HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/12/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
FEBRUARY 12, 2008
6:30 P.M.
Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember
Hendricks, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember McCourt,
Councilmember Johnson, and Mayor Lacy.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Catalina
Garibay, and Joan Sims.
PROCLAMATION - Special Olympics
Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming the City's support for the 2008 Washington State Special
Olympics Winter Games being held in the Wenatchee Valley February 29th through March 2, 2008.
PRESENTATION — Community Foundation of North Central Washington
Chelan County Community Development Director John Guenther presented the Community Indicators
Project being proposed by several groups in the Wenatchee Valley as a way to gather, store and utilize
hard data, create dialogs among peer groups around issues and to broaden the conversation across issue
areas into valley wide decision making from a policy stand point. The goals of the group are:
• Have a tool that can provide data for decision making from a quality of life perspective, including
all areas of community needs such as the arts and environment, which are typically excluded in
needs assessments;
• Provide a baseline in which to start measuring improvements in our community;
• Provide a way to benchmark our community's performance in all area with other communities,
the state and the nation;
• Bring together stakeholders and decision makers in our community to build collaborative decision
making around issues;
• Provide a forum and place to begin to make goals for community improvement; and
• Provide a common place to keep statistics and data for anyone in the community to access.
Mr. Guenther said one of the main objectives is to bring together focus groups of stakeholders around
indicator areas: people, education, culture and recreation, economic vitality, environment, health, housing,
public safety and transportation. He said data will be collected and then benchmarked in over 100
indicators available for the Wenatchee Valley. He added that information from each individual city, when
available, will be added to a website developed to hold the data.
Mr. Guenther said the Community Foundation of North Central Washington is requesting a grant of
$5,000 from the City of East Wenatchee to enable this project to benefit the entire Wenatchee Valley. He
indicated that even if the City did not contribute he would like the City to participate. He added a working
lunch meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2008, at the Community Technology Center (C.T.C.) and
invited Council to participate.
Mayor Lacy said this could come out of General Funds or Community Development as this is would be
considered a planning issue. Community Development Director Barnett said she does not have five
thousand dollars available in her 2008 budget.
Mayor Lacy mentioned that he would like to further review the aspects of the Community Indicators
Project and consider how to fund the City's portion of the project. He added he would bring the issue
back to the next Council meeting for a recommendation.
Mayor Lacy announced Councilmember Hendricks requested for a vote of approval from the City
Council regarding his participation as a delegate to Misawa, Japan this year. Mayor said that
Councilmember Johnson had expressed a desire to participate as a delegate this year along with Mayor
Lacy and Councilmember Hendricks. Mayor Lacy said typically only two delegates participate each year.
Mayor said that there are funds available for the entire three to attend this year. The normal procedure
would be to appoint Councilmember Hendricks to participate. However, Councilmember Hendricks
requested approval of the Council.
Councilmember Hendricks said he would like to decline from participating as a delegate this year due to
his schedule. He said he would prefer to attend as a delegate in 2009. Mayor Lacy appointed
Councilmember Johnson to participate as a delegate for the trip to Misawa, Japan in 2008.
Mayor Lacy said there is currently an unfilled representative position on the Regional Support Network in
which Councilmember McCourt has expressed an interest in filling. Mayor Lacy appointed
Councilmember McCourt as representative to the Regional Support Network.
Mayor Lacy said the City was visited by representatives of the Columbia Grove Covenant Church, in
which they expressed their desire to explore the idea of a land swap as part of the City Hall Expansion
Project. The representatives toured City Hall to get an idea of the City Hall building layout to envision
whether it would meet their needs in the event some type of land swap is negotiated between the City
along with the Church for the Church owned property east of City Hall.
Mayor Lacy said City Attorney Devin Poulson said there was a clarification by the representatives of the
Columbia Grove Covenant Church regarding the City's position. They expressed a desire to maybe work
in a different direction with the City in terms of cooperating or by having the city coordinate their plans
and perhaps even do some sharing of parking or sharing of space for community use, in the future. Mayor
Lacy wanted to inform the Council that the Columbia Grove Covenant Church was still manifesting that
interest with regards to a land swap as part of the City Hall expansion Project.
Mayor Lacy added that it appears that there is an interest in holding a workshop format to cover a variety
of City issues. One of those being what direction should be taken as far as the City Hall expansion. He
said he would like to set a date to hold a workshop within the next two months and asked Council if they
would be able to commit a Saturday from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth gave a presentation depicting Capital Projects scheduled for
spring 2008 through 2010. He also discussed joint projects with Douglas County and Washington State
Department of Transportation which include the 2008 SR 28 Paver Project, the George Sellar Bridge -
East Approach, Eastmont Extended, and Baker Avenue. Mr. Mauseth reported on the Kentucky Avenue
project between 4`t' Street SE and 8`h Street NE stating that this project and the grant funding from the
Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) were inherited from Douglas County when the last annexation
occurred. Douglas County submitted the grant application in 2005 with a required project completion date
of October 2009. He said when Douglas County submitted the grant application in 2005 the engineers
•oouuuip.to stgl Suigsilgnd jo sisoo put, `sisoo uopmaold ivautnoop put,
ui antns `sisoo iuipaooat `sisoo slusiaiddu `SuutaH otignd jo saotloN aqi Suigsilgnd jo sisoo `oi poittuil
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-Xvadoid aqi uo paiuon uoilduosop 10al t, anuq of popaau AI!D aqi pits giasnuW IuapualuuadnS lao qS
'gN Iaa.IIS q,61 3o uopaod t ButlleoleA aoututp.to uE Jo 8utptat puooaS LO-10-80
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•luautaa 2v IEoollolul olsEM
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-O-L `pai.ut,o uotlout
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uaanniaq X'UMg2TH IasunS 3o uotltod Awl t Ouintdat oq jilt LOQSM Ptus giasnvW luopualuuadnS IaazlS
•«gutnud — ua td aagoileuaM Isug/8Z gS„ aqi 3o ind su suoiloosiaiut oml
jo atuda.yuoiit,loisat ioj Xud of (,LOQSM) uoijupodsuuiL jo lu3tu:pudaCl aiuiS uol'SutgsuM
gltnn iuotuaol2V Sutludtotitud SouoSV luoo-I u uSts of loXuW otp toj uotltzttogind IO-ZO-80
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•ItounoO of aigEitlent, aputu uaaq
sleq goignn `Sutisti u ui poptooat uaaq antq 06O't7Z-Zi7 M:)2I Xq pa.nnbw su paytytao swiulo luatuasinquttat
asuodxo osogl put 080'tbZ'Zb Mo2I Aq pattnbat st, aaogjo 2uiitpnt, aql Xq pogtilao put paltpnt, stagonon
'0-L `Pat.ut,o uoilout oql •paluosatd st, ilepuoluo ivasuoo aqi anotddt, of
`lou)Iong .iaqutatuitounoD Xq puooas `uosugof loqutautltounoo Xq opuuz suns uoilout d :uoila,V paunoj
slligjo uotlttaptsuOD z
80OZ `ZZ faunuu f `uoissoS alejn&�1 — sainutW 3o uoilt.taptsuoo • I
•sloafold osogi aoj 8uipunj put,
sloafoad otp ssnosip of 180OZ `IZ kmtuga3 uo doggionn t, puaiiu of pounoo pa3lsu aq plus aH •algElrent
Xauotu aqI tptnn palaldutoo aq uto loofotd oql 3o suotl.tod IEgnn outuuolop of suotloas olut paptntp st
slaodat 8utdoos agi ptts OH '£S'ZLS`LbL`L$ si ioafoid agl ioj olutuilso nnau aqi soutloptnS tatsop 2ui2uEgo
puu WOO uotlotuisuoo $utsta atp TPA ptt,s OH aiuuttisa sa33ut2ua SOOZ OT uuguoo of loafoad anuand
blonluo)I oql loj podaa 2uidoos t, pailttugns ftnaui8ug ZH-d pappt, OH '00'tLL`58Z`Z$ st,nn aluuttlsa
800Z `ZI A2iHIRI lai SHIflld W 'IIDNf100 F[aHD LVNaM ISV9 40 AJ.IO
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember
Barnhart, to adopt the ordinance vacating a portion of 19"' Street NE. The motion carried, 7-0.
Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary.
ORDINANCE NO. 2008 - 01
08-02-03 First reading of an ordinance amending portions of Title 18 of the East Wenatchee
Municipal Code relating to Critical Areas.
Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance.
08-02-04 A resolution appointing the Mayor to the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart,
to adopt the resolution appointing the Mayor to the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee.
The motion carried, 7-0.
Mayor Lacy read the resolution title.
RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - 04
08-02-05 A resolution adopting the Wenatchee Valley Stormwater Program, Public Involvement
Education and Outreach Program.
Community Development Director Barnett explained the ongoing process to comply with the Eastern
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued by the Department of Ecology, the City of
Wenatchee, City of East Wenatchee, Douglas County, and Chelan County have developed this public
involvement, education and outreach Plan ("Plan"). She said this Plan is an important element of the local
and regional efforts to develop a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). The objective of this plan is
to outline the Cities' and Counties' public education as well as involvement process with actions to
accomplish this important project. The Plan seeks to engage the public by providing information as well
as gathering public input through the entire stages of the development of the SWMP. Outreach will be
focused on both the general public plus targeted audiences of stakeholders.
The public involvement and participation part of this Plan has been developed to provide the public with
the opportunity to participate in the development of the SWMP, while the public education with outreach
component is designed to educate the public about stormwater and actions they can take to participate in
this process and help combat stormwater problems.
Ms. Barnett said there will be a public meeting held at the Convention Center at 5:30 p.m., on March 4,
2008, the Department of Ecology will be available that day. Ms. Barnett said the City Council will be
receiving invitations to attend the meeting. She asked if a Councilmember was interested in becoming
involved for these meetings. Mayor Lacy appointed Councilmember Bremmer to attend the meetings.
pinoM Ioudiui poluuiilso agI Iugm pun si alnol aqI ILgM MOIAO.I aaglinj of paou om S1033 off •afusn oloui oq
Ipm aaagl osnuooq spool loaga Ipm Iugl Iouduii uu si sigl imp uloouoo passoidxo aau3jong aaquiauijiounoD
•liojja sigl slioddns aq pappu aH -4!unuiuioo agI ui f4t1tgisiA ino osuaaoui puu
soilijiouj Ind agI asua.Ioui of 4iui4ioddo uu si sigL TOR aql of saoltsiA a.IOUi 0uuq XIalmilln ll!m lugl
Ouiglauios puu Xliunuiuioo ino ano.iduii of 4!D oql aoj .Cliun:poddo uL si sigl pius uosugo f .iagw3lUj!ounoD
•loofoid agI gliM piuAUOJ SUTAOUI ouiloap pjnoM oq sliuiil CIIo agI uigliM poluool Iou sl
olis pasodoid agI oouis Iugl slaaj oslu OH •anssi Clio u Uegl aaglul anssi )j.iud u si sigl slaa3 puu s.iotuolsno
liagl of 31ouq soa3 aqI Ouigiugo Iuauia2uutW olsLM jo sulowoo passojdxo sxoupuaH iogwouij!3uno3
•panjosai aq uuo pagiluapi
uaaq anug lugl sonssi agI Iugl uoilduinssu agI gl►m loofoid sigl gl!m pitAuoj SuioS jo ldaouoo agI slioddns
Iiounoo .iaglagm si Mou lgBij anssi oql pius OH •glint Iluop aq ll!m sonssi 3sogl3o liu `oould ui slouiluoo
agI gliM junoiddu luug ioj uoilupuauiuioow u gltm pounoD of loofoad alp Ouisui.iq do spua oq 3i `Iouj
ui puu liom pinoM sloadsu Iugal ogl llu arcs o luui XiolLuiilin ll!m jtounoD puog aqZ •Iuasa.id uuo Xogl
soilouaos 3o pupi Iugm of su XuLdwoo Suipuoq u 3Isu IIIM aq pauMJOJ aAOUI om ji ILgl plus Xou-I .io, t'W
•loofold aqI Suins.ind ui polsoaalui si ,c4i3 agI Iugl uoiluoipui uu aagltl Inq `luiod sigl lie lot4wo L
anoiddL .io 8uiglXuu ais of uoilL2ilgo ou lopun si fqD oql puu luouuiuiuioo u Iou si Sigl ILgI palLaaliai aH
•aagaluuaM Isug jo Xliouduo uisiinol luuoilualow oql oouuquo su Ilom sL uaiu oql olui ,Cold luauiutunol ui
Suiaq pjnoM `Xjaluuilljn goigM uI `aagaluuaM Isug ui ,44Iliou3 sliods u guiplinq jo ldoouoo aql of suoiloofgo
XUU aAUq ,C3gl3i `Uitg asiApu Ol pounoD wjg pjnom OH -pounoD aql jo lioddns aqI suq oq ssalun paaooad
of qil IOU pinoM aq aanamOH •loofold stgl gliM p.IUAuoJ 3AOtU OI aiisap siq possaidxa Xou-f .ioXuW
•loi.ilsi(I 31red uLIllodorloW luouilsug
aql , q IuauianlonUI Xlgissod puu `xoldsllodS ,CaltuA QOWI OAk `luaUiai?uuuW alsLM `aagaluuaM
Isug jo f4!D aql apnloui pinoM simpud asogjL -oq Am soililuo oilgnd .iaglo .iolpuu sioul.iud snol.ILA aql Jo
uoiludmiliud agI Iugm Xlaluuiilln puu `,Cllliouj ioopino uL jo aouuuolumw puu ino plinq u aluliliouj pjnom
Lare sigl 1O3 duiuULjd t'QJV anisuagoiduioD Iluiano agl puu SUIUOZ agI .iaglagM `sosugd ui io Xlalalduioo
.iaglia loofaid agI pung of alLnbapu oq pinoM apinoid pInOM Iu3Ux30uuuW alsuM lugl XauOUi agI
IOU 10 .iaglagm suLaui goigM •loofold 3gI3o Clij!q!swj aluUiilln oql ouiuualap of pounoD uiog xougpoo3
aniaOai of 031i1 pjnom ag piLs aH 'PIUA OJ SUTAOUi Xlgissod puL II olul Bui3jool InogL snoiias si f4ID
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OAI2 of uziq Xq pa}Iuip iallal u of spiuSaa glint pounoD Uioij Iioddns ao3 ft su si aq pius Aou-I aoxuw
,4iodo.id sigl jo osugo.ind �S.IOISOAUI oql uo lioddns jo
aaluj Iju.ip u puu aagaluuaM Isug ui xoldsl iodS u jo Iuauigsilqulso Suip.Mia.i uoissnosip V 90-ZO-80
90 - 800Z *ON NOIJ fl IOM
•ollp uoilnlosoi oql puai Xou-I ioXLW
•0-L `pai.uuo uoilOUi aqZ •uzu.i wd gmoilno
puu uoiluonpg IUOUIOAIOAUI oilgnd `.immumis �QIIUA 03WItuaM agI suildopu uoilnlosoi agI Idopu OI
`uosugo f iogtuowj!OunoD q pu000s `jo"ong .ioquiauiliounoD Xq opuui sum uoilouz d moilaV Ilaunoa
800Z `ZI AdvfRIgd3 Sd.LflMW'IIONfl00 MEDLVX9.M JLSVFI 30 AID
As a result has he no problem, and suspects that the best efforts of the Mayor would be to provide the
Council with a complete analysis of the project, and its implications and costs. Therefore, he is in favor of
moving forward, and supports the Mayor's efforts in arriving at some type of total concept.
Councilmember Raab expressed concerns of the cost of replacing the turf every 10 to 12 years at a cost of
approximately $1,000,000,000 per field. He said he supports the idea. However he has questions he
would like answered.
Councilmember McCourt said that she is in support of the project. However, she feels it needs to be
investigated further to answer some of the questions that have been brought forward.
Councilmember Bremmer asked if the host fee the County currently receives from Waste Management
applies to people located in the County. Do they have to pay the tonnage fee or is it just for waste coming
in from outside the Community. He also asked if Waste Management is going to be increasing rates in the
future because they will be paying us $.90 per ton, and what percentage of the waste going into the
landfill is from East Wenatchee.
Ron Draggoo, Countywide Solid Waste, said the host agreement that was entered into between Waste
Management and Douglas County imposes a $.86 per ton fee upon all waste that goes across the scales
with a few exceptions of what is called special waste. The $.86 per ton is for everyone regardless of
where the waste comes from. Mr. Draggoo said Douglas County's portion of the volume in material
including East Wenatchee's Waste is 22% of what goes into the landfill. He said other volume is from
Kittitas County, Grant County, and Chelan County, as well as some incidental waste that comes in from
the other side of the mountain. Of the 22% from Douglas County, 16% of that comes from what is called
the Greater East Wenatchee Area which encompasses the Urban Growth Boundary. He added the City
waste Agreement is with the hauling company, Waste Management and the host agreement with the City
will be with the Landfill, so that $.90 is going to be disbursed across the whole spectrum of anyone
bringing waste across the scales. He added Waste Management is proposing that once the landfill is
expanded they are going to go after the approximately 20,000,000,000 tons available in the next five
years from the Puget Sound Area.
Mayor Lacy said the offer from Waste Management is that they would only provide this host fee with the
condition that the City actually directs the funds towards development of this sports facility until it is
built, at which time the City could then use it for other City budgetary items as they so choose.
Mayor Lacy said the question still is, which has not been investigated completely, is whether or not
looking at that tonnage conservatively will be sufficient to pay the debt service on whatever bonding we
need to do to build this project completely and avoid the necessity of any potential downside financially
to the City of East Wenatchee. He said he is not attempting to rely on the profitably of the project as a
means of paying any of that indebtedness. It would only be from the money coming from Waste
Management. He said we would not rely on any funds from the project operation for the purpose of
funding the project itself. He added once the SportsPlex is built there will be a substantial amount of
profit that will help offset the operation costs and could also be applied to the replacement of field turf.
Councilmember Barnhart said he is in support of moving forward with the project.
Mayor Lacy said that he has a great degree of confidence in the ability to make this project work. He said
his intention was not to go forward with all the work that will be involved if the Council is against the
idea of going forward with the project.
Mayor Lacy said based on Council comments this evening he will move forward and come back to
Council along with something concrete and present a packet that would answer all the issues and
questions that have come up this evening. He said his intent would be to sign and provide a conditional
'80OZ `L A-iuiuga3 uo ploq Suilaaux
aaUiuiWOD ,tiosinpd aJsuM piloS aql uio.g ICJlC wns Suilaaui u pauiuzgns quug kuuH ioquiauxliounoD
lo3 guiloXoai op►sgmD aago}uuaM Isug OT W04 slulol put' `LOOZ JOJ slulol UOIS13Aip alsunn apinn�C4unoo
oql ` oAg uoi;oolloo owl, suuilsi.igD oql 2uip.iuSa.i poda.i u pautuigns quug /LuuH Jaqu ompounoo
'80OZ `t�Z Aiunuuf uo ploq
Suilaaui (nMS) ,,�4ililn aajuM uuolS oqj uio.g solnuiui pauiuzgns gjasnuw uopuaig juopuajui iodnS loo4S
'800Z `6 Xjunuuf uo plaq SuilaaW pounoo ((IaBOg) IuauidolanaQ puu UOIIUA10SUOD
aoinosag uoj2uigst,M fu.quoD giiox oqi wog solnuiuz put, `800Z `Ol �junuuf uo plaq Suiloow
liounoo uoiluodsuull faIIuA aagoluuaM oq; wog solnuiui pauiuigns .iau3long 32aooD ioquiauiliounoD
'80OZ `IZ kiunuuf uo plaq Suiloom TIt,aH
Jo pluog Ioi.ilsi(l TluaH sujSnoQ-uulagD oqi uiog sa;nuiui pauiuxgns linoDoW Xput,S nquiau pounoo
s OINA puu uoiluanuoD AalluA aagoluuaM otp uiog liodag .ia1iuna y,b LOOZ aq; pantaoa.i 4i0 oqZ
'LOOZ `£ aaguiaoaQ
uo ploq Oupow p.iuog SuiuiaAOD NioA44o I lioddnS luuoilag oql uio.g salnumi paniaoaa f4iD aqZ
'gOJLI I ui lunoiddu
liounoo .io3 Xpua.i sigl anuq pinogs om pappu off -Xj!.reaoduial;i polqui suq aq os `Iuom uoiluilo2ou oqi moq
. jo uoi}oallooa.i siq gjinn paoifu pins jou suns oq soul! jo oldnoo u ajam oiagl goigm ui ;ou.uuoo pasodoid
luug u paniaoa.i pt'q aq pius OH •ololduioo Isouilu are suoilt,ilo2ou ooilod oq; Iugl p;)vodai AouZ .ioXuw
AIID oqj 3o 3iugoq
uo Z6Z£ qI oqj 2uisoddo a.inlulsiBol oI jo:4ol t, Iuas puq oq Iuq} IiounoD pouuojui uoslnod Xotuond XIiD
'X4i3 otp of osuodxa Iuuogiais u oq pinom sigl pappu OH •sluzX
oA,q ioj al uo uiagl dowl puu suoissas o ijnoaxa Ilu 3o Suiplooaa oipnu uii;ugaaA u o luui oI pajinboi oq
pinom f4i0 oqj uoilulsi0ol pasodoid oq; oI Buipi000u `suoissas ant;noaxo jo Suidul oqj 2uip.iuBw Z6Z£ Ilig
osnoH pauoiluaui oslt' OH •glinn JOL14Uoo ,fagl 4ilua IuauiulanoB goua uzog uoiluuuojui otp Ilu Suiloidop
laagspuoids u jo uuoj oql ui paiudajd aq XlaiooS auuuinH'(alluA aagoluuaM otp uzog spoda.i aqI jugj
Isonbo i sluauiu iaAo f) Jo Ifounoo oqj jo aniluluasa.ida i oq; jugj Isa'22ns oI paluum uosugo f .iaquiauiliounoD
oioui suq oq uogm Suiloaui oining u of jot,q onssi oqj Oui.iq Ilion oq p!us fiouZ .ioxvW •A podold oql
jo olus aqI olui 3I001 of snsuosuoo Xq paaaSu liounoo •It olui Tool jou pinonn oq uaq; uaiu Iugl o; aoimos so
2unind luuoi;ippu sdugiod ioj `unnol jo uom Iugl ui 40 aq; Xq digsiaunno puudxa Xlluilualod oI aaisop ou
suq liounoD 3i pappt, OH -onssi otp o;ui Tool pinonn oq os ji puu `polswalui suns pounoD .iaglagnn ssnosip
oI axil pinonn aq st, auiil sigl ju onssi uu ;ou si Isoo aT pius OH •uoiIuuuo3ui jugs glinn papiAold uaaq
jou suq oq su 4 j.iodoid otp jo Isoo aqI nnou3i jou soop aq pit,s OH •Inoqu a.nnbui of a3lil pinonn aq gotgnn
;ol 2unl.iud paunno c4iD aqI oI juaouCpu fuAvl.iud IIuW SalluA uo olus ioj fgiodoid si aaagl pits Aou-Iioxuw
'Xt,AttJud HEW faIIuA
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FEBRUARY 12, 2008
ADJOURNMENT — 8:32 p.m.
Dana Barnard
City Clerk