HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesF CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEM HARRY RABB, PRESIDING NOVEMBER 25, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks and Mayor Pro Tern Harry Raab. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Brandon Mauseth, Randy Harrison, Nick Gerde, Joan Sims, Marcia Martz, Mike Martz, Lennie Breckenridge, James Long, Bobby Schott, Bill Redfield, Bruce Nash, and Ralph Aiken III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, November 12, 2008 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 7-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. Payables As of this date, November 25, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 20903 through 20959 in the total amount of $254,150.01. Warrant number 20937 was voided. Payroll As of this date, November 25, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 243 through 261 for direct deposit and warrant numbers 26879 through 26961 in the total amount of $309,030.49, paid November 5, 2008, for the month of October 2008. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Director, Nick Gerde, gave an overview of the proposed 2009 Budget for the City of East Wenatchee. He reviewed the major financial and budget factors for 2009 and beyond, in which he described the following factors used to submit a balanced budget. These factors included: declining sales taxes and real estate excise taxes; lower than expected working capital cash balance; decline of cash without additional revenue sources implemented; lack of reserves to support capital projects such as the scheduled overlay for Grant Road, the pedestrian crossings, crack seal work aggressive repair; hardware and software purchases have been deferred; and there are no reserves available for City Hall expansion. These factors will leave the City with a "Break Even" financial plan for 2009. Mr. Gerde also reviewed •0-L `pwuvo uotlom oqL •slumnoop Xjussooau aql u2ts of ioXtW aqi ortioglnu puu soowoS suotloodsul Sutplmg aoj asasugsuo puu unlago `aagoluuaM IsnH `tpomuomwj `,ClunoD uulogo `aagoluuaM Isug jo f4t:) aql wom4oq luautaasSV luool.talul uu anotddu of `uosugo f Ioqu owpounoD Xq pu000s `sIoupuaH aaqutautltouno3 Xq opuut suns uotlout d :uollad I13uno3 •.toloodsut Butpltnq olgnitunu uu Sut.tugs Isnf aau suotlotpsu f asogl su saotAlas asagl JQJ 02augo ou st atagl ptus aqS •saowos uotloadsut Sutpltnq ioj luautaaj2d luoolniul uu olut .talus of paptoap anuq suotlotpstinf xis oql plus llaultug po'I ioloa.nQ Iuotudolana(l f4!unwtuoZ) •somAjoS uotloadsul 2utpltng ioj a.zatugsuo puu uulogD `aagoluuaM Isug `gvomuaA QJ `,4unoD uulagO `aagoluuaM jo f4tD oql u;)oAuoq IuamaaBV luooliolul uu jo lunoiddd 90-11-80 SN21 LI NOI.LOv •w•d 9b:L lu Sutreaq otlgnd oql posolo quu-1 atoduual Old ao,CtW •oaXolduta uul zzng `aagoluuaM `puoll tuad PDX 681 `FAA, sullKl puu oaXolduta uul zzng puu lua2V altrisg lua-1 `aagoluuaM `anuaAd lntivaD Zt,£I `.salsa -I atlnf `oa,,olduta uul zzng `aagoluuaM Isug `laaalS lreD HN S08 i `lluH sa f `.uo4ud uul zzng `aagoluuaM ` BOX 13133 pa21681 `ssolgoS ugof `ooXoldusa uul zzng `IaatlS y,L HN L8£ `1anaS VV `outsnO uul zzng jo saaumo aql 2utluosoidaa `aagoluuaM Isug `anuaAd