HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/26/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 26, 2009 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Bremmer and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Randy Harrison, Nick Gerde, Dawn Collings, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Douglas County Commissioner, Ken Stanton, submitted a letter to Mayor Lacy and City Councilmembers that was prepared by the County Commissioners. He said the County Commissioners feel the relationship between the City of East Wenatchee and Douglas County is important and needs to be retained. Therefore, this letter is an official notification that the Douglas County Board of Commissioners hereby rescind the request for reimbursement of funds for the design and engineering on the Baker Street Project. BUDGET ISSUES Mayor Lacy said he received a letter from Mayor Dennis Johnson requesting consideration of a $10,000 investment for the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge repair project. He said this item was discussed at the May 15, 2009, Budget Committee meeting in which they conceded to bring a recommendation to full Council to conduct a public hearing as to whether the City should utilize public funds for the purpose to providing funds for the purpose of supporting the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge repair project. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner, to set June 9, 2009, as the date for a public hearing regarding the City's participation in funding repairs to the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge. The motion carried, 7-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said there has been press coverage regarding the performance of the Town Toyota Center which is owned by the Greater Wenatchee Regional Public Facilities District He clarified the City's connection as a stakeholder in the PFD and stated that the City of East Wenatchee would not be responsible for any of the Town Toyota Center's financial obligations. He said he received a letter from Joe Jarvis, President, Greater Wenatchee Regional Public Facilities District (PFD), regarding the Town Toyota Center which is managed by Global Entertainment. The letter stated that the PFD is in the process of conducting a review of costs and revenues related to the operation of the Town Toyota Center. Mayor Lacy said he attended a Trail Master Plan meeting with Senator, Linda Evans Parlette, two Douglas County Commissioners, Douglas County Staff and other interested parties regarding the disposition of Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT) property along the Columbia River. He said Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee currently lease the Apple Capital Recreation Z •l!ounoo of olqulrent, opuw uaaq st,q goigM `Suils!l u ui popa000l uaaq annq 060'17Z'Zb M:)2I Xq pa.nnbw su paggjoo swiulo luowas.ingw!aa osuodxo osogl put, 080'i7Z'Zb M:)?I Aq pwinbol su aao33o Suil!pnu oql Xq pog!alao put, pal!pnu slagonon '0-L `paimuo uoilow oql •poluosaid su aupuoluo Iuasuoo oql anOjddu of `gvra aagwatupounoo Xq pu000s `uosugof aagwowl!ounoD Xq opuw suns uoilow d :uoi liaunoj 'WLIBoad luawanoidwl uoiluvodsuua,L auoA xIS aqI gutpmSal 2uiauoq oilgnd ioj olup aqI st, `600Z `6 ounf IoS £ sllig 3o UOTIrlop!SUOD Z 60OZ `Z I , LW `uoissaS relnSag — solnuiW jo uo!Iuaap!suoD • I HvQN2[,TVJ INgSNOJ •uOISIAIQ Igoid-uolq agljo suo!dwugo st, weal ggMg aqI OI uan,!S oq of piu mu uu poluasaid qu mgoS •.iW •uoisin!p .I!agI u! wt,al Xluo aqI suns ult,al ggMg aqI `QiojaiogL •Igo.id-uou uio4 snluls Ilogl oSuugo of ggMg nmollt, of Iou uoisioop u opuw puu pall!wgns on m sai uo aqI nmoq Ioj olg!suodsai suns aq p!ts OH •swt,al Iaglo aqI oSuallugo pinoo Xagl lugl os snluls lugl oOuugo oI paluunm puu uo!S!Aip Igoid-uou aqI ul alarm wual ggMg aqI ptus OH TI!M aagoluuaM Pula `OolsOD `ggMg luau sigl Swual uawonm lit, aal IT aianm a.Iagl pres QH •Iuana sissugD fssrID aqI jo:pud su saou-d utg olddd aqI sisoq IuauniudaQ sl.iud oql p!us `Ioi.IlsiCI 3liud uuI!lodoijaW luowlsug `ioloanCI `qunmgoS anuCI saaeg ulg alddd — aoloaa!Q lquagaS anUQ — la!als!Q >[aud uel!lodoalaW luomisu:q •Iuana lugl 0110JOLUOW OO of lu[oods 8uiglawos op of suap! 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December 2008 Payroll As of this date, May 26, 2009, Council does approve warrant numbers 356 through 374 for advances and direct deposits and warrant numbers 27385 through 27470 in the total amount of $330,391.40 paid May 1, 2009, for the month of April 2009. Warrant 27420 was voided ACTION ITEMS 09-05-03 Authorization to expend funds for replacement of the welcome sign at the north entrance to East Wenatchee. Brandon Mauseth, Street Superintendent, said that earlier this year an accident occurred and the existing Welcome to East Wenatchee sign located at Ballard Point Park was destroyed, along with the retaining wall and some vegetation. He said since that time City staff and the East Wenatchee Events Board (EWEB) have been working with Graybeal Signs on design options and a cost estimate for replacing that sign. He said the City received a $4,135.90 reimbursement for that sign and the cost of the proposed sign is $10,232.12, leaving a $6,096.22 balance of unplanned expenses. He said he would like to replace the sign out of funds from his current budget along with funds from the EWEB. Dawn Collings, Director, East Wenatchee Events Board, said the Events Board was excited about the opportunity to replace the sign with a newly designed sign as that was one of the items the Events Board had placed as a high priority when they worked on their strategic plan last year. She said this is being brought forward for authorization from City Council in order to move forward with the project. Mayor Lacy asked Legal Counsel for a clarification with respect to process. He said when this was placed on the agenda it was his understanding that authorization was needed because the un-reimbursable amount of $6,096.22 was an unbudgeted item. He said he did not believe approval was required since the Street Department and EWEB found funds in their budgets to cover the remaining expense. Devin Poulson, City Attorney, said that since the money has been appropriated they do not need additional approval. Mayor Lacy said this was basically a spending issue based on prior appropriation. However, if Council wished to make a motion on the agenda item they may do so. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Hendricks, to authorize the expenditure of funds for replacement of the welcome sign at the north entrance to Valley Mall Parkway. Councilmembers discussed the following; the wording of the sign, which funds it could be paid out of, whether taking money from those funds would sacrifice other projects as this was not a budgeted item, whether the sign project would be required to go out for bid or if it qualified for a small works roster project; whether the Street Department could do part of the work to reduce the cost, that utility taxes were implemented to ensure the City had a balanced budget, and whether or not the motion was approved for the expenditure of funds they were in favor of the project. b suollugosau lot,uuoo put, uoiluSpil lt,tlualod Sutp.re201 SuluaAa stgl suotssas aAtlnooxo oAA4 aq llinn atagl pies Sou -I aoAvw NOISSHS HAIZflJgX3 'AJI'IOd .Lgoaag aNd 93NVNII ggHJIVNgM IMI AO A.LIJ gHI ONIijoav `NO.LJNIHSVM `ggHJ.LVN'AM .LSV21 AO AID HH,L AO NOLLMOS21H V 90-600Z 'ON NOI.LMOM smollo3 st, spuoi uotlnlosal oql jo olig oqZ '0-L `Patuuo uoilow oqs, •soX aou3Iong .tagwawltounoD `soX l.tuqumg ngwawltounoo `s3X Im000W iogwawltounoJ put, `sQX S IoupuaH Iogwowliounoo `sari - uosugo f aagwawpounoD `so,C - quug .tagwawltounoo `saX - nunua.Ig aagwawltounoD salon lluo aloe u Tool dot, -I Io fuW Xotlod IaSpng put, aouuu13 aagoluuaM lsug jo X4 0 agl Idopu oI `I.tuqu uq .iogwawltounoJ Xq puooas `.tau)long aaquxau pounoJ Xq opuw suns uoilow d :uoilaV Iiaunoj •sjuai .iotid uI op of polBSn.Ils suq 4t0 aqI It,gl asnluu u jo guiuuuld joSpnq uual fool op of sn softinoouo uuld sigl pius ftouZ .toxt,yg -uuld lt,touuug .tuzX-xis u ioj sllt,o uuld s►ql su iuoX I32pnq ouo puoXoq spualxo Iugl uuld u aplAold of oslu puu woti owoo sanuanaa aaagM'BulztuSooa.t st, Ilann su 44!D aqI ui 2utpuads gouo tddu am nnoq oI su aAiloodsoid u SuIAI'B f4!D agl JO sluaptsaa aqI of puu `jjuIS `pounoJ aqI jo Igauaq oql ioj suns Xotlod stgl of gouoiddt, stq ptus `Ioloa.IiQ oouuut•3/aa.mstojj, 4tZ) `apta0 XotM -Xotlod Ia2png puu aouuui j aagoluuoM Isug jo,4!D oql Sutldopt, uotlnlosaa d b0-90-60 Slollfflosa I 'Z-S Paltt,3 uollow aq j •sari - nu3Iong aagwowltounoJ `ou - l.tuquirg aagwawltounoD `ou - IinoJoyj ngwowltounoJ `ou - s3lotzpuaH togwawltounoD `sar( - uosugol• .IagwowltounoD `ou - quu-1 aagwowltounoJ `ou - ntutua.ig iagwawltounoD :aloA Ilea aloe u lool Aou-I .IoAUW Xrm)ljud IIrw �aIIuA oI aout,.tlua gl.tou agl It' ug's awoolann oql jo Iuawoot,ldoi .ioj spun] jo a.mltpuodxo oql Sutzi.Ioglnu uoilow aql popuooas .Iawwa.Ig aagwawltounoD :uollad llaunoj •uotlow aql nnuipgltnn of gstnn Iou saop puu onsst aqI uo aloA of a3lti pinom oq ptus uosugor .IagwowpounoD 'SumNJud lluW XOIIRA oI aouuqua gl.Iou aqI lu usts owoolom oqljo luowoouldat .ioj spun3 3o alnitpuadxo aqI Sutzt.Ioglnt, uoilow oql of puooas stq nnazpgltnn s3l3tlpu3H aagwawltounoo •p.IUAuoJ SuIAOw of aot.Id ua)lul oq Isnw aloA u `unnt,lpgltnn st uoilow oql ssolun puu olqul oql uo uoilow u st aaagl ptus uosinod utnaQ `/fawollV f4t3 •pa.nnbal lou st uotlt,zt.Ioglnt, uogm swalt polo2pnq 2utztaoglnu aq Iou pinogs ltounoo oql laaj lou saop oq su upuaft, aql wo.g Walt stgl OAOW31 oI a�tl pinonn oq puu Xjuss000u Iou suns sigl It,gl Sutput,lslopun stq st II -Xnss000u suns pounoD woo uotlurt.Ioglnu Iugl Sutpuulsiopun aqI gltm ltounoD of p.IuAuo3 awuo Walt stgl PIES x3v-1 .to tt,yq 60OZ `9Z AVW SH.Ln IIW 'IIDNflOJ ggHJ LVMgM LSdg JO AIID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 26,.2009 At 7:40 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a 15 minute executive session regarding potential litigation. At 7:55 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a 20 minute executive session regarding contract negotiations and invited Community Development Director Barnett to attend. Council reconvened at 8:05 p.m. Councilmember McCourt said she attended the Peace Officers Memorial Luncheon held on May 14, 2009, in which Dan Dieringer received recognition as East Wenatchee's Officer of the Year. Councilmember Barnhart submitted minutes from the RiverCom Administrative Board meeting held on April 8, 2009. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District meeting held on April 20, 2009. ADJOURNMENT — 8:10 p.m. Dana Barnard — City Clerk 1 1