HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/25/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
MARCH 25, 2008
6:30 P.M.
Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember
Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Bremmer and Mayor Lacy.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson,
to excuse Councilmember McCourt from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth, Lori Barnett, Linda Countryman,
Catalina Garibay, Randy Harrison, and Joan Sims.
Donna Gills a representative of Samara's Foundation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 1710 N. Anne
Avenue, said they are in the process of applying for grant funds to purchase audible pedestrian signals for
placement at major intersections in the Wenatchee Valley. She said the number of blind and visually
impaired people in the valley has increased over the past several years and Samara's Foundation has been
raising funds toward the purchase of audible pedestrian signals which will enable the blind and visually
impaired as well as disabled and elderly citizens, safer access to medical facilities, grocery stores, work,
bus stops, and the downtown core of each city.
Ms. Gills said Samara's Foundation has had discussions with City of Wenatchee Engineer, Steve King,
regarding placement of audible pedestrian signals in the City of Wenatchee. Mr. King suggested making
this an urban project to include Chelan County, City of East Wenatchee and the Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) as well as the City of Wenatchee.
Ms. Gills said she has spoken with Street Superintendent Mauseth regarding placement of audible
pedestrian signals in the City of East Wenatchee. She said the East Wenatchee intersections they are
interested in placing these signals consist of Grant Road/Kentucky Avenue, Eastmont Avenue/9a' Street
NE, Valley Mall Parkway/3rd Street NE, Valley Mall Parkway/5th Street NE, and Valley Mall
Parkway/6th Street NE. She said if the grant application is approved the audible pedestrian signals could
be purchased. She asked the City Council for a commitment to install audible pedestrian signals at
intersections throughout the City. She added the City would be responsible for installation and
maintenance of the signals.
Ms. Gills said they are requesting $80,000.00 - $85,000.00 in grant funding with a 13.5% match to
purchase audible signals for nineteen intersections in the Wenatchee Valley. She added signals for each
intersection cost approximately $4,500.00 for a four-way intersection. She explained that the audible
pedestrian signals can be installed for a one-way, two-way, three-way, or four-way crossing.
Ms. Gills said if the City of East Wenatchee is interested in participating in this project, they would need
a letter of support from the City stating their desire to partner with Samara's Foundation for the Blind and
Visually Impaired and the City of Wenatchee.
Mayor Lacy said this is a wonderful idea and would be an excellent service to our community. He asked
Ms. Gills to work with Street Superintendent Mauseth to obtain installation cost estimates for Council's
review prior to making a decision on the issue.
Mike Bocatch, 330 N. Joseph Avenue, East Wenatchee, said he is hearing impaired and asked Council to
please speak more directly into their microphones. Mr. Bocatch said he is here in regards to the recent
newspaper article regarding the Sportsplex, he said there was no mention that the Sportsplex would
include adult softball and asked if adult activity will be permissible.
Mayor Lacy said this project is in the proposal stage only and therefore it may or may not come to
fruition, as the City Council are the decision makers when it comes to things like this. He said he
anticipates being able to make a presentation along with other potential players to offer information and
conceptual drawings of the project to the Council sometime in April. He said one of the aspects of this
project is how we are going to incorporate the Metropolitan Parks Districts involvement in this project.
He added while the City of East Wenatchee has the unique ability statutorally to receive the funds in the
form of host fees, which a Metropolitan Park District cannot do, and that is why the City of East
Wenatchee is involved in this as opposed to a Park District. The Park District is the vehicle by which
local sports and or park activities would normally occur. He added the Eastmont Metropolitan Park
District has submitted a letter to the City indicating a willingness to participate in any way they can. He
said he has been thinking about how the Park District would participate and feels it would be essential for
the Park District to manage local sports activities on these fields during the hours and times when these
fields are not being utilized for their primary purpose, which is the invitation of tournament play into the
Mayor Lacy said when the fields are available for local use it would be the decision of the Park District as
to how they organize field use during the off hours. He added the fields will be adjustable and the baseball
mound could be removed so that it could be flattened out for softball use, they would also adapt to uses
other than just baseball and softball.
Mr. Boecatch asked if the citizens will have some type of input for the design as well as scheduling of the
fields. Mayor Lacy responded that he has not given much thought of getting citizen/community input in
regards to the creation of the project and certainly sees no reason why they could not involve the
citizens/community to some extent.
