HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/10/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
MARCH 10, 2009
6:30 P.M.
Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember
Johnson, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember
McCourt, and Mayor Lacy.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Nick Gerde, and Dawn
Douglas Bramlette, representative from the Douglas County Transportation and Land Services, gave a
presentation regarding the North Baker Avenue Project. He said this project, which began in 2001, was
successful in obtaining Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funding as a joint project between
Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee. This project also received Surface Transportation
Program (STP) from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council ()hVTC) and a considerable amount
of design, survey and public out -reach has been invested in this project.
Mr. Bramlette said that during the design stage in 2005, an Interlocal Agreement was drafted for the
City's approval and again in August 2007. The Interlocal Agreement was revised in October 2008 to
reflect design/survey, and right-of-way acquisition only due to the problem of funding and right-of-way
issues. The construction element was removed from the Interlocal Agreement for the purpose of
completing the design until construction funding was available. He said to date the County has not
received comments of the revised Interlocal Agreement from the City. However, the County, in good faith
has continued with the design of the project. He added that a letter of support from the Mayor and also
staff have committed to funding and support of the project.
Mr. Bramlette asked the City Council to look favorably at helping Douglas County fund with the match
portion of this very important, much needed project. He said the total City match for this project as of
August 2008 is $45,374.37; this represents 7.6% of design/right-of-way for the project. Unfortunately the
Interlocal Agreement is still not done, the revised Interlocal Agreement does not include construction
because Mr. Bramlette does not think they will be able to get to the construction phase of 150' Street NE
to 20`h Street NE in the near future without a change in the way the programs are setup.
Mayor Lacy said his perspective of what has taken place with this project differs from that of Douglas
County. He explained that in the fall of 2000 he had had discussions with former Street Superintendent,
Bob Goodman, and at the time there was a request from the County asking the City of East Wenatchee to
provide a letter that supported Douglas County in seeking grant funding for a project of this nature. He
said he believes that this project has changed considerably since that time, and to his knowledge, the letter
of support signed, via his signature_ stamp, was simply an indication of support for grant funding. He said
he is somewhat surprised to hear that the County's position now is that they anticipated they would not
have enough money from the beginning to do this project. However, they started working on it in
anticipation that they would find other funding sources.
'IIuH A4D lu 'tu'd 0£:g it, `600Z `ZI gomW `,�upsings uo plag aq litm
Butlaauu aalltutuuoD la2png u Iugp aalituuutoD loSpng agI uo Buinlas on ogm osogl popuitaw Xou-i Jo,Cuw
safissi 1219afig
0-L `painvo uotlouu aq L •SutlooW pounoD Ixau agI Igun onssi aqI olqup op
`uosugop laquuauultouno� ,Cq puooas `1auilong JaquuauultounoD ,Cq apuuu suM uotlouu d :uoi;ad Ilaunoa
•lo2pnq aqI puauuu of uotlout u winbaJ pinom alnptpuadxa aqI palula;ial OH •papinold uotiuuuojut
