HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/25/2009 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 25, 2009 6:30 P.M. 5:30 PM - JOINT WORKSHOP Joint discussion between the Douglas County Commissioners and the East Wenatchee City Council regarding "More Than A Trail" — report of survey results from Project Groundwork. Heather Ostenson, co-owner of the research company "Project Groundwork", presented a draft review of the survey taken by over twelve hundred people regarding the Apple Capital Loop Trail. She said 65% of the East Wenatchee survey respondents indicated they believe the trail is the most important parks and recreation opportunity in the community. She said more than half of the results opposed any development along the trail, while 15% favored some development, such as shops and restaurants. 6:30 PM - ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Devin Poulson, Randy Harrison, Nick Gerde, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Treasurer/Finance Director, Nick Gerde, reported on the financial planning for the City. He said the City of East Wenatchee has developed a financial planning process that culminates in the development of the City's Annual Financial Plan. The process includes the following key elements: a. The annual budget, b. A six year budget and cash flow forecast plan, c. A six year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), d. Any other planned or expected future capital requirements, e. Grant/request/acquisition strategy for project funding, f. Reserve funding requirements to support working capital, support, debt acquisition costs, g. Any plans or possibility for financing with bonded debt, and h. Cash flow forecasts beyond the six year planning horizon. capital project funding, debt service Mr. Gerde said nine scheduled Budget Committee Meetings have been held between March and August, 2009, in which all Councilmember's have rotated attendance in order to attend at least one or more of these budget meetings. He said the City Department Heads are now working on their budgets with guidance from the budget committee and will report their progress by mid -September. He said the Budget Committee has looked at and considered a "draft" for a seven year look at the City's forward cash flow. Mr. Gerde added that each of the seven years they forecast to build a modest amount of cash, a key element will be to manage and control labor costs which comprise about 65% of their total costs. luowoai2u uocluxouuu-aid ag13o Iiud sd •("Id LMd) uuo'I punJ Isws sIioM oilgnd u uodn posuq Ioafoid u gll^A,ClunoD aqI Xq panoidwt uaaq pug uaiu slgl puu f4!D og1,10 slcwll lsuaglnos agI smollo3 mou goigm uaiu agI poxouuu f4tD oqL •luawaaat, uocluxauuu agI of palulai X4!D oql jo suoclu2ulgo luowosingwlai aqI of loadsai gl!m 4unoD aqI puu ,tl!D oq1 gloq Aq apuw Ig2isi3no uu sm aiagl 1ugl poliodw ,Cowj iokeW •/Cltunluoddo owula3ll u ui aouo u si Il su `Ioafoid sigl io3 olglssod Oulgl,Ciana op 01 poau am gocgm ul ,Cllunpoddo uu si stgl sanalloq aq ptus aH suazlllo puu `IotilsiQ tltlfl olignd `IotilslQ aiod X4unoD sul2noQ `f4unoD sul'BnoQ ioj ftllunlioddo snopuawail u si 1! plus uosugo f iogt uQtul!3unoD •osn oclgnd oinln3 io3 puul aqI aniasaid of moq uo suoildo gl►m do owoo of auutl wow sn ancS of wags 3lsu of uldwXjo of uolluSalap u Suipuos ionu3 ui oq pinom oq plus liugwug iogwowlcounoo •papnlout oq of mill pinom s,iagwowltounoD iaglo Xuu 3l palsu puu alu�ialap u su oludtouliud of ssou2ullllm u poluo►pui uosugof iagwowltounoD pappu OH •panlaoai Xogl lndul jo lunowu agI puu `Ioafoid agI ui uocludlolliud ollgnd