HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/13/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 13, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Buckner, to excuse Councilmember McCourt from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Brandon Mauseth, Teresa Allen, Catalina Garibay, and Randy Harrison. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation declaring May 151h as Peace Officers' Memorial Day and the week in which May 15`h falls as National Police Week. He said this proclamation will also be read at a luncheon for Peace Officers Memorial Day in combination with the Officer of the Year Award which will be held at the Red Lion Hotel on May 14, 2008, at 11:30 a.m. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said the planned presentation regarding the Sports Facility has had some developments that have required a delay of the presentation. He said there is a potential, although undeveloped, possibility of additional entities getting involved in this partnership that could possibly result in the diminishment of the financial obligation or role of the City of East Wenatchee. He said at this time he is not at liberty to disclose who those entities might be, and in order to further explore those options a decision was made to delay the presentation. He added at this time it is unclear how the City would finance this project without affecting our debt capacity. Mayor Lacy said while the Japanese Delegation was here for the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival he had the opportunity, through interpreters, to talk to Mayor Taneichi of Misawa, Japan. He said Mayor Taneichi announced that he was going to make a very favorable report when he returned home and that he intended to work toward the continued advancement of our Sister City relationship. Mayor Lacy said he appreciates all the participation of everyone who made the visit pleasant for the Japanese delegation. He also thanked the people who housed students and who participated in the various functions that went on as it related to the Japanese delegation. Mayor Lacy said this years Classy Chassis was a major success with 360 entries in the parade and by including the dignitaries there were more than 400 vehicles in the parade this year. He added that both the Wings and Wheels festival and the Classy Chassis parade have both reached the point where they tend to promote themselves. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES May 13, 2008 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, April 22, 2008. 2. Consideration of Bills. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, May 13, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 20131 through 20181 in the total amount of $163,397.22. PUBLIC HEARING 08-05-01 A public hearing to consider findings of fact to support the continued imposition of Interim Street Standards. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. Hearing no public comment the Mayor closed the public hearing at 6:49 p.m. 08-05-02 A public hearing to consider findings of fact to support the continued imposition of Interim Stormwater Management Design Standards on the filing of applications or the issuance of permits for all new development and redevelopment projects as defined in Section 2.1 of the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington, Publication 04-10-076 dated September 2004. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 6:49 p.m. Hearing no public comment the Mayor closed the public hearing at 6:50 p.m. ACTION ITEMS 08-05-03 Authorization for the Mayor to sign the necessary documents to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Wenatchee, Link Transit, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Port of Chelan County, Port of Douglas County, Chelan County, City of East Wenatchee, and Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County regarding a Structural Engineering Analysis of the Wenatchee Reclamation Bridge. Mayor Lacy said he had attended a meeting with representatives of public agencies as well as governmental entities in which he agreed to recommend to the East Wenatchee City Council that the City of East Wenatchee contribute $5,000 towards this project. He said the project is being funded by nine different entities including the City of Wenatchee which has committed $10,000 to the project. Community Director Lori Barnett said she had been notified that the Interlocal Agreement will be slightly revised, however, the contribution amounts will not change. Mayor Lacy said asked the Council to authorize his signature and if there is any significant change to the Interlocal Agreement he will bring it back before them. He added at this time he is not aware that this will require a budget amendment and if it is so needed he will bring it back before Council. of 2utjaautoug ZM gltnn luatuaajBd sowAnS 2utaaautilug luuotssajotd u U21s of io.�vw oql aztioglnu of `uosugof ngtuatupounoo Xci pu000s `s3iot.tpuaH .taqutatultounoD , q opstu suns uotiout V :uotlav Iiaunoj '600Z ut aalsMuuolS V uoAuED agl jo uoiloos stgl pltnq pus 1,3u4uoo uotlon4suoo s ptumu of npio ui ,Cl!D agi gltnn aottulstssu uotlsutp.t000 puu Butuuuid `u&sap gltnn aouaututoo lltnn s.taau12ug ZH-d `luatuaaa2s stgl JO lsnoiddu uodfl •(,LO(ISM) uotlsltodsusiZ 3o Iuout mdaQ olslS uolButgssM Xci 010Z of 60OZ ut palotulsuoo oq of polnpagos goso.zddu o2ptlg rellaS 02100O Isug oql Jo uotion4suoow oql uo pasuq autladtd V uoXurD oql Butlon.usuoo .to3 gild luotluo u sluasald stgZ •o2pttg rellaS 32.toag oql of tinaiddu Isua oql utgltnn It saould autladtd V uoXuuo otp jo uotloos Z asugd oql jo luomu2ilu ogjL •.tant21 stgtunloo oql of autladtd oql 2uipualxa ,Ctm)lred IIuY�i �altuA ptre P,£ lu loofoid I asugd aql olut ail osis 1pm loafotd stq L •gtq laaalS P„ Z jo pua Isua oql reau autladtd I asugd aql jo 2uiuui2oq oql of anuaAd luotulssg npun autladtd Ouilsixo aqI loauuoo Iltnn Z asugd 'F[M 1004S P,£ lu Arm3ired lirw ,CallsA Jo Opts Isua aql of gN Iaa.tlS P,£ pus P.Z uMop `anuaAd luotulsug 3o ISOM lsnf autladtd .talatustp gout bS u pallulsut loafold JOWMuuolS V UOXtMD agl JO I asugd 'L00Z ut tuals,CS aous,CanuoD JolumuuolS V uo,CuuD oql jo I asugd 2ugoldutoo uotiorulsuoD pus uBisa(l gltnn paaootd of two -I pun3 IstuL s3lioM otlgnd u pantaoat f4ililf1 .talunntuaolS aagoluuaM lsug jo /4!Z) ag ,Clunoo su12no(l `b00Z 3o lls3 ul •loafoad Iotilst(I ssoutsng lu4uaD oql ui popnioui uaaq puq autladtd V uo,CutD agl io3 31.iom otll `Xiluut2uO tan. d stquinioD oql of anuaAd Iuotulsug uto.g uta1SXS aous,Canuo:) .talunntutolS V uoXue:) oql jo u2isap oql alaldutoo 1pm Z asugd aoj luotuoaJSd ooiAJOS iuuotsSOJOJd aqZ •tualsXS aousAanuoO .talunnuuolS V uo,(uuD.Otil jo SuuaautBuo uotlontlsuoo puu u2tsop twm A4!D aql Istssu of Sutaaau12ug ZHW gltnn IUOWDO12V aotn.taS IsuotssaJold s olut palalua aagoluuaM Isug 3o ,4!Z) agl `b00Z jo .taqutanoN ut ptss glosnLW uopuutg .ta2suuw suoilu.tadO puu ainlonilsuijul •tuaisXS Oouu,CaAUOD.talunntutolS V uaCuuD oql jo Builoout'Buo uotion4suoo puu uStsop gltnt X4iD oql Istssu of Sutiaautfug ZH2l gltnn luatuaa. 2V saotA oS 2uuaautfug luuoissajoid u u2is oI Ja rw oql Jo3 uoilurt.togln`d b0-90-80 '0-9 Pat.uso uotlotu Oqs aspug uotluutuloo-d aagoluuaM agl JO sts,Clsuy Out.taautBug lulnlorulS u $utp.is$at luatuaaasd luooliolul uu olut .talus of sluatunoop kwss000u oql u2is of ,Cola -I ioXLw ortaoglnu of `lrequlug .taqutatultounoD Xci pu000s `.tOtniong 1aqutatult3unoD Xci oputu swA uoilotu V :uoi;ay Itaunoj •pa.ztudaa oq pinoo li ai ouituiolap of o2pt.tq aql of sisXluuu luinlonils gldap-ui a.totu `luuotltppu popuatuutooOa podai oqs •sosn lua.t.tno oql ao3 luatoWns Slls.tnlotuls uana suns li 3t ouiuuolop of Xpnls .tagl.tnj popaau luql smull .tofutu puq ailpt.tg