HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/8/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEMPORE HARRY RAAB, PRESIDING JANUTARY 8, 2008 6:30 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE Dave Bremmer — City Council Position No. 1, Harry Raab — City Council Position No. 2, Sandra McCourt — City Council Position No. 5, Dennis Hendricks — City Council Position No. 6, and Wayne Barnhart — City Council Position No. 7 were sworn into their positions with the oath of office given by City Attorney Devin Poulson. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Barnhart, and Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember McCourt, and Mayor ProTem Raab. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Randy Harrison, Devin Poulson, Linda Countryman, Brandon Mauseth, Catalina Garibay, Lori Barnett, and Joan Sims. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth said the City submitted an Advertisement for Bids for the Rock Island Road Improvements Project. At a bid opening on January 8t' the City received nine proposals for the project. The lowest proposal was from Hurst Construction in the amount of $994,880.00. The Engineer's estimate for the project was $973,647.00. He said the Engineer's have made a recommendation to award the project to Hurst Construction contingent upon approval of the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB). Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Johnson to award the bid to Hurst Construction for the Rock Island Project. The motion carried, 6-0. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 11, 2007 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. :smollod su spnaa ollp uoilniosoi ags 0-9 `patnauo uotloui aq•L '80OZ mX aupualuo aqI sod ItounoD uoilulaodsuuaL XaIIuA aagoluuaM aqI of aluuaallu un pun aAtluluosaadaa SuiioA u aluu8isap of `uosugof aagwo' wltounoD Xq puooas `Ianquaug aaquiaugtounoD Xq opuui suns uoilow d :uoilaV ltaunoa '80OZ auaX aupualuo aqI and ItounoD uoilulaodsuuaZ ,�alluA aagoluuaM aql oI aluuaallu uu puu aniluluosaidaa 8uiloA u Suiiuu2isop uoiinlosaa d £0- i 0-80 Nolifillosau '0-S `Pataano uoiloui oq,L •anuaAd ungluuo f puu anuaAd susuu)l uo s3liumopts do uotionalsuoo pun iluipund aql and 8utptAoad 90Z# IoulstQ IoogoS luouilsug put, aagoluuaM isug do ,4t0 oql uaannlaq luauuaaa$d luoolaalui oql of uinpuappd puooaS u anoaddu of `lanoD3W aaquiauiltounoD Xq puooas `uosugof ioqu owpounoD .Cq opuui suns uoiloui d :uoilaV Itaunoj •auo olut sloafoad OM4 asagl pats annq ann IuauiaaBu stgi 8utpuauiu Aq aaodaaagL •loafoad 31iunnapts oql oluo podool aau Inq lotais!p Ioogos aqi Xq papund sloafoad oluaudos aan oouad aqI puu auil uoiln�taai aqI Iugl si anssi aqI pappu OH 'slitq agi do 8uiss000ad oql sai31oods Iuauiaaa�u aqI ptus off •Iuauiaaa$u luoolaalui aqI of umpuoppd puooaS aqI uo aan4uu8ts s,aoXuW aqI aziaog;nu of ItounoD po3lsn glasnrW uopuuag luopuolutaadnS laaalS •anuaAd uugiuuof puu anuaAd snsun}i uo s311unnaptsdO uoilonaisuoo pun 8utpund aqi and 8utptAoid 90Z# lotalstQ IoogoS luouilsug puu aagoluuaM isug do'iltD aqi uooAn4aq luauiaoAV luoolaalul aqi of uinpuappd puooaS udo IuAoaddd ZO-10-80 '0-9 `poLuuo uoiloui aq L •nnogS auD sissugD XssulD qumq-3S salu -80OZ oql 8unp saou-d uig olddd oql and paloalloo saad do uotluoollu Sutpausai aagoluuaM isug do X4tD aqi puu iouis!G Maud uultiodoalajN oql uaannlaq luauiaaa v Iuooiaaiul uu anoaddu of `Ireguang aaquuaugtounoD Aq puooas `uosugof iaqutauiltounoD Xq opuui suns uoiloui d :uoiiad Itaunoj •Iuana agldo pua a p it, anuaAaa ssaoxa 00'00I$ Xlaiuuitxoaddu Xllunsn si aaagl pappu aH •ss000ad Iugl aziluuuod of Xum u si luauiaaa V luoolaalui sigZ 'ioulstQ sNaud agl Xq poutnlai alarm saad uoilualstSaa aql W04 aaAo $al spund Xuu `Iuana aqi palpunq IotaisTU Maud agl aouis pappu aH •IoulsiQ Maud uuitlodog3W luouiisug ogl,�q polpuuq uaaq,Clluotaoisiq annq soou-d utg alddd oq1, •saou-1 uig olddd aqI aq Ipm satliAtlou aqI do auo `Iuana agI do iaud su ptus aH '80OZ `£ XUW uo nnogs auD sissug3 i�ssujD qumgoS sag 80OZ agI aosuods litm 4!0 oql ptus uosinod uiAaQ XauaonV c4tD •nnogS auD sissugD XsstID qunngoS sa-I 80OZ oql 2uianp sooug utg olddd oql and paloalloo saad