HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/14/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JULY 14, 2009 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember McCourt, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Raab, to excuse Councilmember Johnson from this meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner, to excuse Councilmember Hendricks from this meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Nick Gerde, Catalina Garibay and Dawn Collings. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION United States Census Bureau representative, Steve Pasion, said the U.S. Census Bureau will be conducting a count of everyone residing in the United States on April 1, 2010. He said questionnaire forms will be mailed to every household in March 2010, and when completing the form, the responses should represent the household as it exists on that day. He added the census determines the distribution of more than $300 billion annually of government funding for critical community services. It also generates thousands of jobs across the country and it impacts your voice in Congress. Mr. Pasion asked the City for their official support by way of a proclamation committing to partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau to help ensure a full and accurate count in 2010. Mayor Lacy asked Council if there were any objections to supporting these efforts. Hearing none, Mayor Lacy said the proclamation will be placed on the agenda for the July 28, 2009, Council meeting. BUDGET ISSUES Mayor Lacy reported that the Budget Committee discussed the proposal that was presented to Council with respect to revising the City's statutory position relative to interest in late penalties on delinquent gambling taxes. He said the Budget Committee recommended making a revision to the ordinance which will be brought to Council in the form of a formal presentation. He added the Budget Committee has been working on process as it relates to planning the budget for the next year and the ensuing five years. Councilmember Raab said he had asked for an issue to be brought before the Budget Committee regarding bonding for the repair of Grant Road. He said he would like the City to consider this option in order to complete the overlay needed on Grant Road. Mayor Lacy said the City has received reports from a couple of the bonding companies with respect to the City's capability of bonding. He added that when consideration of bonding takes place he would like to Z •0-S `patt.Iuo uotloul aql •poluasatd su .Iupuaiuo luasuoo agI anoldde of `.tamlong .taqutautitounoo Xq puooas `l.Iugu.reg aaqutautitounoZ) Xq opuut suns uoilow y :uoilaV liaunoa slltg3o uotlu.IaptsuOD Z 60OZ `£Z oun f `uoissoS .IulnSo-d — solnuiW 3o uotluaaptsuoD • I HVGNIH'IVJ INHSNOJ •gdgMo agI oI antluluasa.Idal s,iIIt0 agI su oAns of aauwwaig iaquiauzltouno3 paluioddu Xou-I ioXLW •X4tD agI 3o 3lug3q uo sBuilaaw asagl puallu pinonn aq plus aauxutaag nqutautipounoD XItD agl 3o antluluosaidw u su 2uiloow stgl 2utpuallu ui polsatalui aq pinonn iogtuQwi!ounoD u jt p03isu OH •Sutio,�otq of polulai sansst uo alu.Ioquiloo of aant?I uigwnloo oql jo opts Isug agI utotj satouafu UIIIAUI .Iallal u luas (UV"D) preog X.Iostnpd alo,Cotg aagaluuaM .taluaJD aql plus �Cou'I Io�Cuy�l p iuog ,UOSInp'V ala,faig aagaluuaM .ialuaa!) •0-S `pat uuo uotlow aq L •aagaluuaM Isug aoj u2is