HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/16/2022 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet - Jerrilea Crawford, MayorIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
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East Wenatchee City Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th Street NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
This meeting will be in person or via zoom:
Phone-in option for the meeting: 253 215 8782, Meeting ID:
875 7384 5353
6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
1.Consent Items:
a.Date: August 16, 2022, Checks: 57325-57372 37374-57388 and a voided checks
57373, in the amount of $272,161.74
b.July 2022 Payroll Certification
c.08/02/2022 Council Meeting Minutes
Motion by City Council to approve agenda, vouchers, and minutes from previous
2.Citizen Requests/Comments.
The Citizen Comments” period is to provide the opportunity for members of the public to address the Council. The Mayor will ask if
there are any citizens wishing to address the Council. When recognized, please step up to the microphone, give your name and
mailing address, and state the matter of your interest. Citizen comments will be limited to three minutes.
3.Public Hearings.
The Mayor will call the Public Hearing to order and state the ground rules, the purpose of the hearing, the action that the City
Council may take on the matter, and will state the manner in which the hearing will proceed. Staff will first give a report, followed
by public testimony. All speakers must speak into the microphone and clearly state their names and addresses. All comments
should be addressed to the City Council, should be relevant to the topic, and should not be of a personal nature. Public testimony
may be limited to three minutes, unless further time is granted by the Mayor. If there are a large number of speakers, a
representative may be appointed to speak on behalf of the group.
a.A Public Hearing for the purpose of receiving public comment in regard to repealing the
$20 vehicle licensing fee (Car Tab) that funds the East Wenatchee Transportation
Benefit District (TIB), and consider implementing a 0.1% sales tax – Garren Melton,
Public Works Manager.
i.Ordinance 2022-20 rescinding the $20 vehicle licensing fee imposed by the East
Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
Request to suspend second reading.
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
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Public Hearings continued:
Motion by the City Council to approve Ordinance No 2022-20 rescinding the $20
vehicle licensing fee imposed by the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit
ii.Ordinance 2022-22 implementing a 0.1% Sales and Use Tax to fund the East
Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
Request to suspend second reading.
Motion by the City Council to approve Ordinance No 2022-22 implementing a 0.1%
Sales and Use Tax to fund the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
b.Public Hearing for Ordinance 2022-19 - Interim Official Controls for temporary use of
Valley Mall Parkway right-of-way for streateries.
Motion by the City Council to affirm the finding of facts presented in the agenda bill.
4. Presentations.
a.Certificate of Recognition to Leeon Leyde, Police Officer, for 10 Years of Service to at
the City of East Wenatchee Police Department – Mayor Crawford.
b.Presentation on National Night Out – Chief Rick Johnson
5.Department Report. None.
6.Mayor’s Report.
a.Regional aquatics district
b.Powerhouse Ministries update
c.Misawa Sister City update
d.Waste Management Schedule Change for East Wenatchee residents
7.Action Items.
a.First reading of Ordinance 2022-21, amending Title 18.06 Environmental Review
(SEPA). – Curtis Lillquist, Planning Manager.
Request to suspend second reading.
Motion by the City Council to approve Ordinance No 2022-21 amending Title 18.06
Environmental Review (SEPA).
b.Resolution 2022-35, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Administrative Settlement
for the East Wenatchee – Sterling Safe Routes to School, Pedestrian Improvements,
Project Parcel Number: 8. 5th Street Administrative Settlement, Project No. 2019-08
-Garren Melton, Public Works Manager.
Motion by the City Council to approve Resolution 2022-35, authorizing the Mayor
to approve the administrative settlement for project parcel number 8 on the
Sterling Safe Routes to School Project.
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
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c.Resolution 2022-43, confirming the appointment of Curtis Lillquist to the Position of
Community Development Director effective September 01, 2022 – Jerrilea Crawford,
Motion by the City Council to approve Resolution 2022-43 designating and
confirming Curtis Lillquist to the position of Community Development Director.
8.Council Reports & Announcements.
a.Reports/New Business of Council Committees
9. Adjournment.
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CHECKS: 57325-57372 37374-57388
General Fund 001 $79,462.63
Rainy Day Fund 002 $0.00
Street Fund 101 $3,000.14
Community Dev Grants Funds 102 $0.00
Affordable Housing Tax Fund 103 $0.00
Housing & Related Services Fund 104 $0.00
Transportation Benefit District Fund 105 $0.00
SWAT Fund 107 $0.00
Library Fund 112 $24.57
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 $7,300.00
Drug Fund 114 $0.00
Criminal Justice Fund 116 $0.00
Events Board Fund 117 $2,692.00
Bond Redemption Fund 202 $0.00
Street Improvements Fund 301 $24,607.17
Capital Improvements Fund 314 $148,722.77
Stormwater Fund 401 $2,926.17
Equipment R&R Fund 501 $3,001.29
Cafeteria Plan 634 $0.00
Custodial Activities 635 $425.00
Grand Total All Funds $272,161.74
August 16st, 2022 Payables
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Fund Number Description Amount
001 General Fund $79,462.63
101 Street Fund $3,000.14
112 Library Fund $24.57
113 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund $7,300.00
117 Events Board Fund $2,692.00
301 Street Improvements Fund $24,607.17
314 Capital Improvements Fund $148,722.77
401 Stormwater Fund $2,926.17
501 Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund $3,001.29
635 Custodial Activities Fund $425.00
Count: 10 $272,161.74
Fund Transaction Summary
Transaction Type: Invoice
Fiscal: 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Airespring Inc
57328 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Telephone Line Charges
001-000-141-514-20-42-01 Telephone Line Charges $1,159.25
Total 163072581 $1,159.25
Total 57328 $1,159.25
Total Airespring Inc $1,159.25
Apollo Inc
57329 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/3/2022 10:49:29 AM
Simon Street Improvements
314-000-000-594-21-60-01 Simon St. Improvements $130,994.93
Total Invoice - 8/3/2022 10:49:29 AM $130,994.93
Total 57329 $130,994.93
Total Apollo Inc $130,994.93
Battery Systems Inc
57330 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/27/22 supplies
101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $14.36
Total 7807140 $14.36
Total 57330 $14.36
Total Battery Systems Inc $14.36
Bi-Mart Corporation
57331 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/19/22 supplies
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $32.49
Total 686264200 $32.49
Total 57331 $32.49
Total Bi-Mart Corporation $32.49
Voucher Directory
Fiscal: : 2022 - August 2022
Council Date: : 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Carl Mohns
57332 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/8/2022 11:47:59 AM
Clothing Allowance
001-000-210-521-10-20-01 Clothing Allowance $700.00
Total Invoice - 8/8/2022 11:47:59 AM $700.00
Total 57332 $700.00
Total Carl Mohns $700.00
Cascade Quality Water
57333 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/8/2022 3:01:02 PM
001-000-001-518-91-30-00 Wellness $133.00
Total Invoice - 8/8/2022 3:01:02 PM $133.00
Total 57333 $133.00
Total Cascade Quality Water $133.00
Cdw Government, Inc
57334 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/21/22 parts
001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - PC Software Admin $2,026.34
Total 10240349 $2,026.34
07/21/22 parts
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $525.18
Total BP46092 $525.18
Total 57334 $2,551.52
Total Cdw Government, Inc $2,551.52
Cintas Corporation 607
57335 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/27/22 supplies
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $16.45
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $37.49
Total 4126493750 $53.94
08/03/22 suppllies
001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $157.46
112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities - Utilities $24.57
Total 4127179870 $182.03
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
08/03/22 supplies
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $53.94
Total 4127179917 $53.94
Total 57335 $289.91
Total Cintas Corporation 607 $289.91
City of Wenatchee
57336 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Decant Facility Use Fees
401-000-008-531-00-40-08 Decant Facility Admin. Charge $1,400.00
Total 018579 $1,400.00
Total 57336 $1,400.00
Total City of Wenatchee $1,400.00
Classic One East
57337 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Kasten Garcia - July
001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services $18.70
Total 97219 $18.70
Tye Sheats - July
001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services $16.80
Total 97282 $16.80
Total 57337 $35.50
Total Classic One East $35.50
Commercial Printing, Inc.
57338 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Generic Window Envelopes
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $390.26
Total 128977 $390.26
Total 57338 $390.26
Total Commercial Printing, Inc.$390.26
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Compunet, Inc
57339 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/20/22 software
001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - PC Software Admin $1,546.28
Total 200776 $1,546.28
Total 57339 $1,546.28
Total Compunet, Inc $1,546.28
Day Wireless Systems
57340 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/28/22 supplies
001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $527.15
Total INV735530 $527.15
Total 57340 $527.15
Total Day Wireless Systems $527.15
DeVries Business Records Management Inc
57341 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/31/22 professional services
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $121.99
Total 0153853 $121.99
Total 57341 $121.99
Total DeVries Business Records Management Inc $121.99
Douglas County Fire District #2
57342 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/2/2022 1:28:18 PM
Fireworks Reimbursement
001-000-140-514-20-48-01 Fireworks - DCFD Remittance $200.00
Total Invoice - 8/2/2022 1:28:18 PM $200.00
Total 57342 $200.00
Total Douglas County Fire District #2 $200.00
Douglas County PUD
57343 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
70 - July
001-000-180-518-30-47-01 Utilities - Simon St.$254.00
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $170.00
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $1,491.00
Total 70 - July $1,915.00
Total 57343 $1,915.00
Total Douglas County PUD $1,915.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Douglas County Sheriff's Office
57344 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
001-000-210-521-10-35-05 Bulletproof Vests $702.08
Total 1725761 $702.08
Total 57344 $702.08
Total Douglas County Sheriff's Office $702.08
Eastmont Youth Baseball
57345 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/8/2022 3:07:41 PM
Sports Foundation
113-000-000-557-30-41-00 Sports Foundation - Special Olympics $7,300.00
Total Invoice - 8/8/2022 3:07:41 PM $7,300.00
Total 57345 $7,300.00
Total Eastmont Youth Baseball $7,300.00
Fastenal Company
57346 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
04/12/22 supplies
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $175.06
Total WAWEN244797 $175.06
08/02/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-30-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $305.23
Total WAWEN249910 $305.23
Total 57346 $480.29
Total Fastenal Company $480.29
Forte Architects Inc
57347 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Maintenance facilities design
314-000-000-594-22-60-50 Maintenance Facilities Design $2,413.00
Total 3250 $2,413.00
Simon Street Improvements
314-000-000-594-21-60-01 Simon St. Improvements $15,314.84
Total 3254 $15,314.84
Total 57347 $17,727.84
Total Forte Architects Inc $17,727.84
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Gary Anderson DBA Dynamic Tents
57348 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/8/2022 1:02:18 PM
Pangborn's Festival of Flight
117-000-620-557-30-40-00 PFOF Professional Services $433.60
Total Invoice - 8/8/2022 1:02:18 PM $433.60
Total 57348 $433.60
Total Gary Anderson DBA Dynamic Tents $433.60
GCR Tires & Service
57349 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
08/02/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $775.41
Total 802-47472 $775.41
Total 57349 $775.41
Total GCR Tires & Service $775.41
GO Usa/Hamilton & Assoc
57350 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/19/22 flags
101-000-420-542-69-30-00 Supplies - Flags/Banners $364.24
Total 64408-1 $364.24
Total 57350 $364.24
Total GO Usa/Hamilton & Assoc $364.24
Haglund's Trophies
57351 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
06/16/22 name plate
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $7.22
Total 67339 $7.22
Total 57351 $7.22
Total Haglund's Trophies $7.22
Ironclad Company
57352 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
401-000-008-531-00-40-04 Repairs & Maint. - NPDES PPGH $924.19
Total 13183 $924.19
Total 57352 $924.19
Total Ironclad Company $924.19
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Japan Creative Arts
57325 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/3/2022 8:25:18 AM