aqI Jo Matnal to Ig2nogl lagllnj Inogltm uotstoop u a)luut op uuagl 103 alnpuuuald oq ,Clqugold pinoM it puu
uotstoop Iu1o,CuW u iou st stgl oouis puu IgBiuol sopts gloq uuo4 luaq of ,Cltunlloddo uu puq ItounoD Iugl
uotluluasald stgl a3luuu oI papuum ,Cpunoo agI gouts luupodutt sum I! Ig2nogl oq `utu'Bu `plus ,Coull 1okow
•uotiupuauuutooal u Suni-ow of Jot1d lalloud uoiluuuojut alp MatnaJ pinoo ,£aql laglogM
puu `.,Cupol isoo pinom loafold oql gonw moq `womaoi2v luoollalul poais u Sutpi0oi sumpipstlnf
omI agp uaamlaq could uo3pl puq uotluoiunwwoo iugm possnostp puu suotlsonb polsu slagwowpounoo
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of uotluBtigo lu2ol ou st olagl su `soaj asogl ,Cud iou A!D aqI Iugp puauuuuooaJ OH •s1a,Cudxul agp jo isololut
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stgl jo ,Cltloftw aqp Outlnp iugi `alumu Iou sum oq su `3losunq so 1,Cpt0 aqi gltm Ilnuj st alagl loaf iou saop
aq Iugl pappu aI I •auop suq ,Cpunoo aqi iugi 3l1om aqi uuo4 igauaq of puuls iou saop Alto oql puu `,Clt3 aqi
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•oslnoojloJ aqi gptm puu `uo,CuuD puuS
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op a13M ,Cpl3 agI 31 `lanamOH agp ut papuool st loafold oql jo uotllod u uotgm ut loafold luut�?tlo aqp
uo 311om atsap auop suq ,tlunoD aqI Iugp Iou3 aqp poSpalmou3Iou ,Cou-i ioXuW •loafold agI jo u2tsop puu
ssoi2old aqp jo oslnoo aqI Butlnp posugd 2utaq slam Iugp spsoo laglo puu `uo,CuuD puuS Iu sluautanoldutt
gptm palutoossu suuolgold `oslnoo jlo2 aqI punolu suotltstnbou ,CuM jo-IgOtl 3o suzual ut otpuuualgold
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luu3gtu2ts ,CUu ut loafold liamOtlo agI alqutasal Iou saop spuuls ,Clluonno It su loafold aqI plus ,Cou-1 Jo, vW
•loafold agI 10j ploddns jo nuol aqp uo paonid sum Iugp dureps alnluu2ts aqp palloddns
lugm jo uotiuloodxa aqi sum pugp uuOoq loafold stgl uagm puu `spuauuanoldun laglo su llam su Iaa4s aqI
3o sapts gloq uo sNlumopts puu `Jaung `glno popniout gotgm `gbl laOlIS y161 of 9N iaalls y,S I uuo1J I3311s
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`Iaspno slt Id paslno sit it, loafold agl 3o alnluu agI snslaA `,Cupol loafold agp 3o alnluu agI gitm op of suq
ansst agI Ares aH •aagopuuaM Isug jo ,4!D aqI pgouoq Iou pinom stgp anatlaq iou saop aq puu 000`Sb$ ,Cud
of Jap10 ut poltnbol oq pinom Iugm st gotgm `puautpuauuu lo2pnq u puauuutoaal Iou pinom aq lugl Has OH
ansst agI Outpw2oi `1al1ug tuutp `1olu4stutuupd sootnlaS puurl puu uotlullodsuuJZ puu `appaluuulg 2nocl
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•Iugljo alumu Liam
st A4unoD aqI puu ,tI!D aqI Joj sluauultutuuoo ,Cuu wpw op ,Cltloglnu anuq you ptp uuuupoorJ 'JW `1anaMOH
•,Ciunoo aqp op poluotunuuuuoo anuq ,(unt uumpooD jW pugm Jo `uuuupooD qog `IuapualuuadnS paallS
lauuoj of paluasald sum IuauuaaJ2V Iuoollalul uU J! mou)l Iou saop aq pappu OH •uotlulaptsuoo Joj pounoo
oql oI paluasald Jana SUM IuauuaOBV Iuoollaiul uu anatlaq iou saop oq su Iugl salndstp oq puu Iunolddu
Jod ,Clto aqi oI paluasald sum IuautaalBV luoollalul uu lugl poluotput aipalutulg '. w Iugp pres ,Courl JoKvW
600Z `0I HOXVW Sglf MW 'IIONflOO Z[FlHD. VXF[M ISdEI 10 A110
Mayor Lacy said an issue came up regarding a discrepancy in payroll as it relates to the Clerical Assistant
in the City Clerk's Office. He said the budget amount for 2009 is $77,200.00 and that amount was based
upon a presentation in writing and orally that the City Clerk made with respect to the City Clerk's salary
and the Clerical Assistant's pay based on the number of hours the Clerical Assistant was expected to
work. The Clerical Assistant was expected to work 24 hours a week, or 104 hours a month for 12 months
and that is the amount that has been budgeted for 2009.