owoolann aql Ilulsut puu 3luot.tqu3 of •oul `su2iS luoq,(uio gllnn Iouquoo u olui .talus of ioXvW aqI oziioglnu of `puqutug ngwawpounoD Xq puooas `llnoDoW .IaqutautltounoD Xq opuut suns uoilow d :uoilaV Iiaunoj •p.Iuog sluanH QqJ JO JJOM agI l.Ioddns pinogs ItounoD sanatiaq oq puu loofold stgl ao3 posn suns ssaoo.Id sigl •.Ialso-d s)itoM IltwS ino Outsn Xq palpuuq oq Xllu.tauoS uuo 000`S£$ .Iapun loafoid Xuu oql Iugl Sutluls `soutiaptn2 aluls of loodsoi gltnn ssaoo.Id oql pautuldxa suq oq plus OH 'ItounOD of poluosoid uoaq suq lugl uStsap u ui polinsw goignn s.tnoq sno.Iawnu palionn XagL •ats agI Buiouldoi gltnn p.reAuoJ QAOW oI Sltunlioddo uu su It onus piuog sluanH agI `.[alutnn Isug Iuaptoou uu ut p92uutup sung Ols aql uagnn `atoja.tagL -als auxoolom aagaluuaM Isug aqI jo Iuawoouldoi ioj suns uuld stgl ui papnioui suns Iugl sansst agI Jo Quo pappu OH -80OZ aaqutaoa(I ui ItounoD )4D agl oI uuld wsunoZ oi2apnS aqI poluosoid pjuog sluanH aqs -wstanol woij 2utllnsai satltntlou otutouooa oloutoid oI papualut suns gotgnn Mid wsunoZ w2olu.tlS u ioglo2ol ftllnd gltnn paNsul alarm ,Cage LOOZ ut pagstlqulsa suns p.tuog sluanH agI uagnn Iugl plus OH •osuodxo oql 2utptu2al su.taouoo sltounoD solutoa.tddu aq pros aH •Xunnlaud 1112W ,CaIIuA oI aouVJlua gl.Iou agI IOJ u�ts autoolann u jo osugoind aqI 2uipzui?a.I passnostp Xisnotnaid onsst uu pzuAuoj Sut.Iq of ol!l pinonn oq plus Xou-I io/CLW lusodo.id a2uullis aagaluuaM Isug of awoalaM IHOdgH S,HOAVIV •liodoi iuiouuug oql 2uipiu2oi anuq Aw Itounoo suotlsonb .Cuu .Iannsuu .to sluaututoo olul pinonn aq pres op D jotN `.IoloauQ aouuut3 / .Iaansuail lq!o luawl.iudaQ oauuuig ,LHOd212I .LNaNIUVdau •polaldutoo aq uuo loafoid Xul.Iano uu plun It oA.IQsold of puoZl Iuuto SUtluas jouio uo IJOm llt^n 4D agl `atutluuaul agI ut `pappu OH •auul stgl it, Iuaw,, ud aoiA.Ias lgop u alpuuq uuo ann taglognn mo" of /Cltltqu Suilsuooto3 oql anuq ann Iugl arennu lou st aq Quill stgl lu plus OH 'Itounoo of It Buiftilq of .toild passnostp aq of aalltu woD loOpng aqI gOnotgl ol? uuo onsst aqI .to `owilXuu lu ItounoD Xq uodn paptoap It anuq puu Xouow nnouoq of uoilow u alutllut Xuut .Iagwowlt3uno3 u Iugl pautuldxa Xou-I loXuW •fItitquduo 2uiouuug ino Butlsnugxo Inoqu poulaouoo aq pinonn oq su `are X4!D agl jo spaau aqI lugnn puu'Sutouuug lgop Iu 31001 llutano uu o3jul `aaglu.I Inq `pro -a luuiD of poltutil lou si I! oinsua 600Z `tii A-Iflf Sd.LflMW 'IID1 nOD HHHD Lt/I1gA JLSVa d0 A.LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 14, 2009 Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. 2009 Pavables As of this date, July 14, 2009, Council does approve warrant numbers 21827 through 21911 in the total amount of $173,635.13. Warrants 21815, 21826, and 21854 were voided. ACTION ITEMS 09-07-01 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a Services During Construction Supplemental Agreement to the existing Professional Services Agreement entered into with R112 Engineering for Phase 2 and 3 of the Canyon A, Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility Project. Street Superintendent, Brandon Mauseth, said this is a supplement to the existing agreement with RH2 Engineering for the Canyon A Project which will provide construction administration and inspection services for the construction of Phase 2, installation of the pipeline from Valley Mall Parkway to SR 28. He said upon initiation of each phase