HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/26/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
FEBRUARY 26, 2008
6:30 P.M.
Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember
Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Bremmer,
Councilmember Raab, and Mayor Lacy.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson, to
excuse Councilmember Buckner from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth, Lori Barnett, Linda Countryman,
Catalina Garibay, and Dawn Collings.
East Wenatchee Events Board Coordinator Dawn Collings gave an update on the motorcycle show held in
Spokane in which the Events Board set up a booth along with Teresa Allen and eight Events Board
volunteers. She said this was a joint venture with the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau
to promote Classy Chassis and the Wings and Wheels as well as the Wenatchee Valley.
Ms. Collings said the annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held March 16, 2008, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at
the Eastmont Community Park. She added preparations for Classy Chassis are in full swing with
registrations, and vendor registrations already being received and sponsors in place. She said the Apple
Bin Races have been added to the event this year which will be hosted by the Eastmont Metropolitan Park
Mayor Lacy asked Council to set a date for a Workshop meeting regarding street projects. Council set a
date of March 18, 2008, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Mayor Lacy also asked Council to set a date for a Council Retreat. Council set a date of March 29, 2008,
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Mayor Lacy said the negotiations with the Police have not been finalized. He said he was checking on
some particular items in the final proposed contract. He said after those clarifications have been made he
will bring the final proposed contract to Council for approval.
Mayor Lacy said he has been attending the Sister City meetings which have been dealing with
preparations for the delegation going to Misawa, Japan. He reported there have been fourteen students
chosen to serve as Student Ambassadors this year. He added at this time there are five adults scheduled to
participate and depending on how many Delegates from the City of Wenatchee attend, there will be
approximately 22-27 participants.
Mayor Lacy said he has had conversations with the new owners of the Wenatchee Valley Mall in which
they have expressed interest in working with the City on the City theme. He said he suggested to the Mall
owners to consider changing the red apple on the mall signs to a Miss Veedol logo. He said they are
considering this suggestion. He added the mall may want the City to contribute funds toward the signs
which could come out of the City Theme budget if the mall decides to make that change.
Mayor Lacy said that City Attorney Devin Poulson has contacted the bonding company DA Davidson to
look into Councilmanic bonding with regards to the proposed SportsPlex facility on Grant Road. He
reported that by using a 25 year income stream they came up with $5.165 Million that the City could
bond for.
Mayor Lacy said that he had met with Managing Partner Bud Adams of the Wenatchee Valley SportsPlex
to inform him of the results of the bonding company. He asked Mr. Adams to come back with a scaled
down proposal, or with ideas for additional funding. He said Mr. Adams is checking on grants and other
options for possible funding. Mayor Lacy said this project is still in the discussion stage until something
is proposed that he feels he would recommend to the City Council in terms of a contract. He said he had
received a letter from the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District (EMPD) encouraging the development of
this valuable community asset and brining it to fruition. The letter also said that when an opportunity for
the EMPD is identified to let them know how they could help.
1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, February 12, 2008
2. Consideration of Bills
Councilmember Hendricks expressed concern with regards to hotel bills submitted for payment. He asked
why payment for one hotel was priced much higher compared to payment for another hotel. It was
explained that one hotel was for one night, the other hotel was for two nights, and hotel prices fluctuate
depending on what area of the State they are located.
Councilmember Hendricks also expressed concern with regards to overtime in the Police Department as
they came in over budget at year end 2007, due to overtime hours.
Councilmember Barnhart explained that when it is an emergency you can not control overtime, as it is
impossible for any type of emergency services to stay within a budget with the investigations and reports
that must be completed. Mayor Lacy said that he has investigated this issue on more than one occasion
and it has been explained to him that the Police Officers work on a set schedule rather than rotating shifts
which does create overtime. Council discussed cutting down on patrol, hiring a consultant to evaluate the
schedule and whether it would be more cost effective to hire an additional Officer. Mayor Lacy said he is
confident Chief Harrison is doing his best to keep overtime under control. He added Chief Harrison had
requested additional officers during the budget process and was approved for one full time Traffic
Enforcement Officer, and a part time Police Services Aide position.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart,
to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0.
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense
reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has
been made available to Council.
. As of this date, February 26, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 19834 through 19893 in the
total amount of $86,714.74. Warrant numbers 19852, 19868, and 19874 were voided.
Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 26105 through 26185 and direct deposit payroll warrant
numbers 00099 through 00116, in the total amount of $307,187.54, paid February 5, 2008, for the month
of January 2008.
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implementation and management of municipal stormwater programs. She said these funds will help pay
for finishing the inventory of our stormwater facilities. She said they are also looking at doing a rate study
and a comprehensive plan for stormwater.
Ms. Barnett added that the Wenatchee Valley Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee will be hosting
a public meeting on Tuesday March 4, 2008, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm to provide an overview of the process
and information regarding the local project. She said the Department of Ecology will be giving a
presentation on the Municipal Stormwater Permit and encouraged Council to attend the meeting.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, to
authorize the Mayors signature on the Interlocal Agreement between Douglas County, Chelan County, the
City of Wenatchee and the City of East Wenatchee for development and implementation of projects
related to Regional Stormwater Management and Planning. The motion carried, 6-0.
08-02-03 Second reading of an ordinance amending portions of Title 18 of the East Wenatchee
Municipal Code relating to Critical Areas.
Community Development Director Barnett said there were typographical errors on the exhibit to the
ordinance that were corrected after first reading. These corrections included a graph on page 62 which
referenced Douglas County Chapter 14.90, changed to East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 18.
12.080, and on page 66 the reference to Rural Recreation should have also been deleted.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Raab, to
amend portions of Title 18 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to Critical Areas. The motion
carried, 6-0.
Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary.
08-02-14 A resolution adopting the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Members
Mayor Lacy asked Councilmember Raab to present this agenda item.
Councilmember Raab said the revision to the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Members Manual clarifies how the appointed Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair(s) would
select committee members based upon their knowledge and expertise rather than having a standing
committee of set members. This would allow the appointed TAC Chair(s) to recruit individuals with
specific knowledge and expertise as to the issue directed to them, rather than having a standing committee
who may not have the specific knowledge or expertise specific to the issue being discussed.
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Councilmembers discussed different options such as parking meters, purchase of the lots for later use by
the City, building a multi level structure between Hamilton Street and Valley Mall Parkway with parking
at one level or the other, have the City build the parking lot and do something like a Low Impact
Development (LID) as a conduit for the businesses, and placing stairs or a ramp in the existing parking lot
from Hamilton Street.
Councilmember Bremmer said he attended the Community Foundation of North Central Washington
meeting held on February 14, 2008. He said that he was impressed with what the group is trying to
accomplish. He added there has been a great deal of participation from various entities and feels the City
of East Wenatchee should continue to look at, and consider a funding commitment. Mayor Lacy said this
item will be placed on the March 11, 2008, Council agenda for further discussion.
Councilmember Bremmer said he attended the Birthday Party of Anna Allan on the Mayor's behalf, and
awarded her with a certificate of Recognition as the Greater Wenatchee Valley Area's Queen of Hearts
honoring her 103`d Birthday.
Councilmember Hendricks thanked the Street Department for their participation in hanging the Little
Miss Veedol in the rotunda.
Mayor Lacy said that he attended the Public Meeting hosted by the Douglas County Commissioners with
regards to the extension of the Riverfront Trail. He said it was a very informative meeting with opinions
expressed by both the proponents and the opponents. He added the Douglas County Commissioners took
all comments and information under advisement and indicated that they would keep the record open until
March 10, 2008, and then make a decision on it. He said the Commissioners will then have to decide if
the nature of a rezone and/or a transportation permit would be required. Mayor Lacy said he spoke as a
citizen and informed the public and the Commissioners that the East Wenatchee City Council adopted a
resolution in 1995, favoring recreational tourism. He also advised them that in a recent meeting with the
Department of Transportation (DOT) regarding the corridor, both North and South of the Odebasian
Bridge, that the City and County were the primary stake holders, these jurisdictions would have first
access to purchase the right-of-way at the time of its release. He added the people that are claiming that
the trail is really agricultural land, and that it should be preserved and protected from tourists are only
leasing the land from the DOT on a 30 day terminable lease.
Councilmember McCourt mentioned that the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of
Wenatchee are going to be proceeding with Vista Del Rio. She said since she lives a very close distance
of Heritage Glen, a previous project of the Housing Authority, she attended three hearings and testified as
to what it is like living so close to Migrant Farmworker Housing. She said she does not have a problem
living close to Heritage Glen and believes her neighbors feel the same. She added that in January she was
presented with an award congratulating her for her three visits to the hearings, and for having to testify.
She added it has been and interesting process and she has enjoyed serving on the Housing Authority
Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of
Wenatchee held on January 16, 2008. Councilmember McCourt also submitted minutes from the Chelan -
Douglas Health District Board of Health meeting held on January 28, 2008.
ADJOURNMENT — 8:00 p.m.
City Clerk