HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/23/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JUNE 23, 2009 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember McCourt, and Mayor Lacy. - Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, to excuse Councilmember Johnson from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Randy Harrison, Joan Sims, Nick Gerde, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Thomas Ebling, 1130 Grant Road, East Wenatchee, submitted a letter to Mayor Lacy and City Councilmembers regarding an agreement he had with Douglas County prior to being annexed into the City, which would have provided him with a second driveway entrance near the northwest corner of his property. Mayor Lacy informed Mr. Ebling that there is a process which needs to be followed that would involve consideration by the City Planning Department subject to city ordinances. Terry Pomarleau, 130 Ironwood Place, East Wenatchee, spoke in regards to the proposed ordinance setting Overload Permit Fees. He stated that his business located in Baker Flats is already regulated and adding additional fees would place a hardship on his business. He asked how the City plans to enforce the law to ensure all trucks driving in East Wenatchee are following the law. Mayor Lacy said enforcement would be an issue that would need to be dealt with in some depth prior to Council taking any action. Dave Bonwell, 2319 Spring Wheat Road, Oak Harbor Freight Lines, East Wenatchee, asked how the City will determine the weight of a truck. He said if the overweight vehicles are damaging the roads why should specific vehicles be exempt from paying the overload permit fees. Mayor Lacy the weight would be determined by the weight listed on the vehicle registration. He added there are many questions that will need to be addressed regarding the proposed ordinance. Orval Oakes, Chamberlain Distributing, Wenatchee, asked if the funds generated from the overweight permit fees would be used for all city streets. Mr. Oaks gave an example stating that a truck hauling 202,000 pounds would cost a company approximately $2,200 a year. Mayor Lacy said the City adopts a Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program which prioritizes street projects. He added the fees currently paid by the trucking industry are paid to the State of Washington and used by the state for state highways. Jimmy Sherrell, Midland Trucking, 2403 NW Columbia Street, East Wenatchee, said that the registration weight is not what is damaging the road it is the trucks that have to apply for additional tonnage over their •uotloas stgl anaasoid of lugs dtgo u Sutsn puauuuuoo3i iou op Aagl `sossautsnq Ivioiauiuio0 Sutuiofpu olui salotgan Suivanl jo iogwnu Awl aql pup uotloas stgl utgltnn aumlon o!Upll gStq agl3o asnuoog •anuand luouuisug ip spuo ,Clluaun0 Iug3 110Z jo3 (.LOQSM) uoijtWodsupal, 3o ivau4judaQ olviS uolSuigsuM gltnn pauuuld loofoad ,Ct,laano aql olut uotloas sigl 3pnl0ut uagl pup s.uautuins onnl lxau oql aoj kwss30au su 1pas jouio of aq pinonn uoilppuauiuio-331 IiagL aupl punoglsuo optsut oql uo X11moodso ftun i pup s3louao luuogtuSts sligtgxa `,C1luonbasuo0 `pup sonuand ,bl0niuoN pup luouiisug uaanniaq suotloos aanll oql jo ogjp-1 Isom aqi sug puog iuuio jo uotloas stgZ anuand ei2.ioaq of anuanv inouiisua —1 uogaas •suoiloas aaagl olui loofold oql 2uplu3aq popuau mow Suiaaaui�iug ZH-d `algtspaj Xllutounug lou si uoildo sigl 3t `.ianannoH •olgtssod st, uoos su Ilugdsu xtui log gltnn It 30uld3i pup aoujins 131int.ip oql djo sagout £-Z dol aql SutpuiA ,Cq anuand ,blonluax pup anuand Iuouulst,g uaanniaq puog luujD jo uoilun.iaso id popuauiuiooa.i Stulaom2ug ZH-d plus OH •uotloas Ip inl0n ilS ,Cpnnpuoi agl 3o uotlun iasold put, .itt,dai oql loj suoildo oumuolop pup onjins ,Cunnppot agi alpnluna of puo21 lut,iD jo uotloodsut olts-uo up pauuojiod iuuaaui2ug ZH-d pup jjplS ,Clip ptps `glosntW uoput,ig `luopualui.iadnS laailS lHodan ImausxvddQ •u011upuauuuuo-301 u ioj upu32p oou! iuioD ial�png ixou aqi uo paould aq oI malt sigl ioj poNsu IauNong .ioquzawpounoo •0011puip10 papuauip up gltnn p.