of the project, a supplement to that agreement will be executed specific to the stage of the project, identifying the scope of work, cost and schedule. He added funding for the Canyon A Stormwater Project is covered by a Public Works Trust Fund Loan administered by the Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Services During Construction Supplemental Agreement to the existing Professional Services Agreement entered into with RH2 Engineering for Phase 2 and 3 of the Canyon A, Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility Project. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTIONS 09-07-02 A resolution accepting a petition filed by the Cascade Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and the Upper Columbia Corporation of the Seventh Day Adventists vacation of right-of- way for 16 Court NE; authorizing the waiver of provisions of Resolutions No. 2009-14; setting a date for a public hearing to consider the vacation; and establishing an effective date. Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, said the City Council adopted a uniform system for processing right-of-way vacation petitions in Resolution 2008-14 on September 23, 2008. On June 22, 2009, the Cascade Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and the Upper Columbia Corporation of Seventh Day Adventists submitted a petition for vacation of 16`h Court NW and requested that the City Council waive the following requirements in Section 7 of Resolution 2008-14: • Petitioner's payment of deposit to cover appraisal and preparation of an appraisal of the property to be vacated. • Accept dedication of right-of-way adjacent to SR 28 in lieu of monetary compensation paid to the City for the vacated portion of 16'h Court NW. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner, - to adopt the resolution accepting a petition filed by the Cascade Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and the Upper Columbia Corporation of the Seventh Day Adventists for vacation of right-of-way for 16t' Court •aout,utpio oql Io Butpua.t Is tg pua.t ,foul 10ABW '600Z `LZ lagwaaaQ of pouad alup anlloaJJa sli Sutpualxo Xq spnpuulS uBisaQ loo4S Io uoildopu uu.talui aql of Suiuit,llad SO-80OZ 'oN oouuuipa0 Buipuowu oouuuipao ut,Io Sutpt,at Istt3 bO-LO-60 SaOAIRICIR5 'HZVQ HAI.LOH3dH NV ONIHSI'IEIVISH QNV SMONd NOI.LINIAM 'IIV d L dOOl 'IVJ IdVO g'lddV allL O,L ONINIVINEld ALNflOO SV'IOflOQ QNV HHHOLVNHM .LSV9 d0 KLIO ML NggMISIB IMHWEIR IOd RAI.LV dRd000 'IV.LNHb MXEIA0O 'IVOO'MU,LNI NH NOIS 01 X0AVW HHJL ONIZMOH LfIV `NO.LJNIHSVM `ggHO LVMAM ISVH 30 ADD alll d0 NOI Lfl'IOSgN V i I-600Z 'ON NOIJfl'IOSHH 'alig uot;nlosat agl pt,aaXoul aokuw -0-9 `pai ut,o uotlout aqZ •Ioafo.td Itt,i L dool Iultdvo olddV oxp to3 f4unoO sulBnoQ ql!M IuautaazBV anilu.tadooO It,luaututanoB.talul uu UBIS of aoXuW aqI 8utzctoglnu uoilnlosal aqI Idopu oI `.towwolg .ioqutautliounoO Xq puooas `nu3long nqutautliounoO Xq opuut sum uoilout V :uoi;aV IiaunoO •,,I►ul,L u uugl a.toW,, pautuu uaaq st,q go►gm Ioafold sigl .to3 sootmas Iut,llnsuoo put, (,clunoo put ,ilio) slsoo 33u1S ianoa of 000`09$ Io Iuu.zB u paziloglnu IiounoO luuol2o-d A4unoO st,iBnoQ aq L '.LOQSM oI puodsaa Isnut om otuil goigm It, `600Z IsnBnV 3o puo agl Xq uotlaldutoo paloafotd u glim Iaogs si ltojja stgl aoI aureg autil ogjL 'sasn luoipolum .taglo toI ,(Ilt,ilualod puu pull oql ioI pouiulaa aq pinogs Iugl