jo lunowu agI `ssaooid oql qj!m possoidwt sunn aq plus OH •spaau i32uol ou CLOQSM) uocluliodsuuiZ 3o IuawWdaQ oltIS uojBulgsuM Imp soiliodoid jo Isil u jo jjo puul agI dowl of siqutumq Xgqol of uiduu�jo of uoilugalop u 2uipuos passnoslp Xagl uotluluosaid dogsltom oql 2uunp plus OH •sllnsai ICanins «lluj L V uugZ aioW,, agI uo luawwoo of pagsim Xogl 3l IlounoD po lsu ,Court ioXuW •ssaooid 2ugo2pnq oql Oucinp alqullunu wogl anuq of iapio ui suotlunluna aa,Coldwa Sullaldwoo 3o ssaooid agI ui aiu spuaH luawliudaQ agI ptus Xourl io,CuW •uotluonpo iaglin3 ialju saa,Coldwo jo ssol Inoqu uiaouoo ,Cuu uaaq Iou suq aiagl pappu OH •ssaooid Sucutu2iuq agI ui ol!gm saa,Coldwa agI Ioajju pinom Iugl Xoilod luaiino aqI of suolslnai aluw of pannollu IOU aiu Om `aiojaiaq j •uollucloOou ioqul Ou102u0 uu uc panlonut ,Clluo uno si <c4i0 oql pcus OH •qof iaq of solulai lc moq jo uoguluaswd alaldwoo wow u io uoiluogllsnf ial1aq u oq of spaau aiagl ainlnj aqI ui lugl oa,Coldwo Iugl pouuiojuc puu aaf,,oldwa lino agI of luawasingwcai jo uocluogllsnf aqI pauoclsanb OH •sanssc luawaoiojug mu -I agI of loadsai ql!m uiialcio agI uo posuq pasingwiai uaaq anuq sluaw,Cud uoultrq plus Xou-I ioXuW •3loogpuuq oaSoldwa agI ui pagciulo oq pinogs slgl pappu aH Iuawasmgwtai jo lios awos ,Cud o1 paimbai oq pinogs `uolluonpo aqI 2ucncaoai iolju `aa,Coldwo uu iaglogm puu 00120p Iuawaoiojug mu -I u gucuculgo of palulai on, sassulo osagl iaglagnn 2ucpiu20i suiaouoo passaidxo OH •tZS`£$ luuocicppu uu si aiagl Buivana scgl lunoiddu ioj iupualuo luasuoo aqI uo puu sluowasingwioi uoilml uo I6 i `S 1$ papuadxa suq alto aqI olup of plus iau3long iagwowllounoD •,Coclod luouno aqI XJl.relo of poluum oq Iuow,Cud ioj poluosaid uaaq anuq sainitpuodxo osogl jo awos sows iugl pappu OH •onsst lugl lu Tool of lurm lq&w am ssaooid uoilutlo2m ioqul aqI g2noigl onuiluoo am su sdugiad plus OH •luawpuawu 1a2pnq u aicnbai Ipm puu ioj polo2pnq Iou aiam lugl iva,C slgl sisonboi Iuawasingwtai IuuogcuBis awos uaaq anuq aiagl `ianannoH •Isud aqI in onssu uu uaaq Iou suq luawasingwuai plus OH •apu12 2ucssud u gl!m sassulo Bons jo uoclaldwoo aqI uodn Iuawasingwcai Bons ancaoai ll!M aa,Coldwa ota •loogos poppaioou io o2alloD `,Cllsianlun pazlu2000i u woiJ aai23p palulai luawaoiojug mu -I u piumol aoXoldwa uu ,Cq ua3lul sassulo llu io3 s310oq puu uoilunl jo Isoo oql osingwtai llpm ,,4l0 aqI lugs saluls oslu 11 •puad►ls anlluaoul luuocluonpo uu ptud oq of algt2tlo aq Ilpm sasinoo palulai luawaoiojug mv-1 ui ooBop u 5ututulgo soa,Coldwo lugl saluolpul gotgm slumooBu 2ucutt,2nq 1uauno 3q1 uc uocstnoid antluaoul luuolluonpo uu 2ulpiusai woouoo jo uaiu uu passnoslp suq aalllwwoo aql s2utloaw la2pnq aq1 Sulinp It, plus ,iouZ io,cuyq .LHOd3H S,HOAVW 600Z `SZ.LSflDf1V SHIf1At W'IIDNflOO 3aHDIVMHM ISVFI JO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2009 that was executed with the County in 2005, the City was to assume the payments on the PWTFL. The City made a payment directly to the PWTFL in 2006. However, in 2007, 2008, and 2009, the County did not forward that invoice to the City for payment and we did not ask for it as a practical matter, not realizing the County made those payments for those three years. The County has submitted a letter to the City indicating that they would like to see those funds reimbursed in the amount of $171,000. He said this is an obligation of the City. However, there are some other aspects of the annexation agreement, specifically the City's need to get some deeds transferred on some of the properties that were incurred during the annexation. He said he would like to enter into discussions with the County so they could resolve this issue. He added if there are no objections he will respond to the letter submitted by the County. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, August 11, 2009 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried 6-1. (Buckner) Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. 2009 Payables As of this date, August 25, 2009, Council does approve warrant numbers 22006 through 22056 in the total amount of $281,783.70. Warrants 22020 and 22029 were voided. July 2009 Payroll As of this date, August 25, 2009, Council approves warrant numbers 411 through 427 for advances and direct deposits, and warrant numbers 27641 through 27723 in the total amount of $320,924.93, paid August 1, 2009, for the month of July 2009. PUBLIC HEARING 09-08-05 A public hearing to consider an amendment to the Wenatchee Valley Stormwater Program adopting an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program chapter and adoption of ordinance amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code adding a new chapter 13.10 regulating non-stormwater discharges to the storm drainage system, prohibiting illicit connections and discharges to the storm sewer system, providing for inspection, surveillance, monitoring and enforcement procedures in accordance with the City of East Wenatchee's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director) Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program. She said we are now a metropolitan area and, therefore, the entire Wenatchee Valley is subject to the requirements of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Washington State Water Pollution Control Law. The Department of Ecology administers the Federal program for the State of Washington. They issued the permit for the City of East Wenatchee which is called the Eastern Washington Phase II Permit, or the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for discharge of Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System •pjuag ajann suotioafgo oN puooas oI aoueutpjo acts alt,nata titnn ag uotioafgo ou gltm pees .Coel joXuW •Ioe uuoD IuawoSuuuW aisuM agi ut a2enSuet oql gltnn optouioo of o2unSuel aql �jtjuio ll!m opoo tudioiunW aagoluuaM Isug aql of uotloowo stgl ptus `uostnod utnaQ `XawoiiV C4t3 'd.LVQ 21AIIJ21333 NV 9NIHSI'IEIVIS3 QNV 2[SfIV'IJ All'IIHV'daA3S V JNINIV.LNOJ `SN3ZI.LIJ HOINHS ROA AID allL All U3GIA011d SdI.LIII.Lfl NO SlNfIOJSIQ JNIHSI'IHV.LSH `Z-L6 'ON aJNVNIQ2I0 ONIQNaWV `NO,LJNIHSVM `daHJ,LVNHM .LSV2[ d0 AID HH.L AO HJNVNICrdO NV £I-60OZ 'ON HJNVN]CrdO oouuutpjo aqI jo Sutpeaj Isjg puaj Sou -I jotfvw •suaztlto jotuas jo3 ,,4t0 aqI Aq paptnojd satltttln uo slunoostp Suigstigelso `ZO-L6 'oN aouuutpj0 Suipuaum aouuutpjo ud LO-80-60 SHJNVNICIHO •0-L `patjjuo uotlow aq L 'XawollV ,4t3 aqi of luelstsst, Iu231 su anjas of uosugo f utnt,0 gltM Iot,jiuo0 saatAjaS IeuotssaJojd agI anojdde of `jawwajg jagwowltounoJ Xq puooas `:puqujug jagtuawttounoD Xq apuw suns uoilow V motlad iiounoa •,44tD aql of ISoo Hoot t, It, `Xaujo74V AltD aqI of luulsissu tu$at a se 3Ij0M Ipm puu `uostnod utnaQ `Xawo11V f4t0 JOJ W31UI uu se SuntjoM uaaq seq uosugo f -JW ptus Xou-I joxtw •xaujollV AIiJ oqi of lut,istssu teBal se anjas oI uosugof utnt,rJ gltnn lot,jluOD saotnjaS IuuotssaJojd u do Iunojddd 90-80-60 Wall NOI.LJV w'd IS:L - Pauanuooaj Itounoo •oaXotdwa jo jaogjo ottgnd u Isu►uBu lgSnojq s3Sjug3 jo slututdwoo aluntt,na of uotssaS antlnoaxg �Inutw SI a Patit,o X3ul jo,iUw •w'd Ztb:L IV NOISSHS dAI.LfIJdXH w•d Ib:L it, 2uuuaq ottgnd aqI posoto ,Coe -I joXuW `luawwoo ou 2uuuall w•d I t,:L Iu 2uijuaq ottgnd