oql `oWuzi relnoitian ao3 olgsltnsun Aluo Iou suns o2ptaq oql pouittuolop Spnls aril `,Claluunlaojun •pouuo3.tad suns sts,Cisus antlutuollu puu Xpnls 2ut.taaui2u3 fauuitutiaid u `og•Iuu XouoBiotuo pus sosnq 3iutrl .toj alnol antlsu.talls uu su it, po3lool $uaaq suns o2ptzq oql uogm `IOAO OH •pautslututu uaaq suq o2pt.tq oql Iutli pappu aqS '000`95$ aql of 2utingt.tluoo Sq loofotd sail ut uotludtotlisd .gogl ioj 3Isu of suO IuinluN opuosuo puu `aalregD `uoz"OA `lot.tls'G fqtlilfl otlgnd SjunoO sulfnoQ of 3Iouq oS of fto2 are Xogl puu 00019S$ ,Cud of paiago suq loulstQ uotlsureioaZl oql lugl Ptus llaureg -SW •joSpnq Ouilsixo oqljo lno autoo uuo 000`S$ oql sadoq pus luowpuautu la2pnq u jo ioAuj ui Xpsussooau Iou ui aq lutil poppy off •sdttisioulmd alsntad osagl sopniout luotuozjSV lsooliolul mou oql lutil sadoq puu panlonut IOU are ,CtredtuoO suO Is.mluN opuosuD Put, uozuaA su tions sdttisnuind alunt.td lugl palou osiu OH 'a2Pijq psttil u 2uipltnq ui puags Suplool oq pinogs Xogl slaaj oq su poluioddusip si aq su stgl JOJ aloA of luslonjoi si aq ptus s3lotlpuOH JaqutatultounoD 800Z `El [,Lw S3J f1MW 'II3Mn00 21HHO LVNgA .LSVa dO A.LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES May 13, 2008 assist the City with design and construction engineering of the Canyon A Stormwater Conveyance System. The motion carried, 6-0. 08-05-05 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a TIB Supplemental Agreement with RH2 Engineering for the Rock Island Road Improvement Project. Mr. Mauseth said this is a supplement for the design engineering agreement that we had with RH2 not a Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Supplemental Agreement. He said this is an agreement for the construction engineering for the Rock Island Road project. He said the original agreement was for the design engineering that we were under budget on so we commenced with the construction. He added these funds are reimbursable through TIB. The matching ratio for the TIB funds is 87.5%, the local match is 13.5%, and we are looking very well for coming in within budget for the project. The matching funds will come out of the capital improvements budget. Councilmember Bremmer questioned the inspection fees of $71,204 and although it is coming out of TIB funds the city could hire a full time temporary inspector for the summer season for considerably less. Mayor Lacy said that Councilmember Bremmers' suggestion that we should look at the specific costs and efficiencies on these things is well taken. He said it may not make much difference in this particular instance where the cost is being assumed elsewhere. He added that he takes comments such as this seriously and thinks that it is an area the City could spend a little more time to ensure we give the public more value for their money. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Supplemental Agreement with RH2 Engineering for the Rock Island Road Improvement Project. The motion carried, 6-0. 08-05-06 Authorization for the Mayor to sign the Labor Agreement between Teamsters Local Union No. 760, representing Law Enforcement Employees. Mayor Lacy said these contracts have been reviewed to ensure they comply with the negotiations that have taken place. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Labor Agreement between Teamsters Local Union No. 760, representing Law Enforcement Employees and the City of East Wenatchee. The motion carried, 5-1. (Councilmember Hendricks) 08-05-07 Authorization for the Mayor to sign the Labor Agreement between Teamsters Local Union No. 760, representing Police Clerical Employees. Mayor Lacy said this is basically the same agreement. However it has different provisions with respect to the salary and benefits for Police Clerical Employees. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Labor Agreement between Teamsters Local Union No. 760, representing Police Clerical Employees and the City of East Wenatchee. The motion carried, 5-1. (Councilmember Hendricks) sndtuuo IInH 40 $ut;sM agZ •saoSolduta St, o; SZ utojj pasuajout ant.q slanal J3u;S 'LOOZ ut. 08t"I I o; (pa;on4suoo suns IInH X4tD uagnn) tL6`t, uzog pasuajout suq X4t0 oq; jo uot;uindod oq; plus :4aujug sy�l 'kPn4s ,,14tltgtsuaj u dolanap o; japjo ut slusodojd job ;sanbag u 3o not wo aq; Sutztjoq;nu Sut;aaut ItounoD f4t0 `800Z `ZZ ItjdV aq; ;u uot;od pounoD o; do mollo3 u st uotssnostp stq; plus :4aureg jo;oajtQ ;uautdolanaQ 4[j!unwTUo3 •uotsuudxg IInH ,44t0 jo3 stsXjuud sant;uuja;Id puu ;uautssassd spaaN ooudS u joj saotnjaS tut;InsuoD lujn;oa;tgojy job slusodojd puu soot;uogtlunZj job ;sanbag u OutpreSaj uotssnostp V 01-90-80 Wall NOISSfIOSSIQ -0-9 `Patuuo not;out aqs '800Z `LZ jaqutaoaQ Sutjtdxa pouad =X-auo luuot;tppu uu joj uol'Butgsum uja;snq jo3 IunuvW ;uauta2iuuuW ja;unnuuo;S aq; jo uot;dopu oq; o; Sutumpad 90-LOOZ 'ON 031Iuutpj0 2utpuaure oouuutpjo oq; ;dopu o; `uosugof jogwowpounoo Xq puooas `jaututajg jaqutautltounoD Xq opuut suns not;out V :uoi;av Ilaunoi -0-9 `Patjreo uoi;out oqZ •Outpuaj puooas o; aouuutpjo aq; a;unala o; `uosugof joqu owpounoD Sq puooas `jaututajg jagwowjtounoD Xq opuut suns uoi;out V :uoi;oV Iiounoa •auop �ljom stq;;a2 two am It;un could ut stq; dawl o; paou amjrq; 8utpuu;sjapun stq st;t plus A3u-f joAuw '800Z `LZ jaqutaoaQ Sutjtdxo potjad juo,C-auo luuogtppu uu joj uoj2utgsuM uja;sug joj IunutW ;uauta2uuvw ja;umiuJo;S aq; jo uot;dopu aq; o; Sututu;.tad 90-LOOZ 'ON aouuutpj0 Butpuaure aouuutpjo uu Jo 2utpuaj ;sjla 60-90-80 0-9 `POluuo uot;ouj aqs '800Z `LZ joqutaoaQ guutdxo potjad read-auo luuot;tppu uu joj spJupuu;S u2tsOQ ;aoj;S 3o uot;dopu utua;ut oq; o; ftutupod LO-LOOZ 'oN oouuutpj0 ftpuawu aouuutpjo oq; ;dopu o; `jaututajg joquJotupounoD Xq puooas `uosugof jagtuow tounoD ,Cq opuut suns not;out V :uoi;aV Itaunoj -0-9 `patjjuo not;out aq L •Sutpuaj puooas o; aouuutpjo aq; a;unala o; `jaututajg jagwowl!ounoD ,Cq puooas `jau3long jaqutaugtounoD Xq opuut suns uoi;out V :uol;av Itauno0 •q;uout u utq;tnn pa;aldutoo oq pinogs gotgm a;aldutoo o; utuaojd ja;suW autlajogS ag; anuq Iit;s XQq; pappu aqS •suot;ulaag ;uautdolana(j puu `suajd Iuot;tjD `uujd antsuagajdutoD oq; q;tnn auop are ;)q; ;ug; mou read stq; uo 2ut3lj0nn oq Iltnn uotsstututoZ) 2utuuuld oq; ;uq; Sutq;auzos st It Ing `,14jltgtxaU wow ;ol u soptnojd stq; os ;aaj 9£ sum q;ptnn ;aaj;s umunutcu jno ,tIsnotnajd su ,,4titgtxag wow st ajaq; ;uq; st sprepuu;S satsa(I ;aoj;S oq; 2utnuq jo optsdn oq; plus aqS •soSuugo asagl uo 211131j0nn jano aouapooajd wlu; o; puq gatgm sat;tjoud autl-puap pa;upuuut a;u;s puq am juoX stq; pun do ;uq; plus :4aujng jo;oanQ ;uautdolanaQ f4tunujutoD •uotsua;xa Iuuot;tppu uu anuq o; 14t3 aq; job pooB Tool ;ou saop ;t slaa3 OH potjad rea.0 auo luuot;tppu uu j01 potjad ant;oa0a aq) papua;xa LO-LOOZ a3uuutpj0 su oouuutpj0 oq; jo pouad ant;oaJJa ag; Outpua;xa jo sujaouoo passajdxa s3I01jpuaH IQquwugtounoD '800Z `LZ jaqutaoaQ 2utjtdxa pouad juaX-auo luuot;tppv uu joj sprepuu;S u2tsaQ ;aaj;S 3o uot;dopu unja;ut aq; o; 2ututu;jad LO-LOOZ 'ON a3uuutpj0 2utpu3wu aouuutpjo uu Jo Outpuaj Isjt3 80-90-80 HONVO( 2I0 800Z `£I Arw Sd.LfIMW IIONfIOO HaHO.LVNaM ISVH dO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES May 13, 2008 covers 4.8 acres of land and includes offices and facilities for general administration, finance, community development, municipal court, police, public works, and a community library. The existing City Hall is no longer adequate. The City Council and Staff have explored several options for expanding the City Hall campus. The City recently purchased an adjacent lot to facilitate potential expansion adjacent to the existing campus. Ms. Barnett said to ensure that expansion of the city facilities meets the future needs of the community it is important to conduct a space needs