HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING NOVEMBER 12, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Joan Sims, Nick Gerde, Randy Harrison, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said he attended the fifteen year anniversary of the opening of the Wenatchee Valley Senior Center on Tuesday, November 11, 2008, in which he gave a speech with regard to Veteran's Day and the State Representative, Mark Armstrong, was the keynote speaker. Mayor Lacy said revisions to the Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual have been completed and will be submitted for Council review by the end of the year. Mayor Lacy said 2010 will be the year that marks the 75`h Anniversary of the existence of the City of East Wenatchee. He said an email has gone out to employees and staff asking for ideas of what the City should do to celebrate this event. He asked Council and employees to submit any ideas to Events Board Director Dawn Collings. Mayor Lacy said the Health District Proposal requesting funding in the amount of $1 per capita from each City in Chelan and Douglas Counties totaling approximately $11,300 for East Wenatchee has been discussed at the Budget Committee meetings and has not been included in the 2009 Preliminary Budget that has been presented to Council. He added that this does not mean this is a final decision until Council votes on the issue. Mayor Lacy said the 2009 Preliminary Budget will include some significant changes which Councilmembers will be taking into consideration. These changes include raising the property tax for 2009 by a 1% increase, consideration of an ordinance fixing and confirming salaries for employees, implementation of a 6% tax on electricity, telephone and natural gas, a 2% increase on gambling tax, it will include increases to the Humane Society, Chelan County Justice Center, a proposed reduction in sales tax revenue for 2009. These changes will result in a proposed carryover in the budget at the end of 2009, of approximately $500,000. Mayor Lacy said there are substantial cuts from the budgets originally presented by the Department Heads. For example in the Police Department there are cuts in excess of $100,000 from the original proposed budget. This includes eliminating a part-time employee. He added this proposed budget would also eliminate Clerical Assistant position in the City Clerk Department. He added that there are additional cuts that Finance Director Nick Gerde will discuss during his report. 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He said he anticipates a decrease in sales tax receipts by approximately 10%, reducing annual revenue by $271,000. He feels this is not a conservative figure and believes that very realistically it could go down further than that. He said the decrease in the existing one -quarter of 1% real estate excise tax was close to $180,000 last year and we do not expect that to approach $100,000. Therefore, the net change in revenue, based on the proposals in the preliminary budget totals $185,000 annually. Additional costs consist of a collective bargaining agreement with the Police Department which includes a 6% pay increase; non — bargaining unit employees will receive a "one step" increase of 2.5% according to the personnel policy guidelines. There are also increases to the contracts with the Chelan County Regional Justice Center, the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society and RiverCom. He added there are additional cuts to travel budgets, and there is no allowance for street improvement projects for 2009. Section C, details each department in the general fund and every other fund in the City for historical revenue and historical expense. So it is virtually all of the detail surrounding every department that we operate in the general fund, all the revenue we receive in the General Fund and the revenue and expense that we incur in all the other funds. He estimates that cash at the beginning of 2009will be $497,000 and will be approximately $512,000 at the end of 2009 under this preliminary budget. Mr. Gerde reviewed the summarized cash flow statements by revenue and expense categories and also revenue and expense by fund. Mayor Lacy said he has had conversations with City Clerk Dana Barnard regarding the proposal to eliminate the part-time position in her department and she is very adamant this would be a mistake. Ms. Barnard has submitted additional reasons to the Budget Committee as to why this, in her view, is a mistake, not the least of which, the person in that position is the only real source of bilingual services we have in the City during the workday. Mayor Lacy reminded Council that this is a preliminary budget that needs to be approved by full Council and while he respects and supports the work that has been done by the Budget Committee it should be reviewed and looked at critically. Therefore, if Councilmembers have objections or suggestions regarding things that could be done differently in this budget, or in terms of the function or the efficiency of the staff or the city, we encourage you to bring those up items up soon so that the planning process which is fairly short in and of itself, can proceed pace without necessarily ignoring your suggestions. Mr. Gerde said Police Chief Harrison has some additional cuts from his original budget simply because the Mayor and he both felt as though we could not support that budget recognizing what they saw as revenue declines so is was reduced even more. He said the Police Chief has also requested an increase of pay to the Assistant Chief position based on the bargaining unit increase. Councilmember Hendricks asked about the City Theme and Christmas Events line items and wanted to know where those line items are funded and how much of the Events Director salary comes out of Stadium Funds. Mr. Gerde explained that the Events Board has an allocation of the Hotel/Motel Tax and virtually all of the tax that does not go back to the City of Wenatchee for the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau is supposed to go into the Events Fund. Councilmember Barnhart said he commends the budget committee for the work they have done on the Preliminary Budget. He questioned whether the city should raise taxes and give pay raises when the proposed Budget has eliminated positions. He said he does not understand how we would explain to the people out there that times are tough but yet we are giving pay raises. 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Mayor Lacy read the ordinance title. ORDINANCE NO. 2008-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND AUTHORIZING ANY INCREASE WHICH MAY BE ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT UNDER THE NEW CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENTS TO PROPERTY AND STATE ASSESSED PROPERTY PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2009, ON ALL PROPERTY, BOTH REAL, PERSONAL AND UTILITY, IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson, to adopt the ordinance regarding property taxes in the 2009 proposed budget. The motion carried, 5-2. (Hendricks, Bremmer) 08-11-02 First reading of and ordinance fixing and confirming salaries and compensation to be paid to certain officials and employees of the City of East Wenatchee during the year 2009. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. Mayor Lacy said this ordinance includes a step raise increase to all non -union employees excluding the Mayor. He said he had a discussion with the Budget Committee with regards to adding a benefit package for the Mayor in 2009, as opposed to a salary increase. Therefore, if this budget is passed he would ask that the benefit package begin in the fall of 2009. Treasurer/Finance Director Gerde said there would also be other considerations to the salary ordinance as there will be a discussion about one position later on in the agenda. He added there is also a Street Department employee that has been recommended for an. additional increase due to additional duties and certification requirements for the Stormwater Utility. 08-11-03 First reading of an ordinance implementing a 6% utility tax on Electricity, a 6% utility tax on Natural Gas, a 6% utility tax on Telephone Service, and a 6% utility tax on Cellular Service. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. 08-11-04 First reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 4.38 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code increasing the tax collected on social card games to 10%, effective January 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as notice requirements are met. 1 1 'tu'd ob:8—.LuawNunorQd •Ino Ina oq of aAnq Ipm Iugl Ouiglauuos si Iugl os uuali ouil 3ugl uo slootloi lips Iunouuu IugL •Ii ioj posingwiol uagl si fquo agl pus uoissiuuuuoo f403sS ag3u.i L aqI .ioj loiluoo sisugduua 2uiop aligns auuiliano auuos aAiaaa.i XIluuuou aaijod aqI Ares uosi uuH JOND •,Clqu iopisuoa ino uaaq suq Ii oouis posodo id anuq Xogl Iunouuu joSpnq aunluano aql uigl►nn aAil of alqu oq llinn IuauuluudaQ aoijod agl3i uoscuuH JOND paNss sN3I.ipu3H IogwowliounoD •Iu3wpudop aoijod oql of dloq jewE u uaaq suq sigl ss uotlisod uutjiAta awil-pud agl jo uoilsutuuilo aql Inoqu powaouoo oslu si aq pappu OH -09Z`t,$ 3o Iunowu aql ui tiulus J3ig0 aoijod luslsissd OT oI osuoioui Cud u apnjoui of pounoo palsu OH •Iuu0213S Iousd aqI put, 3aig� aoilod IuulsissV oql uaannlaq piud t44!.iud agl Inoqu uiaouoa siq suns Ina lugl 3o laud Iulepoduui tiaA .iaglouu Put' `.ivoX sigl paluaio suns Isgl uotlisod usilinia auiil-pud oql 2uillno suns Iugl jo Lisa •102pnq pasodoid luui5110 siq uuolj 000`S£I$ umop I32pnq siq Ina aq piss uoslmuH 33ig3 aoijod •uud 5I:8 It' pauanuoaai jiouno:) suoiluilo0ou Ioualuoa 2uip110201 uoissas anilnoaxo alnuiuu uaagg u polluo Xourl ioXuW 'uid 00:8 Id AIOISSdS 3AIlfI33XH '800Z `8 -iagoloo uo ploq Builaauu pounoD IuauudojanaQ puu uotlsA.iasuoD puu aainoso-d uol2uigsuAk juiluaD glioN aqI uuo.ij salnuiuu palliuigns aau:lang aaquuauujiounoD •Ii lu Nool u oNn of jiounoo pa&uinoouo put, olisgam iiagl jo 2uijianun aqI pug spuaiiq uol2uigsu)W juiluao glioN aql pius .iauuuuaag .iaquiauuliounoD S.Lwodau lilamfloO •pu000s u jo Noul ioj paliuj uoiloui oq,L •Iauu aau sluamaiinbol aailou su JQIJL'a.uagl uoos su ao `600Z `I kmnuuf anilaaJJa %01 oI sauisS preo juiaos uo palaalloa xul aqI Suissa.ioui aouuuiplo oql olsnalo of `.iauzuuaig laqutauujiounoD Xq apsuu suns uoilouu d :uoilaV Iiaunoa •aouuuiplo oqljo Buipsal Is.ig psai ,Cain aoxvw 800Z `ZI -dgU i3AOM Sa.Lf MW 'IIDNf lOD M[HO.LHIdaM LSda 40 UIO