sput,l Xjiluapi oI :pojja luool u uaaq suq a.tagl ` Cum jo-jg2i t oql uo palongsuoo sum IiuiZ dool lulidt,0 olddV oql oouiS •suon, It,tluolod asogllO auo st AUMg2!q Iuotl.tant.t plo aql ioI pauuuld XuM 3o-IgBij .LOQSM oqZ -plos puu snldins pairloop oq uuo `sasoclind uotlultodsuutl toI papaau Iou `pool atagm scare Iuiluod alnlna of (OSM) uotuodsut3o IuudaQlilt alulS uolButgsuM oql pa)isu atnit,isiBaj alulS Pius `Ilaulug i.tol `aoloa.nQ IuautdolanaQ ,CltunwwoD •Ioafotd uoiltugaQ Iiuts, dool Iultdu0 olddV otp toI,ClunoO sulBnoQ glim IuautaaI2V antluladooO IuluaututanoBaalul uu uSis of aoXuW oql Suizt.toglnt, uoilnlosal V £O-LO-60 'H.I.VQ gAIIOH3d9 NV ONIHSI'IHV,LSH QNV `•NOI LVOVA all L XgCIISNOO 01 ONRIVHH OI'IEnd X03 HIVQ V ONIJAUS `VI-80OZ NOILfI'IOSJX 30 SNOISIA02Id 90 WHAIVM alll ONIMOH.LfIV `MN LXfIOO l-u9l X03 AVM-d0 -,LHOM 30 NOI.LVOVA S.LSI.LNHAQV AVQ HINHAHS dO NOLLVHO"OO VIUWfl'IOO 2IHddfl alll (INV dIHSMO'I'IHd LSI'IVSXEIAINfl NVRIV.LINfl HQVOSVO alu Ag CITIId NOIII.LHd V ONIJ dHOOV `NO.LONIHSVM `HgHO.LVNHM ISVH d0 AID HH.L 30 NOI.LflIOSgX V 01-60OZ 'ON NOI Lfl IOSHN ollp uoilnlosoi oql puat Aot,l lokaW '0-S `Pai.ttuo uotloul agZ 'uotlt,at,n aqI .tapisuoo oI Bui.tt,aq otignd t, io3 alup u Suillas put, },1-800Z 'oN suoilnlosag Io suotsinotd jo aantt,M aql BUIZIIoglnu `MN 600Z `bI A'Iflf SHLfIKIW'IIONf100 HHHOLVNHM ISV9 10 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DULY 14, 2009 Mayor Lacy said that while determining the addition of a second driveway for Thomas Ebling, at 1130 Grant Road they realized the Streets Design Standards adopted on an interim basis had expired. He said the City needs to extend the effective period in order to keep some standards in place until permanent standards are completed. Therefore, if Mr. Ebling makes an application for this process the City Council will decide on it based on a recommendation of staff. Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, said the City is required to hold a public hearing prior to adopting this ordinance as well as the following ordinance. 09-07-05 First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2008-06 pertaining to the adoption of the Stormwater Management Design Standards by extending its effective date period to December 27, 2009. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Barnhart asked for clarification on the notice received from The Court of Appeals. City Attorney, Devin Poulson, said he believes the intent of the Water District is to file a petition for review of the Washington State Supreme Court. He said, essentially, this is the Court of Appeals saying our opinion is specific to the parties involved and it has no presidential value to anybody else. Therefore, it will not show up in the court records. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the North Central Washington Resource and Conservation Development meeting, held on June 10, 2009. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Regional Support Network Governing Board meeting, held on June 1, 2009. Consideration of Acquisition of Property At 8:00 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a 10 minute executive session regarding consideration of acquisition of property involving the Lacy & Kane Property. Mayor Lacy recused himself from the executive session. Council reconvened at 8:10 p.m. ADJOURNMENT — 8:10 p.m. WrlA14 bq �O? Dana Barnard City Clerk