[unn 0J anom of pagsim ,Cagljt ino pug of laglu.i Inq `SuluQAa sigl uotim aoj pounoD oql a.iojaq iou si stgl plus ,Cop- ioXvw •satlt0 antiviudwoo aqI ,Cq pasn osogi of mltuns alnpagos ,Cilpuod paimpuB p opnlout of ooupuiplo SutlgwU9 s,,CltD aqI Sutpuauit, iop!suoo pinonn ,Cagl 3t gounoo poNsu OH •13012utgspM uialspg uu satitD Jagio ,Cq pasn sainioiuls ,Cilt,uad aniiuludwo0 pailtuugns OH •ooupluq ptpdun aqi uo gluow Iod %I si ,Cilmod sigZ •ooupuiplo Builgwug s,,Clto aqI of ftpioom ,Ciluuod p s.inoui luauigstlgpiso Builqu uS aqI `sin000 sigl uogM •saxul BuilquuuS 3o sluauuAud olpl san13031 f4!:) agi `Quill of Quill uuog 1pgl paluls OH •saxM 2uilquuuB 2uip tSoj soillmod pup sivauu,Cud olul passnosip `op.i3q NoiM `.ioioauQ oouput3 / aa.insuoil Aj!D SWIM 1:10cuIg •spaau s,,Cit0 oql Inogt, ,Cltunuuuuo0 oql of pup pounoo of gloq ssouammu Suuq of ,Gunn p ,Clduuts spun lt,sodoid sigl pup spuoi asagl uo ooupualutt,uu panuiluoo aqi pun•I pinoo ,Cagl gotgnn ut ,Gunn u ioj Suplool uaaq spq oq `.ioXvW su `auojauag l uoilltui Z I$ jo isoo palpuuilso up Ip anuand bloniuoM pup anuoAV luouiisug uaaMlaq ppo21 Iupi() uo IOafoid ,Cpluano up Jo paau iup0giuSis U 2ut0p3 nnou st ,Clt:) aqi plus aH •sloafold pool put, loads Suipunj .uoj algt,ltunu soiliutwoddo lupB ,Cuuuu lou alp a.uagl ,Cuuouo3o luouno aql gltnn plus ,COu- 1oXvW •appui st u01si0ap u alojaq s10:4pui asagl alpSilsanui of alq , put, pauuojul ,Cllnj oq of pounoD A!D aqi snnollu uoiluoiunuiuioo jo odXj stgl Ipgi paluls pup sluouuuzoo atagl ao3 suozili0 pojut,gi ,COu- .io,CpW •,C4snput Quo joSm Iou pinogs ,Cj!D aqi iugl pup uualgoId ,Cltunwwoo u si It iugi sanailoq aq `aanannoH •poxg oq of paau spt,oa VNI an mu st aq lugl pappp OH •02puuoi Ipuotitppu aql gltnn Suilanuil a.re ,Cagl gatgnn ui spuo.i pup MOM Ilp Istl of pa.iinboi an ,Cagl su f,4snpui Suuj=4 oql Aq ptud On Ipgi satiunoD pup satI!D of algpltpnp alp Ipgi spun3 Jo OJ72MU si aq pappp aH •Ig�tann SS012 pa.ialst�a.0 600Z `£Z HNX SFLLfll1 W 113Nf10D 9aHD LVMRt1 ISdg d0 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 23, 2009 Section 2 — Georgia Avenue to James Avenue This section of Grant Road also has significant cracks and rutting, particularly in the inside eastbound lane. RH2 recommends having maintenance crews crack seal as necessary in all four lanes and patch the ruts in the inside eastbound lane this summer. Additional ruts and cracks are likely to develop in future years that will require attention until this section can receive the hot mix asphalt inlay. Because of the extensive ruts, a chip seal would not improve this section of road without the installation of a significant leveling course. Section 3 — James Avenue to Kentucky Avenue This section of Grant Road is in the best shape of the three areas evaluated. Crack sealing would still be necessary to help extend the life of the road. The ruts are not bad enough to require repair at this time. Although not typically recommended in an urban setting, a chip seal could be used in this section to prolong the life of the pavement. The downsides to chip sealing in this section are that it will not improve the curb height and frequent brooming with a pick up broom would be necessary. Because of the low curb height, rock may end up on the sidewalk, which would require some hand brooming. There is also a risk of damage to cars (typically broken windshields) associated with chip sealing. RH2 recommended crack sealing the entire section of Grant Road and repairing ruts in the inside eastbound lane up to James this summer to help slow down deterioration. They also suggest the City commit to extend the limits of the paving project in 2011 from Eastmont to Georgia to take advantage of potentially good bid prices on the joint project with WSDOT. They also recommend the City plan for a pavement preservation project to grind and inlay between Georgia and James with hot mix asphalt within three years, and to do the same between James and Kentucky within four years. Mr. Mauseth said they contacted Douglas County with regards to renting their crack sealing machine to do some of the crack sealing work. Douglas County has agreed to rent the crack sealing machine to the City and the Street Department will conduct this work from July 20 through August 3. He added the Street Crew will also be doing some patch work and sidewalk work during the month of July. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, June 9, 2009 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. 2009 Payables As of this date, June 23, 2009, Council does approve warrant numbers 21781 through 21825 in the total amount of $113,275.81. No payables warrants were voided. May 2009 Payroll As of this date, June 23, 2009, Council approves warrant numbers 375 through 392 for advances and direct deposits, and warrant numbers 27471 through 27554 in the total amount of $322,831.48 paid June 1, 2009, for the month of May 2009. •ajltl uotinjosoi oql puaa foug iof.UW •0-9 `palino uoilow oqj •Si0Z-0I0Z stua,C Sutnsuo aqI soj utut8oJd Iuawanotdwl uotluwodsuujL .tuaA-xiS alp Idopu of `alnoDoW .tagwawjtounoo , q puooas `aau3jong .tagwowpounoo , q opuw suns uotlow d :uoilad 1taunoo 'SIOZ-0I0Z slua,C Sutnsua aql toj wua20ad Iuawan,oidwi uotiullodsuuj L .tuoA-xis aql Sutldopu uoilniosal d LO-90-60 'ZO'I'IVg AIOIZaa'Id 'IV132[dS `60OZ `81 ZSf10flY all L NO HE[ rIrHM HJIHM `.Ll\ 33HHd HMO AO HIN13Z HALO Ag XVI HSfl QAIV SH IVS HSVaH3Nl 01 alMSVHW ZO'I'IVg (IgSOdOHd SM031MARI 30 ,LHOddfIS Na `NO.Lf)NMSVtA `HM13 LVMatA .LSVH AO AJL13 all L AO MOIs fIrIOSaU d 60-600Z 'OK MOIZfI'IOSaU ailp uotlnjosoi alp puQa An-1 .to,C W (.tawwatg) •I -S `polnuo uotlow OU WX qot.tpuajd iogwowpounoo ` oS pn000W aagwawjtounoo `u3X ltuqutug .zagwowjtounoo `,Cuu aawwaag lagwawjtounoo ` oX quu-j .tagwawjtounoZ) `ua,C aau3jong .tagwawjtounoo :aloA Ilea 1101 u fool Xou'I ioAtW •lojjug uotloajg IutoadS `60OZ `8I Isn0nd oqi uo oq Ipm goigm `luootad Quo jo gival-auo Xq xul osn puu sajuS osua.toui of oinsuaw lojjuq pasodotd S,W0DtaAlH Suilloddns uotlniosoi oqi Idopu `ltn000W aagwotupounoD Xq puooas `puqung lagwawjtounoD Xq opuw suns uotlow d :uogaV paunoa •lollug u01103lg jutoadS `60OZ `8 j isn$ny agl uo aq jjtnn gotgm `luoo tad auo jo gluaZ-auo Xq Xv L os fl puu sajuS oql osua tout of oinsuaw lojjuq posodoid s,woo.tantZj 3o poddns ut uotlnjoso i d 90-90-60 Nollf1'IOSgu Sut.tuag otjgnd aql pasojo Xou-I toXuW •w•d Z£:L Id •swalsXs uotluotunwwoo aql an,oadwt of paau altugop u si a.tagl su Xltunwwoo oql lgouoq jjtnn xul Qql UIOJJ pan,taoa.z spunk agl plus aH Iojjug uotioajg jutoadS u,8I Isand aqi uo ainsuaw oql ooujd of uujd s,wooaantg ltoddns of pounoo pw}jsu:pugtuug aagwawpounoo luuuaq otjgnd oql pauodo ,CouZ aoSrW •w•d 0£:L Id •salltjtouj puu swals,Cs suotluotunwwoo XouaRtawa 30 luawanoidwt puu Outddtnboat Tutatudw `Butjapowa.t `2ututulutuw `8utluaado `Sutddtnba `uotlon4suoa `uotltstnbou `u2ts3p `Butouuug gltnn polutoossu sisoo ioj spun] Sutptnold jo osodtnd aql ao3 xu1, osrl puu sajuS luootad auo jo glu3l-auo u 8uguawajdwt Iolluq `60OZ `81 Isany aql uo wnsuaw u aoujd of uujd s,woDtan.a asoddo .to :poddns of .taglogm .taptsuoo of 8ut.tuag otjgnd d 50-90-60 ONlRVHH oI'Igad 600Z `£Z 9Nflf Salf1MW 'IIDNflOD 93HD,LVMgj)1 ISV9 d0 AJAD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES RUNE 23, 2009 RESOLUTION NO.2009-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A SIX -YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND 'DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THIS RESOLUTION WITH THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. 09-06-08 A resolution adopting standards for Public Defense Services. Court Administrator, Joan Sims, said the Bar Association has already adopted the standards and the Office of Public Defense recommended cities also adopt these standards. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to adopt standards for Public Defense Services. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance title. RESOLUTION NO.2009-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC DEFENSE SERVICES AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ACTION ITEMS 09-06-10 Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 for the relocation of existing sewer facilities as part of the "Canyon A" Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility Project. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer, authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 for the relocation of existing sewer facilities as part of the "Canyon A" Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility Project. The motion carried, 6-0 ORDINANCE 09-06-09 First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance 2006-24 for the project commonly known as Tanglewood Townhomes Planned Unit Development, to permit the subdivision of the property for zero -lot line attached single-family homes. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance title. ORDINANCE 2009-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 06-24 FOR THE PROJECT COMMONLY KNOWN AS TANGLEWOOD TOWNHOMES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY FOR ZERO -LOT LINE ATTACHED SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Sunit,w s.tasn aofuw are oiogL •s.taked xt,i awt,s asogl Xq pasnt,o Iou st o2uuxep oql uagnn siaazis at,lnotlted uo slt,nptntput ioglo so satut,dwoo ogtoods oI s333 ;oedun 32.rego Iou pinoo X4tD aqI ptes Xoe-1 ioXvw Iuowvuda(j aoilod aqi uo. uopinq t, lou si it Iegl os aout,utpto oql ooiojua of mot; optoap oI a1tl Pinonn aq olgt,ttsop si oout,uipto stgl Suildope It,gi spug ltounoo 3t ptt,s all •aout,utp.to Stgl i?utp1t,23.t sluatuwoo uaztito But.tnp do Iq!3nolq sluawwoo put, suotlsanb aql jo awos iaptsuoo oI pounoD p31st, Cot,-1 .to,CeW •saad Ituuad pt,ol.tanO 2utllas 00ueutpto UV JO Sutpeaa Istt3 Z1-90-60 •0-9 `poinuo uoilow aqs -Aum3ited 11 W AaIMA It, peo21 MID uo auul wnj gal punoglst,a o4i Sutleutwtla oouuutpto aqI Idope of `Itt,qutt,g .iogwawltounoD Xq puooas `sNot.tpuall ngwotupounoo Sq opt,w seen uoilow d :uotlad gaunoa 0-9 `pat.ut,o uotiow aq L •Sutpeaa puooas oI a0ut,utp.to aqi aleAala oI `a Mqu.reg ngwotupounoD Xq puooas `s)lottpuall aagwawliounoD Aq opew sum uotiow d :uotlad ltaunoa 'IIZdQ amlaII33II Aid OAIIHSI'IIIV LSII QAid `IISfld'I3 AZI'IIgd2IIIAIIS d 9AIIAIId.LAIO3 `AVAtXHVd 'I'IVW AII'I'IdA ,Ld QdOH ZAid?IO NO IIAid'I NIHAI IATI C[NIIOffISVH IIH.L OAIIZdAIININII'III `NOZOAIIHSdM `aaH3 LVNaAA .LSVa AO AID IIIi.L AO IIJM VNUC[ O Aid LO-600Z 'ON II3AIVNa(MO •alltl a0ut,utpto oql peal Aot,Z .toxvw ,xvM31at,d IItw /1alleA oluo pt,o2I Iut,tO wot3 aut,l utnl gal agi 2utlt,utwtla aout,uput,o�utpt,aistt�i 1-90-60 '0-S `poiiteo uoilow oql •sawoq Xltwt,3-ol2uis pogouuu outl lol-oloz aoj /4iodwd oql jo uotstntpgns oql Ituuod oI `IuowdolanaQ Ituf1 pauuuld sawoqumoZ poonnal2ut,•L st, umowl Xluowwoo Ioafold oql .toj VZ-900Z 'ol`I aoueuipip Ouipuowe aout,uipto aqi Idopt, oI `qugd aagwowpounoD Xq puooas `.tawwatg aagwowltounoD Xq opt,w seen uoilow d :uoilad ltounoa '0-9 `pat.ueo uotlow aq L •Butpt,at puooas oI a0ut,utp.to aqI aleAala of `quu-8 aagwowltounoD Aq puooas `lawwaig aagwowltounoD Aq opt,w seen uotlow d mogad paunoO 'LOOZ iogwoldaS ut IaatlS T61 of sivawanoidwt Jo lt,uajap t, panoiddt, pounoD f4iD oql PaPPt, oqS 'fltitoej SuiInd put, puoi ss000u snit,reddu aig t, pltnq of papaau Xluo Aogl wntutwopuoo a sd •Iaaals ait,nt.td mou a loj Iuawast,a put, Butot,jins Iaatls ut uotlonpa.i put, s3i1ennapis jo uotieutwtla :a2t,t3no3 Iol `.sjovgias :wog uotlt,tnap put, Idoouoo autl Iol-o.taz oql ioj papaau f4t1tgtxolj aqI saptnoid ss000id Iuawdolanap Itun pouuuld lt,tluoptsa.t oqZ •uoistntp qns p.tepueis u ioj sivawo.unbat Ilumopts put, giptnn Iaa.tls ait,eud aqI paw oI algt,un onm. Xotp `satitltin pallt,lsut put, `shun iaglo aqi ao3 suotlt,puno3 oql jo lit, ` ippnq Itun Z `auo polonilsuoo Apeagt, peg XQgi aoui •Ionpoid .tallaq t, aptnoid pinom sawoq otgt,d io sawogumol `ouil Iol-oaaz lugi pauiuualap XagjL •Iuiivalod solos .nags paitwil sopuoo ioj suotldo Suioueug put, Ia3jlew aqi It,gl p010n00stp AQgl Itun auo 3o alt,s oql ftiinQ •2uiplinq gouo ui swniuiwopuoo Z git^n s2uipltnq S lotuisuoo oI ueld acts 2uipuiq a ao3 patlddt, XI1eu12110 puq 0-1,1 spu32a-1 uoXuLD PUBS aqi ptt,s `noung tjo"I `aoloanQ IuowdolanaQ titunwwoD 60-90-60 'oN lltg t,puaBV woij jloswiq pasnoal nuil0ng .tagwowlt3uno3 600Z `£Z aNfIf SaIfMW'IIDldflOD ggHD.LdNaM ISdEI 30 AIID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 23, 2009 trips on Grant Road and when Waste Management started hauling their loads up Grant Road they volunteered to pay the County for damage done to their roads. He said the City has serious problems with the roads needing preservation and an inability to receive State funding to pay for road projects. He felt the best way to access a fee would be to have the heaviest users pay those fees to assist in paying for the rapid deterioration on the roads. Councilmembers expressed concerns and asked questions regarding enforcement of the ordinance; whether the language in the ordinance should be changed to read a load permit rather than an overload permit, what the anticipated amount these fees would generate and whether it would be enough to fix one road, and that they should look at other solutions to ensure we do not capture fees from a specific industry but rather the entire community. Councilmember Barnhart indicated this is a community wide problem and he is opposed to imposing this fee only on the trucking industry. He said he would rather look to the community and consider imposing a car tab fee. Councilmember Hendricks believes there are to many unanswered questions at this time to move forward with adopting the ordinance. Mayor Lacy said the issue is whether it makes sense to try to impose the cost of the deterioration of particular streets such as Grant Road on the people who are causing the most damage. He said he does not want staff to spend a lot of time trying to refine the logistics regarding the application process or enforcement if Council does not philosophically support the ordinance. Councilmember Hendricks asked for clarification purposes if this ordinance would be brought back for second reading at the next scheduled Council meeting. Mayor Lacy said the issue will not come back for second reading at the next meeting. He added Council or himself may bring this issue back at another time. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Hendricks asked if the Budget Committee will make a recommendation as to the unfunded position of a School Resource Officer prior to the start of the next school year. Mayor Lacy indicated the City had anticipated that the School District would pay the City $33,000 on a renewal contract for the SRO. However, the School District decided not to renew the contract. The City ended up leaving the SRO in place and funding the entire cost of $78,000 during the 2008-2009 school year. He said the City will need to decide if they wish to continue funding this position. He asked Mr. Gerde to place this item on the next budget committee agenda for discussion. Councilmember Raab submitted minutes from the Storm Water Utility (SWU) meeting held on May 21, 2009. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District meeting held on May 18, 2009. Councilmember Johnson submitted minutes from the Link Transit Board of Directors meeting held on April 21, 2009. 1 1 1 PJUUJBg BUBQ pypnq ftIq w'd OZ:8-.LmawNi2IllOf([V 600Z `£Z 9N-nf