otp pouodo ,Cowl joAloW •siso0 put, `IutBojd gQQI of tutlumsg — uotlt,onpg ottgnd `outtawt L `sajnp000jd put, satottod joj sluawajmbo-d wnwturyq `satitntiod ssautsng `satitntioV tt,tlu3pts021 `sa2iug3stQ ItotllI 3o satdwrxg `sluawajtnba-I Aloletaa-d wnwturyq oql `gQcil aqI 3o osodjnd aql pannatnaj aqS •Ituuod oql 2uijnp saoueutpjo Sutluawaldwt put, umBojd Iuawa2uu,ow jalt,nnuuolS u jo uotluluawatdwt puu luowdotanap otp sojtnbw Ituuad oql ptws aqS 'ZiOZ `Si ,Cjwnjg33 st alup uotlujtdxa aql puu `LOOZ `9 i faunjga3 suns Ituuad oql jo alep 3ntl33JJO aq j •jalunnuuols 2UIXQAU03 jo 2ut10311oo ioj pasn/pou2tsap st put, olelS aql jo sjaltm of sa2.mgostp Iugl fgquo ottgnd jaglo jo `umol `Xlto `ait,ls u Xq paunno aoue,Canuoo Jo walsXs jo aouuXanuoo u st tSW aqi ptes aqS '(bSW) 600Z `SZ .LSf lDf1V SRIf1Id W 'IIJNflOD HHHDIVN9M J SVR d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2009 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner, to amend Ordinance No. 97-02, establishing discounts on utilities provided by the City for senior citizens. The motion carried, 7-0. 09-08-08 An ordinance amending the heading of Title 13 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, adding new chapters 13.05 and 13.30, providing storm water definitions, establishing regulations for prohibiting illicit discharges to the storm water system and providing procedures for inspection, surveillance, monitoring and enforcement includes penalties for violations. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2009-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE AMENDING THE HEADING OF TITLE 13 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, MUNICIPAL CODE, ADDING NEW CHAPTERS 13.05 AND 13.20, PROVIDING STORM WATER DEFINITIONS, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR PROHIBITING ILLICIT DISCHARGES TO THE STORM WATER SYSTEM AND PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR INSPECTION, SURVEILLANCE, MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT INCLUDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, said Chapter 13.30 would be changed to 13.20 as well as correction to a few typographical errors. Mayor Lacy said with no objection he will elevate the ordinance to second reading. No objections were heard. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson, amending the heading of Title 13 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, adding new chapters 13.05 and 13.20, providing storm water definitions, establishing regulations for prohibiting illicit discharges to the storm water system and providing procedures for inspection, surveillance, monitoring and enforcement including penalties for violations. The motion carried, 6-0. (Hendricks abstained) RESOLUTIONS 09-08-09 A resolution to adopt the May 2008 Wenatchee Valley Stormwater Program and amending the program to include an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program as Appendix C1, and an Appendix C2. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director) Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, said to comply with Clean Water Act regulations, Chelan County, Douglas County, City of Wenatchee, and City of East Wenatchee have joined together to create a joint stormwater program. In 1999, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) introduced Phase II of the NPDES program requiring a permit for stormwater discharges to certain Small (MS4's) and construction sites greater than one area of land. In Washington State, the Washington State Department of Ecology administers the NPDES program on behalf of the