HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/10/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING FEBRUARY 10, 2009 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Bremmer and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Joan Sims, Nick Gerde, Ralph Aiken, III, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Ralph Aiken, III, gave a presentation regarding the website for the City of East Wenatchee. He reviewed several pages of the website and the functionality of items listed on those pages. He stated that each department now has the ability to add items to the webpage, such as applications, maps, and other items, enabling visitors to print these items on their own without having to come into City Hall. He said these updates will ensure a current and user friendly website. He added the total cost for updating the webpage was zero dollars, unlike other City's that have spent several thousands to update their website. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said in a unanimous decision, the Washington Court of Appeals agreed with the City's position that the East Wenatchee Water District's attempt to annex over 4,000 acres of mostly agriculture land into its boundaries violated the goals and policies of the Growth Management Act ("GMA"), the State Environmental Protection Act, and the City's and Douglas County's comprehensive plan. He said he is pleased with the fact that the Court of Appeals agrees with the position taken by the City from the beginning in this matter. Mayor Lacy applauded City Attorney, Devin Poulson, for all his work through the course of this proceeding. He added Mr. Poulson's work justifies the City's decision to hire full time counsel as the cost to the City's taxpayers to pursue this decision would have been prohibitive if the recommendation to hire in-house counsel had not been accepted by the city council a few years ago. Mayor Lacy said he traveled to Baltimore last week, accompanied by Bill Tsoukalas, Director of the Boys and Girls Club for Snohomish County, and Mark McNaughton of the McNaughton Foundation, as well as a member of the Cal Ripken Senior Foundation Board, and owner of property located in East Wenatchee for a project of this type. Mayor Lacy said he made a presentation in Baltimore to the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation as it related to the sports complex project the City has been hoping to accomplish in East Wenatchee to accommodate the youth of our community. He said the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation is dedicated to providing venues for helping disadvantaged youth all over the country. He said the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation is extremely interested and excited about pursing options ,in East Wenatchee. He said there is funding available through them. However, they require a local match from local donors and efforts from the local community which would result in a partnership. 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He said since the City had not achieved funding to do the project they contacted the TIB to ensure that by withdrawing that project voluntarily rather than having it cut from the list, that the City would not be putting themselves in a negative position in terms of future funding through TIB. TIB indicated to the contrary, stating that it might help in terms of cooperation for future funding. He added this letter was drafted and is before you for authorization for him to sign the letter relinquishing TIB funds awarded to the Kentucky Avenue Project. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter relinquishing TIB funds awarded to the Kentucky Avenue Project. The motion carried, 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 09-02-02 A discussion with regards to a letter received from Waste Management regarding rates for low-income seniors and low-income disabled citizens, and whether additional totes shall be provided to customers at a reduced rate. Mayor Lacy the City received a request from Senior District Manager, Ted Woodard, of Waste Management with regards to proposed changes and rates for low-income seniors and low-income disabled citizens. He said this letter was sent just prior to the reduction in force of Waste Management which eliminated Mr. Woodard's position. He recommended delaying a response to that letter, and not take any action at the present time. Mayor Lacy said he had met with Waste Management Local Operations Manager, and the Municipal Relations Manager from Spokane in which they indicated a lack of familiarity with the ongoing discussions that have been occurring between the City and Mr. Woodard with regards to the host agreement. They asked for a copy of the host agreement that had already been drafted, and to our understanding, had already passed through several stages of authorization through Waste Management. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Barnhart said at the last RiverCom meeting the board voted to have Chelan and Douglas County Commissioners implement a one -tenth of one percent sales tax for the public safety radio infrastructure. Councilmember Johnson informed Council that he had submitted his name to the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) to be on the nominating committee. He added he had discussed this with Mayor Lacy as he would be required to attend the annual convention. Mayor Lacy said that would support Councilmember Johnson if he is selected for that committee. However, it may require a minimal amendment to the budget at a later date. Roger Clute, Director of the Wenatchee Valley Visitors Bureau, submitted the 4`s Quarter Report for 2008. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Governing Board Meeting held on January 5, 2009. Councilmember Raab submitted a report from Solid Waste Advisory Committee. 1 1 Pmu us L'uL'(l Tyr" -,fnq m'd 9Z:L—.LN19W UflOfGV -wd SZ:L 119 pOUOAuooad punoo •suo[llapo2au loviluoo 2uipjv2aa uoIssas antlnoaxo alnum S j v palluo Xor-I jo,tuW cud SO:L Id uoilt,[IosaN I3UJIUOD — NOISSHS 3AIlfID21X3 600Z `0I A dVn)199J S3.Lf NJW 'llDM OD SaHOJ.b'MaM LSN9 d0 A1I0