Taiko Drumming for Pangborn's Festival of Flight
117-000-620-557-30-40-02 PFOF Entertainment $1,500.00
Total Invoice - 8/3/2022 8:25:18 AM $1,500.00
Total 57325 $1,500.00
Total Japan Creative Arts $1,500.00
Jason Yanik
57353 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:16:28 AM
Right of Way Acquistion
301-000-000-595-20-60-02 ROW - SRTS - 5th St. Kenroy $1,300.00
Total Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:16:28 AM $1,300.00
Total 57353 $1,300.00
Total Jason Yanik $1,300.00
JDSA Law Firm
57354 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/4/2022 1:24:07 PM
July legal services
001-000-151-515-41-40-00 Legal Services $8,404.50
Total Invoice - 8/4/2022 1:24:07 PM $8,404.50
Total 57354 $8,404.50
Total JDSA Law Firm $8,404.50
Jet Pro Express Auto Wash, LLC
57355 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Car Wash Tokens
001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $542.00
Car wash Tokens
Total 1276 $542.00
Total 57355 $542.00
Total Jet Pro Express Auto Wash, LLC $542.00
Julia McWiggins dba JM Waterworks
57356 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Annual Commercial Test
001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $202.16
101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - City Parks $519.65
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
401-000-008-531-00-40-06 Utilities $120.93
Total 514275 $842.74
Total 57356 $842.74
Total Julia McWiggins dba JM Waterworks $842.74
Justin Titus
57357 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 7/28/2022 10:10:49 AM
07/25 07/27 judge protem
001-000-120-512-51-40-05 Judge Protems $300.00
Total Invoice - 7/28/2022 10:10:49 AM $300.00
Invoice - 8/10/2022 10:05:45 AM
08/05 judge protems
001-000-120-512-51-40-05 Judge Protems $150.00
Total Invoice - 8/10/2022 10:05:45 AM $150.00
Total 57357 $450.00
Total Justin Titus $450.00
Kelley Connect
57358 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
08/01/22 supplies
001-000-140-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $319.22
Total 32137401 $319.22
Total 57358 $319.22
Total Kelley Connect $319.22
Keyhole Security Center Inc
57359 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/28/22 keys
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $53.33
Total 345032 $53.33
Total 57359 $53.33
Total Keyhole Security Center Inc $53.33
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Language Line Services, Inc
57360 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Professional services
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $15.48
Total 10599057 $15.48
Total 57360 $15.48
Total Language Line Services, Inc $15.48
Leeon Leyde
57361 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 7/29/2022 12:41:08 PM
Uniform/Equipment Reimbursement
001-000-210-521-10-20-01 Clothing Allowance $109.98
Total Invoice - 7/29/2022 12:41:08 PM $109.98
Total 57361 $109.98
Total Leeon Leyde $109.98
Les Schwab Tire Center Inc
57362 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $108.36
Total 34301303075 $108.36
Total 57362 $108.36
Total Les Schwab Tire Center Inc $108.36
Let's Color Art Studio
57327 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 7/28/2022 10:29:16 AM
Pangborn's Festival of Flight
117-000-620-557-30-40-02 PFOF Entertainment $433.20
Total Invoice - 7/28/2022 10:29:16 AM $433.20
Total 57327 $433.20
Total Let's Color Art Studio $433.20
Michael V Martinson
57363 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:18:38 AM
Right of Way Acquistion
301-000-000-595-20-60-02 ROW - SRTS - 5th St. Kenroy $2,800.00
Total Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:18:38 AM $2,800.00
Total 57363 $2,800.00
Total Michael V Martinson $2,800.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Mitchell Thurman Williams
57364 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:14:00 AM
Right of Way Acquistion
301-000-000-595-20-60-03 ROW - SRTS - 5th St. Sterling $4,600.00
Total Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:14:00 AM $4,600.00
Total 57364 $4,600.00
Total Mitchell Thurman Williams $4,600.00
Moon Security
57365 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Professional services
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $44.53
Total 1145719 $44.53
Total 57365 $44.53
Total Moon Security $44.53
Office Depot Credit Plan
57366 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/21/22 supplies
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $21.45
Total 255153288001 $21.45
07/21/22 supplies
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $56.41
Total 255154536001 $56.41
Total 57366 $77.86
Total Office Depot Credit Plan $77.86
One Call Concepts, Inc
57367 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $17.65
401-000-008-531-00-40-06 Utilities $17.66
Total 2079071 $35.31
Total 57367 $35.31
Total One Call Concepts, Inc $35.31
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
OneBridge Benefits
57368 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
August Admin fees
001-000-142-514-20-40-01 FSA Administrative Fee $56.00
Total 1188 $56.00
Total 57368 $56.00
Total OneBridge Benefits $56.00
57369 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/19/22 supplies
401-000-008-531-00-40-04 Repairs & Maint. - NPDES PPGH $46.92
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $46.93
501-000-000-548-30-30-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $46.93
Total 2521-305705 $140.78
07/27/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $79.36
Total 2521-307396 $79.36
07/27/22 supplies
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $834.98
Total 2521-307397 $834.98
07/27/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $32.30
Total 2521-307505 $32.30
07/28/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance ($18.81)
Total 2521-307647 ($18.81)
08/02/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $23.06
Total 2521-308736 $23.06
08/02/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-30-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $43.62
Total 2521-308829 $43.62
08/03/22 supplies
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $177.32
Total 2521-309026 $177.32
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
08/03/22 supplies
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $67.66
Total 2521-309060 $67.66
Total 57369 $1,380.27
Total O'Reilly $1,380.27
Parker Corporation Services, INC DBA Merchant Patrol Security
57370 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
05/31/22 security
001-000-120-512-51-40-08 Security $522.63
Total 41506 $522.63
July service
001-000-120-512-51-40-08 Security $374.31
Total 42442 $374.31
Total 57370 $896.94
Total Parker Corporation Services, INC DBA Merchant Patrol Security $896.94
Perteet Engineering, Inc
57371 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Professional Services for July
301-000-000-595-10-40-03 Design - TIB 3rd/Rock Island Rd. Traffic Signal $13,007.17
Total 20210312.000-5 $13,007.17
Total 57371 $13,007.17
Total Perteet Engineering, Inc $13,007.17
Randy's Auto Parts & Towing
57372 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Towing Services
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $173.28
Total 65098 $173.28
Total 57372 $173.28
Total Randy's Auto Parts & Towing $173.28
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
57374 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/4/2022 1:38:13 PM
June, July, August pmt
001-000-001-528-70-40-00 River Com $52,500.00
Total Invoice - 8/4/2022 1:38:13 PM $52,500.00
Total 57374 $52,500.00
Total Rivercom $52,500.00
Rosalinda Martin
57375 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:10:00 AM
Right of Way Acquistion
301-000-000-595-20-60-03 ROW - SRTS - 5th St. Sterling $2,900.00
Total Invoice - 8/9/2022 11:10:00 AM $2,900.00
Total 57375 $2,900.00
Total Rosalinda Martin $2,900.00
Stan's Merry Mart
57376 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
08/01/22 supplies
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $121.59
Total 505077 $121.59
Total 57376 $121.59
Total Stan's Merry Mart $121.59
Steven Etne dba: Moonlight Curbing
57377 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Mower repair
117-000-500-557-30-40-05 Christmas - Events & Decorations $325.20
Total 691100 $325.20
Total 57377 $325.20
Total Steven Etne dba: Moonlight Curbing $325.20
Tammy M Patterson
57378 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
August Civil Service
001-000-160-521-10-10-00 Salaries $425.00
Total 00015 $425.00
Total 57378 $425.00
Total Tammy M Patterson $425.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
The Wenatchee World
57379 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/26/22 advertising
001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising $86.27
Total 539490 $86.27
08/04/22 car tabs public hearing notice
001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising $248.34
Total 544037 $248.34
Total 57379 $334.61
Total The Wenatchee World $334.61
TK Elevator
57380 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Elevator services
001-000-210-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay $1,210.68
Total 3006745502 $1,210.68
Half of payment
001-000-210-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay $2,961.03
Total 6000590589 $2,961.03
Total 57380 $4,171.71
Total TK Elevator $4,171.71
TNT Fireworks
57381 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/2/2022 1:34:47 PM
TNT _ Deposit Refund
001-001-000-589-00-00-02 Fireworks - DCFD Remittance $800.00
Total Invoice - 8/2/2022 1:34:47 PM $800.00
Total 57381 $800.00
Total TNT Fireworks $800.00
Town Chrysler Jeep Dodge INC
57382 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/27/22 antifreeze
501-000-000-548-30-30-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $84.68
Total 29982 $84.68
Total 57382 $84.68
Total Town Chrysler Jeep Dodge INC $84.68
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Tye Sheats
57383 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/4/2022 8:42:33 AM
Clothing/Equipment Reimbursement per Contract
001-000-210-521-10-20-01 Clothing Allowance $700.00
Total Invoice - 8/4/2022 8:42:33 AM $700.00
Total 57383 $700.00
Total Tye Sheats $700.00
Valley Tractor And
57384 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
07/05/22 supplies
101-000-420-542-66-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Snow & Ice Control $89.10
Total C919676 $89.10
08/01/22 supplies
501-000-000-548-30-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $394.26
Total C920956 $394.26
Total 57384 $483.36
Total Valley Tractor And $483.36
Washington State Department of Licensing
57385 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Invoice - 8/10/2022 10:39:25 AM
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total Invoice - 8/10/2022 10:39:25 AM $54.00
Total 57385 $54.00
Total Washington State Department of Licensing $54.00
Washington State Patrol
57386 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
WSP Identification
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $371.00
Total I23000555 $371.00
Total 57386 $371.00
Total Washington State Patrol $371.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Waste Management Corporate Services
57387 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
401-000-008-531-00-40-06 Utilities $416.47
Total 0518838-2674-8 $416.47
Total 57387 $416.47
Total Waste Management Corporate Services $416.47
Xerox Corporation
57388 2022 - August 2022 - August 2022 2nd Council
Office Machine Costs
001-000-210-521-10-31-05 Office Machine Costs $318.15
Total 016829695 $318.15
Office Machine Costs
001-000-120-594-12-60-00 Capital Outlay $279.29
Total 016829703 $279.29
Total 57388 $597.44
Total Xerox Corporation $597.44
Grand Total Vendor Count 62 $272,161.74
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
8/2/2022 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4
East Wenatchee City Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 02, 2022
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th Street NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
In attendance: Staff in attendance:
Mayor Jerrilea Crawford Lori Barnett, Community Development Director
Councilmember Harry Raab Curtis Lillquist Planning Manager
Councilmember Robert Tidd Josh DeLay, Finance Director
Councilmember Sasha Sleiman Rick Johnson, Police Chief
Councilmember Shayne Magdoff Garren Melton, Public Works Manager
Councilmember Christine Johnson Maria Holman, City Clerk
Councilmember Matthew Hepner
6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting.
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
a.Motion by Councilmember Tidd to excuse Councilmember Sterk from the Meeting.
Councilmember Magdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried. (6-0).
2.Consent Items:
a.Date: 8/1/2022, Checks: 57259-57319, in the amount of $307,084.77
b.7/19/2022 Council Meeting Minutes
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve consent items. Councilmember Johnson
seconded the motion. Motion Carried (6-0).
3.Citizen Requests/Comments. None.
4. Presentations.
a.Police Chief Rick Johnson presented a Certificate of Recognition to Sergeant Karsten
Garcia, for 5 years of service at the East Wenatchee Police Department.
5.Department Report.
a.Finance Director Josh DeLay presenting the monthly Financial Report for June 2022.
Comments provided by Councilmember Magdoff and Mayor Crawford.
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
8/2/2022 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4
6.Mayor’s Report.
a.Chief Rick Johnson provided information and invited the council to National Night
Out on August 3, 2022, at Eastmont Community Park 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
b.Mayor Crawford invited all the Council to attend and join the city booth at the
Pangborn Festival of Flight on Saturday, August 6, 2022, at Pangborn Memorial
Airport, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd and Councilmember Sleiman.
