HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/8/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEMPORE HARRY RAAB, PRESIDING APRIL 8, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Pro Tempore Raab. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner, to excuse Councilmember Barnhart from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth, Lori Barnett, Linda Countryman, Catalina Garibay, Randy Harrison, Joan Sims, and Dawn Collings. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tempore Raab said he will be moving Citizen Comments to the first item on the agenda. He added agenda item number 08-04-05 will be removed from this agenda and brought back when Mayor Lacy is available to present the item. CITIZEN COMMENTS Councilmember Hendricks said he wanted to publicly thank four teen boys, Devon Sanders, Brett Bendtsen, Shae Lipp and William Treacy. He said these four teens knocked on his door to let him know that his home was on fire. He added that in his opinion these four boys are heroes and hopes that more kids learn from their actions. Mr. Hendricks thanked the boys and let them know how much he appreciated their actions. He rewarded each of the teens with some money to pay for gas or food as a thank you for their efforts. Mayor Pro Tempore Raab commended the teens for going out of their way to make sure those at the Hendricks' residence were safe. He added, "it is great when we have kids who do great things and we hear about it, too often we just hear about the bad things kids do when they get in trouble". After Mayor Pro Tempore Raab's comments the teens received a standing ovation from the citizens in the audience. Larry Magus, 1104 SE Dale Street., East Wenatchee, asked for input regarding a dangerous intersection located at Highline Drive and 3rd Street SE. Mr. Magnus asked if the City would study that intersection for placement of a traffic signal. Councilmembers asked Police Chief Harrison if he has encountered many accidents at this intersection. Chief Harrison said only two to three collisions have occurred over the last couple of years. Councilmember Bremmer asked Mr. Mauseth if they could possibly look at realigning the striping to alleviate the situation in that intersection because with the turn lanes and bicycle lanes it is a rather confusing intersection for a lot of people. Street Superintended Brandon Mauseth said he will have his crew take a look at the intersection. Mayor Pro Tempore Raab thanked Mr. Magus for bringing the matter to their attention. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 08, 2008 PRESENTATION Executive Director Roger Clute, Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau (WVCVB) gave a presentation of the WVCVB annual report for 2007. DEPARTMENT REPORT Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth said that he was approached by Court Hill representing the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints asking if the City of East Wenatchee would financially participate in the Eastmont Park Beautification Project which consists of 5 projects. Mr. Mauseth said the beautification project will commence on April 19, 2008, with approximately 120 youth members and several church leadership members having committed to completing the labor portion of the project. Eastmont Metropolitan Park District and several local businesses have made financial commitments and donations to assist the church in this endeavor. Mr. Mauseth said the City of East Wenatchee has been asked to fund the purchase of the blocks to construct project 1 and project 2. He added that originally the Eastmont Metropolitan Parks District was going to purchase the blocks for project 1. However, with the City's participation this would allow the park district to contribute funds toward the other three projects, making the most of this opportunity. Mr. Mauseth added that it will not require an amendment to the budget. The total cost if the City of East Wenatchee chooses to participate would be $2,617.92: Project 1 - $943.16 (corner planter on Grant Road and Georgia Avenue); and Project 2 - $1,674.76 (Interior corner planter on Grant Road and Georgia Avenue). Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the expenditure of $2.617.92 toward the Eastmont Park Beautification Project. The motion carried, 6-0. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, March 25, 2008 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, April 8, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 19988 through 20053 in the total amount of $243,732.53. Warrant numbers 20054 and 20055 were voided. ACTION ITEMS 08-04-01 Authorization for Mayor Lacy to sign a letter of support for Samara's Foundation for the Blind & Visually Impaired and the City of East Wenatchee to submit with a grant application for Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding to cover the cost of purchasing audible pedestrian signals for the Wenatchee Valley. 1 '0-9 `Pat.uuo uolloul ags •oul `Sut.IaaulOug ZH2I gltn" 80OZ JOJ saoiniOS IE.IauaO JOJ IuauiaaBV saoin.IaS IEuotssQ OJd u uSts of Ioxtw aql aziaoglnu of `.Iau3long aaquiawpounoD .Cq puooas `uosugof .iaqu owpounoD Xq opuul suns uoiloui d :uoilaV ItaunoZ) •pjuoq oql ssoxn inoq iod s.IEllop xis posuaaout oAuq 80OZ ioj solui aql ptus glasnuw •.IW •snnatna.I uuld puu `SuluuEld uotlupodsuu.Il `siaa.Iis 2uiuuuld of BuilEloi slsul snOIJUA gl!M f4!0 aql IsissE of tuagl JOJ JZPJo uI ZH2I .Ioj IuauiooBu oomns luuotssajoid junuuu uu si sigl ptus glasnrW uopuEag IuapualuilodnS Iaa.IIS •oul `Oui.IaaulBug ZH-d gllm 800Z JOJ saotn.IaS IE.IauaC) JOJ IuaU.IO;) V SaoIAIaS IEaoISSOJO.Id E u�IS of �OE'I JOSUW JOJ uollEzt10glnd ZO-b0-80 '0-9 `Pat.iiuo uolloul aq1, -XOIIEA aagoluuaM aqI .io3 sluuSis uuulsapod olgtpnu Outsugoind jo Isoo aql Ianoo of Outpunj I LS ioj uotluoilddu luu.i2 E gllnn Ituigns oI aagolEuaM Isug jo XjtD oql puu `pa iudutl X[IEnstA 78 putlg agI Ion uollupuno3 s,umwuS lo3 lioddns 3o .Iallal E u2is of IoXuW aqI ozl.IoglnE of `uosugof aaqu owpounoo Xq puooas `.Iauiuiaig .Iaqu owpounoD Xq opuul suns uoiioul d :uoilaV Iiaunoa •uoijumIddu luu.i2 .uogl ql!m popnloui oq of aagolEuaM isug 3o 14!D aqI uloi3 lioddns 3o ional E .to3 SupIsu a.Iu Xogl put, f4!unuiuioo aliluo aqI igauoq pinom IEgI ioofoad snopuaulail E si stgl pappE aqS •loofoid stgl lioddns of uo liom of onuiluoo Sogl sloafo.Id SuisiLlipuig oql uio.ij Outpunj an10301 S'3gl sr posugo.ind oq Iltm Xogl ptus aqS •posugo.md on, Sogl sE pallulsut oq lltm sluu2is uEiusapod algtpnE aql `panoiddE si Iuu.i2 aqi 3t ptEs sll!D 'sW 'ZZ't,Z9`9I$ ,Claiuuitxoidde si aagoluuaM Isug ioj luauidmbo Iuats uul.Ilsapad algtpnE aqI .io3 Isoo Iuloi aqi `aaojaiagZ •goluul %S'£i E gltnn do auioo of paau Ipm s,uju IES puE aaJ uotlV4stuluzpE %S'L u OSJugo lPm aagolEuaM 30 c4D agl ptus sll!D 'sW •aagolEuaM Isug Jo r4!D OT ut s2ulssolo IEnptntput bI pagtluapt anuq Xogl `glasnuW Iuapualut iodnS laa.IlS gl!m 2upluods ui ptus sll!o 'sW ,14unoo uulag0 puu `(ZO(j) uotlEliodsuvj L jo IuauiliudaQ `aagoluuaM Isug `aagoluuaM sopnlout golgM `sSutssoao £g jo Iulol u pagtluapt anuq Xogl ptus `poitudulI XIlunslA V putlg Ogl JOJ uotlupuno3 s,E.iuu ?S Jo OATILIluasaidal `slltJ 'sW •ss000ld Maina.i E g2no.Igl o$ ll!m suoiluotlddu aqi Ilu puu Xououl jo lood aurns aqI si II IEgI ptus glosnLW •jW •anuand iuouiisEg put, `anuand f-jonluzN `puo21 IuuiO uo 31iom ioj `.Ioj ftAiddE si X4tD oql Iugl Buipuig luu.I2 auius oql si 2uipun3 d LS stgl 3t Pa3Isu s3l3t.IpuQH .IaquiauiltounoD •sluols asagl ioj suotlEllulsul aqI op of 10JOR.Ilu03 aluntad u louluoo of oq pinom uoildo iaglouu to `luaulaar2E ivauno s,f4t0 aqi .iapun suoilulluisui asogl op pinoo .LOQSM lugl 4I1tgtssod E Ittls si aiagl ptus glosnL,W -iW •suotloipst.Inf aiagl ui sluuBis uui.rlsopod olgtpnu Ilulsul ,Cogs oltgm .LOQSM put, aagoluuaM jo 4D oql gltnn 2ututu it alts-uo autos op put,ss000.id uoilEllEisut aqi o uasgo oI olqu Sutaq IuauiliudaQ laa.IlS aagoluuaM Isug aqi jo soaXolduia jo fliltgtssod aqi passnosip oq ptus glasnt'W •rye •sluiu4suoo auiil puE louuosiad of onp opu.iSdn ivauidinba sigi jo uotlEllElsut aqi of Itululoo oI antsuagoiddu woo SQgl `iananno)-I •aagoluuaM Ing jo sltultl 4t0 aqi ui sluuBts oWutl oql nodal puE utulult'w oI IOQSM gilts Iuzwoz le uu sEq aagolEuaM isug jo f4!D oq L-uoilEllEisui uMo aiagl duiop aq IIIM puu uEioiugool luu5is E anEq LOQSM Pur aagoluuaM jo XItD aqi ptus OH •slRa's uul.ilsapad algtpnE 3o uollElluisul Ouip.iuSoi (.LO(ISM) uotiEliodsuuljL jo IuaullredaQ aiEIS u018ulgsuM uiog antluluasaidai u pug 'But}I MOTS `.Iaauloug aagoluuaM jo f4!D gitnn ualods puq aq ptus giasnvW uopuuig IuopuolutaadnS 1304S 8o0Z `80 'IRIdv SHIfIMIW 'IIDISMOD HHHD.LVNgM ISV9 dO KLID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 08, 2008 COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson announced that his work conditions have changed. He said his position at work is a federally funded position and has just been notified that as of August 31, 2008, he will no longer have a position at the Chelan —Douglas Health District. Mayor Pro Tempore Raab brought forward a suggestion that was brought to him by a citizen. He asked if the City had considered giving the Police Department the City Hall building, then build another office building for all other departments of the City. He added he wanted to bring this to the table in the event the City gets to the point of bringing forward further discussion regarding the City Hall expansion. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council held on February 14, 2008. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network Governing Board Meeting held on March 3, 2008. ADJOURNMENT — 7:29 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk 4