IuoutlsnH Ogg `out.reD stuuaQ `.outsuD prep PIA `2111PAo9 op11010 `luaptsa.td `MmOg tuOl, `.uoilud uul zzng `aagoluuaM Isug `L# OAIJ(l aoud i I `stouuId 'f 'V `ooXolduta uul zzng `aagoluuaM `3lootallsu0 SZZI `uuoXoW n,Cunl, `oaXolduta uul zzng `asausgsu� `pnoZl satt�tl L959 `sasoy�l saJtuuaf `'ooXolduza uul zzng `aagoluuaM Isug `loutW N 109 `.ta2anquagsuH sausuf :sowu2 psuo lutoos uo paloalloo oq of xul aqI Suisuatout IsutuOu gods outsuD p rep pltM puu outsuZ) uuj zzng oql jo suoilud pun soaxolduta 'Buimollo3 aq L •tu•d Si:L lu 2ut.reaq otlgnd oql pouodo gnn-1 atodtual, otd ioXuW •aagoluuaM Isug ao3 Ia2png 600Z posodotd luug oql Sutp.tn2at 2utreaq otlgnd d 90-1I-80 OMHVaH 0I19fld •800Z3o pua aqi pun IOOZ uamgaq uotlltuz S•Z$ uugi atout paloalloo anuq pinom Xogl saxul osogl poluadoi lou puq jc4tD agi3t `pappu aH •aouuutpto xui ,Cltltln aqi poluodoi Xogl os xul aql papaau ioSuol ou Xagl Ilaj puu uotltpuoo lutouuug .uagi lu p331001 itounoD A4!D oql IOOZ jo pua aqi Id -slut %g u it agugtuS pun ,iltotuoala `su2 luzniuu uo poluautalduu QJOm saxul aqi plus aH •sjjoXnl puu sino aofuut Supptu Inogltnn la2pnq oql oouuluq of olqu lou storm ,Cagl su xul r4tltln u lumolduu of papaau aagoluuaM Isug Jo tD aql 9661 ut Ingl paluls 0pt39'IN •la2pnq oql Sutouuluq soj it, po loot ,Clto aqi suoildo ntpo luigm puu `sooSolduta flto aaglo ioj la2png autslsano `luautaotojuo nnnl ,iq pOAtaoai sluuB aql tuog posInqunai st otutltano aql mog `sa mltpuodxo lultduo iaglo `luoutl tudaQ ootlod agl ut sooSolduta Itun 2ututu2.suq oql of ,iud ut asuatout %9 aqi `saotntas ltuf ut asnatout agl 21Jtp e'Sol aouatpnu oql uto.g suoslsonb pajomsuu oploo .1w •la2png 600Z posodo td oql ut polulnoluo saguugo onuanat Jo Antutuns u puu `saanitpuodxo aofuut `sooinos onuanaa aofnut aql 800Z `SZ-dH9W9A0M Sd.LflAI W 'IIOW1OO 3gI-I0I VMaM J SVR d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2008 ORDINANCE 08-11-02 Second reading of an ordinance fixing and confirming salaries and compensation to be paid to certain officials and employees of the City of East Wenatchee during the year 2009. City Treasurer/Finance Director Gerde said an exhibit is attached to the draft ordinance illustrating a 2.5% increase for all non -bargaining unit employees, with the exception of the Mayor and the City Attorney, that are eligible for the step increase. He said the total result of that increase including payroll taxes is $34,000 annually. He added one Street Department employee will receive a 5% increase due to additional duties related to the stormwater utility. Councilmember Barnhart said that it was too early to vote on this issue and asked to wait until further budget items have been decided. He said there may be other issues that affect the outcome of the budget that may need to be reviewed further, which could require additional budget cuts. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner, to approve an ordinance fixing and confirming salaries and compensation to be paid to certain officials and employees of the City of East Wenatchee during the year 2009. The motion failed, 5-2. (Johnson, Buckner) 08-I1-03 Second reading of and ordinance implementing a utility tax on Natural Gas, Electricity, and Telephone Services. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt to table Council Agenda Item No. 08-11-03 and postpone any action on this ordinance until after discussion of other Council Agenda items. The motion carried, 5-2. (Johnson, Buckner) 08-11-04 Second reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 4.38 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code increasing the tax collected on social card games to 10%, effective January 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as notice requirements are met. Councilmember Johnson said he feels very strongly that whether it is this tax that is increased or others, that we have an obligation to be as fair as we can be. He said after looking at the financial statements of the Casino and listening to their testimony, he feels that it would be appropriate that the City not increase this tax. Councilmember Buckner recommended reducing the proposed tax increase amount from 2% to a .75% increase. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Hendricks, to not increase the tax collected on social card games to 10%. The motion carried, 5-2. (Raab, Buckner) 08-11-07 First reading of an ordinance adopting the 2009 Annual Final Budget for the City of East Wenatchee. Mayor Pro Tern Harry Raab read the summary title of the ordinance. t, •It'autl -tq si Iugl alqultuns auoauios oAsq pinogs ozis stgl Xlto u poppy oqS •sasodind Sutlaad.iolut aoj sluowpudap Iuaanas ui pasn si uosiod lugl su `osuos wiuui lou saop oogjp s,3i.tajD X4!D otp ui ino Suiaq uotitsod owil -Ind oqZ •,c4tO aqi ui uosiod lunSuil-tq s oAuq of luuilodutt si It sloaj aqs p!us'no3oW aaqutauiltounoD •oilgnd otp xui of usgl sooSolduia IuuoiitPPu3jo Xul aaglui pinonn puu xui c4titln agi Iuauialduii of ouitl IgSij aqI si stgl loaf Iou saop oq plus .tauiuiatg ioqu owpounoo •sino luuotlippu .to3 Tool of aural aaotu ouo g2noigl ouoS oq of joSpnq pasodoid oql o ltl pinonn oq pappu OH •oaXoldtua ouni-laud aqi of o2 KWlus 005$ stq uaAa pus `usduf `unnusiW of Ianu4 aoj 000`L$ oql aas iaglnt pinonn oq pappu aH -xsi XItltln aqi 2uiluowaldun uo uoisioap u Ouijuw ui algsvoduzoo a.toui oq uagi pinonn aH •sino .tagio pus `sosuodxo loAuti `sdtgsiaquiaut `saotAns Buiuno .iaptsuoo pinogs ItounoD aqi slag3 OH •saoXolduta aqi Isnf lou `sloqu owpounoo puu ioXuW oql 5uipnlout sisoo ioqul Is Tool of ItounoD o3pi pinonn aH •sino luuotltppu aas of mill pinonn puu la2pnq posodaid aqi inoqu suoilouia poxtut puq ssq ag ptus wqureg .taqu owpounoD •ooiAjoS juIn1loD uo xul ,Ittiln %9 u puu `aotA oS ouogdolol uo w Aliltln %9 u `sto painlsN uo xui fliltln %9 u uo xei fiitltln %9 u Suiluawoldui oouuutpio uu jo Suipuat pu000S £0-11-80 £0-11-80 'oN Iitg upuoSV ItounoD of poumiai ItounoD '3,LVG 3AIIDHAA3 XV ONLURS GXV `3Sf V IO A.LI'II9V-d3A3S V DMI II` IN00 `•Md'I AS Q32i 63U SV -dVak ONIfISN9 allI HOd AID QIVS d0 S.LN3W. NWEIQ 'IV'd A3S MU NO kUNV0 Ol 3 M9A3U J N3IOI-MS ONIAdd 30 3SOdUnd MU UOd NOIJVXVJ, 01 .L03fUnS SI HOIIIM UIO QIVS NI `ALI'II.Lfl QNV 'IVMOS2I3d "TVHU RLOEI `AL2I3dO-dd TIH NO `600Z `i A-dVfINVf ONION3WW00 2Id3A 'If/OSI3 3HI XOd 33HO LVM3M IS` H 30 AID alll 2I03 S3XVI 'Id2I3N3O alu ONIAA3'I MV I RIMS 90 SNOISIA02Id A.LJUO-Id Q3SS3SSV 3.I VIS QNH AI'Hgcl02Id 01 S.LN3W3A02IdWI `NOI.LXMISN00 M3N IIIIL 2I3QNf1 LRnOWV 3H.L NI Q3MO IV 3g AVW HOIHM HSd3UDNI ANV ONIZRIOHIf IV GXV AA3I X`d.L k L'UHd0Hd 'IV daMgO all L ONIZRiOHJ fIH `ZI-80OZ 30NVNI(MO ONIQN3Wd `NO.LONIHS`dM `33HO.LvN3M tsvzi 30 kin 3H L 30 30NvNIQ2I0 my 171-80OZ 'ON 30NVNIQ2I0 '0-L `pat.uuo uoiloui agZ •Ial?png aagoiu Ak Isug 60OZ posodaid oql ui soxul X4iodoid SuipiuSa.i ZI-80OZ 'oN aouuuipap fuipuotuu oouuutpio aqI Idopu of `s)loupuaH ioquiauiitounoD Xq puooas `.iowwaag aaquzauipounoD Xq opuui suns uoilow d :uoilaV liaunoa •0-L `patino uoilow aq L •la2png aagoluuaM Isug 60OZ posodaid aqi ui saxui A4tadoadutpts2at ZI-800Z 'oN aouuutptp puaure of Buipuaa puooas olut aluAala oI `.taututaig jogwauiltounoD Xq puooas `uosugof lagwawpounoD Xq apuui suns uoilow d :uoilaV 1iaunoj •,Citouduo isgl rfltO agl aATO of aouuuipio xuI snoinaid aqi spuautu oouuuip.to sigl pappu aH •atn2g luuiBijo oql uugl a.toui 000`tb$ Xiolsuzixotddu si Isuv0?u XAol uuo f4tD aqi Iunoum tuntuixuut aqi os alsuttisa iuu121to atagi uugi taq2tq suns sailtltln do luouissassu .nagl iugl Sutisis wiq polouluoo ooWo s,.iossossd fiunoD sul2no(I aqi uuog `IIn(I Iud .iossossd ,44ndaQ plus aH •2ui100tu ItounoD `800Z CZ .iaqutaAoX aqi lu posssd aouuutp.io aqi of luauipuoum us si stgi ptss `uosinod utAa(I `,CauioUV A4tz) •lo2png aagoluuaM Isug 60OZ posodoid aqI ui soxul X-podold Suipiu2ol ZI-800Z 'oN aouuutpip Outpuauxu aouuuip.to ud 80-1i-80 800Z `SZ 2I3fiWIIAON SgIfINIW 'IIONf100 33HO.LVN3M LSd3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2008 Councilmember Hendricks said he does not like the idea of laying people off and suggested reducing dues, memberships, subscriptions, cutting back on telephone usage, eliminating the Misawa travel, new carpet, and building maintenance/janitorial services that could be done by the Street Department. He said he would like to see this done for at least one year to see how much money would be saved. Councilmember Raab said he also does not like to lay people off, but if the City does not implement or increase any taxes, how is the City going to balance the budget? Community Development Director Barnett explained that when the Department Heads went into the budget meetings they were given the information as to how dire the City's situation was with regards to revenue and each department has made drastic cuts. The 2008 budget shows an estimated ending balance of approximately $477,000 with no reserves. She said the City has been fortunate over the past ten years in obtaining grants to complete road projects. She said constructing, reconstructing and maintaining the roads is a service the City needs to provide to our citizens and taking $7,000 out of the budget here and $10,000 there for the next several years would not be enough money to complete any major road projects. The City has a major road project coming up in 2011, and the City may not have the money to complete that project and at this time the City is not in a position to complete any road projects. Ms. Barnett stated that the only way the city gets money is from the taxes we collect, or user fees, and the City does not have a lot of user fees. The Planning Department brings in a large amount of revenue which almost pays for that department. However, the downturn in the economy has affected the Planning Department budget more than any other department, because people are not building houses right now. She said the City needs to look at long term revenues as a way of funding capital projects. When the City repealed the utility taxes in 2001 they basically threw out $2.5 million, as that money would have gone a long way towards getting the Eastmont Avenue project completed. Without these additional taxes the City will not be able to do any road projects. The Federal Government is cutting back, the State Government is cutting back, and we also just found out that we did not get the Transportation Improvement Board Grant in order to complete the rest of the Eastmont Avenue Project. We have roads that are falling apart and without tax money to make those road projects happen. She stressed having Council walk through the Police Department to view the cramped conditions the Police Department employees have to work in everyday. There is hardly a space in there that does not have a file cabinet or a shelf in it that was not intended to be there. We have outgrown our present facilities and it is time to start looking into the future for additional revenue sources. Councilmember Buckner said he agrees with Ms. Barnett. He said he does not like to raise taxes either but he also knows there is a responsibility here, which is to provide services, and roads are one of the most important services. However, the City does not have any money for matching funds, leaving us unable to even apply for grants. He said it is time to bite the bullet even though this is probably the worst time to do so with the national economy the way it is, but we really do not have much of a choice. Hopefully the economy will turn around and the City will receive more sales tax than we anticipated for 2009. Councilmember Buckner proposed cutting the Emergency Management stipend paid to the Police Chief in the amount of $10,000 and the Emergency Management benefits and equipment in the amount of $3,000. He said he would like this to be part of the Chief s normal duties the same way that Ms. Barnett has duties on the Stormwater Utility and the Shoreline Master Plan that she does not receive additional stipends for. He said he does not feel the Mayor should get any medical benefits this year because of the pressures we are under, which totals approximately $4,000. He would like to see a small increase to the gambling tax that the casinos could handle and still retain their employees. -0-L `Pat.una uotlom aq,L •upual3d ItounoD `600Z `6 aagmaoaQ OT uo 600Z .tua,C aqI 2utinp oagoluuaM Isug jo f4tD aqI jo saa,Coldma puu slutotWo umpoo of ptud oq of uotlusuodmoo pus sattulus 2utuuguoo puu Sutxg aouuutp.to uu Butp.re2a.t ZO-11-80 .tagmnu malt upuaou loptsuooaa of `mqutug iagmamltounoD ,Cq puooas `uosugof iogmamltounoo ,Cq apum suns uotlom V moilaV llaunoa •2u►Iaotu all ut aalsl Itlun malt aqI olqul of sum luolut stq plus inquiug ItounoD •p uAuoj IgSnoiq suns uotlom ou malt stll algsl oI apum suns uotlsaNns u g2nogl uana pappu OH •Sutlaam MR lu palaptsuooa.t aq lou use puu `popuj aouuutpto oql ldopu of suns gptgm paluasald suns lugl uotlom stgl plus