HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/9/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
JUNE 9, 2009
6:30 P.M.
Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember
Barnhart, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember
Raab, and Mayor Lacy.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth, Randy Harrison, and Nick
RiverCom Director, Millie Tirapelle, reviewed a summary of the One Tenth of One Percent Sales and Use
Tax expressing the need for equipment upgrades which would cost $12 million. She said the computers
running the radio system have been in use for 12 years, running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and they
are starting to fail. RiverCom needs $800,000 this year to replace those consoles.
Ms. Tirapelle said the One Tenth of One Percent Sales Tax issue will be on the August 18,' ballot for a
vote of the people and will need to pass in both Chelan and Douglas Counties. She added the City of East
Wenatchee currently pays $271,000 a year, If the ballot measure does not pass the City would pay an
additional $95,000 per year.
Councilmember Barnhart said as a point of order he would like to recommend the City hold a public
hearing at the next Council meeting to discuss the merits of supporting this ballot issue and then make a
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner
to hold a public hearing on June 23, 2009, to receive comments from the public regarding the City's
support of the proposed ballot measure implementing One Tenth of One Percent Sales and Use Tax. The
motion carried, 6-0. (Hendricks abstained)
Mayor Lacy congratulated Councilmember Hendricks on his achievement for the successful completion
the Association of Washington Cities Certificate of Municipal Leadership training program.
Finance Department
City Treasurer/Finance Director, Nick Gerde, reviewed the Financial Report for April 2009. He stated
that the property tax payment received in April was less than what had been forecasted. However, the
City has since received a second payment which made up the difference in the forecasted amount.
Mr. Gerde reported that the sales tax receipts in received in May were down for the first time this year. He
said that since the sales tax reports are two months behind, this reflects business activity for March which
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loafold Xullanp agl alojaq Indu ftlluj puog lu7a1D 3o waouoo passoAxo s3I31lpuaH lagwotup3unoD
'uoilonllsuooal samba Ii ji ouiuualop of sisXluuu
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1soA-xiS agl 2uiuuuld uogm posn ss000ld aqI pauiuldxo `glosnuW uopuulg `luopualuuadnS Iaa1IS
juawlaudaQ IaaalS
'xul ptil Bunpodal swuudwoo
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ftiaq an, oqM A4unoo ss12noCl jo sluopisal wo13 silun jo iogwnu u pantaOal suq oq ptus opno '1W
'popunjw oq of aAuq Xuw ,�4i0
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sassalpps Igst1 aqI Iiq IOU aAuq `saxul osogl ftloalloo s,, uudwoo agl jo awos agl Iugl paluls Xou-1 1oXuw
'pu011 antltsod u aAuq
ant IOU 10 laglagM Ilal OI Xl1uo 001 si Ii `Isunaloj jo puogs are ant g�inogliu Puu `60OZ `I Xx1u qa3 I3aj3a
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'lunowu pala2pnq aql uigliM am sisoo
asagl puu smoui f4i0 agl alnlipuadxa IsoBjul aql on slsoo sigauaq puu Iiozz vd lugl pallodal opnD '1W
'80OZ ui poind awus
oql 2uilnp POAianal XIt0 aqI lugM wo1j auiioaP %OZ s Pus `lunowu palsuoalod agl ut ouiloop %01 u smogs
600Z `6 3Nf1f SalfMW 'IIONnOO 3FIHDIVNaM ISV21 40 A.LIO
Mr. Mauseth said he will consider comments from the public hearing as well as from City Council and
the Mayor regarding prioritization of the Six -Year TIP. The Six -Year will then come back as an exhibit to
a resolution for adoption by the City Council at the June 23, 2009, Council meeting.
Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, May 26, 2009
Consideration of Bills
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt,
to approve the consent calendar as presented.
Councilmember Hendricks said he believes employee donations should be utilized for items such as
flowers for employees rather than using tax payer's money.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember
Bremmer, to amend the motion to remove the Apple Blossom floral bill from the consent agenda. The
motion failed 2-5. (Raab, Johnson, McCourt, Barnhart, Buckner)
Councilmember Bremmer said he was bothered by the fact that during the budget process there were
several cuts made to make sure we had a balanced budget, yet there seems to be a lot of frivolous
purchases being made.
Mayor Lacy said there are no expenditures that he is aware of, that are not matters within the expenditure
authority of each of the Department Heads under the current budget which has been approved and
adopted by the Council. He said he believes it is inappropriate to question expenditures which are
specifically appropriated for, unless there is some issue about whether or not those expenditures were not
authorized. He added there is a distinction between asking questions about the expenditures and
expressing opinions about whether the Mayor or Staff are spending funds from their budget in an
appropriate manner.
Mayor Lacy asked for a vote on the original motion regarding approval of the consent calendar:
The motion carried, 7-0.
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense
reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has
been made available to Council.
2009 Payables
As of this date, June 9, 2009, Council does approve warrant numbers 21742 through 21780 in the total
amount of $74,895.58.
09-06-01 A public hearing to receive public comment regarding the City's participation in funding
repairs to the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge.
Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:24 p.m.