assessment. Options available for expansion include remodeling, reconfiguring, and expanding the existing City Hall campus, expansion onto adjacent land with a new building, or use of a separate facility currently being remodeled for office space. Ms. Barnett said she has researched other jurisdictions that were either in the process of getting a new Police Station or a new City Hall and through the information that was submitted with those Requests for Qualifications and Proposals, she put together a draft for Council to review. She added this is not something that needs to be adopted this evening. Ms. Barnett said the City of Walla Walla's Police Station had been located in City Hall for many years but had outgrown their space. They advertised for Requests for Qualifications and Proposals for a Needs Assessment, a Site Assessment, and preliminary drawings given that they did not have a location in mind. Therefore, they had to go out and find land for them to potentially expand to. Ms. Barnet said she contacted Walla Walla to see what the cost would be for this type of study. She said their project was about $50,000 although they indicated that by doing just the needs assessment and a cost estimate of the construction, it would have cost approximately $25,000 - $30,000. Councilmember Barnhart said he thought that purchasing office space across the street at Eastmont Plaza was the option being looked at, and if that is the case we do not need to be in a hurry to complete a feasibility study. He said he feels the purchase option at Eastmont Plaza would give us more value for our money by not have to pay engineering, consulting, dirt work, and all other expenses involved. Councilmember Johnson said he is passionate about trying to make whatever we do, the best long term solution that we can come to, and feels that we should explore all the alternatives. Councilmember Raab said he thought City Council was going to meet with employees to try to come up with what our needs are. Therefore, why pay a company to do what we could do ourselves? He said he would like to hear from the employees regarding what they feel their needs for the future are and thinks the Council should take on this role. Councilmember Hendricks agrees with Councilmember Raab and he would like to ensure we have the finances to move forward. He does not want the City to pay for a study that will not be acted upon and then pay for several additional studies and still reside in the old City Hall. Mayor Lacy said he has never recommended, and is still not recommending from the Mayors seat that we consider doing this by public approved bonds. He said he has determined that we have the bond capacity with Councilmanic bonding to do this, and he also feels we have the ability to pay the debt service on that bond if we were to go forward. He said that this is based on paying off the previous bond on this building, and also within a few years having paid off the bond for redevelopment around the mall. He said we have had a sizeable increase of income to the City through annexation and we are about to reach the point of no longer paying the County with respect to annexation costs. He added these factors will contribute to the upcoming budget that he feels would easily handle the bond payments. 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Council reconvened at 8:20 p.m. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Raab submitted a recycling report for East Wenatchee Curbside Recycling. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council held on April 10, 2008, minutes from the North Central Washington Resource Conservation & Development Council Meeting held on April 9, 2008, and minutes from the North Central Washington Economic Development District Meeting held on March 12, 2008. ADJOURNMENT — 8:30 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk