HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/22/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 22, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Linda Countryman, Brandon Mauseth, Catalina Garibay, Lori Barnett, and Joan Sims. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy announced the Misawa Sister City Association has set a deadline of mid February to receive applications establishing a delegation for the trip to Misawa, Japan, in August this year. He asked if any Councilmember's who have not previously participated would be interested in participating this year, and if not, a Councilmember who has previously attended would be able to make the trip again this year. Mayor Lacy added he and his wife expect to attend this year as part of the delegation. Mayor Lacy noted that the minutes from the January 8d' Council meeting included discussion regarding Councilmember Barnhart replacing Councilmember McCourt as the representative to the Council of Governments assignment, and that Councilmember McCourt would serve as the alternate. Mayor Lacy asked Councilmember Bremmer if he would be willing to serve as representative to the positions vacated by former Councilmember Jonn DeWitt. Councilmember Bremmer said he did not wish to serve as representative to the Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network (RSN). However, he would serve as the alternate to RiverCom, and as alternate to the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitor's Bureau (WVCVB). Mayor Lacy made the following appointments: • Council of Governments — Councilmember Barnhart as representative. • Council of Governments — Councilmember McCourt as alternate. • RiverCom 911 — Councilmember Bremmer as alternate. • Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitor's Bureau — Councilmember Bremmer as alternate. DEPARTMENT REPORT Street Superintendent Mauseth said the City submitted an Advertisement for Bids for the Kenroy Sidewalk Improvements Project. At a bid opening held on January 22°d the City received six proposals for the project. The lowest proposal was from Doug Jones Concrete in the amount of $213,301.58. The Engineer's estimate for the project was $217,354.86. He said the Engineer's have made a recommendation to award the project to Doug Jones Concrete contingent upon approval of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to award the bid to Doug Jones Concrete for the Kenroy Sidewalk Improvements Project. The motion carried, 7-0. 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2008 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to award the bid to Doug Jones Concrete for the Kenroy Sidewalk Improvements Project. The motion carried, 7-0. Community Development Director Barnett gave an update regarding the status of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program. She stated there will be a citizen involvement plan ready for adoption at the next City Council meeting. She added a Steering Committee will be put together of citizens at large that represent various interest groups in the community and asked if anyone was interested in serving on that committee. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, January 8, 2008 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 7-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. 2007 Payables As of this date, January 22, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 19648; 19651 through 19653; and 19696 through 19758 in the total amount of $244,289.10. Warrant numbers 19713, 19714 and 19732 were voided. 2008 Payables As of this date, January 22, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 19649 through 19650; 19654 through 19655; and 19657 through 19695 in the total amount of $86,902.48. Warrant number 19678 was voided. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 25931 through 26010 and direct deposit payroll warrant numbers 00070 through 00087 in the total amount of $281,123.51, paid December 5, 2007 for the month of November 2007. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 26011 through 26104 and direct deposit payroll warrant numbers 00088 through 00098 in the total amount of $284,481.07, paid January 5, 2007 for the month of December 2007. PUBLIC HEARING 08-01-06 A public hearing for the purpose of considering vacation of an unimproved portion of 19t' Street NE located between parcel #47000001300 and #70000000100 both of which properties are owned by Judith Telford. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. Street Superintendent Mauseth gave a brief overview of the process. He reviewed a letter of recommendation received from RH2 Engineering which included background, investigation, analysis, and conclusion, which states that based on review and analysis of the proposal, the proposed vacation of right- of-way would have no impact on lot access, general traffic circulation or the City's utility needs. He said •oSu3loud 8uilo3i ntu u dolanap pue ails gong .iod sioSiul Ilulaa OZ of do Xj!luop! ,Cagy •algo.Td ,Liiuntuwoo agl pun uolluool agl glint Ig poo8 u aq pinonn Inge slogm pulai soglluap! puu olgoid ,Cllunwtuoo agl le s3lool uagl uolxng •sossauisnq pulal mou 8uilou.illu aoj uo alu4uaouoo of uolxng wjq pinonn ,Cagl Iugi sales sloolos ,C4iunwtuo3 agZ •algoid ,Cliunuiuioo u apino.Td of uotinuuojui olgdtBouiap oisuq su Ilann su uom oql of s.ioilsln puu sluoplsa.Tdo sliquq 8ulpuads 8uipau8ai slollno Ilula.i snol.Ten ,Cq poloolloo nlup 8uilsixa sosn ,Cuuduioo agl lugl pouinldxg Ilauiug 'SW •aagoluuaM Isug pue aagoluuaM gloq Suipnloui loofoid luiof u 8uiop In 8uplool aiu ,Cagl `nnoX •lusodo id agl ons.Tnd Iou pip Xogl io,CuW agI of 8upllui .Talon puu Iusodo.Td lulluolod u 8uipiu8ai .iuo,C isul joq polouluoo uolxng lugl poulnldxa agS •umi2oid uoileogguop! ,CliunuTuioo s,,Cuuduioo Iugi 8uisn I.iojja 8uilo3liuw pulol u luowoldtui of Iusodoid u ssnosip of uolxng gilnn Sulloom u poiosuods aagoluuaM do fq!D agI Iugi pouiuldxo liaiuug !io7 .ioloa.ii(l luauidolanaQ ,CllunwwoD .umiSo.id SuTIa3l.iuui pulai u jo uoiiuluauialdun age of 8uilulai (TI,44!unwwoD uio4 Iusodoid u 8uipjugoi uoissnosip d 60-10-80 '0-L `Pal.ueo uollouT agZ •Iopaan ss W OR-1 agl jo asugoand of .iajjo agI Id000u of lluquiug iagwotullounoD ,Cq pu000s `.Tau3long .iaqu owpounoD ,Cq opuw suns uoilow d :uollaV liaunoO •AW-I aql 8ulsugoind jo 02uiuenpu a3lul Iou ol,Cilunwwoo age of ssol u oq pinom I! puu 8uilouio.id sT ,Cllz) age auiagi age gllnn ivalsisuoo oq pinom ,Culdsip .io3 ANi'I age 8uisugo.Tnd pins ,fou-I .iofmw 'Iunllsa3 slaagM puu s8ulgM age puu mogS iuD sissugD sisselD age su Bons sSuldsip luuoilouio.id puu upunloZl IIuH 4D agI ui AW-1 agI jo luauiaould .To3 suoildo possnosip pounoD IIuH ,"4!D Iu ,Cnidsip luoueuuad .ioj puu owogl s,aagoluuo is 8uilouio.Td iOJ AY�i-I agl 8uisugomd u! maagoluuaM Ise330 ,4!D agIA p031sn I133ll3H •s'W puu -JW •Iopaan ssryg agl jo uoildai azls — lin3 aqi 8uiiuoTldoi l3uioilu a.iniuluiul aleos V/I u `(AW-1) Iopaan ssilg olU!'I agI Iias of uolsloap nagl 8uip.T OO-1 `I1331l3H uioCl puu qog uiog .iaiial u paniaoa.T pug ,CIlZ) age ples ,Cou-I .io,CuW •Iopaan SSIW OR-1 agl jo osugoind olglssod age Smpiu2oi uoissnosip d 80-10-80 Swale AIOISSfIOSIQ oouuuip.io agl jo 8uipwi Isig Plow ,CouZ .ToArw 9N IaallS y161 3o uorpod u BuTluoun aouuuiplo uu J0 8uipn31 Is.TT3 LO-IO-80 H3NIVNaC[2IO 'tu'd £S:g it, 8uinag oilgnd agI posolo ,Cou-I .io,Cuyg `auou BuT.ivaH •uoTinoun pasodo.id agI uo sluauTuioo a3lnui of pagsim Ingl oouupuallu ui ouoXuu suns o iagl j! pa3lsu ,Cou-I .To,CuW •03uuuoluTuw l0j SSa0on PUB 8uug dano uun sson clod age io3 aouunolo luoioqjns apinoad of iopio ui olod .iannod l3i4siCI f4!Illfl oilgnd,14unoD suiSnoCl 8uilsixa agl jo glnos 'g S•L Isual It, sT wig uoiluoun agl3o aull glTou ags 'Z •ea.Tu uoTieoun agl jo aplslno paiuool a.Tu soijggn puaglano puu puno.iSiopun 8uilsixa Ilu legl uLuguoo of pauuoj iad st von, uoiluoun posodoid agI do ,Can.Tns pol ioda.i d • I :suoilipuoo poisa88ns 8uinnolloj age giinn IusodoTd uoTluonn agI anoaddu oI IlounoD ,CIiD agl aoj uoTlnpuauiuTooai u op VW ZH2i 800Z `ZZ A'UVfINVf MfINIW IIDIMOD RaHD.LVM3M LSdg d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2008 The proposal under consideration would attract two sites in East Wenatchee, and three sites in Wenatchee. The project cost of $110,000 would be divided between the two cities based upon the number of sites in each city. Councilmember Bremmer asked if the process would unfairly affect existing retailers. Barnett explained that Buxton looks at underserved segments of the retail market based upon the spending patterns. There was a discussion regarding potential sites. Ms. Barnett mentioned that the Mall area or the new waterfront mixed use district south of 19"' Street might be good candidates but the Council would need to decide what general geographic area would be selected. There was a general discussion regarding using public funds to attract business to someone else's property. Mayor Lacy expressed concern with this strategy. Since the City does not control utilities it makes it difficult to accomplish a community economic development strategy. Ms. Barnett mentioned that the Mall and some of the property owners east of the city had expressed some interest in marketing. She inquired whether the Council would be supportive of the proposal if private funding could be found to support the project. There was a general discussion regarding economic development, marketing and public/private sector issues. Council did not support the proposal. Mayor Lacy suggested that the Council have a retreat to discuss economic development and what the role the City may play in that regard. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Raab submitted minutes from the Solid Waste Executive Advisory Committee meeting held on January 17, 2008. Councilmember Buckner submitted a draft of the Local Option Tax Authority. ADJOURNMENT — 7:26 p.m. &M-) Dana Barnard City Clerk