HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/23/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to excuse Councilmember McCourt from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Joan Sims, Nick Gerde, Randy Harrison, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES Mayor Lacy presented Certificates of Appreciation to participants who completed a Community Service Drainage Pond Improvement Project for the City of East Wenatchee to: Carlos Xavier Flynn, Dan Davies, Brandon Flynn, Mac Weldin, Devon Hedding, Zach Northrup, Collin Valeson, Mason Anderson, Elder Pellett, Elder Frahm, and Chase Davies. PRESENTATION Chelan -Douglas Health District Administrator, Barry Kling, introduced the Chair of the Board, Douglas County Commissioner, Ken Stanton, Director of Health and Community Preparedness, Mary Small, Public Health Nursing Director, Bev Neher, Environmental Health Director, Marc Marquis, Environmental Health Specialist, Peter Jacobsen, and Accountant, Diane Forhan. Mr. Kling gave a presentation regarding the Health District's 2009 budget deficit including the recently eliminated programs and staff cuts which consist of: Layoffs: More than 13 full-time positions were cut from these programs: Lab (1), immunization (3.5), land use staff working with development and real estate (1), emergency preparedness (1), fiscal (1), maternal support program for new, low-income mothers called First Steps (2.8). Three more positions will be cut when a five-year grant for community health and fitness expires after this year; Immunizations: The health district will stop offering immunizations, including flu shots, at its main East Wenatchee clinic. The health district will still send immunization outreach clinics to rural communities with limited access to other providers and help coordinate public education about immunization: Lab: The lab investigates outbreaks and tests water quality. Staff will be reduced to one person. Testing fees will increase to match those of local, private companies. Fees: Increased fees for personal health, including vaccinations, tuberculosis testing and consultations with child care centers working with infants. z •suuld 13uip pie uoiluuuojui joSpnq oisuq opnioui Ilion uoiluluosa.id aqI pit,s OH '.iagoloo 3o pua aqI �q ipounoo aqI aoj uoiluluasoid u Buiinpogos oludioiluu xoldsuodS oqi jo sluudiotlit,d aql pappu OH •It,sodoid xaidspodS oql glinn pan,ionui siunpinipu► aql gllee 3iaann siql .ialui palnpogos Builoaui u suq aq plus ,COwj IOXU ^I luodd2I SHOAVW '80OZ lsnBnV gBnoigl Ii.idd 3o sgluoui oql .ioj salodai oiniipuodxo put, onuanaa oql pannatnaJ apiaD *JW •Buili.ien ui i.uodw of suiali ou pt,q puu 14io oql jo sluauialuls Iuiouuug oql poltpnt, Xlingss000ns ant,q s,aoltpnd olulS aql lugl Butlt,ls l.iodag It,iouuui3 Iunuuu oql uo olt,pdn uu ant,8 apioD 3IoiN .ioloaii(I oouuui3/aainsuajL A4iD Sluodan .LAidWINVdad •Ioi.ilstQ anilulsiBa7 VZI agI3o antlt,luasa.ida-d alulS loj Buiuuni olupipuuo u su jlosioq paonpo.ilui `xoZ) AoulinoD ' Cot, -I loAuw glinn o2pi.iplg •sW jo ua3lul moon sologd •t,a.iu aaq ui sluiogjo oulgnd laauu of SUM sailinilot, s,ipuu.ig 3o auo `=, Bo.id ImoSud poop uoiaauid ssiw oql jo Ixed sd •uoiBuigsuM `aag0it,uaM Isug Jo ssaoui.id uolSutgsuM ss'W 60OZ-80OZ agl `aBpt.ipig tpuuig poonpoilui Xowj .ioXuW simawwoa NHZIIIO •ss000.id IaBpnq s,XIiD oql Sui.inp possnosip oq Ipm Isonboi sigl ptus put, uoiluuu.iojui aql Toj Buulx '.1w pa31uugl fou-1 IOXL'W •1014suCI gllt,aH OTJO uoiluzIM210 oql pz2uugo anuq suoilisod nnoq pauiuldxa Builx 'jW auaA nnaM agl ui palt,u!-wilo oq Ilion suoilisod osogl jo auo put, usual IuauuaBt,uuui oql jo liud aq �Clgt,nBau pinoo g0ignn IuOsg aqI ui suoilisod ino� osiu aiu aiagl plus OH •suos.iod .ino3 sopnioui uit,ol luauiaBuut,uu aql alup sigl Jo sd gjo piel seen uosiod it,gl put, auoX Isui paluuiuuilo suns sooinias :poddns .io3 uoilisod .ioluilsiuiuipd alt,i00ssd aqI Pius OH '£OOZ IN uugl nnou .ialit,uis si uit,al Iuauuostut,uu oql plus Suilx •jW •sliogop IaBpnq luoilno oql of onp olulS jo iu.iapa3 Xq Ino Buinoa ? oq lou Ilion ioi.ilsiQ glluaH sulBnoQ-uulagD oql It,gl suoilduunssu aqI uo pasuq on, so.inBg osagl pappt, OH •Suipuig posodoid oql lnoglinn io `glinn suodduq lugnn sloidap goignn ut,ld poloofoid it,aX ang u st,q IoiilsiQ glluaH st,lBnoQ-uulagD agi Iegl Suiluls uosugor iogw;)tuli0unoD Aq po3ist, suoilsonb of popuodsoi Sugx -JW •uni si Souo3v oql nnoq puu `ainlon.ils Iuuoiluziut,Bao oql BuipauBa.i suoilsanb It,ianas Buil}I •jW pwise uosugof .iaquiaugtounoD •Iuauuuian083o uoil0un3 01suq t, gons Buipoddns io3 uualsSs alquuiuisns u oot,ld ut Ind of alulS agl Ia8 of oslt, puu suoildo Buipunj luool a.iouu I08 01 VOJJQ apinnaluls u uo 2ui3I.ionn si 101MIQ glluaH agl pappu OH '60OZ ui BuiuuiSoq sluopisa.i sli jo goua ioj XIiunuut, mllop auo aingiuuoo of aagoluuaM Isug jo 14i0 ogl paNsu Bugx -jw •aa.iBu sailio Buuludioiliud oql Ilu st, Buol su it,sodoid sigl of pooj& anuq saulunoD sulBno(I puu uulagD •1014siQ glluaH sulBnoQ uulogD agl jo saulio Builudioiliud ogl3o goua W04 uliduo-.lad lollop auo puu soilunoD sulBno(I puu uulogD uu sumo poltmodioouuun oql uio.g Buupunj glluaq oilgnd Iunuut, jo ulidt,o-.tad milop auo luuoilippu ut, .ioj si It,sodoid Buipunl aqI pits Builx •.iyg 'Ioulsla gllt,aH OTJO sluauissossu oql of Suiglauuos aingiuuoo of soilunoD gloq ui loulsiQ gllt,aH aql puu sailio oql 3Isu of paRiauuo Iusodoid u Iuogap oql aBt,uuuu of Builuuu oq pinonn Ioi.ilsi(I glluaH oql sino agl Suip,iuBaa suoissnosip Bui inp lugl pies Suii)I '•iW 800Z `£Z 2HHgW'J,LddS SEI Lf1At W 'IDISMOD 3H HD LVNHM ISVd JO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 Mayor Lacy appointed Councilmember's Johnson, Raab, and Bremmer to serve on the 2009 Budget Committee and said the first meeting will be held on September 30, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, September 9, 2008 -- Special Session, September 16, 2008 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. (Buckner abstained) Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, September 23, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 20654 through 20728 in the total amount of $113,892.71. Warrant numbers 20654 through 20728 were voided. ACTION ITEMS 08-09-06 A request from Eastmont Youth Baseball to waive fees associated with a City of East Wenatchee Street Cut Permit for Georgia Street. Street Superintendent Mauseth said the Eastmont Youth Baseball is utilizing the baseball fields at the Eastmont Metropolitan Parks District facilities on Georgia Street. He said the Eastmont Youth Baseball have submitted a permit to place a waterline upgrade under the public roadway on Georgia Street. He said they have also requested the City waive all fees associated with the permit for their non-profit organization. He added the scheduled work would provide a watering system to maintain the infields, assist with the pre game preparations, and provide dust control. The permit fee would cost $250.00 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to approve a request from Eastmont Youth Baseball to waive fees associated with a City of East Wenatchee Street Cut Permit for Georgia Street. The motion carried, 6-0. 08-09-07 A request for approval of Right -of -Way Agreement with CHM Homes, Inc., concerning occupancy of right-of-way located at the corner of Eastmont Avenue and 10TH Street NE. Mr. Poulson said according to the construction plans the developer was going to build the required stormwater infiltration pond entirely on its own property, four feet from the boundary of the City's right- of-way. Without prior permission, the developer constructed the infiltration pond in such a manner that it encroaches upon the City's right-of-way. Rather than starting over to construct the pond as originally planned, the developer has asked the City to enter into an agreement so that the infiltration pond can remain where it is. Mayor Lacy asked the Council if anyone objected to him signing the agreement. Hearing no objections Mayor Lacy said he would sign the agreement. 08-09-08 Approval of the final plat of the Johnson Addition and authorization for the Mayor's signature -subject to the completion or submittal of items listed. b (.tauttua.tg) •I-S `pai.ttuo not;out 3tl1, 'iuAouza.t aot puu Mous suaanoB g31gM 80'Zi ia;dutlo puautu o; `Imqutug laqutatupounoD ,Cq puooas `uosugof iogwowlpunoD ,Cq oputu sum not;otu d :uoi;aV llaunoa Outpuat puooas o; aouuutpto ag; a;unala o; not;do sig pasto.taxo ,Caul .to,CuW •.tauuutu,Clatui;u ui auop s,CuMtu;ou sum;i puu MIUMapis tuo.g mous aualo o; olgisuodsa.t sum XIiD ag; aaagm soouu;sui WOM a.tag; `aanaMOH •aouaptsa.t .tiag; JO ;uo.tj ui 31luMapis ag; utO.g lunotua.t mous iutptu201 s;uopisat o; ;no ;uos soot;ou gutpiu&a.t s;uiuldtuoo pantaoat pug ag .tua,C ;sul osnuooq saot;ou ;no Sutpuutl uo snot;nuo Sutaq pa;saiiiins kouq ao,Cuw ;aa.t;S ag; O;ut UmO.ig; aq pinoo s)llumapts wog mous ag; SuM 3o-Itl2p Otlgnd si s3ilum3pts uo mous aouis ;ug; pius uoslnod •jW •;aa4s ag; uo jouq ;i Ind o; ,CuMani.tp .tiag; Jo ;uo g ui .to Nlumapis nag; o;uo pamold sum ;ug; mous Sutlu; Apogautos o; pouppod ;i ji pajsu pugtuug iocltuotupounoo •spopod po2uoload toj s;aat;s f4i0 ag; ui mous Buidmnp atam aldood goigm ut 80OZ-LOOZ jo .ta;uim ag; Suunp pan13331 s;uiuldtuoo oldglntu ag; o; onp Xlijutuud si o2uugo stg; pus uoslnod •jW •uot;u.tado aouuua;utuut;aa. S JO lunotuat Mous s,,C;t:) ag; s;tgigo.td sou `s;aa.t;s oq; o;ui sNlumopis otlgnd uto4 Mous JO lunotua.t ag; s;uana.td npau aa;dugo sig; `aanamog papino.td `.u2is oWt,.t; .to `St,m jo-;g2iii `;aa.t;s ,C;tD ,Cut,uodn ao o;ui `uo mous ;isodop .to gsnd `dump `slid `Mold `adu.tos o; `suuatu Xuu ,Cq `saa,Colduta ,sto;ouuuoo ao sio;out;uoo `s;ua8u `saaAoldtua .tag; so `;uudn000 `aossal `.ioumo ,Cuu io3 Injmulun si;i;ug; Bui;u;s `S£0'80-ZI o; si a8uutlo Iui;uu;sgns ag; pus uoslnod uinaQ ,CatuOUV ,C;iD 'HIVa 3AI10213351 NId 9MHSI'19VV.LSII (INIV `HSfIV"IO A.LI'IIUVHHAHS V DNIINIIVJLNI03 "IVAONH-d II3I (IN V MOMS SMHHA00 HOIHM `aGOO '1VaIOINIf1W aIIHO.LVNiIIM ,LSda all L AO 8071 2III.LaVVHO OMQN aWV `N O L0NIIHS''M `3HHO.LVN atA .LSda 30 A.LIO IIH.L 30 a3N V IICMO Nid IT-800Z 'ON 2[ON VMQ2i0 ,C.tututuns oouuuipto ag; puat br-1 jo,CuW lunotuat oat puu Mous StuOA02 goigM `apoD ludimunW sagopmoM Ing ag; jo 80•ZI .ta;dugD ftpuatuu aouuutp.to uu 3o �uipRw ;st13 60-60-80 SaJNIVNIIQ2I0 (pouiu;squ .tauttuoig) (iou3long) -I -t, poinn uot;otu oq L •pa;sil stua;i jo lu:4itugns jo uoipoldutoo oq; o;;oafgns am4uu2ts s,.to,CuW ag; azt.tog;nu put uot;ippd uosugof ag; jo;uld lung aq; anoiddu o; `;.tugu.tug .tagtuatuliounoD ,Cq puooas `s�loitpuaH .tagtuatuliouno� ,Cg aputu sum not;out d :uo.1 Ilounoj £;uld ag;Jo lunoiddu aq; iapuiq pinom ,Cum ou ut ;uq; sliu;ap louttu autos jo uot;dooxo all g;im auop uaag anuq uot;aldutoo o; ;oafgns a.tam ;ug; suta;i ag; Jo ;sour pappu aH 'L00Z `8 XvW uo ;uld pug ag; pano.tddu liounoD ,Clio ag; Pus aH •uoi;ippd uosugof aq; .toj tunoiddu lung oq; uo a;updn uu anuS "if `,C.toIS SOJO Jauttuld a;utoossd MOVE 119E1 id.Ld9S S91f1NI W 'IIDNfI0D MLIDIVN9M 1SVR 40 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 RESOLUTION 08-09-10 A resolution of the East Wenatchee City Council in support of Proposition No. 1 General Obligation Bonds for the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District. Mayor Lacy said at the September 9, 2008, City Council meeting, Council voted to adopt a resolution in support of Proposition No. 1 General Obligation Bonds for the Metropolitan Park District. He said that in order to pass a formal resolution he asked City Attorney to draft a resolution to be placed on an agenda with given notice so that opponents would have an equal opportunity to be heard before such a resolution was passed. Mayor Lacy asked if there was anyone in attendance who wished to speak regarding the proposed resolution. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner, to amend Resolution No. 2008-10 to support the proposition No. 1 general obligation bonds for the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District, which will be on the November 4, 2008, general election ballot. The motion carried, 6-0. The title of the resolution reads as follows: RESOLUTION NO.2008-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSITION NO. 1 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE EASTMONT METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT, WHICH WILL BE ON THE NOVEMBER 4, 2008 GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT. 08-09-11 A resolution establishing a uniform system for processing petitions for vacation of right- of-way. City Attorney Devin Poulson said the City has not had a uniform procedure for handling petitions for vacations of right-of-way and it has become necessary to clearly define the role and responsibilities of persons seeking to have right-of-way vacated and of City staff in administering the petition. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner, to adopt the resolution establishing a uniform system for processing petitions for vacation of right-of-way. Council discussed Section 9 of the resolution regarding dedication of revenue received as compensation for the area vacated. Mayor Lacy said in case of a financial bind or concern he could see a situation in which the City might want to dedicate that revenue somewhere else, Section 9 would seem to prohibit the City from dedicating that revenue somewhere else. He asked the City Council if they wished to consider an amendment allowing the City Council to have control over the dedicated revenue to maintenance of public open space for transportation capital projects. Mr. Poulson suggested striking section 9 all together. Councilmember Buckner said he is partial to transportation projects and therefore would like to withdraw his second to the motion. piuu.reg uuuQ 'd 00:8 — .LmajvNHrloraV '800Z `8I iagwoldoS uo plag 2ugoaw /4!1!ln alsutA piloS aqI wojj Ilodai u palliuxgns g and Taqu owpounoo '800Z `81 lsnSnd uo pjag loulsIG glluaH sujSnoQ-uujag3 oql wo.q solnuiw palliuzgns lanoDow lagwaug►ounoD S.Luoda2I Illamf100 'AVM-30-.LH9I?I 30 NOLLV3VA HOA SKOI.LI.LHd DMSS21001ld HOA WHLSAS WHOAIMfl d OAIIHSI'IEIVLSd `NO,L9MHSVM `33HO.LVNHM .LSVH 30 A,LIO dH.L 30 NOI.Lfl'IOSaU d VI-SOOZ Nol Lf1'IOSau :smolloj su spuoi uoilnlosai agl jo all►l oqs (puguTgg) 'I-S `poiuuo uoilouz oqZ •6 uopoos Supp4s of loofgns `AWA 3o-1V!I Jo uo►IuouA JOJ suotlgod 2uiss3oold joi wolsXs uuojiun u Suigs►lqulso uounjosai agI Idopu of `uosugof ioquuowj!ounoD Aq puooas `iau tuaig jogwowltounoD Aq opuui sung uopow d :uollad Ijaunoj 800Z `£Z IIagwa.LddS SRIfMW IIDMf100 aaHD LdMaAk IS` a dO A.LIO