pug aq ingl PaPPu aH 'aigni 2unnu2nq aqI of o8 Aagl ajojag jlosung jo uoslnod UW)(I xou.Iolld f,I?3 of sluouluioo ltuigns of mail pa)jsu puu MOIAOJ z101ul joj 1i3uno0 of Iuawow2v ftutu8tng aAtloolloD aqI jo Adoo u poilluigns XopZ joAuw •gmo aqI npun ssud of ialunnuuols .zo3 nnolju pup suuulsapod aql ioj �Sla3us u anpq am os 11q8iaq gmo lugl uinlai of si sluo8 tno jo ouO •sagoui inoj lnogu Aq gmo aql nAO paxuijan.o uaag pup uopiod iaddn oql lugl poppu OH •Apl tan.o up op of x"o suns ii lugl pauiuuaiap pup 8ulnjins pup liugdsu aqI 3o gldwp aqI puno3 Kogl •ppog lup.ID jo suon, lun as tuoj ualul uaag puq saldures ll?TP woo plus AangpOoW jyg •8utia3ui snll3o uotlzod ivaunuoo otlgnd aqI �uunp surepv .iuureZ Aq opew sluounuoo of Aldan of 3:111 pinonn ag 3i A3nip,03 l uoQ aaauioug AI!D p31su Aoug iOXUW ,LUOdau S,IIOAVNi '0 i OZ 0£ aunt ouipua 101 OZ jo sqluotu xis isn3 aqi pup aunt jo gluour oql ioj podag luiouuui j agl pamoiAW op -mg itoiM zoloa. (i aouuuTd/jamsua-Il, AI!D Iuatupuda(I aaueuig S.Luodau IRA NINVdaa uz d 0£ i of 'ui'n OO Ol uioIJ xd Pjo3PaL in `OiOZ `lZ lsn8nd uo molts zuD gstiug sii 2utploq ag lliM loIjIsiQ shied uulllodojlaW luouiisug agl plus `anuand.ui8.toog M SSZ `sxiud jo ioloamQ `quangos anuQ •aagoluuam IspH u! SUM puno 2 aqI Cum aqi of onp simA jo oldnoo A3wAo 8uilpas 313uo pup smudw joj paau aql aluinalln pinoM sigl sanailoq ag sn Xplaano up uugl joyu.z polonjisuoow Allniol ag pinogs puog luu.zO slaaJ aH •loafoid ,Cul.MAO pno-d iun.ID aqI outpznow sunouoa passaidxo `oagoluuam Isng 'as Pails ,SI £691 `SMuPV iuluuj simamoa align OI OZ `OI .I sfiOnd SaIfIN W 'IID1 nOD 9aHD IVX9Ak J.SHd JO AID 1 1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES RESOLUTION AUGUST 10, 2010 Kay Sparks, 1801 10'h Place NE, East Wenatchee, representing the Columbia Valley Housing Association (CVHA) Land Trust Committee, called PATH (Preserving Affordable Trust for Housing) she said the CVHA supports the goals, objectives & strategies outlined in the Consolidated Plan and the 2010 Action Plan for East Wenatchee. Ms. Sparks gave a brief overview of the services CVHA provides. Community Development Director Lori Barnett said the Community Development & Housing Consolidated plan has been edited since the previous meeting. She reviewed a list of items that will be added, deleted or revised in the final document. Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:28 p.m. 4. 10-08-02 A resolution adopting the 2010-2015 Community Development Consolidated Plan. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director). Presented by Community Development Director Lori Barnett. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Johnson, to adopt the City of East Wenatchee 2010-2015 Community Development & Housing Consolidated Plan. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION NO.2010-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE "CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 2010- 2015 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING CONSOLIDATED PLAN" AND "2010 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AT 24 CFR PART 91, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 5. 10-08-03 A resolution adopting the Douglas County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. Presented by Councilmember Harry Raab. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Johnson, to adopt the Douglas County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION NO.2010-08 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE DOUGLAS COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN. t 1 1 'IJOID )(ITD P.TuuJug Mi r'llo� 19n 'u'd OS:L JLKHP0M0fGV 'OiOZ `t,i Klnf `ALIpsaupatA uioU salnuiuT 2uilaaW p.reog aniluzisiululPV — I.Iuqu.Iug-mquiaugt3uno3 •saillo u0j2utgsnM jo uotiuioossd Aq paiudaid — sailTo Ioudun Abut Iugl lolluq jaquianoN agl .zoi A3Tlunb of Alo3pl aldood agl oI sanTlujlTul OIOZ — $uiQ — uosugof iaquiautlTounoD • ulloaui pauno3 l:) aql oliolid 2uppm ui pallluigns aaaen salnufm/slzo a.t ulnnollo; agJL •isoo .iag2Tq u lu aoinMs ssal 2uTnia333 a3E suazilio agi aouugo gouo glen `uoTuido sig uI `golgM loaija olui Iuom IMIU00 Iuu12I.zo agl aouis pazTn000 anug lugs safuugo jo fjolsig 33ijq u anu2 ag •3Iaaen Isul sTgl 4ou0luW ugof .iafEuuW alnog puu IQAMD simaZ 102uuBW IoIJ)sTQ luauiai?u RW alsuM glTnn lauz pug ag PUS 4OL-I aoAuW •suare ginnotD uugsn puulsl 313og puu aagoluuaM Isug agl ui 2uinil snuioisno luaui32uuuW olsuM of paxgjo oq Ipm SMI `DjnAk agl Aq panoiddu 3l aoinlas uoiloalloo sugap puX uoilduosgns Ajulunlon IuTluapTsai JOJ (Djnn) ITounoD TToiluitodsuu.Tj puu soilipjfj uol2uigsuAk agl of Euillj u popluigns pug Iuauiailuuuw alsmk lugl palioda.i quug mquiaugTounoo sluodaI 'IIONDOJ Oloz `Oi Lsflgfly SR,I.f NJW'IIOI n0D 3FiOLVMHM JLSVFI 30 AID