7.Action Items.
a.Community Development Director Lori Barnett presented Ordinance 2022-19,
adopting interim official controls as chapter 12.28 of the East Wenatchee Municipal
Code establishing a pilot program to permit the temporary use of right-of-way for
streateries along Valley Mall Parkway, to be effective for a period of six months.
Mayor Crawford suspended the second reading
Motion by Councilmember Hepner to approve Ordinance No 2022-19 establishing
interim official controls for streateries for a six-month period as presented.
Councilmember Raab seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0).
b.Public Works Manager Garren Melton presented Resolution 2022-26, authorizing
the Mayor to execute a supplement to the consultant agreement between the City
of East Wenatchee and RH2 Engineering for the Hamilton Street Reconstruction
Comments provided by Mayor Crawford.
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve Resolution 2022-26 authorizing the
Mayor to execute a supplement to the consultant agreement between the City of
East Wenatchee and RH2 Engineering for the Hamilton Street Reconstruction
Project. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0).
c.Public Works Manager Garren Melton presented Resolution 2022-36, authorizing
the Mayor to execute a contract supplement agreement with Pacific Engineering for
Design, Right of Way, Bidding, and Services during construction for the 19th Street
NW and NW Cascade Ave Improvements project No 2019-02.
Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd and Finance Director Josh DeLay.
Motion by Councilmember Magdoff to approve Resolution 2022-36 authorizing the
Mayor to execute the contract supplement agreement with Pacific Engineering for
the 19th Street NW and NW Cascade Ave improvements project as presented.
Councilmember Hepner seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0).
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
8/2/2022 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4
d.Public Works Manager Garren Melton presented Resolution 2022-37, authorizing
the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Douglas County for the 19th
Street NW and NW Cascade Ave Improvements Project No 2019-02.
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve Resolution 2022-37 and authorize the
Mayor to sign an Interlocal agreement with Douglas County for the 19th Street NW
and NW Cascade Ave Improvements Project as presented. Councilmember Johnson
seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0).
e.Public Works Manager Garren Melton presented Resolution 2022-38, authorizing
the Mayor to execute a consultant agreement with RH2 engineering for design of
the Grant Road Water Quality Retrofit Project No 2022-05.
Motion by Councilmember Hepner to approve Resolution 2022-38 authorizing the
Mayor to execute the consultant agreement with RH2 Engineering for the Grant
Road Water Quality Retrofit project as presented. Councilmember Magdoff
seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0)
f.Community Development Director Lori Barnett presented Resolution 2022-39,
adopting the City of East Wenatchee Community Development Block Grant 2022
Annual Action Plan in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development Regulations at 24 CFR Part 91.
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve Resolution 2022-39 adopting the City of
East Wenatchee Community Development Block Grant 2022 Annual Action Plan
and to authorize the Mayor to sign all required applications, certifications,
assurances and agreements. Councilmember Magdoff seconded the motion.
Motion carried (6-0).
g.Community Development Director Lori Barnett presented Resolution 2022-40,
establishing an action plan for the use and distribution of American Rescue Plan Act
(ARPA) funding.
Comments provided by Councilmember Magdoff, Councilmember Tidd and Mayor
Motion by Councilmember Johnson to approve Resolution 2022-40, establishing an
action plan for the use and distribution of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
funding as presented. Councilmember Sleiman seconded the motion. Motion
carried. (6-0)
h.Mayor Crawford presented Resolution 2022-41, authorizing the Mayor to sign an
Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement between Chelan and Douglas Counties,
the City of Wenatchee, the City of East Wenatchee, and the Washington State Patrol
for Special Investigations Unit (SIU) to investigate officer involved incidents.
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
8/2/2022 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4
Action Item h. continued:
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve Resolution 2022-41, authorizing the
Mayor to sign an Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement between Chelan
and Douglas Counties, the City of Wenatchee, the City of East Wenatchee, and the
Washington State Patrol for Special Investigations Unit (SIU) to investigate officer
involved incidents. Councilmember Magdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried
8.Council Reports & Announcements.
a.Councilmember Magdoff provided an update as representative for the Housing
Authority of Chelan County & City of Wenatchee Board.
b.Councilmember Magdoff provided an update as representative for the Wenatchee
Valley Museum and Cultural Center and shared events taking place this summer.
Specific information regarding the fall bus tours.
c.Councilmember Tidd provided update as representative for the Link Transit board,
Link now has a free bus ride to the Saddle Rock trailhead for hiking.
d.Councilmember Sleiman shared as representative for the NCW Equity Alliance,
diversity, equity and inclusion group is currently recruiting for a director.
e.Mayor Crawford provided that the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce and
Visitor Center, Business After Hours will be held at Washington Trust Bank, East
Wenatchee on August 25, 2022, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
f.Councilmember Sleiman and Mayor Crawford shared that the Wenatchee Valley
Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center is currently recruiting leadership
g.Mayor Crawford shared that the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society is currently
without an Executive Director.
9. Adjournment. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria E. Holman, City Clerk
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East Wenatchee
Council Agenda Bill
To: Mayor Crawford and Council
From/Presenter: Garren Melton, Public Works Manager
Subject: Ordinance 2022-20 – Eliminating the $20 Vehicle Licensing Fee Imposed by
the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District
Date: August 16, 2022
I.Summary Title:
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee eliminating the $20 vehicle licensing fee
imposed by the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
In 2013 East Wenatchee City Council adopted Ordinance 2012-13 establishing a
Transportation Benefit District (TBD) within the City of East Wenatchee. The
District’s current funding mechanism is a vehicle licensing fee (car tabs) as
permitted by RCW 36.73.065, imposed by East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit
District Ordinance 2013-01. As of July 1, 2022 TBDs are permitted by the legislature
to pass up to a 0.1% sales tax to fund their projects. The City Council identified
exploring alternative funding mechanisms for the Transportation Benefit District in
the City’s strategic plan.
At a Council workshop on June 16, staff presented what the impacts of transitioning
from a $20 vehicle licensing fee to a 0.1% sales tax would have on the TBD. To
summarize the June 16th memo to the Council:
•The City’s pavement preservation fund is currently underfunded, and the cost
to repair roadways greatly increases as maintenance is deferred.
•In 2019 Douglas County voters passed Initiative 976 which sought to limit the
annual licensing fee for vehicles to $30 by a 68% majority. The Initiative was
eventually ruled unconstitutional by the Washington Supreme Court.
•During annexation hearings several citizens expressed concerns around the
additional $20 vehicle licensing that is paid by City residents.
•The annual revenues from a 0.1% sales tax for the Transportation Benefit
District would increase from approximately $260,000 to $410,000 per year.
City of
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•Not all items are sales tax eligible. Notable exempt purchases include most
groceries, prescription drugs, utilities, gasoline, and real estate.
•The average amount paid per household per year within the City to the TBD
would decrease from $47.95 to $7.00 per household.
Replacing the $20 car tab fee with a 0.1% sales tax would save the average household in
East Wenatchee $40.95 per year. Based on the number of vehicles a household registers
annually the estimated annual savings are as follows:
Number of Vehicles
Registered per Year
1 $ 13.00
2 $ 33.00
3 $ 53.00
4 $ 73.00
5 $ 93.00
One benefit of replacing car tabs with a 0.1% sales tax is that it shifts the burden of
maintaining City streets from the people who live inside of the City to everyone that uses
City streets to reach the City’s commercial hubs.
Ordinance 2022-20 repeals the $20 vehicle licensing fee and will allow the Council to
consider passage of Ordinance 2022-22 which would impose a 0.1% sales and use tax.
All funds collected by the District are required to be spent on pavement preservation
related projects.
III.Recommended Action: Approve Ordinance 2022-20 eliminating the $20 vehicle
licensing fee imposed by the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
IV.Exhibits: 1. Ordinance 2022-20 2. June 16 TBD Workshop Memo 3. TBD Past
Project Map
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-20
Page 1 of 3
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2022-20
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee rescinding the $20 vehicle
licensing fee imposed by the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit
Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee revocando la tarifa de
licencia de vehículos de $20.00, por el Distrito de Transporte de East
Wenatchee que contiene una cláusula de separación y establece una
fecha de vigencia.
1.Alternate format.
1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato alternativo (español, Braille,
leer en voz alta, etc.), comuníquese con el secretario de la ciudad al
alternatformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY).
1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read
aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at
alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711
2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code city, duly
incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington.
3.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to
adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and
appropriate to the good government of the City.
3.2. East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 4.42.030 sets forth the City
Council as the governing board of the Transportation District and
authorizes the City Council to exercise all statutory powers set forth in
RCW Chapter 36.73.
4.Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to rescind the $20 vehicle fee
imposed by the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
5.Amendments. The City Council hereby rescinds the $20 vehicle fee imposed by
the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
6.Findings of Fact. The City Council adopts as its findings of fact the recitals
set forth above.
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-20
Page 2 of 3
7.Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this
Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity
of the other provisions of this Ordinance.
8.Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of
this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The
City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the
City’s website.
9.Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective December 31, 2022.
Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this
16th day of August 2022
The City of East Wenatchee,
By _________________________________
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Approved as to form only:
Sean Lewis, Asst. City Attorney
Filed with the City Clerk:
Passed by the City Council:
Effective Date:
Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-20
Page 3 of 3
Summary of
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2022-20
On the 16th day of August 2022, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee,
Washington approved Ordinance No. 2022-20, the main point of which may be
summarized by its title as follows:
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee rescinding the $20 vehicle
licensing fee imposed by the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit
The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request.
Dated this 16th day of August 2022.
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
Page 46 of 94
East Wenatchee
Workshop Agenda Bill
To: Mayor Crawford and Council
From/Presenter: Garren Melton, Public Works Manager
Subject: Transportation Benefit District: Comparing Car Tabs to a 0.1% Sales Tax
to Fund Future Road Improvements in East Wenatchee
Date: June 16, 2022
In 2019 Washington State voters passed Initiative 976 (I-976), which limited the annual license
fee for vehicles under 10,000lbs to $30. 68% of Douglas County voters supported I-976 in the
November 2019 election. In February of 2020 the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that I-
976 was unconstitutional and struck it down.
After the results of I-976 were seen, alternative funding sources for the City’s Transportation
Benefit District (TBD) have been evaluated. The TBD is currently funded by a $20 car tab fee on
every vehicle registered within City limits. Annually this fund collects approximately $260,000,
which is used solely on pavement preservation related projects. This memo will give a brief
update on TBD funding needs, analyze the impact of eliminating car tabs fees, explore the
impact that a 0.1% sales tax would have on the TBD funding, and compare costs to citizens of
East Wenatchee under each program.
Pavement Management Funding Needs:
The City’s pavement management plan is currently under development. Once completed the
pavement management plan will provide a more precise estimate for pavement preservation
funding needs. Until then, the City of Wenatchee’s plan can be used to help develop a rough
estimate of funding needs due to the cities having a similar proportion of arterials, collectors, and
local access roads. As seen in Figure 1 below, to maintain a citywide pavement condition of 69,
the City of East Wenatchee will need to invest roughly 1.9 million dollars into roadway
preservation per year. A more precise figure will be available when the City’s pavement
management plan is completed this fall.
City of
Exhibit B 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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The longer the City waits to appropriately fund pavement preservation, the more deferred
maintenance costs will compound. Similar to changing the oil in your car, it is much more cost
effective to perform regular roadway maintenance rather than waiting for roads to fail.
Figure 1
The City’s current street preservation funding is shown in Table 1. In this 5-year period a 0.1%
sales tax would have brought in an additional $819,000 in revenue for pavement preservation.
Street Preservation Revenue
Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
TBD (Car Tabs) $ 254,100 $ 257,000 $ 260,000 $ 263,000 $ 266,000
TBD (0.1% Sales Tax) $ 398,000 $ 411,000 $ 408,000 $ 486,000 $ 416,000
Street Fund $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000
Grants (Pavement Portions Only) $ 560,000 $ - $ 350,000 $1,200,000 $ 600,000
Total Revenue - Car Tabs $ 964,100 $ 407,000 $ 760,000 $1,613,000 $1,016,000
Total Revenue - 0.1% Sales Tax $1,108,000 $ 561,000 $ 908,000 $1,836,000 $1,166,000
Table 1
Under the current funding program, the City is relying on receiving approximately 1.5 million
dollars per year from pavement preservation grants to maintain its roadways at their current
level. This 1.5 million dollar goal has not been achieved in any of the past 5 years that were
analyzed. The 0.1% sales tax model is expected to bring in an additional $150,000 per year for
the TBD.
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Impact to an average family in East Wenatchee:
To compare Car Tabs to a 0.1% Sales Tax model the average cost per household under both
funding mechanisms is shown below:
Car Tabs:
Total Housing Units in the City of East Wenatchee - 5,4891
Total 2021 Revenue from Car Tabs - $263,175
Car Tab cost per household = 𝐶𝑎𝑟 𝑇𝑎𝑎 𝑅𝑑𝑢𝑑𝑙𝑢𝑑
𝑁𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑟 𝑙𝑑 𝐻𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑑ℎ𝑙𝑙𝑑𝑟 = $263,175
5489 𝐻𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑑ℎ𝑙𝑙𝑑𝑟 = $47.95 per Household
0.1% Sales Tax:
It is important to note that opting for a 0.1% sales tax increase will only apply to purchases made
within the City of East Wenatchee. It is also important to note that not all items are sales tax
eligible. Notable exempt purchases include most groceries, prescription drugs, utilities, gasoline,
and real estate.
Sales tax generally applies to tangible personal property, and the sale of services.2 Common sales
tax eligible purchases include repair, installation and maintenance services, restaurants, and
household goods such as furniture, appliances, jewelry, clothes, and cars.
Median Household income in 98802 zip code - $71,0933
Estimated total annual sales tax eligible purchases per household in East Wenatchee - $7,000
Estimated 0.1% Sales Tax cost per household = Sales Tax eligible purchases x 0.1% (.001)
=>$7,000 ∗0.001 = $7.00 per Household
It should also be noted that $7,000 ($583 per month) is likely much more than most households
spend on sales tax eligible goods within the City of East Wenatchee. Estimates from the IRS
Sales Tax Deduction Calculator estimate a family making $71,000 in East Wenatchee may take a
$1,215 sales tax deduction. At that number the average household would pay only $1.22 per year
towards this 0.1% sales tax.
1 Office of Financial Management, 2021 Housing Units, November 2021
2 Department of Revenue, Retail Sales Tax
3 Census Bureau, S1901 Income in the past 12 months (in 2020 inflation adjusted dollars),
Exhibit B 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
Page 49 of 94
Replacing the $20 car tab fee with a 0.1% sales tax would save the average household in East
Wenatchee $40.85 per year. To clarify savings based on the number of vehicles a household
registers see Table 2:
Number of Vehicles
Registered per Year
1 $ 13.00
2 $ 33.00
3 $ 53.00
4 $ 73.00
Table 2
The main benefit of replacing car tabs with a 0.1% sales tax is that it shifts the burden of
maintaining City streets from the people who live inside of the City to everyone that uses City
Streets to reach the City’s commercial hubs.
The legislature has also updated the law around passing a sales tax to fund a TBD. As of July 1,
2022, the TBD governing body (City Council) may pass up to a 0.1% sales tax. TBDs are
permitted to collect an additional 0.1% (0.2% total) with voter approval.
Exhibit B 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
Page 50 of 94
Grant Rd
5th St NE
3rd St NEN Baker AveEastmont Ave8th St NE
SR 28SR 285
4th St SESunset Hwy11th St
N Lyle AveN Keller Ave19th St NE
15th St NE
N Grover Ave9th St N
PkwyN Kentucky Ave10th St NE
Tedford St SE
12th St NE
N Iowa AveS Mary AveN June AveGlen St NE
rSR 28 BypassRiverv
DrN Kansas AveS Kentucky AveS Jarvis AveN Ashland AveS
1st St SECountry
lub Dr
3rd St SE
Briarwood Ter
Simon St
Holly LnN Jackson Ave7th St N
S Houston Ave2nd St
EN Astor CtSoden St SEN Georgia AveS Iowa AveBri
2nd St
13th St NE
N Denis CtKenroy TerN A
Bel Air Dr
19th St NW
1st Pl SEN Grover PlN Mary AveStoneridge DrN Gale Pl14th St NEN Anne Ave15th St Pl
10th Pl NE
20th St N
Manowar LnN Lander CtN Fairmont Ave6th St N
Amy Ct
12th Pl NE
S Lee CtN Gale AveN Minor AveN Aurora AveS M
Terrace Dr
18th St NE
Vista Vie
Linden PlN Hale AveMo
10th St NE
S Iowa AveN Iowa Ave1st St SE
3rd St SEN Kansas AveThis map is intended for general purposes only. The City of
East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuracy
or current condition of the data shown on this map.
2014 - 2020 Completed TBD Preservation Projects.
0 0.5 10.25 Miles Fairview PlOverlay Year
City Limit
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East Wenatchee
Council Agenda Bill
To: Mayor Crawford and Council
From/Presenter: Garren Melton, Public Works Manager
Subject: Ordinance 2022-22 – Implementing a 0.1% Sales and Use Tax to fund the
East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District
Date: August 16, 2022
I.Summary Title:
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee implementing a 0.1% Sales Tax and Use
to fund the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
In 2013 East Wenatchee City Council adopted Ordinance 2012-13 establishing a
Transportation Benefit District (TBD) within the City of East Wenatchee. The
District’s current funding mechanism is a vehicle licensing fee (car tabs) as
permitted by RCW 36.73.065, imposed by East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit
District Ordinance 2013-01. As of July 1, 2022 TBDs are permitted by the legislature
to pass up to a 0.1% sales tax to fund their projects. The City Council identified
exploring alternative funding mechanisms for the Transportation Benefit District in
the City’s strategic plan.
At a Council workshop on June 16, staff presented what the impacts of transitioning
from a $20 vehicle licensing fee to a 0.1% sales tax would have on the TBD. To
summarize the June 16th memo to the Council:
•The City’s pavement preservation fund is currently underfunded, and the cost
to repair roadways greatly increases as maintenance is deferred.
•In 2019 Douglas County voters passed Initiative 976 which sought to limit the
annual licensing fee for vehicles to $30 by a 68% majority. The Initiative was
eventually ruled unconstitutional by the Washington Supreme Court.
•During annexation hearings several citizens expressed concerns around the
additional $20 vehicle licensing that is paid by City residents.
•The annual revenues from a 0.1% sales tax for the Transportation Benefit
District would increase from approximately $260,000 to $410,000 per year.
City of
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•Not all items are sales tax eligible. Notable exempt purchases include most
groceries, prescription drugs, utilities, gasoline, and real estate.
•The average amount paid per household per year within the City to the TBD
would decrease from $47.95 to $7.00 per household.
Replacing the $20 car tab fee with a 0.1% sales tax would save the average household in
East Wenatchee $40.95 per year. Based on the number of vehicles a household registers
annually the estimated annual savings are as follows:
Number of Vehicles
Registered per Year
1 $ 13.00
2 $ 33.00
3 $ 53.00
4 $ 73.00
5 $ 93.00
One benefit of replacing car tabs with a 0.1% sales tax is that it shifts the burden of
maintaining City streets from the people who live inside of the City to everyone that uses
City streets to reach the City’s commercial hubs.
Ordinance 2022-22 can only be considered after passage of Ordinance 2022-20, which
repeals the $20 vehicle licensing fee that has funded the District since 2013. All funds
collected by the District are required to be spent on pavement preservation related
projects. This 0.1% sales and use tax can only be in effect for 10 years unless extended by
an affirmative vote of the governing board or public.
III.Recommended Action: Approve Ordinance 2022-22 implementing a 0.1% sales
and use tax to fund the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
IV.Exhibits: 1. Ordinance 2022-22 2. June 16 TBD Workshop Memo 3. TBD Past
Project Map
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-22
Page 1 of 3
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2022-22
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee implementing a 0.1% Sales
and Use Tax to fund the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit
Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee que implementa un
fondo de impuestos sobre las ventas y el uso del 0.1% para el distrito de
beneficios de transporte de East Wenatchee, que contiene una cláusula
de separación y establece una fecha de vigencia.
1.Alternate format.
1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato alternativo (español, Braille,
leer en voz alta, etc.), comuníquese con el secretario de la ciudad al
alternatformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY).
1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read
aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at
alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711
2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code city, duly
incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington.
3.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to
adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and
appropriate to the good government of the City.
3.2. East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 4.42.030 sets forth the City
Council as the governing board of the Transportation District and
authorizes the City Council to exercise all statutory powers set forth in
RCW Chapter 36.73.
3.3. RCW 36.73.065 authorizes the governing board of the Transportation
Benefit District to impose up to a 0.1% sales tax and use tax in accordance
with RCW 82.14.0455.
4.Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to implement a 0.1% Sales and Use
Tax to fund the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
5.Amendments. The City Council hereby implements a 0.1% Sales and Use Tax
to fund the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District.
Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-22
Page 2 of 3
6.Findings of Fact. The City Council adopts as its findings of fact the recitals
set forth above.
7.Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this
Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity
of the other provisions of this Ordinance.
8.Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of
this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The
City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the
City’s website.
9.Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective January 1, 2023.
10. Expiration. This Ordinance is effective for 10 years from the effective date.
Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this
16th day of August 2022,
The City of East Wenatchee,
By _________________________________
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Approved as to form only:
Sean Lewis, Asst. City Attorney
Filed with the City Clerk:
Passed by the City Council:
Effective Date:
Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-22
Page 3 of 3
Summary of
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2022-22
On the 16th day of August 2022, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee,
Washington approved Ordinance No. 2022-22, the main point of which may be
summarized by its title as follows:
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee implementing a 0.1% Sales
and Use Tax to fund the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit
The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request.
Dated this 16th day of August 2022.
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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East Wenatchee
Council Agenda Bill
To: Mayor and Council
From/Presenter: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director
Subject: Public Hearing for Ordinance 2022-19 - Interim Official Controls
for temporary use of Valley Mall Parkway right-of-way for
Date: August 16, 2022
I.Summary Title:
Public hearing regarding Ordinance 2022-19 adopting interim official
controls as chapter 12.28 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code
establishing a pilot program to permit the temporary use of right-of-way
for streateries along Valley Mall Parkway.
Ordinance 2022-19 was adopted by the City Council on August 2, 2022.
Streatery permits issued under the interim regulations will expire on
November 30, 2022. The interim regulation will be effective for six-
months, unless renewed as provided in RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW
In accordance with RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390, the City is
required to hold a public hearing within 60 days of the adoption of the
ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance 2022-19 is supported by the following
findings of fact.
1.The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code city, duly
incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of
2.In response to the Governor’s “Stay Home – Stay Healthy”
proclamations 20-25 through 20-25.6 limiting indoor and outdoor
occupancy for restaurants, taverns, breweries, wineries and
distilleries, the City received interest from downtown merchants to
City of
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allow streateries to occupy the right-of-way on Valley Mall Parkway to
provide additional seating capacity for their businesses.
3.The businesses along Valley Mall Parkway between the Wenatchee
Valley Mall and 9th St. NE have no off-street parking on their lots and
as such, have no opportunity to extend their service areas outside
within their property boundaries. Additionally, the sidewalks in this
area are less than 10 feet in width so, sidewalk café style dining would
not be a consideration due to ADA requirements for pedestrian
4.A streatery is a small area constructed in the curb space, typically
where cars park or unload goods. Streateries are operated by the
adjacent restaurant or bar for table service outdoors similar to a
sidewalk café.
5.The City’s code currently provides no regulations for the private use
of public right of way for commercial use.
6.The City Council adopted interim regulations on August 18, 2020
with Ordinance 2020-12, establishing a pilot program on an interim
basis to provide an opportunity for streateries. Only one business
took advantage of that provision. That ordinance expired.
7.The City Council adopted Ordinance 2021-15 on July 20, 2021, to
allow streateries on an interim basis again. No one applied to use that
provision in 2021. That ordinance expired.
8.Recently, the City of East Wenatchee received interest from a
downtown business to allow streateries to occupy the street.
9.The adoption of a new interim control will allow the City time to
evaluate provisions and standards to establish a long-term process for
streateries and other similar use of public right of way to support
local businesses.
10.Permits issued under the interim regulations will expire on
November 30, 2022.
11.RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to
adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and
appropriate to the good government of the City.
12. RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390 authorize the City Council to
establish interim official controls.
III.Recommended Action:
Hold the public hearing and make a motion to affirm the findings of fact.
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Notice of public hearing published in The Wenatchee World on August
6, 2022.
Notice of Public Hearing
Interim Official Controls for Temporary Right-of-Way Use for Streateries
The East Wenatchee City Council will conduct a public hearing at their August 16, 2022
meeting. The meeting starts at 6:00 PM. The public hearing is part of the meeting agenda
and will begin after the meeting has convened. The subject of the hearing is:
Ordinance 2022-19: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting interim
official controls as chapter 12.28 of the East Wenatchee Municipal establishing a pilot
program to permit the temporary use of right-of-way for streateries along Valley Mall
Parkway, to be effective for a period of six months, containing a severability clause,
and establishing an effective date.
On August 2, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2022-19 to permit the temporary
use of on-street parking stalls within the right-of-way along the 800 block of Valley Mall
Parkway to be used by adjacent food and beverage establishments for on-street seating
as streateries. This hearing is required by RCW 35A.63.220 to adopt findings of fact and
conclusions to support the adoption of the interim regulations.
The meeting will be in person and via Zoom. The Zoom contact link for the meeting is listed
below and will be available on the City’s webpage calendar. To participate online use the
following url code: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87573845353. There is also a phone-in
option for the meeting: (253) 215 8782, Meeting ID: 875 7384 5353.
East Wenatchee City Hall facilities comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Parking
and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. It is the City’s policy to
provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. Please contact the City
Clerk at (509) 884-9515 at least 3 working days in advance of the meeting if you need any
language, hearing or physical accommodations to participate in this meeting. Citizens with
hearing impairment may call the TDD line at (800) 833-6388.
Financial Data
Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required
$0 $0 $0
8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
Page 59 of 94
Presented to:
LLLeeeeeeooonnn LLLeeeyyydddeee
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
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City of
East Wenatchee
Council Agenda Bill
To: Mayor and Council
From/Presenter: Curtis Lillquist, AICP, Planning Manager
Subject: Ordinance 2022-21 amending Title 18.06 Environmental Review (SEPA)
Date: August 10, 2022
I.Summary Title:
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending Title 18.06 Environmental
Review (SEPA)
Staff has completed a review and update to Title 18.06 Environmental Review
(SEPA) which governs how the city performs environmental review of private
development projects and city-initiated development projects. Most of this section
of code has not been updated since 1990. An amendment to the fees section was
adopted in 2007.
Title 18.06 is a procedural code and therefore is not subject to the GMA require 60-
day review, nor is it reviewed through the planning commission.
Amendment for this section of code fall into three general categories:
-Integrating the SEPA review process with the development review process as
anticipated by RCW 36.70B.060. This includes linking the timing and notice
requirements of the two processes and adopting the Optional DNS process
authorized by WAC 197-11-355.
-Amendments in response to changes in Title 19 Permit Administration that were
adopted by City Council in November 2021. These amendments remove appeal
language and refer back to the appeals section of Title 19.
-Updating the categorical exemption language for minor new construction based
on local conditions which reflects the current language in the WAC.
III.Recommended Action:
Request to suspend second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2022-21
Ordinance 2022-21
Financial Data
Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required
$0 $0 No
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-21
Page 1 of 4
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2022-21
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending Section 18.06
Environmental Review (SEPA), containing a severability clause, and
establishing an effective date.
Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee que modifica la Sección
18.06 Revisión Ambiental (SEPA), que contiene una cláusula de separación y
establece una fecha de vigencia.
1.Alternate format.
1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato alternativo (español, Braille,
leer en voz alta, etc.), comuníquese con el secretario de la ciudad al
alternatformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY).
1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read
aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at
alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711
2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code city, duly
incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington.
3.Authority. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council
to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and
appropriate to the good government of the City.
4.Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to update East Wenatchee
Municipal Code (EWMC) Section 18.06.
5.Amendments. The City Council amends EWMC Section 18.06 Environmental
Review (SEPA) as set forth in Exhibit A.
6.Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. The City Council adopts the
Recitals stated above as well as the findings of fact and conclusion of law as
set forth below.
6.1.1. Amendments are proposed for EWMC Section 18.06 Environmental
Review (SEPA).
6.1.2. Since adoption of Section 18.06, amendments to the various chapters
of the Revised Code of Washington governing State Environmental
Policy Act (SEPA) review have been enacted by the State. These
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-21
Page 2 of 4
amendments require that the City update it’s administrative
procedures for performing environmental review of projects.
6.1.3. East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 18.06 is a procedural code
and therefore amendments to this title are not subject to the sixty-
day state agency notice requirements in RCW 36.70A.106.
6.1.4. East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 18.06 is a procedural code
and therefore amendments to this title are not subject to review by
the City’s planning agency under EWMC 2.30 or RCW 35A.63.
6.1.5. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(19) Procedural Actions, the adoption of
amendments to Section 18.06 Environmental Review (SEPA) is
categorically exempt from a SEPA threshold determination.
6.1.6. Any Finding of Fact that is more correctly a Conclusion of Law is
hereby incorporated by this reference.
6.2.1. The proposed amendments have been processed in a manner
consistent with the requirements of the Revised Code of Washington
and the Washington Administrative Code.
6.2.2. Any Conclusion of Law that is more correctly a Finding of Fact is
hereby incorporated by this reference.
7.Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this
Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity
of the other provisions of this Ordinance.
8.Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of
this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The
City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the
City’s website.
9.Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective immediately.
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-21
Page 3 of 4
Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this
__________ day of ___________________, 2022
The City of East Wenatchee,
By _________________________________
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Approved as to form only:
Sean Lewis, Asst. City Attorney
Filed with the City Clerk: __________
Passed by the City Council: __________
Published: __________
Effective Date: __________
8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2022-21
Page 4 of 4
Summary of
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Ordinance No. 2022-21
On the __________ day of ___________________________, 2022, the City Council of
the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2022-21, the main
point of which may be summarized by its title as follows:
An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending Section 18.06
Environmental Review (SEPA), containing a severability clause, and
establishing an effective date.
The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request.
Dated this __________ day of ____________________________, 2022.
Maria Holman, City Clerk
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Chapter 18.06
18.06.010 Authority.
18.06.020 Adoption by reference.
18.06.030 Additional definitions.
18.06.040 Designation of responsible official.
18.06.050 Lead agency determination and responsibilities.
18.06.060 Categorical exemptions and threshold determinations – Adoption by
18.06.070 Categorical exemptions and threshold determinations – Time estimates.
18.06.080 Categorical exemptions – Adoption by reference.
18.06.090 Categorical exemptions – Flexible threshold.
18.06.100 Categorical exemptions – Determination.
18.06.110 Determination – Review at conceptual stage.
18.06.120 Threshold determinations – Environmental checklist.
18.06.130 Threshold determinations – Mitigated DNS.
18.06.140 Environmental impact statement (EIS) – Adoption by reference.
18.06.150 EIS – Additional elements.
18.06.160 EIS – Preparation.
18.06.165 EIS – Time limit for completion.
18.06.170 EIS – Commenting – Adoption by reference.
18.06.180 Public notice.
18.06.190 Designation of official to perform consulted agency responsibilities.
18.06.200 Using existing environmental documents – Adoption by reference.
18.06.210 SEPA decisions – Adoption by reference.
18.06.220 SEPA decisions.
18.06.230 SEPA decisions – Substantive authority.
18.06.240 SEPA – Policies.
18.06.250 Appeals.
18.06.260 Notice/statute of limitations.
18.06.270 Definitions – Adoption by reference.
18.06.280 Compliance with SEPA – Adoption by reference.
18.06.290 Environmentally sensitive areas.
18.06.300 Fees.
18.06.310 Forms – Adoption by reference.
18.06.010 Authority.
The City of East Wenatchee adopts the ordinance codified in this chapter under the
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21C.120 and the SEPA rules WAC
197-11-904. The SEPA rules contained in Chapter 197-11 WAC must be used in
conjunction with this chapter.
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18.06.020 Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended, by reference:
197-11-040 Definitions.
197-11-050 Lead agency.
197-11-055 Timing of the SEPA process.
197-11-060 Content of environmental review.
197-11-070 Limitations on actions during SEPA process.
197-11-080 Incomplete or unavailable information.
197-11-090 Supporting documents.
197-11-100 Information required of applicants.
18.06.030 Additional definitions.
In addition to those definitions contained within WAC 197-11-700 through 197-11-799,
when used in this chapter the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless
the context indicates otherwise:
A. “Department” means any division, subdivision or organizational unit of the city
established by ordinance, rule or order.
B. “SEPA Rules” means Chapter 197-11 WAC adopted by the Department of Ecology.
18.06.040 Designation of responsible official.
A. For those proposals for which the city is the lead agency and for the purpose of
determining which agency is the lead agency, the responsible official shall be the
Community Development Directorcity code compliance officer or such other person
as the Community Development Directorcode compliance officer may designate in
B. For all proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall
make the threshold determination, supervise scoping and preparation of any
required environmental impact statement (EIS) and perform any other functions
assigned to the lead agency or responsible official by those sections of the SEPA
rules that have been adopted by reference.
18.06.050 Lead agency determination and responsibilities.
A. The responsible official or the department receiving an application for or initiating a
proposal that involves a nonexempt action shall determine the lead agency for that
proposal under WAC 197-11-050 and WAC 197-11-922 through 197-11-940, unless
the lead agency has been previously determined or the responsible official of the
department is aware that another department or agency is in the process of
determining the lead agency.
B. When the city is not the lead agency for a proposal, all departments of the city shall
use and consider, as appropriate, either the declaration of nonsignificance (DNS) or
the final EIS of the lead agency in making decisions on the proposal. No city
department shall prepare or require preparation of a DNS or EIS in addition to that
prepared by the lead agency unless the city determines a supplemental
environmental review is necessary under WAC 197-11-600.
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C. If the city, or any of its departments, receives a lead agency determination made by
another agency that appears inconsistent with the criteria of WAC 197-11-922
through 197-11-940, it may object to the determination. Any objection must be made
to the agency originally making the determination and must be resolved within 15
days of receipt of the determination or the city must petition the Department of
Ecology for a lead agency determination under WAC 197-11-946 within the 15-day
time period. Any such petition on behalf of the city may be initiated by the
responsible official or any department.
D. The responsible official is authorized to make agreements as to lead agency status
or shared lead agency’s duties for a proposal under WAC 197-11-942 and
E. When making a lead agency determination for a private project, the responsible
official or department making such determination shall require sufficient information
from the applicant to identify other agencies with jurisdiction.
18.06.060 Categorical exemptions and threshold determinations – Adoption by
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended by reference as supplemented in this chapter:
197-11-300 Purpose.
197-11-305 Categorical exemptions.
197-11-310 Threshold determination required.
197-11-315 Environmental checklist.
197-11-330 Threshold determination checklist.
197-11-335 Additional information.
197-11-340 Determination of nonsignificance (DNS).
197-11-350 Mitigated DNS.
197-11-360 Determination of significance (DS)/ initiation of scoping.
197-11-390 Effect of threshold determination.
18.06.070 Categorical exemptions and threshold determinations – Integrated with
project reviewTime estimates.
The time estimates contained in this section apply when the city processes licenses for
all private projects and those governmental proposals submitted to the city by other
agencies. The actual time may vary with the complexity of the project, availability of
staff, cooperation of agencies with jurisdiction or expertise, etc. The time estimates
contained herein shall not be construed to be mandatory. For the purpose of this
section, the word “day” shall mean a day upon which the city’s administrative offices are
open for business.
A. Categorical Exemptions. The city will normally identify whether an action is
categorically exempt within 10 days of receiving a completed application.
B. Threshold Determinations.
1. The city will normally complete threshold determinations that can be based solely
upon review of the environmental checklist for the proposal within 15 days of the
date an applicant’s adequate application and completed checklist are submitted.
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2. When the responsible official requires further information from the applicant or
consults with other agencies with jurisdiction:
a. The city will normally request such further information within 15 days of
receiving an adequate application and completed environmental checklist.
b. The city will normally wait no longer than 15 days for a consulted agency to
c. The responsible official will normally complete the threshold determination
within 15 days of receiving the requested information from the applicant or the
consulted agency.
3. When the city must initiate further studies, including field investigations, to obtain
the information to make the threshold determination, the city will normally
complete the studies within 30 days of receiving an adequate application and a
completed checklist.
4. The city will normally complete threshold determinations on actions where the
applicant recommends in writing that an EIS be prepared because of the
probable significant adverse environmental impacts described in the application,
within 15 days of receiving an adequate application and completed checklist.
5. The responsible official will normally respond to a request for early notice within
10 days. The threshold determination will normally be made within 15 days of
receipt of the changed or clarified proposal, environmental checklist and/or
permit application.
East Wenatchee has adopted an integrated project review process under RCW
36.70B.060. The following timing requirements shall apply:
A. If a DS is made concurrent with the notice of application, the DS and scoping notice
shall be combined with the notice of application. Nothing in this subsection
prevents the DS/scoping notice from being issued before the notice of application.
If sufficient information is not available to make a threshold determination when the
notice of application is issued, the DS may be issued later in the review process.
B. Nothing in this section prevents a lead agency, when it is a project proponent or is
funding the project, from conducting its review under SEPA or from allowing appeals
of procedural determinations prior to submitting a project permit application.
C. If an open record predecision hearing is required, the threshold determination shall
be issued at least fifteen days before the open record predecision hearing.
D. The optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355 may be used to indicate on the
notice of application that the lead agency is likely to issue a DNS. If this optional
process is used, a separate comment period on the DNS may not be required.
18.06.080 Categorical exemptions – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following rules for categorical exemption of Chapter 197-11 WAC,
as now existing or hereafter amended, by reference, as supplemented in this chapter,
including EWMC 18.06.090 and 18.06.100:
197-11-800 Categorical exemptions.
197-11-880 Emergencies.
197-11-890 Petitioning DOE to change exemptions.
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18.06.090 Categorical exemptions – Flexible threshold.
A. The city establishes the following exempt levels for minor new construction based on
local conditions:
1. For residential dwelling units in WAC 197-11-800(l)(b)(i) up to four detached
dwelling units;
2. For residential dwelling units in WAC 197-11-800(1)(b)(ii) up to four multifamily
residential units;
32. For agricultural structures in WAC 197-11-800(1)(b)(iii) up to 10,000 square feet;
43. For office, school, commercial, recreational service or storage buildings in WAC
197-11-800(1)(b)(ivii) up to 4,000 square feet and up to 20 parking spaces;
54. For parking lots in WAC 197-11-800 (1)(b)(iv) up to 20 parking spaces;
65. For landfills and excavations in WAC 197-11-800(1)(b)(v) up to 100 cubic yards
throughout the total lifetime of the fill or excavation and any excavation, fill or
grading necessary for an exempt project in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of this subsection;
B. The responsible official shall send copies of all adopted flexible thresholds to the
Department of Ecology, Headquarter’s Office, Olympia, Washington.
18.06.100 Categorical exemptions – Determination.
A. When the city receives an complete application for a license or, in the case of
governmental proposals, a department initiates a proposal, the responsible official
shall determine whether the license and/or the proposal is exempt. The
determination that a proposal is exempt shall be final and not subject to
administrative review. If a proposal is exempt, none of the procedural requirements
of this chapter shall apply to the proposal.
B. In determining whether or not a proposal is exempt, the responsible official shall
make certain the proposal is properly defined and shall identify the governmental
license required. If a proposal includes exempt and nonexempt actions, the
responsible official shall determine the lead agency even if the license application
that triggers the consideration is exempt.
C. If a proposal includes both exempt and nonexempt actions, the city may authorize
exempt actions prior to compliance with the procedural requirements of this chapter,
except that:
1. The city shall not give authorization for:
a. Any nonexempt action,
b. Any action that would have an adverse environmental impact, or
c. Any action that would limit the choice of reasonable alternatives;
2. The city may withhold approval of any permit, application or proposal, the basis of
which is an exempt action that would lead to modification of the physical
environment, when such modification would serve no purpose if the nonexempt
actions were not approved; and
3. The city may withhold approval of any permit, application or proposal, the basis of
which is an exempt action that would lead to substantial financial expenditures by
a private applicant when the expenditures would serve no purpose if the
nonexempt actions were not approved.
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18.06.110 Determination – Review at conceptual stage.
A. If the city’s only action on a proposal is a decision on a building permit or other
license that requires detailed project plans and specifications, the applicant may
request in writing that the city conduct environmental review prior to submission of
the detailed plans and specifications.
B. In addition to the environmental documents, an applicant shall submit the following
information for early environmental review:
1. A copy of any permit or license application;
2. Other information as the responsible official may determine.
18.06.120 Threshold determinations – Environmental checklist.
A. A completed environmental checklist shall be filed at the same time as an application
for a permit, license, certificate or other approval not exempted by this chapter. The
checklist shall be in the form provided in WAC 197-11-960 with such additions that
may be required by the responsible official in accordance with WAC 197-11-906(4).
B. A checklist is not needed if the city and the applicant agree an EIS is required, SEPA
compliance has been completed, or SEPA compliance has been initiated by another
C. For private proposals, the applicant is required to complete the environmental
checklist. The city may provide assistance as necessary. For city proposals, the
department initiating the proposal shall complete the environmental checklist for that
D. The city may decide to complete all or part of the environmental checklist for a
private proposal, if any of the following occurs:
1. The city has technical information on a question or questions that is unavailable to
the private applicant; or
2. The applicant has provided inadequate or inaccurate information on previous
proposals or on proposals currently under consideration.
E. The applicant shall pay to the city the actual costs of providing information under
subparagraph D(2).
18.06.130 Threshold determinations – Mitigated DNS.
A. The responsible official may issue a determination of nonsignificance (DNS) based
on conditions attached to the proposal by the responsible official or on changes to,
or clarifications of the proposal made by the applicant.
B. An applicant may request in writing early notice of whether a determination of
significance (DS) is likely. The request must:
1. Follow submission of a permit application and environmental checklist for a
nonexempt proposal for which the department is lead agency; and
2. Precede the city’s actual threshold determination for the proposal.
C. The responsible official’s response to the request for early notice shall:
1. State whether the city currently considers issuance of a DS likely and, if so,
indicate the general or specific areas of concern that are leading the city to
consider a DS; and
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2. State that the applicant may change or clarify the proposal to mitigate the
indicated impacts, and may revise the environmental checklist and/or permit
application as necessary to reflect the changes or clarifications.
D. When an applicant submits a changed or clarified proposal along with a revised
environmental checklist, the city shall base its threshold determination on the
changes or clarified proposal.
1. If the city indicated specific mitigation measures in its response to the request for
early notice, and the applicant changed or clarified the proposal to include those
specific mitigation measures, the city shall issue and circulate a DNS if the city
determines that no additional information or mitigation measures are required.
2. If the city indicated areas of concern, but did not indicate specific mitigation
measures that would allow it to issue a DNS, the city shall make the threshold
determination, issuing a DNS or DS as appropriate.
3. The applicant’s proposed mitigation measures, clarifications, changes or
conditions must be in writing and must be specific.
4. Mitigation measures which justify issuance of a mitigated DNS may be
incorporated in the DNS by reference to agency staff reports, studies or other
E.The city shall not act upon a proposal for which a mitigated DNS has been issued for
15 days after the date of issuance.A mitigated DNS is issued under either WAC
197-11-340(2), requiring a fourteen day comment period and public notice, or WAC
197-11-355(5), which may require no additional comment period beyond the
comment period on the notice of application.
F. Mitigation measures incorporated in the mitigated DNS shall be deemed conditions of
approval of the licensing decision and may be enforced in the same manner as any
term or condition of the permit or enforced in any manner specifically prescribed by
the city. Failure to comply with the designated mitigation measures shall be grounds
for suspension and/or revocation of any license issued.
G. If the city’s tentative decision on a permit or approval does not include mitigation
measures that were incorporated in a mitigated DNS for the proposal, the city should
evaluate the threshold determination to assure consistency with WAC
197-11-340(3)(a) relating to the withdrawal of a DNS.
H. The city’s written response under subsection B of this section shall not be construed
as a determination of significance. In addition, preliminary discussion of clarification
or changes to a proposal, as opposed to a written request for early notice, shall not
bind the city to consider the clarifications or changes in its threshold determination.
18.06.140 Environmental impact statement (EIS) – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended, by reference as supplemented by this chapter:
197-11-400 Purpose of EIS.
197-11-402 General requirements.
197-11-405 EIS types.
197-11-406 EIS timing.
197-11-408 Scoping.
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197-11-410 Expanded scoping.
197-11-420 EIS preparation.
197-11-425 Style and size.
197-11-430 Format.
197-11-435 Cover letter or memo.
197-11-440 EIS contents.
197-11-442 Contents of EIS on nonproject proposals.
197-11-443 EIS contents when prior nonproject EIS.
197-11-444 Elements of the environment.
197-11-448 Relationship of EIS to other considerations.
197-11-450 Cost-benefit analysis.
197-11-455 Issuance of DEIS.
197-11-460 Issuance of FEIS.
18.06.150 EIS – Additional elements.
The following additional elements are part of the environment for the purpose of EIS
content, but do not add to the criteria for threshold determinations or perform any other
function or purpose under this chapter:
A. Economy.
B. Social policy analysis.
C. Cost-benefit analysis.
D. Such other elements as may be required by the responsible official.
18.06.160 EIS – Preparation.
A. Preparation of draft and final EISs (DEIS and FEIS) and draft and final supplemental
EISs (SEISs) shall be under the direction of the responsible official. Before the city
issues an EIS, the responsible official shall be satisfied that it complies with the
chapter and Chapter 197-11 WAC.
B. The DEIS, FEIS and SEIS shall be prepared at the city’s option by the city staff, the
applicant or by a consultant approved by the city. If the responsible official requires
an EIS for a proposal and determines that someone other than the city will prepare
the EIS, the responsible official shall notify the applicant immediately after
completion of the threshold determination. The responsible official shall also notify
the applicant of the city’s procedure for EIS preparation, including approval of the
draft and final EIS prior to distribution.
C. The city may require an applicant to provide additional information which the city
does not possess, including information which must be obtained by specific
investigations. This provision is not intended to expand or limit an applicant’s other
obligations under WAC 197-11-100. An applicant shall not be required to produce
information under this provision which is not specifically required by this chapter,
however, the applicant is not relieved of the duty to supply any other information
required by statute, regulation or ordinance.
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18.06.165 EIS – Time limit for completion.
Subject to delays caused by the applicant’s failure to provide information requested by
the city and other delays beyond the city’s control, an EIS will be completed within one
year of the date of declaration of significance, unless the city and the applicant agree in
writing to a different estimated time period for completion of the EIS.
18.06.170 EIS – Commenting – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended, by reference as supplemented in this chapter:
197-11-500 Purpose of this part.
197-11-502 Inviting comment.
197-11-504 Availability and cost of environmental documents.
197-11-508 SEPA Register.
197-11-535 Public hearings and meetings.
197-11-545 Effect of no comment.
197-11-550 Specificity of comments.
197-11-560 FEIS response to comments.
197-11-570 Consulted agency costs to assist lead agency.
18.06.180 Public notice.
A. Whenever public notice is required pursuant to WAC 197-11, the city shall follow the
procedures set forth in this section.
B. Public notice will be given in the following situations:
1. When the responsible official issues a threshold determination;
2. When a draft EIS (DEIS) is available for public comment;
3. Whenever the city holds a public hearing pursuant to WAC 197-11-535;
4. When the city commences scoping;
5. Whenever the responsible official determines that public notice is required.
C. The city shall give public notice by the following methods:
1. Posting in at least one conspicuous location on the property for site-specific
proposals; and
2. Publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, city or
general area where the proposal is located; or in lieu of (C)(1) and (C)(2);
3. Any other method reasonably calculated by the responsible official to inform the
public and other agencies or required by statute or ordinance.
D. The responsible official shall maintain a list of all threshold determinations known as
the “City of East Wenatchee SEPA Register.” The register shall be available for
public inspection during normal working hours. The responsible official will
periodically mail a copy of the register when new threshold determinations have
been made to any person who has filed a request and paid in advance a fee
determined by the responsible official to be the cost of reproducing and mailing. The
requirements of this subsection are not mandated by state regulations but are
provided by the city as a voluntary additional notice. Failure to provide this voluntary
additional notice shall not affect the validity of any action or proceeding.
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E. Notice of public hearings shall be published no later than 10 days before the hearing.
Notice of public hearings on nonproject proposals shall be published in a newspaper
of general circulation in the city.
F. The city may require an applicant to compensate the city for the costs of compliance
with the public notice requirements for the applicant’s proposal or provide services
and materials to assist.
A. Whenever possible, the city shall integrate the public notice required under this
section with existing notice procedures for the city’s nonexempt permit(s) or
approval(s) required for the proposal.
B. Whenever the city issues a DNS under WAC 197-11-340(2) or a DS under WAC
197-11-360(3) the city shall give notice as follows:
1. If a SEPA document is issued concurrently with the notice of application, the
public notice requirements for the notice of application will suffice to meet the
SEPA public notice requirements.
2. If no public notice is otherwise required for the permit or approval, the city shall
give notice of the DNS or DS by at least one of the following methods as
determined by the responsible official:
a. Publication in the official legal newspaper of the city;
b. Posting of the property for site-specific proposals;
c. Posting notice on a public notice bulletin board or ina a public notice register
in the office of the lead agency;
d. Posting notice in a newspaper of general circulation I the general area where
the proposal is located;
e. Notifying the news media;
f. Notifying public or private groups which have expressed interest in a certain
proposal or in the type of proposal being considered;
g. Placing notices in appropriate regional, neighborhood, ethnic, or trade
journals; and/or
h. Publishing notice in agency newsletters and/or sending notice to agency
mailing lists (either general lists or lists for specific proposals for subject
3. Whenever the city issues a DS under WAC 197-11-360(3), the city shall state the
scoping procedure for the proposal in the DS as required in WAC 197-11-408
and in the public notice.
C. If a DNS is issued using the optional DNS process, the public notice requirements
for the notice of application in EWMC 19.03.040 as supplemented by the
requirements in WAC 197-11-355 will suffice to meet the SEPA public notice
D. Whenever the city issues a DEIS under WAC 197-11-455(5) or a SEIS under WAC
197-11-620, notice of the availability of those documents shall be given by:
1. Indicating the availability of the DEIS in any public notice required for a
nonexempt action: and at least on of the following methods as determined by the
responsible official:
a. Publication in the official legal newspaper of the city;
b. Posting the property, for site-specific proposals;
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c. Publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the general area
where the proposal is located;
d. Notifying public or private groups which have expressed interest in a certain
proposal or in the type of proposal being considered;
e. Notifying the news media;
f. Placing notices in appropriate regional, neighborhood, ethnic, or trade
journals; and/or
g. Publishing notice in agency newsletters and/or sending notice to agency
mailing lists (general lists or specific lists for proposals or subject areas);
2. The city may require an applicant to complete the public notice requirements for
the applicant’s proposal at the applicant’s expense. Affidavit(s) of fulfilling public
notice requirements shall be submitted to the responsible official by the applicant.
18.06.190 Designation of official to perform consulted agency responsibilities.
A. The responsible official shall be responsible for preparation of written comments for
the city in response to a consultation request prior to a threshold determination,
participation in scoping and reviewing of a draft EIS.
B. The responsible official shall be responsible for the city’s compliance with WAC
197-11-550 whenever the city is a consulted agency and is authorized to develop
operating procedures that will ensure that responses to consultation requests are
prepared in a timely fashion and include data from all appropriate departments of the
18.06.200 Using existing environmental documents – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended, by reference:
197-11-600 When to use environmental documents.
197-11-610 Use of NEPA documents.
197-11-620 Supplemental environmental impact statement – Procedures.
197-11-625 Addenda – Procedures.
197-11-630 Adoption – Procedures.
197-11-635 Incorporation by reference – Procedures.
197-11-640 Combining documents.
18.06.210 SEPA decisions – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended, by reference:
197-11-650 Purpose of this part.
197-11-655 Implementation.
197-11-660 Substantive authority and mitigation.
197-11-680 Appeals.
197-11-700 Definitions.
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18.06.220 SEPA decisions.
For nonexempt proposals, the DNS or draft EIS for the proposal shall accompany the
city staff’s recommendation. If a final EIS is or becomes available, it shall be substituted
for the draft.
18.06.230 SEPA decisions – Substantive authority.
A. The city may attach conditions to a permit or approval for a proposal as long as:
1. Such conditions are necessary to mitigate specific adverse environmental
impacts clearly identified in an environmental document prepared pursuant to this
chapter; and
2. Such conditions are in writing; and
3. Such conditions are reasonable and capable of being accomplished; and
4. The city has considered whether other local, state or federal mitigation measures
applied to the proposal are sufficient to mitigate the identified impacts; and
5. Such conditions are based on one or more policies in EWMC 18.06.240 and cited
in the permit, approval, license or other decision document.
B. The city may deny a permit or approval for a proposal on the basis of SEPA so long
1. A finding is made that approving the proposal would result in probable significant
adverse environmental impacts that are identified in a final EIS or final
supplemental EIS prepared pursuant to this chapter; and
2. A finding is made that there are no reasonable mitigation measures sufficient to
mitigate the identified impact; and
3. The denial is based on one or more policies identified in EWMC 18.06.240 and
identified in writing in the decision document.
18.06.240 SEPA – Policies.
A. The policies and goals set forth in this chapter are supplementary to those in the
existing authorization of the city.
B. The city adopts by reference the policies in the following statute, city codes,
ordinances, resolutions and plans, as now existing or hereafter amended, as a
possible basis for the exercise of substantive authority in the conditioning or denying
of proposals:
1. Chapter 43.21C RCW State Environmental Policy Act.
2. East Wenatchee Municipal Code (“EWMC”) Title 5 – Business Taxes, License
and Regulations.
3. EWMC Title 6 – Animals.
4. EWMC Title 8 – Health and Safety.
5. EWMC Title 10 – Vehicles and Traffic.
6. EWMC Title 12 – Streets, Sidewalk and Public Places.
7. EWMC Title 13 – Surface and Stormwater ManagementWater, Sewer and Public
8. EWMC Title 15 – Buildings and Construction.
9. EWMC Title 16 – Subdivisions.
10. EWMC Title 17 – Zoning.
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11. EWMC Title 18 - Environment
121.Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan, City of East Wenatchee,
January 21, 1987.
132. East Wenatchee Shorelines Master Program, February 20, 1975.
134. Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, City of East Wenatchee.
154.Douglas County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan for Chelan
and Douglas Counties.
15. Comprehensive Water Plan, East Wenatchee Water District, March 1989.
16. Regulation 1 of Douglas County - Air Pollution Control Commission.
18.06.250 Appeals.
A. Unless otherwise provided by this section, appeals authorized under this chapter
shall be of the governmental action together with its accompanying environmental
B. Appeals of environmental determinations made (or lacking) under this chapter shall
be commenced within the time required to appeal the governmental action which is
the subject of environmental review as set forth in EWMC 19.076.040(B) as now
exists or as may be hereafter amended and within the time limit set forth in
subsection D of this section.
C. Any interested party with standing may appeal a threshold determination, adequacy
of a final EIS and conditions or denials of a requested action made by a non-elected
city official pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section. No other SEPA
appeal shall be allowed.
D. All appeals filed pursuant to this section must be filed in writing with the city clerk
within 15 calendar days from the date of the environmental decision appealed. All
appeals shall contain a specific statement of reasons why the appellant believes the
decision of the responsible official is in error.
E. On receipt of a timely notice of appeal and an appeal fee as set by city council
resolution, the appeal, except for an appeal of a determination of significance, shall
be consolidated with the hearing on the underlying permit before the hearing body
as set forth in RCW 19.01.030(C), as now exists or as may be hereafter amended.
The appeal of a determination of significance may occur before the city’s final
decision on a proposed action. Such appeals shall be decided by the board of
adjustment. Should no hearing be required on the underlying permit, the city clerk
shall advise the board of adjustment of the pendency of the appeal and request that
a date for considering the appeal at an open record hearing be established.
F. For those permits for which a final decision must be issued by the city council as set
forth in EWMC 19.01.030, and for which an open record hearing is held by a
recommending hearing body or responsible city official other than the city council,
the action of the hearing body or responsible official shall be a recommendation to
the city council. The city council will decide the appeal by closed record review.
G. All relevant evidence shall be received during the hearing of the appeal and the
decision shall be made de novo. The procedural determination by the city’s
responsible official shall carry substantial weight in any appeal proceeding.
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H. For any appeal under this section, the city shall provide for a record that shall consist
of the following:
1. Findings and conclusions;
2. Testimony under oath; and
3. A taped or written transcript of the open record hearing.
I. Upon filing a judicial appeal, any certified copies or written transcripts required for
such shall be prepared by the city clerk at the expense of the appellant.
J. The city shall give official notice as set forth in WAC 197-11-680 as now exists or as
may be hereafter amended whenever it issues a permit or approval for which a
statute or ordinance establishes a time limit for commencing judicial appeal. Judicial
appeals must be brought within the time limit established by statute or ordinance and
the SEPA appeal must be brought within 30 calendar days after official notice.
Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680(4)(d) as now exists or as may be hereafter amended,
the appellant shall, prior to commencing a judicial appeal, submit to the responsible
official a notice of intent to commence with judicial appeal. This notice of intent shall
be given within the time period for commencing a judicial appeal on the underlying
governmental action.
18.06.260 Notice/statute of limitations.
A. The city, applicant for, or proponent of an action may publish a notice of action
pursuant to RCW 43.21C.080 for any action.
B. The form of the notice shall be substantially in the form provided in WAC 197-11-990.
The notice shall be published by the city clerk, applicant or proponent pursuant to
RCW 43.21C.080.
18.06.270 Definitions – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended, by reference, as supplemented in this chapter:
197-11-700 Definitions.
197-11-702 Act.
197-11-704 Action.
197-11-706 Addendum.
197-11-708 Adoption.
197-11-710 Affected tribe.
197-11-712 Affecting.
197-11-714 Agency.
197-11-716 Applicant.
197-11-718 Built environment.
197-11-720 Categorical exemption.
197-11-721 Closed record appeal
197-11-722 Consolidated appeal.
197-11-724 Consulted agency.
197-11-726 Cost-benefit analysis.
197-11-728 County/city.
197-11-730 Decision maker.
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197-11-732 Department.
197-11-734 Determination of nonsignificance (DNS).
197-11-736 Determination of significance (DS).
197-11-738 EIS.
197-11-740 Environment.
197-11-742 Environmental checklist.
197-11-744 Environmental document.
197-11-746 Environmental review.
197-11-748 Environmentally sensitive area.
197-11-750 Expanded scoping.
197-11-752 Impacts.
197-11-754 Incorporation by reference.
197-11-756 Lands covered by water.
197-11-758 Lead agency.
197-11-760 License.
197-11-762 Local agency.
197-11-764 Major action.
197-11-766 Mitigated DNS.
197-11-768 Mitigation.
197-11-770 Natural environment.
197-11-772 NEPA.
197-11-774 Nonproject.
197-11-775 Open record hearing
197-11-776 Phased review.
197-11-778 Preparation.
197-11-780 Private project.
197-11-782 Probable.
197-11-784 Proposal.
197-11-786 Reasonable alternative.
197-11-788 Responsible official.
197-11-790 SEPA.
197-11-792 Scope.
197-11-793 Scoping.
197-11-794 Significant.
197-11-796 State agency.
197-11-797 Threshold determination.
197-11-799 Underlying governmental action.
18.06.280 Compliance with SEPA – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now existing or
hereafter amended, by reference, as supplemented in this chapter:
197-11-900 Purpose of this part.
197-11-902 Agency SEPA policies.
197-11-916 Application to ongoing actions.
197-11-920 Agencies with environmental expertise.
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197-11-922 Lead agency rules.
197-11-924 Determination of the lead agency.
197-11-926 Lead agency for governmental proposals.
197-11-928 Lead agency for public and private proposals.
197-11-930 Lead agency for private projects with one agency with jurisdiction.
197-11-932 Lead agency for private projects requiring licenses from more than one
agency, when one of the agencies is a county/city.
197-11-934 Lead agency for private projects requiring licenses from a local agency,
not a county/city and one or more state agencies.
197-11-936 Lead agency for private projects requiring licenses from more than one
state agency.
197-11-938 Lead agencies for specific proposals.
197-11-940 Transfer of lead agency status to a state agency.
197-11-942 Agreements on lead agency status.
197-11-944 Agreements on division of lead agency duties.
197-11-946 DOE resolution of lead agency disputes.
197-11-948 Assumption of lead agency status.
18.06.290 Environmentally sensitive areas.*
*See Chapter 18.12 EWMC, Critical Areas.
18.06.300 Fees.
The city shall require the following nonrefundable fees for its activities in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter:
A. Threshold Determination. For every environmental checklist and revised
environmental checklist the city reviews when it is lead agency, the city shall collect
a nonrefundable fee from the proponent of the proposal before it undertakes the
threshold determination. The city council shall set the amount of the nonrefundable
fee for a threshold determination by resolution. The time periods provided by this
chapter for making a threshold determination shall not begin to run until payment of
fees. When the city assists the applicant or completes the environmental checklist at
the applicant’s request or under EWMC 18.06.120(E), the city shall collect an
additional fee equal to the estimated actual cost of providing the assistance.
B. Environmental Impact Statement.
1. When the city is the lead agency for a proposal requiring an EIS and the
responsible official determines that city employees shall prepare the EIS, the city
shall charge and collect a reasonable fee from any applicant to cover costs,
including overhead, the city incurs in preparing the EIS. The responsible official
shall advise the applicant of the projected costs for the EIS prior to actual
2. The responsible official may determine that the city will contract directly with a
consultant for preparation of an EIS, or a portion of the EIS, for activities initiated
by some persons or entity other than the city and may bill such costs and
expenses directly to the applicant. Such consultants shall be selected by the city.
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3. The applicant shall pay the projected amount to the city prior to commencing
work. The city will refund the excess, if any, at the completion of the EIS. If the
city’s costs exceed the projected costs, the applicant shall immediately pay the
excess. If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer required, the
responsible official shall refund any fees collected under subsection (B)(1) or (2)
of this section which remain after incurred costs, including overhead, are paid.
C. The city shall collect a nonrefundable fee from an applicant to cover the cost of
meeting the public notice requirements of this chapter relating to the applicant’s
proposal. The city council shall set the amount of the nonrefundable fee by
D. The city may charge any person for copies of any document prepared under this
chapter, and for mailing the document, in a manner provided by Chapter 42.17
RCW, as now existing or hereinafter amended.
E. If review of the application involves scientific, technical or specialized knowledge
beyond the capabilities of city staff, the city may hire experts to review the
application and shall charge the applicant for such expense.
18.06.310 Forms – Adoption by reference.
The city adopts the following forms and sections of Chapter 197-11 WAC, as now
existing or hereafter amended, by reference:
197-11-960 Environmental checklist.
197-11-965 Adoption notice.
197-11-970 Determination of nonsignificance (DNS).
197-11-980 Determination of significance and scoping notice (DS).
197-11-985 Notice of assumption of lead agency status.
197-11-990 Notice of action.
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East Wenatchee
Council Agenda Bill
To: Mayor Crawford and Council
From/Presenter: Garren Melton, Public Works Manager
Subject: Resolution 2022-35 5th St NE Safe Routes to School Projects – Right of Way
Administrative Settlement Project Number 2019-08
Date: August 16, 2022
I.Summary Title:
A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to
execute an Administrative Settlement for Project Parcel Number 8 on the Sterling
Safe Routes to School project.
In summer 2019 the City of East Wenatchee was notified that it had received two
Safe Routes to School grants for sidewalks, streetlights, pedestrian crossing
improvements, and stormwater enhancements for Kenroy Elementary School, and
Sterling Junior High School. The Grants include a total of $3,936,466 in federal
funding ($1,937,791 for Sterling, and $1,998,675 for Kenroy) for the design, right of
way acquisition and construction of the projects.
The right of way process for federally funded projects has very specific procedures
that must be followed for any Temporary Construction Easements (TCE’s) or right of
way acquisitions. This project needs primarily TCE’s, which are for tying existing
driveways into the proposed sidewalk, or in areas where proposed improvements in
the right of way requires access to the owner’s property to construct.
Offers have been made to property’s where TCEs are needed, and responses are
beginning to come in. Initial offers were based off what an appraisal determined was
fair market value for the area within the TCE, in addition to improvements that will
be damaged or removed because of the project. Owners may negotiate following the
initial offer.
If the owner and City can agree upon a price that is supported by market data, the
City can sign an Administrative Settlement for more than the initial offer with
Council approval. This process can be cost effective for the City because it avoids the
need for the City to initiate condemnation proceedings and trial. This specific
settlement reflects an increase of $2,403 from the City’s initial offer amount of
$6,400 to $8,800.
City of
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III. Recommended Action:
Approve Resolution 2022-35 authorizing the Mayor to approve the administrative
settlement for project parcel number 8 on the Sterling Safe Routes to School Project.
1.Resolution 2022-35
Financial Data
Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required
$8,800 170,500 No
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City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2022-35 with Exhibit A
Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State
Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1)
Page 1 of 2
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Resolution No. 2022-35
A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing
the Mayor to execute an Administrative Settlement for the East
Wenatchee – Sterling Safe Routes to School, Pedestrian Improvements,
Project Parcel Number: 8.
1.Alternate format.
1.1. Para este documento en un formato alternativo (español,
Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), comuníquese con la secretar ia de
la Ciudad en alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, al (509)
884-9515 o al 711 (TTY).
1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish,
Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at
alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at
711 (TTY).
2.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City
Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define
the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees.
3.Authorization. The City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute
an administrative settlement that conforms to the terms set forth in
Exhibit A.
4.Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any
provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration
shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution.
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City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2022-35 with Exhibit A
Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State
Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1)
Page 2 of 2
5.Effective date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately.
Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting
thereof on this day of , 2022.
The City of East Wenatchee,
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Approved as to form only:
Robert R. Siderius, City Attorney
Filed with the City Clerk:
Passed by the City Council:
Effective Date:
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Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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Exhibit A 8/16/2022 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
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East Wenatchee
Council Agenda Bill
To: Mayor and Council
From/Presenter: Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Subject: Resolution 2022-43 confirming the appointment of Curtis
Lillquist to the position of Community Development Director.
Date: August 16, 2022
I.Summary Title:
Resolution No. 2022-40 - A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee,
Washington confirming the appointment of Curtis Lillquist to the
position of Community Development Director effective September 01,
Due to the retirement of the current Community Development Director
on September 30, 2022, Mayor Crawford has promoted Community
Development Manager Curtis Lillquist as Community Development
Director effective September 01, 2022.
This confirmation would allow a 30-day overlap for transitional purposes.
III.Recommended Action:
Motion to approve Resolution 2022-43, confirming the Mayor's
appointment of Curtis Lillquist as the Community Development Director
for the City of East Wenatchee effective September 01, 2022.
Financial Data
Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required
$0 $1,500 $o
City of
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City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2022-43 Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) Page 1 of 2
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Resolution No. 2022-43
A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington confirming the
appointment of Curtis Lillquist to the position of Community Development
Director effective September 01, 2022.
1.Alternate format.
1.1. Para leer este documento en un formato alternativo (español, Braille,
leer en voz alta, etc.), comuníquese con la secretaria de la Ciudad en
alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711
1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read
aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-
wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY).
2.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to
organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers,
functions and duties of its officers and employees.
2.2. EWMC 2.09.010 authorizes the mayor to appoint a community
development director, subject to confirmation by the City Council.
3.Recital. Mayor Crawford appointed Curtis Lillquist to the Position of
Community Development Director effective September 01, 2022.
4.Authorization. The City Council confirms the Mayor's appointment of
Curtis Lillquist as the Community Development Director for the City of
East Wenatchee effective September 01, 2022.
5.Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any
provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration shall
not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution.
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City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2022-43 Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) Page 2 of 2
6.Effective date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately.
Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof
on this 16th day of August, 2022.
The City of East Wenatchee,
By ________________________
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Approved as to form only:
Robert R. Siderius, City Attorney
Filed with the City Clerk: ___8/11/2022___
Passed by the City Council: ___8/16/2022___
Effective Date: ___8/16/2022___
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From:Trautmann, Cara
Subject:Spectrum Pacific West, LLC ("SPECTRUM") Programming Update 08.01.2022
Date:Monday, August 1, 2022 2:11:00 PM
Spectrum Pacific West, LLC (“Spectrum”), locally known as Spectrum, is noticing its customers that
on or around September 1, 2022, TVG & TVG HD located on Spectrum Channel 425 & 700 will
rebrand to FanDuel TV & FanDuel TV HD on the channel lineup serving your community.
To view a current channel lineup, visit www.Spectrum.com/channels.
If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact me at 360.936.0522 or via
email at stafford.strong@charter.com.
Stafford Strong | Senior Manager, State Government Affairs - Washington | C: 360-936-0522
222 NE Park Plaza Drive, #231| Vancouver, WA 98684
E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are
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From:Trautmann, Cara
Subject:Spectrum Pacific West, LLC ("SPECTRUM") Programming Update 08.08.2022
Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 4:45:55 PM
Spectrum Pacific West, LLC (“Spectrum”), locally known as Spectrum, has become aware that on or
around August 20, 2022, GAC Family located on Spectrum Channel 156 SD & 869 HD will be
rebranded from GAC Family to Great American Family on the channel lineup serving your
To view a current channel lineup, visit www.Spectrum.com/channels.
If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact me at 360.936.0522 or via
email at stafford.strong@charter.com.
Stafford Strong | Senior Manager, State Government Affairs - Washington | C: 360-936-0522
222 NE Park Plaza Drive, #231| Vancouver, WA 98684
E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are
intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged
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is strictly prohibited.
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