uoslno(I ,CatuollV XItZ) •600Z 10J slutog3o puu saa,Coldma of ptud oq of uotlusuadmoo puu sat.relus Sutpn2ai ZO-I 1-80 tagmnu malt upuo2V of 31ouq oS of po lsu ltounoo 'H.LVQ HALL0H333 NV ONLHSI IgV LSH QNV 'HSf1V'IO A.LI IIqV-dHAHS V ONINIV.LNOO `HONVI'IdWODMON XOd SgI.L'IVNgd ONLUAS !ffxnG3DO-dd Y nClM9XHJaH 'IVIOgdS V ONIHSI'IHVISH `•SJNHY aHlflbaX 'IV.LIdVO QNV SHDIA'dHS JUIO XOd H1INHAaH HQIAOXd Ol XVI YUI IIJ.fl V ONIHSI'I9V LSH `NO.LONIHSVM `HHHO.LVNgM ISVH 30 ALIO alu 30 HONVNI(MO NV £I-800Z 'ON HgNVNIQ2IO (aammaag `sIot.ipuaH) 'Z-S `Pat.uso uotlom agZ •soomjoS ouogdolaZ puu `,Cltotgoolg `suo luanluN uo xul A4tltln u'Butluamaldmt aouuuip.zo oql ldopu of `:tnoDoW .iogmamltounoD ,Cq puooas `mqu ug aagmamltounoD Sq opum suns uotlom V mo►laV Itaunoj •saxul f4I1tln wiloala s,Cud ,Cpuoilu ,ilunoD agl3o f4!D .taglo liana ut plogasnoq iaglo ,ClQAo gouts apum oq of aoiogo alquuosua.tun uu lou st siq L •.talam jad `.tuai tad OS' I b$ — OS'0t7$ s32unAu IotzlstQ f4t1tlfl otlgnd A4unoD su12no(I aql of ftpt000u `,ilunoD sul2noCl ut ,Cltotaloala uo xul fItltln aqI pros opiag •.tyq amoout poltmtl u uo osogl puu suortlto iotuos aqI of m luuotltppu uu ftippu Inoqu utaouoo possatdxo pn000W lagmamltounoo •xul ,tltltln oql luomaldmt of uotstoap u alum olio `slgauaq atuoglluag gltnn saa,Coldma ,Clio auttl IIn3 Iuuotltppu-L Isual lu ddo-,Col oI st do stgl do alum of Sum Sluo aqI puu llvj:pols 000`08£$ u aAual Ilps pinom om I32pnq posodotd aqI ut poonpat ao Ino oq of iiutuaAa stgl pauotluam small all3t uana lull plus apta[) .toloa 1(l aouuu13/JolnsL'QJL XI!D •ao,CuW 3o ooWo oql iod utu of oldoad atom lou.tllu of sum posuaaout suns ,(.lulus aqI uosuat utum aqI `.tananmoH •posuatout puq ssoutsnq alto uo Iuads amtl stq lull ,Cus ptp losi2w oql `pasu3nut suns 'QuIus s,aoXLW all lua,C all ut sftlaam aalltmmoo loOpnq 2utanp lull plus l.requ uU .tagmamltounoD •,Clto aqI ioj smoq amtl llnj of asolo 2utpuads suns loAvW aqI osnuoaq postu.t suns It 000`OS$ of 000`0£$ Wag pmuwout suns ,(lulus sto,CuW all uagnn lull uotssaidmt aqI spun suns ag plus uosugof .iagmamltounoD •oaColdma amtl lln3 u lou st joXPW oql Iugl �?utluls `anuq saa,Coldma oql lull slgauaq amus aql Iiu 2utAt30a.t .to,CuW all Sutpau2a t uosugo f izgmaml!ounoD of popuodsa t quug oJodwo'l oid aosew •It Inoqu ,Cdduq Iou aau anndt uana suotstoap Onol osogl alum puu do puuls of paau om ,Cltuntu=3 stgl 3o siopual su `.tanan OH •stgl 30 ,Cuu ioj op oI ,CSua aanau QJU gotgnn saa,Coldma Sutllno puu soxul Sutstut futssnostp on, om plus OH •anuq soaColdma oql lull slgauaq amus all ilu anuq pings lo,CuW all sanatloq puu sooLldma aaglo sns.taA ao, RW aqI Iuatl om nmog gltnn ooua.tajjtp luotgdosoltgd u suq oq pappu off •osua.tout lull lioddns of ,Cum u pug uuo jatgo aotlod all jt 3atgD aotlod luulstssd all of ,Cud ut osuonut oql slioddns oq plus uosugo f aagmamlt3uno3 800Z `SZ 2IggWaAON SHIf1N W 'II0NflO0 HHHO.LVNgM J SVH 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2008 COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District meeting held on, October 20, 2008, and minutes from the Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee meeting held on, October 23, 2008. ADJOURNMENT — 8:45 p.m. 0�!PULP 11 � a ME Dana Barnard City Clerk LJ