Mayor Lacy said on the other hand, we have a salary schedule which is part of our budget ordinance that
sets forth the amount of hours an employee is authorized to work. When the Salary ordinance was
adopted it authorized her to work under the salary schedule at 86.7 hours. However, the intent was to
authorize her to work for 104 hours. The amount budgeted is for 104 hours per month but we did not
change the salary schedule to reflect that, his recommendation is to change the salary schedule to reflect
the actual hours that was budgeted for as it does not change her salary per hour.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt,
to revise the salary schedule and ordinance to increase the hours from 86.7 hours per month to 104 hours
per month. The motion carried, 7-0.
East Wenatchee Events Board Coordinator, Dawn Collings, gave an update with regards to the City's
participation in the Inland Northwest Motorcycle Show that took place February 20-22, 2009, at the
Spokane Convention Center. She said they promoted not only East Wenatchee festivals, but the
Wenatchee Valley as a whole by handing brochures and fliers of information on E3 NCW (Escape,
Explore, Enjoy North Central Washington), the Wenatchee Visitor's Guide, registration forms for Classy
Chassis and Wings and Wheels, lapel pins, and toffee popcorn. She added this booth is a joint venture
with the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Ms. Collings said the next event coming up is the Fred Meyer Easter Egg Hunt, which will be held on
Sunday, April 5, 2009, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m. she added this event is for kid's pre-school age through
5t' grade. She said Classy Chassis is just a couple months away and they have been steadily receiving
City Treasure, Nick Gerde said he distributed the finance report on Friday, March 6, 2009. He said he was
open to answer any questions.
Councilmember Raab asked if it would be beneficial to create a line item to place money in the event that
a retiring employee would be cashing out their vacation pay.
Mr. Gerde said the City uses a cash basis budgeting system. In this type of budgeting system the City can
provide those funds in the annual budget process. However, if by paying out vacation totals were to create
a fund to go over budget, a budget amendment could be done.
Councilmember Raab said there is concern that a retired employee could draw their pay check for a
period of time so that there are no funds available to pay a new employee to fill the vacated position. By
doing this it would leave a department shorthanded until that employee has been completely paid.
'0-L `patatuo uotlow aqL •nnogS
auo sissugo , ssulo qunngoS sa-1 60OZ aqJ 2utinp aou-I uig olddd aqJ ioj paloalloo saaj 3o uotluoollu
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,(g pautulat aq pinonn )(Jtntlou OqI JO ISoo aqJ Sutpaaoxa saaj uotluaJstBat woij p lutawS onuanaa ,Cuu Juana
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liud uuJtlodono aqJ gltn� luawaoiSV Iuoopowl uu u2is of loxuw agI aoj uoilurt.toglnd 10-£0-60
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saiq� 60OZ
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suq gotgnn `5upsil u ui paptooaa uaaq anuq 060'bZ'Zt MD-d Xq paatnbai su pag!ljoo swiulo Juawosingwiat
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`.tamlong .tagwowpounoD ,tq puooas `uvqutug .taqutawltounoD Xq opuw suns uoilow d :uollad Ipaunoa
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aq `.tanannoH •salnutw oqj jo uotltod Iluo tiol aqJ ui Juasold su palstl st aq plus uosugor a3gw3wpouno3
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600Z `0 i HD2IVW SaInM V "IlONn0D 33HD.L`dN M IS`d3 40 AID
09-03-02 Award the City Hall roofing repair contract to Blodgett Construction Associates, Inc.
Street Superintendent, Brandon Mauseth, said that in early January an ice dam had formed on the roof of
City Hall. He said the sudden shift in weather produced warm air and high winds causing the ice dam to
break, pulling down soffit material underneath the roof overhang which also caused water damage inside
the building. He consulted with the City's Insurance carrier and then referred to the City's Small Works
Roster to select a contractor to proceed with repairs to eliminate further damage. The soffit repairs were
completed by Blodgett Construction Associates, Inc., and they continued to evaluate the damage to the
roof. He said Blodgett submitted an estimate identifying several other areas that were damaged from the
same occurrence, which includes two options for repairing the damage. Mr. Mauseth explained the
difference in the two estimates and asked Council to award the roofing repair contract and select which
option they would prefer. He said his recommendation would be option A. He added that all costs
associated with the roof repairs would be covered by the City's insurance policy.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to
award the City Hall roofing repair contract to Blodgett Construction Associates, Inc., using option A for
repairs. The motion carried, 5-1. (Bremmer opposed, Barnhart abstained)
09-03-03 Final acceptance of Contract for the Rock Island Road Improvement Project.
Street Superintendent, Brandon Mauseth, Hurst Construction, LLC, has completed all work on the Rock
Island Road Improvement Project in accordance with the plans and specifications. He said the total
contract cost totaled $1,079,885.04, for all pay estimates. He added the contract was $58,446.56 more
than the original contract amount of $1,021,434.48, due to change orders to The East Wenatchee Water
District, the Public Utility District of Douglas County, and to the City of East Wenatchee. Mr. Mauseth is
requesting final approval of the contract so that the retainage can be released.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Johnson,
for final acceptance of Contract for the Rock Island Road Improvement Project. The motion carried, 7-0.
09-03-04 Authorization for the Mayor to sign individual Interlocal Agreements with Douglas
County Sewer District, East Wenatchee Water District, and P.U.D. No. 1 of Douglas
County for cooperation of utility upgrade and replacement during the Canyon A project.
Mr. Mauseth said when the Interlocal Agreements were included in Council packets he had not received
the total preliminary estimate for the entire project which was needed to determine the percentage of the
cost participation. He said he has received that information and submitted it to Council for approval of the
Interlocal Agreements. He added if the City would be the lead agency on the project with all utilities
included, the cost to relocate those facilities would be paid for by the Utility Districts.
Mr. Mauseth said the cost to the Douglas County P.U.D. totals $20,640.00; the Douglas County Sewer
District totals $62,450.00, and the East Wenatchee Water District totals $34,760.00. He added upon
approval of these Interlocal Agreements he will present them to the responsible District representative for
approval by their board.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Johnson,
to authorize the Mayor to sign individual Interlocal Agreements with Douglas County Sewer District,
East Wenatchee Water District, and P.U.D No. 1 of Douglas County for cooperation of utility upgrade
and replacement during the Canyon A project. The motion carried, 7-0.
so-LOOZ 313NVmlcrd0 QNd (dvW my id dMdO) SO-90 diNIVNil ido ONIQNdWd
t0-60 'ON dJNdNIGHO
•aliti aoututpao aql pua.i Xou7 ao,fuW
•ouipuai puooas of aouuutpio StLP alunala of uotido siq pastoma XouZ .io,CuW
•luimauiuioo poogiogg2iaN of fitsuaQ nno-I lupuoptsa-d uioaj,Ciiado.id ioofgns aqI 3Suugo pinom
Iugl luauipuauiu utl(I aAisuaga.iduioD u puu al?uugo ouoz u loj isonbaa aqI jo lioddns ui f1snounutun
paloA uotssiWWOD Sutuuuld aqi pits aqS •uotivaisop ut o2uugo aqi lsuitft io ioj Xuouitisol ,Cuu pa.iaJJo
auo ou pits aqS '60OZ `£Z kmnig33 uo Suuuaq oilgnd u plaq uoissiuiuioo Sutuuuld aqi pius U3tuug 'SW
•puog IuulD puu
anuaAV bl3niu3}13o .tacuoo aqi lu UM luto.iauiuioD poogiogg2ioM 2upsixo iugi jo uoisuaixo uu aq pinom
sigi poppu aqS •luto.iauiuioD poogaogg2taN pouoz Xpuailu Xpadoid of ivaoufpu st A41adoid ioofgns aqi plus
aqS •lutolowwoD poogiogg2iaK of,CltsuaQ nno-I luiiuop►sa-d wag puul jo lao.iud alou gZ• u jo uotiuu2isop
aqi 02uugo of duui ftuoz lutogjo aqi puu duui uoiluu2isap asn puul UUId anisu3g3.iduio0 uaad
aagoluuaM isug 13lua.i0 agi of ivauipuauiu uu 2uilsonbai `000.id ognuid `uiluduZ usuD jo lounno f4iodoid
aqi Xq pau!wgns suns Imp uoiluoilddu uu si sigi pits Uzwug tao-I `ioiooii(I IuauidolanaQ ,iiiunwtuoD
•(dt,W SuiuoZ
1uto330) SO-LOOZ *ON aouuutpa0 put (dvW uuld VMgJ) SO-90 'ON 0ouuutpi0 2ulpuauit
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Xpodold utul.iao jo uoiluu2isop oql a2uug3 of dtui 2uiuoz lutoWo put duui uoiiuuoisoa
asn puu-1 uuld aAtsuagaidwoD ua.id aagoluuaM iamj[) aql 2utpuauiu aouuuipao ud 90-£0-60
-0-L `pai.uuo uoiloui aqI, *AM Iaa.ilS P,£ It paiuool Kpodo.id Buillos loj poglaui u anoiddu of `sIot.ipuaH
aaquiauilt3uno3 Xq puooas `aauiuia.ig nquiawpounoo Xq opuui suns uoiloui d :uollad Ilaunoa
•possnostp uaaq anuq swal► upuo& 2uiutuuiai
aqi 101JU upuaft aqI of mail lugs ppt puu uotssas anilnoaxa ut lot m oql ssnosip of paptoop ltouno0
•,Ciaado.id oql jo olus aqi glinn paaooid of gsinn Xogl nnoq uo ltounoo uioij uotlooitp .ioj Supisu
si aH •linoo opuloloD puu `Iaans opu.ioloo `gM milS P,£ Xq papunoq st gotgm `gM IaailS P,£ uo paiuool
/C iado.id paunno 44!Z) io3 lusiuiddt uu pantaoai stq aq plus aH -4jadold poumo 4t0 jo lustuaddu uu loplo
of IuauiyiudaQ ItBo-I aqi paion4sut ItounoD Sugaaui snoinaad u it pius `uoslnod utAaQ `Xauiolltl f4t0
gN po4S P,£ It paiuool Xpodold Buillos .io3 pogiaui u anoiddV 90-£0-60
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember
Hendricks, to adopt the ordinance amending the GEWA Comprehensive Plan Use Map and the official
Zoning Map to change the designation of property located on Grant Road. The motion carried, 7-0.
At 8:15 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a five minute recess. Council reconvened at 8:20 p.m.
09-03-07 An ordinance amending the Greater Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan Map; to
change the land use designation on certain property located on Aviation Drive from Rural
Resource 5 to Low Density Residential and including said properties in the Urban
Growth Boundary; and to change the designation of certain properties on Rock Island
Road from Neighborhood Commercial and Medium Density Residential to General
Commercial; amending Ordinance No. 06-05.
Community Development Director Lori Barnett said this item is actually a modification to a project that
staff has been working on since 2007, which was an expansion to the Urban Growth Boundary. She said
this request was made when they adopted the Comprehensive Plan in 2006. She added the Planning
Commission held a Public Hearing on February 24, 2009, in which it was concluded that it did not appear
that we would be able to support the determination of non -significance and decided to step back from that
proposal and propose something smaller. Therefore, they came up with the 2008-1A. She added this is a
change that deals with two specific areas from property owners.
Ms. Barnett said according to state law and procedures when you are doing comprehensive plan
amendments they have the option of accepting the Planning Commissions recommendation, altering it, or
remanding it back to them. However if it is remanded back to the Planning Commission you are required
to give them a time frame to make revisions.
Mayor Lacy read 1" reading of the ordinance.
Ms. Barnett said that included in your packet there is a letter submitted by Douglas County
Commissioners requesting the City Council modify the recommendation of the Planning Commission if
they intend to adopt that recommendation. The modification would include a few other parcels that were
previously requested to be included in the UGA. The Douglas County Commissioners expressed concern
over the equity of removing lands from the urban growth boundary, when those lands had previously been
designated for urban use.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, to elevate the ordinance to second
reading. The motion failed for lack of a second.
The City Council decided to review the request by the Douglas County Commissioners prior to adopting
the ordinance.
09-03-08 An ordinance vacating a portion of 19`h Street NE in the City of East Wenatchee,
City Attorney, Devin Poulson, said the City Council adopted Ordinance 2008-01 which approved the
petition to vacate a portion of 19t' Street NE. He said after that Ordinance was adopted, the petitioner
agreed to pay the City $10,000 for the property to cover the cost of a survey, legal description, and
engineering study. Therefore, it is necessary to repeal Ordinance 2008-01 to reflect the agreed upon
purchase price and to reflect the fact that the City is retaining a utility easement in the vacated right-of-
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