HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/13/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesm 0 J CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 13, 2009 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Joan Sims, Nick Gerde, Randy Harrison, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS BUDGET ISSUES Mayor Lacy said he has added the item Budget Issues to the Council Agenda. He said he would like to establish a budget committee as a permanent standing committee of the City allowing us to remain up to date on issues as they arise. He added that by placing the Budget Issues as a standing agenda item we will be able to review aspects that could impact the budget. DEPARTMENT REPORT City Clerk Department City Clerk, Dana Barnard, said one of the items reviewed while processing a taxicab driver's license is to complete a background check to ensure that the applicant does not have any felonies or convictions within the past five years as stated in the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Until January 1, 2009, the East Wenatchee Police Department was able to conduct the background checks to review the criminal history by using a purpose Code E through the Washington State Patrol website. However, staring January 1, 2009, all agencies wanting to use Purpose Code E must use the Washington Access Criminal History WATCH Program. Ms. Barnard said an account has been set up with the WATCH Program enabling the City to request information. She added there is a cost to the City in the amount of $10 to $35 depending on whether you are requesting the information over the internet or by mail. She said she would like to charge these fees back to the applicant so that the City is not out any funds as the City will be billed for using the WATCH program. Ms. Barnard said the Finance Department has set up an expenditure account to pay those fees, and a revenue account to receipt those fees back to the City when accepted by the applicant. She asked Council to approve a motion enabling the City to adopt these fees. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to adopt a fee specifically to reimburse the City for each time an application is submitted requiring a background check. The motion carried, 6-0. Z •sliEUtl )14iD aqj uigj!m sasscuppu jo jsil oluanoou ut, anuq saiuudutoD ,4iltjfj osogl atnsuo puu Xjguapi of (SIJ) walsAS uotluuugjuj otgdt,io aqj 2uisn of spn2ol gjinn `llauaug i-to"I `aojoa.nQ Iuatudolana(j fq!unwwoD gjinn 2unliom uaaq sell aq pappe ajj •xul jt,gl 2ui2.tug3 ftl)m'201 IiuW pagtj tao jo Xrm Xq satuudutoo ssala ttM put, ouogdala L `olquo jua.tajjip uaagg put, `st,0 Iu tnluN apuosuD `Q•fl•d f4unoo sulSno(j of aoijou apuut aq saxul 44i1iln jo uoilujuautalduti aql papnloui goigm p2png aagojt,uaM Isug 600Z aqj Jo uotldopt, 2uimolloj plus `aptao joiN `aoloanQ oout,ut,/.tainsuatZ A4!D juawpudaQ aaunu13 -mous agj 2utMold jiuls of uogm of su `asn of oM pooS u si uotjuinutnoot, mous goui onnl u pappu 3H •pajuuuuM aau suotjipuoo aqI uagnn s.tant.tp mold mous ino Ino lluo of juaugndaQ aotlod aqj uo sw1w Iuauwudacj jaa.tlS 3T Mus ajj •sauilap!a io Xoilod uajji.tnn u jou si antij pies glasntW •ajg •uoijuinutnoou mous jo junowu aqj uo past,q 2uimold mous pals of uogm uo Xotlod u puq X4!0 agj jt papist, uosugo f .taqutmpounoD •oinpotlos 3I.tom irlaw aqj jo pud su pajoldutoo oq of paau Ilps pinom jugj sgof taglo Jqj papaou sinoq agj uassal pinoo jt olnpogos aqj Buifuugo Xq puu aagjt,ann aqI joipaid of Ilnogjip oq Ig2iut ji pappu zH •2utinpagos 3o adXj Iugl jo joijuoo ui auo aqj si aq su i3pisuoo limn ag goitlm ui uapi uu si Ii pius ,Cowl JoxtW -2uimold mows Jq j f tussaoau oq pinom auttj tar o ou jt,gl os in000 of paloadxa si uuojs mous u aaglagnn uo pasuq 2uimold mous op of mwo aqj alnpagos pinoo oq Am t, sum a.tagl3i gjasnuW -jW pajsu aaututa.tg JoqutatuliounoD •31aom slgl op of lopto ui uo 31ouq IgBi.t ji Ind puu punon, uinj uagl put, sNorul f4i0 jo luautdinba jugl aNvi of anuq IOU saop c4!D aqj su ,Cj!D aqj of dlaq snopua=4 u uaaq suq sigl Ares ajj •slid puns aqj sNoojsat .to It,nouta.t uaaq mous saop juau pudaQ IaailS aqj uogm 3lontj QMMg aqj asn of IuawpucloQ jaatlS aqj pomollu suq (QrnMg) Ioi•TjsiQ njuM aagojuuo Isug agj pius gjasnuW •ajg •auttj taA0 uugj aagju.t aurtl dutoo a3lul saaSolduta aqI jo autos jugl joej aqj of anp junowu pajaiipnq aqj utgl!m utuuzaa pinom utaji ouil aqI put, opia0 XoiN jojoaaiQ oouuui j gjinn onssi agj possnosip suq aq `aanannOH Ino posolo uaaq suq auaA 800Z aqj Iilun algeliunu IOU atu satnSg 132pnq pua-.t S aqj pius gjasnuW •ayg •800Z j03 132pnq siq of atudutoo possaappu aq sanssi owil dutoo puu outijtano agj mog glasnuyg •.ijg pa3is7a Xot,-I .toxtw •.ttudat aqI uo OuiI.tonn si uoijontlsuoD jj04018 pappu OH -Siuigil aqj ui put, uagojij agj ui a2uutup lolum si aaagj Ares QH •unnop Ila3 uagj goignn `IWOS aqI 2uijetn4us Iuinjuut Sugool aql japun pqual goigm uagojij aqI JOAO X01JUA t, ui pauuOJ urep aoi uu Pius OH •aoi puu mous wog aftwup patagns $uiplinq IIuH X4iD aqI `600Z `L Xjunuu f uo uuojs puim agj put, `suuojs mous juam aqI Outinp jugl paj todw gjasnujg -iW •patualo sloo.4s aqI 2uiclowj ui 31iom .ttagl .toj moo juatujaudaQ jaa4S aqj papnulddt, Xou-j loxuw •s2ugpuus SUIIDAI13p gj!M juauij rudaQ aotlod agj pajstssu oslu put, suiulp uuojs uado of aout,uajuteut .talunnuuojs of .tano pagoj!MS xogl St, lunoutaa mous uo Oupltom Iou suns molo agl `mous aqj jo gonut pajlaut goitlm uuols putm aqj imju jugl pappu OH -faunuu f Jq j pajuinutnoou uaaq anuq autil tano 3o sinoq Cjaoj Xlajuutixoiddu agj ajup stgj Jo su Ares OH •ainpagos auttj tan,o Xuu uo panouta.t jag IOU saop puu sinoq 2ui l ions luuuou Outanp ouop st It,noutaa uuoq mous lugl pappu agj -2uimold mous of sptuSoi gjine auttl.tano 3o sinoq f4j!gj paipunq auo Xialuuzixo tddu pajulnutnooe juautj udaQ jo3.4S aql pius `glasnuW uopuu tg `luopualuiladnS laa tlS luatuj.tnda(I jaa tlS 600Z `EI A-dVaMVf SaIfINIW'IIDNfI0D 33HDIVX9AA ISHH d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 Mr. Gerde reported on the financial closing status for the year stating that the State Auditor's Office advises that the books are left open for a time after the end of the year in order to pay invoices which were budgeted for the year 2008, but not received until 2009, allowing the City to record those payments as if they were paid in 2008. He added this also applies to the revenue side of the budget. The City has a capital project, the Rock Island Road Project, in which the Transportation Improvement board (TIB) owes the City $197,000 on that project. These funds were included in the revenue forecast for 2008 and we expect to receive those funds by January 20, 2009. Therefore, he is not able to close the books until that process ends. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council (WVTC) has been working hard to meet a deadline to submit a list of transportation projects in Chelan County and Douglas County that might qualify as ready to go types of projects that could qualify if there was an opportunity to receive money administered through the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). He said the list of prioritized projects that was developed at the WVTC meeting was included in the Council packets. He added this is the Economic Stimulus package that as of now is not even in existence, but rather something that President Elect Barack Obama is going to lobby for when he comes into office. He said at the State level there is optimism about getting these funds, so these funds may or may not develop, and if they do develop they may not be administered through the MPO, but if they are administered through the MPO, which would be an effective way of doing this, we are in a position as a group of jurisdictions as a MPO to have a list in place to work from. Mayor Lacy said he was pleased with the objective criteria developed by all the representatives of the various jurisdictions, which lead to the ranking of these projects. He said the East Wenatchee Grant Road pavement preservation project from Eastmont Avenue to Kentucky Avenue received a fairly high rating. Mayor Lacy said in the future when we have dollars available we might like to consider, having some design work done with right -of way -acquisitions acquired for City projects in case these kind of opportunities continue to come up, we would be in a better position to compete for funding. Councilmember Barnhart asked if the design work had been completed for the Kentucky Avenue Project. Mr. Mauseth said the City does not have the design work or the right-of-way acquisitions for that project. Councilmember Hendricks asked if Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County (P.U.D.), the East Wenatchee Water District (EWWD), and the Douglas County Sewer District (DCSD) received copies of the City's Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) in order to coordinate projects. Mr. Mauseth said the City does coordinate with those entities with regards to those projects that are scheduled and planned, such as the Grant Road Overlay that we are combining with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT); the EWWD will be replacing a main 12 inch line just before the City starts the overlay project. Mayor Lacy suggested sending the Six -Year TIP to those entities. Mayor Lacy said he would like to finalize Council Assignments for 2009. He said he would like to add the Budget Committee to that list as he would like this to be a year-round committee for the 2010 budget. He asked which Councilmembers were interested in serving on this committee. Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember McCourt, and Councilmember Bremmer showed an interest in serving in the Budget Committee for 2010. Mayor Lacy said he can appoint three Councilmembers to this committee and since Councilmember Johnson and Councilmember Bremmer both served on the 2009 Budget Committee he will appoint Councilmember Barnhart, and Councilmember McCourt to serve on the standing budget committee for 2010. A coin toss was done between Councilmember Bremmer and b 1 1 V/N V/N V/N jawwaig jagwewl!ouno0 pno0olN jagwawl!ouno0 lie4uweg jagwewl!ouno0 eap!wwo0 3a6png V/N uaweg poi u!uueld P94sJaleM V/N uosugor jagwawl!ouno0 tual-ad Jo ey!! jauMong jagwawl!ouno0 Aoe-I JOABV! uo!3ez!ue JO u!uueld ue;!lo a;ayy I!ouno0 uo!3epodsuejl AGIlen 9940;euaM OiAM oe-I to elN jauMong jagwawl!ouno0 uo!;ez!ue iow - ja;ua0 lejnaln0 +g wnesnIN A9118A 9940leuaM jawwaig jagwaw 1!ouno0 3e-1 Jo eyy neaing sjo;!s!n pue uolau9nuo0 AGIleA 99431euaM 9AOAM oe'l Jo eW jauMong jagwewllouno0 aoiawwoo jo jagwe40 AGIIBA aa4o;euaM 00AM }ino0olN jagwewl!ouno0 geeU jagwewl!ouno0 9n!;noax3 OdMS aaU!wwo0 os!npy Ieo!u409l O`dl poi / uopuejg geeb jagwewl!ouno0 4mn jaleM wjo3S nms pno0olN jagwawl!ouno0 gees jagwawl!ouno0 9011!wwo0 AJOSIAPV a;seM P!!oS O dMS jawwaig jagwawl!ouno0 pe4weg jagwowl!ouno0 4oje s!p l 66 VY0083AIU uosu4or jagwawl!ouno0 jauMong jagwawl!ouno0 ;uaw olana4 pue uo!teAjasuo0 aomosoM Ovou sNoupuaH jagwawl!ouno0 jaujong jagwawllouno0 uol;ez!ue Jp u!uueld uo!;e}jo sued Ieuo! ajj IeJ;ua0 43JoN Od.LUON gee-8 jagwawl!ouno0 uosu4or jagwewl!ouno0 ;!swell Mu!l NNII sNoupuaH jagwawl!ouno0 lino0olN jagwawl!ouno0 994o;eueM;o Apo 941 +g Alunoo uele4O;o f,41io4lnV u!snoH uosu4or jagwewl!ouno0 jauNong jagwawl!ouno0 p!jls!Q juaw olana4 olwou003 a03 jawwajg jagwewl!ouno0 foel jo eW pjeog s;uan3 994oleueM;se3 133M3 gees jagwewl!ouno0foe-I jo eW I!ounoo Ieuo! H Alunoo sel no4 pno0olN jagwewl!ouno0 pe4weg jagwawl!ouno0 s;uawwanoO;o pounoo OOO uosu4or jagwawl!ounoo }ino0olN jagwewl!ouno0 )PONON poddnS Ieuo! ab se! no4-ue!a40 NS8 3e3 Jo BIN lino0oyy jagwawl!ouno0 ;ou}sia 41Ie9H sei no4 - uele40 a;euia;ld and;e;uasaias uol;eziue ip agqV :600Z aoJ sluotuu2issd pounoD 30 lstl u st 5uinnolloj ag,L •600Z toJ olodwa,L otd ioSuW su polu►oddu suns pue ssol utoo oql uonn uosugof iogwawj!ounoD •uosugor iogtu3tultounoD puu :tuqutug aagwawitounoD uo3mloq ouop suns ssol utoo d •wa,L -o-ld .toXuW su anaas of lsa.talu► uu possaidxa oslu uosugof aagwawllounoD •iatuwaig iogwawltounoD Xq poleutwou suns :pugtuug cagwawliouno0 •uta L-o.td .toXuW su 2utAlc)s ut palsa.talut suns auo�Cuu 3i siogwowpounoo paNsu OH •waZ-o.td JOSVW su Suintas loj quu-d tagwowliounoD pajuuq; Xou- toft'W -pounoD uoilultodsuut,L XQIIuA aagoluuaM a p of aluutallu aq; su Sup-jas aatnlong .tagwalupounoD q;inn aAi;ulua oidat su 3Al;)s Ipm XouZ aoSieW puu `.pauog sluang aaga;uuaM Isug agI of oluutallu su aA.tas Ipm . otuLuotg .tagwawpounoo `.3ltom:jo l voddnS luuo►2a-1 sulSnoQ-uulagD aqI of aluutallu aqI su oAns ll!m uosugof lagwawpounoD :sluatulu►oddu pounoD aql of so2uugo 2utnnolloj oql opuw gou-I .to,CuW •uago a.wow laaw of aop!wwoo agl 3Isu Xuw aq do owoo Iugl sonsst are aaagl j! puu filjo:punb Isuol lu laaw oalliwwoo laSpnq oql nja.td pinonn oq ptus ,Cow-1 toXuW •aalltwwoo la2png 0I OZ oql of polutoddu sum puu ssol utoo atil uonn jawwaig aagwowpounoo •uotltsod pngl aql .toj uosugof JogwawpounoD WOVE I A-dVfIMVf S3 Lf IRIW 'IID I IOD gHHD LVNHM ISV9 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 Mayor Lacy said the City received a report from the City of Wenatchee which serves as the lead agency for the Chelan Douglas County Homeless Housing Program. He said the report gives an update of the activities being funded with the Homeless funds. He added if Council wishes to review the report to contact City Clerk, Dana Barnard. Mayor Lacy the said City owns property located at 3`d Street NE that was purchased for the Central Business District (CBD) Project. He said the City no longer has a need for the remaining portion of that property and the idea came up that we might be able to raise some capital for the City if we were to authorize and select a method for disposing of that property. He asked Council if they wish to surplus the property. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to surplus City owned property located on 3`d Street NE. Mayor Lacy said without objection he will consider the surplus of the property unanimous. No objections were heard. Mayor Lacy said the next step would be to decide on how to dispose of the surplus property and asked City Attorney, Devin Poulson, to make a recommendation. Mr. Poulson said the property can be auctioned either by sealed bids or opened bids, and it can also be listed with a realtor. He added that an appraisal of the property would need to be completed prior to moving forward with the sale. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to obtain an appraisal of the City property located on 3`d Street NE. The motion carried 6-0. Mayor Lacy said he would table the issue until the appraisal has been completed. Councilmember Barnhart asked if City Attorney Poulson could find out information regarding the cost and process to do a public auction. Mayor Lacy reported that when the budget was adopted a figure was set for the Animal Control contract and he was authorized to negotiate a contract within the confines of the budgeted amount. He said a contract was negotiated for an amount that was approximately $3,000 less than the budgeted amount. He informed Council that he did sign a contract with the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society in the amount of $63,633.52 for 2009. He added the original amount was over $67,000. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 9, 2008 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. 9 iaglui lnq 21uivan0 sigl liounoo f4i0 agl,Cq uotsioap u ao3 Buixsu lou suns ag pees apia9 'I'I saaj �uisuaoil sapnloui goigm 088`81$ si uuu.iSaid aiunUos aql Jo Isoo lulol aqI pappu aH •alup 'N I u lu uiulialua of uoisioop u aq pinoo siql saxul /lililn mou aqI uo ui iluiuuoo are sonuana.z aqI puu punos Xlluiouuug an om lugl pug om 3t auaX IaBpnq siql 2uunp `aanannoH •aunt siql Iu opuuu oq lou a.uumUos aqI osugo nd oI uoisioap u lugl papuauiuiooa.i aH •auuil puu Aououu jo lunouuu nuj u Isoo pinom lugl ss000id Iuuogiu8is u oq pinom uualsXs ojumUos plo oql 8uisn sllo.iXud Xlgluom-iuuas of Sui2uugo Iugl pius op.ioD •ayg '600Z ui asugoand aqI o3luuu of papioap XI!D aql ji auuil jo poilod papualxa uu ]ano Ino puoids oq of asuodxo luliduo oq; moliu pinom sigZ •luauuaaaBu asugoind iuo,C ang u .103 Isa.ialui ou pm uuld IuauuXud Asuo uu suq suoilnloS ludioiunW uoisiA pappu aH •sisoo luliduo pionu of joSpnq 600Z aql olui poluauuolduii IOU suns uivaSoid ojumUos otp `aalliuuuuoo la5pnq aqi , q uoilupuauiuiooaa u su pius ap.ioD -jW •posugoind lou suns ojumUos agl puu 800Z ui oq pinonn sooinosoi paludiopuu .nagl lugm jo Bogs ,Clluuogiu2is atom ,Cagi lugl punoj X4!D oql `aanannoH •[Ioi,Cud XIgluoui-iuuas u 8uiop spiunnoi anouu oI ivagl �uinnollu aiunUos aql osugoind of olqu oq pinom XOgl panailaq luauuliudaQ aouuu13 aqI auuil lugs lu puu `800Z isn8nV ui slioiXud XIgluoui-iuuas panoiddu puq IiounoD pius aH •uuui8oid aqI osugoind of luauuliuuuuoo u opuuu Xlio oql aiojaq uuui2oid mou oql glinn poluioossu suualgoid Xuu Ino liom of .iopio ui auuil3o popod u ioj osn ui aq of uuui8oid oql aoj auzil mollu of uapi poo8 u oq pinom li Ila3 aq put 800Z ui saili� Iu.zanas lu pallulsui aq of suns puu aaunqjos suoilnloS ludioiunW uoisiA Xq podolanap ureii1oid mou u si sigi pappu aH •posugoind lou suns puu 800Z ui loj pala0pnq suns aaunUos siql pius `apioD xoiN `.ioloauQ oouuu13/aa.insua.il XI!D •slloi,tud Xlgluouu-iuias of uoislanuoo lloikud uo louduui aqi puu onmUos suoilnloS ludioiunyg uoisiA molq oql jo uoiluluauualdim puu uoilulluisui `uoilisinbod ZO-10-60 (s313i.upu3H) ' l-S `Paiareo uoilouu oq,L •Isug jo XI!D oql io3 ,Cau.iollV ,4i3 su anus of uoslnod uinaQ glinn IouiluoD luowXolduig oql anoiddu of `quug iaquiauiliounoo Aq puooas `l.iugtuug .iaquuauuliounoD Xq apuuu suns uoilouu V :uoilaV Iiaunoa •saoinias IUSal palouiluoo aqi .ioJ .iuoX u 000`9S 1$ ,Cialuuuixoiddu 8uipuods suns ,il!D aqi atuil aqi lu puu IoL,4uoo Xq s,Xowolld Supiq mono om su sisoo 8uipuluoso uo pasuq suns li '�owopv f4!D u 8uiaiq jo uapi oql paiitiiisui ,flip oql uogm `pappu aH •saoXoldtua 1pm lu Ilu on XI!D oql jo sooXoldtua `sua.zagM •s.iuoX jo .ioquunu ogioads u .ioj ,t4!D aqi of pallituuuoo si XatuollV oql oiogm saouuistuno.no .iapun X3tuollu uu anq of aNil Plnom oq pius ,foul lo,iuyg -op saa,Coldtua iaglo oql jo ouou puu louiluoo u suq oaXolduuo sigl ,Cgnn paNsu sNot ipuaH iaqutatuliounoD •aagoluuaM Isug Jo ,Cliff oql joj ,CauiouV f4iD su anus of uosinod uinaQ glinn louiluoD luawXolduug uu jo lunoiddd I0-I0-60 sL all NOIIJV 'ZO'L99`ZS$ Jo Iunotuu lulol aqi ui 011 Z-90I I Z sjaquinu luu.uuM ano.iddu saop liounoD `600Z `£ I X iunuu f `alup siql jo sd salgnind 600Z •papion Nam ZLOIZ Puu `ISOIZ `1660Z `9960Z siogtunu luuuuM '£S'ItS`60Z$ jo uno," luloi oql ui SOI IZ-8101Z slogtunu Iuuziunn anoaddu saop iiounoo `800Z `0£ .iaquuooaQ jo sd salqu,(ud 800Z 600Z `£I AUVfIMVf SHIfllMW'II0I%If1O0 3HHD.LVMaA1 LSVH d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 to inform them that the City will not be going to semi-monthly payrolls until the new software system is purchased. Mayor Lacy said the first quarter of 2009 will end on March 31, 2009, and the carry over from the 2008 budget would at that time be finalized. He recommended reviewing those numbers and then making a decision if the City is in a position to spend the additional $18,880 for the software. 09-01-03 Approval of a Final Contract Acceptance and Original Contract Amendment No. 2 for the Kenroy Improvement Project. Street Superintendent, Brandon Mauseth, said the City has began closing out the project. He said the total cost of the project was $228,418 and the original contract amount was $213,000, giving us a shortfall of $15,113. He said the reason for the shortfall is that the Greater Wenatchee Irrigation District line ended up being directly under the footing of the block retaining wall, there was additional fill material needed alongside a residence to stabilize the block wall, additional irrigation repair, and additional hot mix asphalt due to faulty sections in the road that we decided to take care of at the same time. He said this information is submitted for consideration of final acceptance of the contract. Mr. Mauseth said the original agreement with RH2 Engineering was not to exceed $40,000. He said the Interlocal Agreement between the Eastmont School District and the City of East Wenatchee, the City agreed to design and pay for the construction engineering involved with the project. He said when the City started closing out the project that amount was exceeded with RH2 Engineering due to some paperwork deficiencies from a sub -contractor as they refused to sign the intent to pay prevailing wage and also the affidavit of prevailing wage. Mr. Mauseth said the reason for that was a punch list was submitted to the Contractor, Doug Jones Concrete, which consisted of some outstanding fence items on the punch list that were not completed. Doug Jones Concrete was not successful in contacting the sub -contractor who was responsible for the fence so they made those repairs themselves and then billed the sub- contractor for that work. When the sub -contractor received the bill they refused to sign the necessary paperwork for the City to close out the project. Mr. Mauseth recommended approval of the final acceptance of the project and then approval of the supplement to RH2 Engineering. He said he would then contact the School District to see if they are willing to participate in the additional cost. Mayor Lacy suggested tabling the issue until we can determine whether we have a legal basis to claim that our obligation does not exceed $40,000. 09-01-04 Authorization to utilize up to $100,000 Real Estate Excise Tax in the Capital Improvements Fund 314 at the end of 2008 for use to offset costs of the Rock Island Road Proj ect. Mr. Gerde explained the limitations of how Real Estate Excise Tax dollars may be spent and said that funding for the Rock Island Road Project was expected to be provided by the Transportation Improvement Board, funding partners, and the City through allocations of property and sales taxes. Monies from Real Estate Excise Taxes (REET) can legally be spent on street improvement projects like the Rock Island Road Project, but the City has not evaluated allocating REET monies for this project. He said that with the City's current and projected cash position, he is recommending that the REET that are restricted for these types of projects be allocated to the Rock Island Road Project, as opposed to general revenues like property taxes and sales taxes. He added this would allow needed cash management flexibility during 2009 and avoid a potential problem of inadvertently spending restricted funds inappropriately. •samp000id puu sotoilod louuosiad jo lunuuW nnau u Sul;dopu aago;umAk ;sug jo XIiD aq; jo uoplosal d LO-i 0-60 '600Z HVIIA HVQNII'IVJ HOA NOIlVzlNV9HO 9NINNV'Id NOI.LVIHOdSNVHI 'IVN0I9aH 'IVNINIIJ HIHON IIHZ 01 UIVN2 HI IV NV QNV IIAIIV,LNIISHUJH 19NIZOA V 9NLLVN9ISIIQ `NO.L9NIHSVM `IIIIHJ.LVNIIM ISVd 30 A,LIJ IIH.L 30 'IIJNfIOJ AID HH.L 30 NOLLfl'IOS2[H V £0-600Z 'ON NOI.Lfl'IOS2[H :smolloj su spuai ol;i; not;nlosal aqZ •p.tuaq a.Iann suoi;oofgo oN •pa;dopu si uot;nlosai aq; suol;oafgo ou am ol;)q; 3i `ajoja.IagL -:podoi siq �uunp possaippu suns tuali siq; pins XouZ loXuW '600Z IVOX nPualuo aq; .IOJ uoi; MUBSJO Suiuuuid uot;ua todsuua L IuuoiSo-d uoj2uigsuM Iu quaD q-IoN aq; o; a;uu.Ia;lu uu puu aAi;u;uosoidw 2ul;oA u 2ui;uu�isap uoi;nlosa.I d 90-10-60 '60OZ IIVIIA HVQNII'IVJ HO3 'IIJNfIOJ NOLLV,L'dOdSNV-dL AII'I'IVA IIIIHJZVNIIM IIH.L O.L d.LVKH2[L'IV NV QNV 2[ALLV.LNIISaHd2[H 9NI.LOA V 9NI.LVN9ISIIQ `NO.L9NIHSVM `IIaHJ.LVNdM .LSVd dO A.LIJ IIH.L 30 'IIJNfIOJ A,LIJ allJL 30 NOI.Lfl'IOSII2I V ZO-600Z 'ON NOI.Lfl'IOSaU :smolloj su spuat alai; uoi;niosol oq1, •pluoq wow suoi;oofgo oN •pa;dopu si uoi;nlosw oq; suot;oafgo ou aau a.Iaq; jt `aloja.Iagl -:podai stq Butinp passalppu suns ula;i siq; plus Sou-1 io,(t'W '600Z JuQX .Iupualuo aq;10J ipounoo uoi;ulzodsuuljL AalluA oago;uuaM aq; o; a;uuta;lu uu puu aAIju;uosoidaa SuIJOA u Bui;uuBIsap not;nlosoi d SO-10-60 '10-tb0 2IHUMIN NOIlfl'IOSIId 9NI'IVIId2[H QNV SIIJIAH:IS'IVLIIINV QNV SHSNIIJI'I 'IVwIINV 01 9NIIVIHH SII33 NIV.LHHJ 9NI(INIawV `NO.LDNIHSVM `IIdHJ.LVNIIM .LSVII 30 AID IIH,L 30 NOI.Lfl'IOSHU V I0-600Z 'ON NOIlfl'IOSgH :smolloj su spuoi alai; uoi;nlosoi oql '0-9 `Painuo uol;oul oqZ •sooiAias lo.uuoo lutuiuu o; 2ul;ulaa saa3 uiupoo Suipuautu uoiInlosol aq;;dopu o; `uosugof .Iaqutaulltouno:) Xq puooas `pLtltu7ag .Iagmowpuno3 Xq opuul suns uoi;ow d :uol;aV 1!ouno3 'saolAaas lo.4uoo lutum o; 8ui;ulat saaj umpoo Sutpuautu uol;nlosoi d b0-Zi-60 NOI.Lfl'IOSII?I '0-9 `Polnuo uot;ow aq'L -;oafoad puo-1 puulsl Noo-d oq;3o s;soo;aspo o; asn ioj 800Z jo pua oq;;u t,I£ pun3 ;uautano.idutl lu;iduD oq; ui xuZ osioxH a;u;sg Iua2i 000`00 i $ o; do jo uoi;uziit;n oq; 2utzt iotpnu o; `pn000W iogtuaw pounoO Aq puooas `uosugor loquzatuipounoD fq opuut suns uolloul V :uoi;aV liaunoa 600Z `£i AdVfINVf SIIZfMW'IIDNf1O9 IIIIHDLVM9M LSVII d0 A.LID 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 Mayor Lacy recommend changing this item to discussion only as opposed to taking action as there have been additional changes made to the manual presented in Council packets. Mayor Lacy gave a background as to how the current Employee Manual was created and adopted by resolution in 1999. He said over the past several years issues have come up requiring amendments to be made. Councilmembers discussed combining the sick leave and vacation time to personal time; they questioned maximum number of hours that can be accrued for personal time; sick leave pay upon retirement; restricting the use of chewing tobacco; Councilmembers not being listed on the Salary Schedule; longevity pay; and performance evaluations. Mayor Lacy said that through this discussion he has an idea of the changes needing to be made. He said these changes will be incorporated into the draft Employee Manual and come back for additional revision or adoption at the next City Council meeting. ORDINANCE 09-01-08 First reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 4.18 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, imposing an additional quarter percent Real Estate Excise Tax. Mayor Lacy exercised his option to elevate this ordinance to second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to adopt the ordinance amending Chapter 4.18 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, imposing an additional quarter percent Real Estate Excise Tax. The motion carried, 4-2. (Hendricks, Bremmer) The ordinance summary reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO.2009-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, AMENDING CHAPTER 4.18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, BIPOSING AN ADDITIONAL QUARTER PERCENT REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson submitted minutes from the North Central Washington Resource Conservation & Development meeting held on December 10, 2008. Mayor Lacy submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on December 11, 2008, and on December 18, 2008. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Regional Support Network Governing Board meeting held on December 1, 2008. ADJOURNMENT — 8:50 p.m. 01 1 1 1 preung euUQ 600Z `£I A2IdfINVf SglfIN W "IIDNnOO S1aHDIVXaM LSVH dO AID