Community Development Director Lori Barnett informed the Council that she had received an email from
Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director of the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council (WVTC), regarding a
proposal in which they are trying to get through to Congress. She said this is a federal economic stimulus
package and what they are trying to do is come up with projects that could be done in a very short turn
around time with a cost up to $5 million dollars. They are looking for infrastructure type projects that put
people to work and provide lasting public benefits and to potentially start construction within 90 days of
funding. She said these projects will be passed on to Congress informing them that this is the need that is
in our communities and we would like you to entertain creating this stimulus package. She added the
WVTC is more transportation oriented than some of the other infrastructure projects they are looking at.
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Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense
reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has
been made available to Council.
As of this date, March 25, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 19947 through 19987 in the total
amount of $68,524.49. Warrant numbers 19958 and 19959 were voided.
08-03-03 Authorization for Mayor Lacy to sign the final pay estimate for Strider Construction
Co., Inc., closing out the Central Business District Road and Drainage Improvement Project.
Street Superintendent Mauseth said the total cost for the Central Business District Construction Project is
$3,746,718.64. The final pay estimate is $124,557.34. The four groups that have contributed to the
reconstruction of the CBD project are:
• Group One, the City of East Wenatchee the final pay estimate is $113,402.51, total cost was
• Group Two, Canyon "A" the final pay estimate is $6,219.49, total cost was $563,875.06.
• Group Three, East Wenatchee Water District the final pay estimate is $750.00. Total cost was
• Group Four Douglas County P.U.D. final pay estimate of $4,185.34, the total contribution was
Mr. Mauseth said those are the break downs for each group for this final pay estimate. He asked for
Council authorization for the Mayor to sign the final pay estimate in the amount of $124,557.34. He said
this closes out the project for Strider Construction including one claim regarding excavation landfill.
City Attorney Poulson said there is still a delay claim pending which is not calculated in the final pay
estimate regarding a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall where the subcontractor is claiming the
City delayed them from working for two and a half days and they are entitled to approximately
$51,000.00 in an equitable adjustment.
Mayor Lacy mentioned that he has had discussions with a representative from Strider Construction who
indicated that his company was not representing the contractor who submitted the delay claim. Therefore,
the Mayor does not feel the City has any leverage by withholding payment to Strider Construction as a
means of putting pressure on the other contractor.
City Attorney Poulson said that by withholding payment it could put the City at risk of paying attorney
fees with liquidated damages for not paying Strider Construction, when we have signed off that they have
substantially completed the project.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart,
to authorize the Mayors signature on the final pay estimate as presented for Strider Construction Co., Inc.,
closing out the Central Business District Road and Drainage Improvement Project. The motion carried, 6-
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provided by Waste Management for a monthly fee when the previous contract allowed total collection as
long as all waste was bagged or bundled. He added there have been a number of people who have come
into City Hall or called the City Clerk to make comments about this issue. He said he was somewhat
surprised by the number of people that did not feel they had notice of this as he is aware that for the past
two quarters notices have been included in the billing statements from Waste Management. He said the
decision to make this change was a good one and the best thing we can do is educate our constituents.
Councilmember Johnson said he received an email regarding the safety of kids crossing the intersection at
10`b and Grover. The email expressed that without stop signs, a crosswalk or even a marked school zone,
cars tend to exceed the normal school zone speed limit. He asked Council to consider making changes to
the intersection. Street Superintendent Mauseth said he has discussed these concerns with the Engineer
and they are looking to see if this street warrants a crosswalk or other signage.
Councilmember Hendricks said he received an email from Kristi Pruitt Atwood asking if the City of East
Wenatchee would be open to the idea of placing a park bench at the corner of Baker Avenue and 11`h
Street NE as a resting place for walkers, in memory of her parents Minnie and Berk Pruitt. Ms. Atwood
said donations have been received in her mothers name and she would like to see that money put to good
use in the community her parents loved. Mayor Lacy said that he appreciates Councilmember Hendricks
bringing this issue up and thinks it would be a good will gesture just to let her know we received her
request and if we can do something we will, and if we cannot, we can direct her to where she can get that
Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District held on February
25, 2008.
ADJOURNMENT — 8:10 p.m.
Dana Barnard