HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/14/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
APRIL 14, 2009
6:30 P.M.
Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Barnhart,
Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Pro Tern Johnson.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Barnhart,
to excuse Councilmember Hendricks from this meeting. The motion carried, 5-0.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Bremmer,
to excuse Councilmember McCourt from this meeting. The motion carried, 5-0.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, and
Catalina Garibay.
Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson read a proclamation declaring May 1, 2009, as Silver Star Banner Day, the
official day to honor the wounded and ill soldiers in the City of East Wenatchee.
Columbia River Pipeline Bridge
City of Wenatchee Public Works Director, Steve King, gave an update regarding the Columbia River
Pipeline Bridge. He said the project came about for the reason that Link Transit had requested access to
use the bridge for the transit system. An engineering study was completed and the community and the
Wenatchee Reclamation District engaged in a further engineering study which resulted in
recommendations to repair the bridge. He said the repairs were successful and if the bridge is maintained
the bridge has at least an additional 50+ years of useful life for its current uses. He said the bridge
painting project should be completed this summer as they were able to secure stimulus funds through the
Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Mr. King asked the City to consider participation by way of funding in the amount of $10,000. He said
they have received commitments from: Port of Douglas County, $5,000; Washington State Department of
Transportation, $10,000; Wenatchee Valley Visitor's Bureau, $5,000; Northern Fruit, $10,000; and City
of Wenatchee $15,000. He said they are hopeful to receive commitments from: Chelan County, $5,000;
Douglas County, $10,000; and East Wenatchee, $10,000. He added they are looking at other fund raising
opportunities as there would still be a shortfall of approximately $40,000.
Councilmember's discussed the City's current financial status and decided to place the issue on the next
Budget Committee meeting agenda to review the request and come back with a recommendation.
Wenatchee Valley Visitor's Bureau — 2008 Annual Report
Executive Director, Roger Clute, Wenatchee Valley Visitor's Bureau (WVVB) gave a presentation of the
WVVB annual report for 2008.
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Mr. Mauseth said this is a Storm Water Utility Project being funded through a Public Works Trust Fund
Loan with the City being the lead agency on the project and ultimately the Storm Water Utility needs to
review the information and make a decision before proceeding with the project. He added the schedule
has been bumped back until any issues are resolved and hope to submit a call for bids by the end of April
and be in the construction phase by the end of June.
Legal Department
City Attorney, Devin Poulson, said that Council approved the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Steve
Marvich at the March 24, 2009, Council meeting. Mr. Marvich reviewed the agreement and wanted to
ensure the City would be installing an underground cement pipeline and not an open ditch. The Purchase
and Sale Agreement was amended to reflect that change and is back for approval by the City Council.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to
Amend the Purchase and Sale Agreement documents for the purchase of a portion of Jo Ann Fabrics
property for the Canyon A Project. The motion carried, 5-0.
1. Consideration of revision to Page 7 of Minutes -Regular Session, March 10, 2009
2. Consideration of Minutes -Regular Session, March 24, 2009
3. Consideration of Minutes -Special Session, March 31, 2009
4. Consideration of Bills
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab, to
approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0.
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense
reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has
been made available to Council.
2009 Payables
As of this date, April 14, 2009, Council does approve warrant numbers 21424 through 21427 and 21476
through 21526 in the total amount of $97,267.36. Warrant 21023 and warrants 21428 through 21475 were
09-04-01 Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Easement Purchase and Sale Agreement for a portion
of the El Porton Property for the Canyon A Project. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney)
City Attorney, Devin Poulson, said this is an easement that is part of the Storm Water Utility Project for
Canyon A. The Council had authorized a purchase price of $40,000, and a counter offer has come back in
the amount of $40,610. He is requesting this Agreement be approved as presented.
Ms. Barnett expressed her reservations regarding sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the Easement Purchase and Sale
Mayor Pro Tempore Johnson suggested that Mr. Poulson and Ms. Barnett review the documents and
bring it back after these items have been resolved.
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