do uotluoollu 8utpa9801 aagoluuaM lsug do "4tD agl puu lotaisiQ Maud uultlodoalayg oql uoanniaq Iuauiaa12V Iuoolaalul uu do JUAoaddd I0-10-80 SNIH.LI NollavV •paptoA 010M 90961 PUB `96961 `Z6961 `t,996I saaquinu IuuaauM 'LL'098`9Z$do iunouzu lulol aql ut Lt,961 g8noagl 9t,961 saaquinu Iuuaaunn anoaddu saop Itounoo 180OZ 18 Xaunuuf `alnp sigldo sd salqugu j 800Z *0I'Zt,6`6t Z$ do lunoure IuIoI aql ut St,96I g2noagl t7L961 saaqumu luuaanM anoaddu saop pounoD `800Z `8 ,Cxunuuf `alup sigldo sd salqu,fed LOOZ 800Z `8 A2Ivamvf SFIIn W 'IIDI nOD FlaHDIV a/A ISd3 JO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2008 RESOLUTION NO.2008-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, DESIGNATING A VOTING REPRESENTATIVE AND AN ALTERNATE TO THE WENATCHEE VALLEY TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2008. 08-01-04 A resolution designating a representative and alternate to the North Central Washington Regional Transportation Planning Organization for the Calendar year 2008. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to designate a representative and an alternate to the North Central Washington Regional Transportation Planning Organization for the Calendar year 2008. The motion carried, 6-0. The resolution title reads as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2008-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, DESIGNATING A VOTING REPRESENTATIVE AND AN ALTERNATE TO THE NORTH CENTRAL REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2008. 08-01-06 A resolution declaring its official intent to reimburse capital expenditures in connection with the purchase of the "Sample Property" adjoining City Hall from the proceeds of a future borrowing. City Treasurer Linda Countryman said the resolution is a declaration of the City's intent. She said she had spoken to the City's Bond Council, which recommended the City Council adopt a reimbursement resolution regarding the purchase of the Sample Property. She said this resolution enables the City to reserve the right when and if bonds are issued for the City Hall expansion to include in the bond amount, a reimbursement for the cash purchase of the Samples Property. She added this does not mean that when the time comes the amount has to be included, but if the resolution is not passed the City will not have that option. Councilmember Hendricks voted against adoption of the resolution as he does not think it is needed, and would not like the City to borrow funds if they are in a position where they do not need to do so. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to declare its official intent to reimburse capital expenditures in connection with the purchase of the "Sample Property" adjoining City Hall from the proceeds of a future borrowing. The motion carried, 5-1 (Hendricks). The resolution title reads as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2008-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, DECLARING ITS OFFICIAL INTENT TO REIMBURSE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PURCHASE OF THE "SAMPLE PROPERTY" ADJOINING CITY HALL FROM PROCEEDS OF A FUTURE BORROWING. •lanaj ilegnn Ile puu �iuiiledtoiwd ui polsataiui st nn aagoluuaM Isug jo /4!D aql jt ou3i of mill Pinonn aagoluuaM jo /4t0 aqi iugi pappu llautug •sw •pololdwoo sisfluut, stgl Sutaas ui isaaalui uu anuq Iugl satlqua juianas are aaagL •aagoluuaM] Ing of 3juil u suO juinluN apuost,O sapinoid Ii pule `oSpuq oql ssoiou uut on sotldo aagg `aagoluuaM lsug ui lean, ootnaas uotluSini Ioulst(I uotluutujoa21 aagoluuaM oql ioj .talunn uotlt,8tut sapinoid aSpuq Iugl gouts auop aq uuo sttudai 3i pule `a�puq aqi of l3aj ajij .Cut, si a.tagl .taglognn uiul taost, put, auop sisXjleule lugl anleq of .LOQSM giinn leap u alugoBou of algt, uaaq anuq Xogj `unnol ui oq Ilion tuval ugnos aqI pule uoiloodsul ut, spaau aspuq aqI oouis plus aqS •o2pi.tq aql 3o sisXjleut, uu uuojiad Ipm pule 800Z 3o aaututns aqI 2uttnp uon aqi ui aq Ilion `.talunn aqi gluautapun sivautaoujd o2ppq sloodsui goignn usual ugnos LOUSM aqi plus Ilau.tug •sy� •stsSluut, agl jo pud su op uuo LOQSM 31tonn gonut nnoq uo Sutpuadop isoo aql oonpal of alqu oq Xuut XogL •oouulsissu 