EPA. '60OZ `OZ AInf uo play `guiloaw glluQH Jo p.tuog lotalstQ glluaH sul!?noQ-uulagD oql wo.q solnutuz palltwgns linoDow .tagwowjtounoo Sluod2lm 'II0Nf100 'O-L `Pat.ut,o uotlow QU '.10333o ootlod auo jo slgauoq put, Sielt,s aqI aanoo of stua,( aatgi toy It,aA t, 000`88$ Ataluwtxoaddu Xt,d pinonn gotgm `luu.tO Sdoo it,tapa3 oql id000t, of `.tawwatg aagwowltounoD Xq puooas `uosugof aagwauytounoD Sq opuw suns uogow d :uoilav paunoa 'Joogjo aotlod auo jo sigauoq puu Kjulus aql .tanoo of sat,aX aaagl .to3 woo u 000`88$ Xiolt,wtxoiddu Cud pinom gotgnn `lutig (SdOD) sa3tA16S 2utotlod poluoia0 AltunwwoD lt,.tapa3 oql loofoi .to id000u of .taglagm Buiptu5oi uotssnosip d II-80-60 SWd.LI NOISSf10SIQ *31VQ dAI.L3d33d NV ONIHSI'IRVISd QNd Nd'ld AOI'IOd'IdNOIOaI AlNII00 SV IOflOQ 3HI 01 INdWQNdWV QNOMS dHl ONIAAIZVI `NO.LONIHSVM `ddHO.LVNHM .LSd3 30 A.LIO allL 30 NOILfl'IOSd2I d £17600Z 'ON NOI.Lfl'IOSHI :smolloj st, spuaa ollti uoilnlosat oq L '0-L `Pat.ttuo uotlow oqs •2uiput,lsiapun jo wnput,towoW oql u2is of .to,(7aW aql ozi toglnu puu ut,ld Xotlod luuOl2o-d X4unoD sulOnoCl aqI of Iuawpuowt, puooas aqi A3tlua of `.tawwatg logwowpounoD Xq puooas `uosugof iogwawl!ounoo Xq apuw st,nn uotlow d :uoiI Iiaunoa 3juiS 44unoo puu 44!D oql jo satiytgtsuodsoi oql sautllno lugs ss000ad alt,pdn puu nnatna.I VDfl 60OZ oql ao3 popnloui uooq suq (flOW) �?utpuuisnpun jo wnput'lowow u ptt,s oqS •a)ltl Tool pinonn it lugnn puu kmpunoq oql ui o2uug3 u ioj poau aqi outuuaiop of (` Dfl) uatd ginno,jO uuy fl oql jo sts,Clt,ut, puu nnatnaa alt,nbapu ioj papaau l toga Sutuut,ld antsualxa aqi of QAtit,la! saoinosaa lt,tout,ug put, JJuIS XI!D aqi of uoptnq luiluolod agi jo tuzouoo t, possnostp pounoO owil Iugl Id '2uilaaw `60OZ `8Z XInf oql it, paluosaad suns wait stql ptus `Ilautug Ito l `.toloattQ ivawdolo a(l A41unwwoD •Sutput,lsiopun jo umpuu iotuoW u uSis of .tokoW agl'Ioj uotiurtaogint, put, uuld Xotlod It,uot2a-d Xlunoo sulfnoCl aqI of luowpuawt, puooas oql SutXj!ILl uoilnlosaa d 0I-80-60 *HIVG dAI.L33333 Nd ONIQfI'IJNI QNV `Z0 XIQNdddV SV NOI.LdNIWI'Id (INV N0I1391M d01IVHOSIQ .LIOI'I'II H21 LVMWHO.LS HOA dONdNIQHIO NV QNd 13 XIQNdddd Sd WV2I0O'dd NOI.LVVNIWI'Id QNV NOILOd.LdQ d02IdHOSIQ .LIOI'I'II NV HGfl'I3NI O.L WVHI001Id HH1, ONIQNdWd QNd WVH9O Id 2Hd.LVMMO,LS A371VA ddHO.LdNdM 80OZ AVW dH.L ,LdOQd O L `NO,LONIHSVM `ddHO.LVNHM .LSVd 30 A.LIO dH.L 30 NOI.Lfl'IOSd2I d ZI-60OZ 'ON NOIJUVIOS212I :snnolloj su spuoi ollp uoilnlosat oql 'O-L `paiino uotiow oqZ •xipuoddd put, 10 xtpuoddd opnlout of uzuj2otd .talumuuolS aqI spuawu puu wu. Sotd lalumuuolS ,CalluA aagoluuaM 80OZ l(t,Yg aqI sidopu gotgm uoilnlosoi aqi Idopu of `aawwa.Ig .Iagwowltounoo Xq puooas `uosugof iagwowltouno3 Xq opuw suns uoilow d :uoilad Iiaunoj 60OZ `sZ iSflDfld S9lf1AI W 'II3Nfl0D ddHD. VMaM ISVR d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2009 Councilmember McCourt reported on the Trip to Misawa, Japan, she said she had a wonderful time and was very impressed with the representation and behavior of the delegation. She said that Mayor Taneichi, will be attending the delegation for the Apple Blossom Festival in 2010, and said he will teach them how to make rice cakes. Councilmember Barnhart said the Enhanced 911 System Sales and Use Tax was passed by the voters of Chelan and Douglas Counties for the Regional E911 System. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:18 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a 60 minute Executive session regarding Collective Bargaining Session — RCW 42.30.140 (4). Council reconvened - 8:50 p.m. ADJOURNMENT — 8:50 p.m. ���MF Dana Barnard City Clerk 1 1 7