The following spoke in favor of the City's participation in funding repairs to the Wenatchee Reclamation
oqS •a.nnbat pinonn XI!D oql uotlusuadutoo jo Od,CI lugnn pun uotluoun Iugl utul.zalua pinoM Amp3t iop!suoo
of ItounoD ioj Isanbat u iogltj Inq `,Gunn jo-Ig5ti ioj uotlgod u lou st stgl lugl pautuldxo ummg 'sW
8utnout alo�aq aaptsuoo pinogs ann lugl ansst lu�al .to tapio jo lutod Iu2al u sunn aaagl3t pa�lsu Xou-I ao,fuW
�Cunn o-lg8t t 3o UOtluoun t? IOJ uotltlod of popaau
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of antlulat utagl uo poould oq lg2tut suotltpuoo lugnn puu Xunnjo-IgSil 3o uotluoun u utupoluo
pinonn Xogl iaglagnn ltounoD uto.g uotsloap ,C tututtlaid u utulgo of (MD) dtgsnnolla3 uuuultufl opuosuo
oql Aq Isanboi u Butpm2oi puno )Iouq dat.tq u anu8 `Ilautug tto l `.topwiCl luautdolanaQ ,CltunwwoD
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•O-L `pat.uuo
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TI asugd — loafoid Ioiluo0 PooI-4 «d„ uo,CUUD — XIiltlfl .talunnuuolS
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Wall Roliov
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'w'd Z£:L lu 8ut.reaq otlgnd oql pouodo ,fou-I toXuW
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'w'd I £:L It' But waq otlgnd oql pasolo Xou-ItofvuW
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puu aagoluuaM Isug `antaQ Poonuut.tg £b6 `A31nnu.19 XIluS
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`aagoluuaM lsug `l moo iolsV OZS I `u0 Otuuog
60OZ `6 aNflf Salfll UW 'IIDNf100 aaHDJ VN9,A ISVa 40 AID
added the CUF would still be required to go through the formal vacation of right-of-way process and
submit a petition for vacation of right-of-way. -
Ms. Barnett said that in lieu of payment of fair market value for the right-of-way, the CUF would like
Council to consider a land exchanr if they were to purchase the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) property,
wherein the City would vacate 16 Street NW in exchange for 30 feet of right-of-way along SR 28, the
SDA parcel.
Ms. Barnett reviewed sample land values of neighboring properties and the estimated value of right-of-
way vacation and exchange area. She added the asking price for property is $3.67 per square foot.
Councilmembers discussed whether the City would ever need the property in the proposed vacation of
right-of-way, and whether it is a good idea to do a land swap versus selling the property so the funds
could be used for other projects.
Mayor Lacy asked legal Counsel whether or not Council can express an opinion as a majority, without it
being considered an action, and if it is considered action then would it be appropriate to consider this
without an application.
Mr. Poulson said by statue the appropriate way to vacate right-of-way is to have a petition with all the
required information available before you for consider if for approval.
Mayor Lacy said the process in this case would require that Councilmembers not express a majority
opinion about the course of action where there is no actionable item on the table. He said he would prefer
a specific proposal be made to the Council that they could act on, as opposed to having them express their
opinion whether they would support the issue without it being a binding action on behalf of the Council.
He said he had no objection to Council commenting on the issue as long as they understand that they are
only making a comment as part of the public process.
Councilmember Johnson said we heard several comments during the public hearing portion of this
meeting regarding the City's participation in funding repairs to the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremer, to
participate in funding repairs to the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge in the amount of $10,000, and put
forward a potential amendment to the 2009 budget to reflect that expenditure.
Councilmember Hendricks said he supports the bridge. However, be believes there are projects in the City
that the money could be used for and he will be voting no on the issue.
Councilmember Barnhart said based on our current budget status and the fact that the City implemented a
utility tax to make sure we had a balanced budget for 2009 he does not feel this is the right time to
participate in funding repairs to the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Barnhart,
to amend the motion regarding participation in funding repairs to the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge
from the City's 2009 budget and instead allocate the funds to come out of the 2010 Budget to reflect that
expenditure. The motion carried, 5-2. (Hendricks, Johnson)
� I IN yus
-turd 8£:8 — iLmalvNxnorav
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'600Z `£I (uW uo plag 2uipow IuowdolanaQ uollUA.iasuoD
puu ooinosa-1 uol2uigsuM jailuoD gvoN aqI uzoij salnuiw palliuzgns jouilong logwauillounoD
'600Z `8 Iiadd uo plaq Suiloauz p.reog 2uiulanoD
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(sNoupuaH) ' 1-9 `poiimo uoilouz oq jL 'la2pnq OI OZ aqI wo.g paluudoiddn
`000`01$ 3o Iunowu oql ui ailpi.ig uoilvun?l3a2l aagolnuaM agl oI snndoi jo 2utpunj aqI ui oludioipud oI
`Puqumg a3gw3wltounoD Xq pu000s `ia"ong jagwowpounoo Xq opm stem uo[low V :uollad llaunoa
600Z `6 aNflf SalflMW 'IIDNflOD 21aHDIVMaM ISV21 d0 AID