2ut.taouiBua oql glinn dloq of popualui spun3 optnoid of sXunn Iu Sunlooj si aagoluuaM 30 f4tD oq.L •000`OSZ$ — 000`081$ Xjaluuttxo.tddu Isoo Ilion sts,iluuu nnau aq•L -Xpnis oql jo asugd pu000s aqI ioj Xud dloq of sioqutaut A!unututoo oql wog :poddns juiouuug ioj Oupisu atu Xogl os Iasst, YCituntuwoo u oslu si li `.tanannoH •o2pliq oql toj olgisuodsa.t Xjjt,oiugoal atu Xagl os `a2ppq oql to3 ajgisuodsoi aq pjnonn Xagl 2utiuls loi.usip uoiluutulow aqI glinn IuawooBu ut, olui paaaluo aagoluuaM jo AI!D oqL •palajdutoo aq of spaau lugl sisXILut, fuuaautfua 3o asugd .taglouu iaX si atagl plus aqS •sassn4 oql toj sltoddns utd aqI punoau uotltsodut000p patanoostp Xagl sisXluuu jutnl3n4s aqI jo uoilajdtuoo .tagu puu papaou oslt, suns sis,�Iuuu juinlotuis u Iugl popioap suns it a2puq uoiiuwuloai aqI uo paiajdutoo suns stsAluuu juiliui aqI uagnn plus llaureg -slow •uotlongsuoo aql Suiop olu Xogl atup aqI Suttnp o2pi.tg julloS agiooD aqi ssoaou ssaoot, uut.tlsopod nnollu of olgt, ag jjlnn ,fags anatjaq I,uop Xogl Iutod stgl It, puu oSpttg iullaS a2aooD agl jo sopis qloq uo are Iugl sjjunnapls aql gluawopun Ouploop ou st a.tagl patanoostp XOgl `stsXluuu aqI Pip (,LO(ISM) uotlullodsut,ls jo IuautltudaQ aluiS uolButgsuM uagnn Iuip pauiujdxa aqS •oiagl auop Suioq si uoilon.4suoo aligns oSpltg aullaS a8.tooD aql ssotou ss000u uupisopod Xuu 3o It,noutat Xlutodutal u Sutouj SIjuilualod oslu alu am plus aqS •suutaisapod of pasolo Ouiaq Xjluilualod o2ppq uotluutulow aqI gllnn walgoid le si atagl plus llatuug .toloonCI IuatudolanaQ XltunwtuoO IuautdojanaQ Aj!unutuioO •uotluool Iugl ui f4iodoid f4!D 33o panout sum 4413doid Iugl uo palt,00l Sutpjtnq aqI amsua of uotlou Sunjt,i .toi uoslnod u!AOU Xautol V /4iD pa3luugi uosugor aaqutautjiounoO •sptq polt,as Xq io uotionu oilgnd u Iu plos oq osjt, pjnoo f4i3dotd aqI plus uosjnod "W •jusiutddu uu a.nnbol Isig pjnonn goignn `Ii snjdins of si lol oql Sutllos of poglaut aqI poppu aqS -f4iodoid lugs 8uolu Xunn-jo-Ig2u X4!D uo Illnq Itunn 2uiuiulai u ant,q puu jouq paqsnd aq uuo lol agl ji opioop of loj aql it, 1001 .taau12ug uu Sutnuq .tapisuoo pjnogs /%jiD aqi plus aqS •nnou si It uugl . oRml Iol oql wjuut puu jouq 3juuq aqi snout of olqu oq pjnonn Xogj padoq Xogj It,gl suns auop suns loofold 13a4s aqi Iilun lol aql oluo ploq of poluunn uutupooO qog uosuaa aqI plus liatuug i.tog toioaatQ IuatudojanaQ /q!untutuoO •XI.tadotd aql 2utptu2aa a3Iul paluunn Xagl uotloattp Iugnn pounoD palst, uosjnod -jW •Ii daq of Suio2 sum ,4i3 aqI Iugl sum uoij!sod stq `uuutpooO qog luapualuuadnS laagS tauuoj giinn puq aq suoissnosip ui plus aH •Suppud aoj 4iodotd3o ooatd Iugl 2uiXnq ui palsa.talui are Cagl futluls out'N liooS Xq puu `ous-op-Ino aqI uto.t3 sso.tou X3iodoid aqI jo taumo aqi Xq pagouoiddu uaaq st,q aq plus OH -Alladold ouu}I puu Xoug aqi of Iuaoufpt, paluool si A4jadotd siql plus uoslnod utnaQ ,fau.tolid ,CIIO g•N poijS PE uo paluool Xpodoid paunno 4!D 103 suoildo 8uipiu2oi uoissnosip d 90-10-80 SNH LI NOISSf1DSIQ 800Z `81i2IHnxvf Sa LfIAI W 'IIDNf1OD EIHHD.LVMaM LSVEI JO A LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2008 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to have the City of East Wenatchee express to the City of Wenatchee that we are interested in considering a possible financial involvement sometime in the future. The motion carried, 6-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McCourt asked if another Councilmember was interested in taking over her assignment of the Council of Governments meetings. Councilmember Barnhart said he would be willing to take the Council of Governments assignment. Councilmember McCourt said she would attend as an alternate when needed. It was decided that the Mayor should re -appoint these positions. Mayor Pro Tempore Raab welcomed Councilmember Bremmer to the City Council. Councilmember Johnson submitted minutes from the Link Transit Board of Directors held on November 20, 2007. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District held on November 19, 2007. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization meeting held on November 14, 2007. ADJOURNMENT — 7:20 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk