HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/26/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 26, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember McCourt and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Lori Barnett, Nick Gerde, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Executive Director Eric Nelson, Wenatchee Valley Eastmont YMCA, submitted an income and expense summary report to City Council and thanked the City for their support of the Eastmont YMCA Aquatic Center. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Department Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth gave a presentation regarding Capital Improvements for 2009- 2010. The presentation included revenue projections, projects which are committed and funded as well as projects on hold and scenarios of different projects to be completed based on the estimated revenues and financing options. Mr. Mauseth requested approval to submit an application to the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for a Grant Road Overlay Project from Eastmont Avenue to Kentucky Avenue. He stated the application deadline is August 29, 2008. Mr. Mauseth said that in 2009-2010 the City of East Wenatchee's obligation to capital projects is $82,000.00 and with a projected $600,000.00 in revenue towards capital projects this is a good opportunity to look into which projects we should focus on including an overlay program and where to direct those funds. Councilmember Hendricks asked about the status of the Baker Avenue Project and if the City's portion was no longer funded. Mr. Mauseth explained that most of the project is located in Douglas County and due to available funding they have found it necessary to break the project into three stages. The first stage would be to construct Baker Avenue from 23rd Street NE to 27ffi Street NE. The County still needs to take this before the TIB for approval to break the project into stages. He added that there are funds committed in which they have used funding to complete the design work and right-of-way. However, they are having problems with the construction and are working with the golf course to secure an easement for the stormwater system. He added the City's portion of the project is not within our budget cycle for the next series of capital projects. Community Development Director Barnett explained that the project was principally in the County, and the County is asking that TIB take all of the construction funds and put that towards the project in the County. z •luauoddo uu of a8uluunpn .iiu3un uu oAi2 lou su os onssi oig ssnos?p of uo?ssos an.?inoaxa uu olu? Supg paisaSSns i iuqureg aaquiauq?ounoD •panoiddu uaaq lou puq lunoure uug n inq ino umoap sjoquinu uaaq puq maul plus aqS •ssaooid uoilu?loSau aqi jo osodind aqi .ioj paaoxo lou of lunoure milop u anoiddu pinoo i?ounoo 3t po3isn uouiug •sW •ololduioo of sinoq inoj Xialuuiixoiddu SuiI XIgioouis XJOA loam ss000id aqi Imp pappu off •aaoos isomol of ojoos isogS?q uioij Sups?l pozilpoud u qi?m do auioo of swoos luloi aqi palulnoluo puu palon aaii?uiuioo uo?loolos oqi qo?qm ul siuiliuigns aqi Suuoos ui pasn soon uiaisSs linod n plus aa"ong aaquiauq?ounoD •uug pog?iunb ISOM aqi gi?m suo?luI OSau olu? .ialua of iunoiddu paisonboi ilau ug •syq •?uiv3WxnW uos?llg uos3lou f IVUV puu'sioai?goad opo3 `a?zua3louW dno g `a.iam suug aazgi doi oqs •siuii?uzgns oqi moinaa of sioquiaui jjuis lujanas qi?m laui `:wn000W iaquiauq?ounoD puu `.iauiuia.ig iaquiouipunoo `aau3jong aaquiouil?ounoD plus aqS •slusodoid ZI pan?aoai 1410 aqi pun sai�md paisaialu? of ino pollum ajam sialloud I XTaluuiixoaddu plus aqS •uo?suudxg IiuH �i?� ao� luauissossd spooX ooudS u aoj sommaS SuiilnsuoD iumioai?gojd .io3 suo?luog?luni,) aoj isonbag aqi uo olupdn uu anuS ilaureg poq iolooii(I luauidoiana(I f4!unuiuioZ) luauiiiu aQivafuolanaQ A41untutuoj '0-L `Pa?uuo uoiloui oql •Suipun3 lurig otp ioj preog luautano iduq uo?luijodsuu is aqi of uoiluogddu uu i?uigns puu winui of uoiinpuauiuiooa i jjnis an,oiddu of `silo?.ipuaH .iaquiauq?ouno3 Aq pu000s `uosugo f iagwouq?ounoD Xq opuui soon uo?loui V :uoi liaunoa goluui ino Suisuajou? pun Su?punj iuuo?i?ppu .ioj utagi Su?gouozddu Alin oqi jo poddns u? gHZ aqi of �.ioddns �o zailai n ?uigns of paazSu preog an?inoaxg oqi `oompuailu ul sum aamlong .iagmauzl?ounoo go?gm u? Sutioaui (DZAAA,) i?ounoD uotiuipodsuuzZ ,�allun aagoluuaAkisul aqi lu lugi pappu giasnuyq • W •loafold aqi lams of olqu lou sum ,14?0 aqi lugs gonui os paiureoso isoo aqi uoilongsuoo aoj I.iuls of papaou loafoid aqi uogm pun aoj pa?iddu aiam spun] aqi uogm uaamiaq asdnj ouni aqi pm uagi pue `loafoad imp pmmoi Ind oq of polud?o?lun wom imp spurn SingoHnui aqi so oluuiiisa uSisap aqi IOAO ioaluoo ou puq )itD alp `oioioiogjL aqi uiozd paxauun suns i? lugi uosuoi agi ioj loafo.icl anuand bioniuoX oqi gi?m sansi oqi spu%siapun gHZ lugs pres giasnvW •ayq •loafoid anuand fioniuoN aqi su qons loofoad n ioj spuig 313uq umi am uagm MjL qi?m 14H?q?paio mo of soop i? lugm pouoilsonb .iauzuia.zg iaquiaug!ounoD •oi i?uzuioo Houuno f4!D oqi imp Su?putij jo Iluj:pogs u anuq Ilps puu loofoid agi az?sumop of Su?isonba.1 all aiojaq auioo of aunt agi sl slip ana?loq lou op am •saSuis olu? umop i? Su?ium si loafoid aqi uo uiaouoo Xluo agi puu pamoas goluui luool ino qi?m gHs of uotiuluasa•id u aVui uagi Il?m am sjulloP d LS aqi puu goluui pool ino uaamiaq paJanoo llujiogs agi anuq am oouO •goinui .uagi asnaaou? llinn Al?o aqi sniiop jo lunoure lugi uo pasuq `uagi sreiloP (dLS) ureiSoid uo?lupodsuuis a3u3mS jo3 (OCIN) uotinztuuS.iO Su?uuuld uulilodo4oW aqi of apuui oq of paau oslu li?m uo?luluosaid aqi pappu OH •goluui aqi aoj loafoad oqi spremoi ainquluoo of alqu si f4?D aqi lugm jo omSg p?los u anuq of paau Xagi uoiluluosazd aqi aaluui of .iapao ul Plus OH 'uuiagD u? plaq Su?aq Su?laom pnoq Xpopunb .nags Su?anp aaquiaidaS 3o puo aqi lu gHZ of uopuluasaad u a3luui of podoq aq pus giasnuy j •jW •saSuis olui loafoicl anuand fbioniva}l aqi areaiq of aiqu oq ll?m Xjo aqi j? ino Su?pug of spn!la i ,p A sum sniuis oqi iugm po3lsu •zauiuiaag joquiauii?ounoo `soot `gz ZSnJnd Sainte'HDN lOD aaHDIV 1aAk ISdEI 3O AIID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES EXECUTIVE SESSION AUGUST 26, 2008, At 7:14 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a five minute executive session to review negotiations on the performance of a publicly bid contract. Council reconvened at 7:19 p.m. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to move forward with the process to approve Group Mackenzie for the purpose of negotiations to determine a firm figure and if a negotiation cannot be reached, to negotiate with the Forte Architects. The motion carried, 7-0. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy commended Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde on having a good handle on the financial status for the City. He said as Mayor he certainly feels much more comfortable in terms of having a handle on the financial picture for the City. Mayor Lacy said there was an issue that had come up at the previous Council meeting with regards to the elevation of ordinances to second reading and asked staff to research what the City established as far as protocol. He said they have followed a protocol that was used while he was on the City Council and assumed that was the necessary protocol. Therefore, he was interestingly surprised to find that it is not protocol based on a Resolution that was passed by the City Council in March of 1990, which reads: RESOLUTION NO.90-5 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. All proposed Ordinances shall be read at least twice and at two (2) separate meetings of the Council before a final vote on an Ordinance may be called. Subsequent to the second reading and at the same meeting, an Ordinance may be voted upon by the Council. 2. The Mayor at his/her discretion or the Council, upon a unanimous vote of the Councilmembers present at the first reading of an Ordinance, may suspend the requirement that the two (2) readings of the Ordinance take place at two (2) separate meetings of the Council. 3. The reading of an Ordinance may consist of the reading of the title only or a reading of the entire Ordinance, at the Mayor's discretion. Mayor Lacy said the change that he noticed is that the Mayor can elevate the ordinance to second reading as well as Council. However, the vote must to be unanimous. Mayor Lacy said at the last Council meeting he came away with a definite understanding, although the minutes do not reflect that there was ever any actual action taken, that it was the Council's consensus was that we move forward with efforts to explore the sale of property on P Street SE to Apple Valley Honda Mayor Lacy said he has had contact with Mr. McLaughlan over this issue who is anxious to move forward on this project. However, Mr. McLaughlin understood the subject to still be in negotiations. Councilmember Barnhart recused himself from the discussion due to potential conflict of interest. City Clerk Dana Barnard indicated to Mayor Lacy that on page three of the Council minutes it indicated that there was a motion made which read, a motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Iuana sill Suunp oouupuallu ui aaam saagtuouzltouno3 umt,siyj aiI do jju st' ooiu sum loilm Ianbut'g ouioojam all Suunp ung of poluosaad aq jjugoslaq paidt'adolnu a p panoj igsp(ouuX ToXuW plus Xoul ioXuW d. 4 Indss000ns f lan la and oputu loigm xaom jo smog Iu.ianas ui Suillnd aai oSol jjam AJan p03I.10m °uagaQ adim s,,iowj aoArw puu `joauD adim siq plus OH 'sllnPu 0 j puu saaguuaol },j do 31ou.4 Stndaaal do qof ogpol t' pip XouZ •saW plus uosugo f jogtuoug!ouno3 •oldumxo ula Sutpinoad puu tpnoX aaglo slim Suiluap do suual ui pulaq ui pueq somoo goigm Alianit'ut put' lualul aiatg do suuol ui smo,i ui pug anug Xoip Iugl XIjufoa do sdnoB Isoq aqI do ouo aaam Xllufoa tuossojg olddV oaigl ail lull pappt' OH •Indss000ns Haan sum dial ail o3pi sjaad oq pue salt'salaQ puas of r4i0 ail smoliu gaigm joSpnq aiI oI spaui?aa glim ItounoO all tuog poddns alp sallatoaaddu oq pappt' aH •pagsijdtu000u sum sill sanaijaq put, aoAuW mou ail glim digsuoilulaa A410 aals!S aiI AdiPijos oI sum tuiq and dial agldo osodmd aql pilas Aou7 aoStW •saluSala(j oql lnoqu ssuigl aoiu AJan pit's tgsp�auu}j aoXuW dial alldo puo aiI IV •umusiW oI Ianual of uagl puu uudurdo juliduo juuoilipual 1jlaui2iao ail oas of oloX}j of okjo L mog dial u aVl of ssud ail pasn Rags •3Iaam u and uudv f u! Ianual paliuzijun tuagl pamollu lull ssud Iiva uudlar u Suisugoand st, ions `Islad ail ui ouop Iou plaq Sail lull dial sill uo s2mip autos op oI ajqu aaam Mail plus Xou-IaoX7aW •uudu f `umusiW oI dial nail Sul -MP laagaQ a31m siq slim Suolu 3Iaom aaq jju and aloat'o a31m siq Xjjuioadso puu uosugo f iogwoUq!ouno3 poTMgl Xolarj ao�iuw '0-L `Paiaiuo uoilotu all •antaQ aui10i11 put' gS Iaaals p3£ do aauaoo lsamglnos ail it, paluool AIaadoad and ss000ad jusreaddu uu opnjoui 11pA goigm )Wodoad aiI do plus aqI ozuoglnu of `aauNong aaquiatujiounoD Aq puooas °aaunuaag aaquiouq!ounoD Aq opuw sum uoilouz V :uotlaV ljounoa •IiounoO ail tuoad uotsioap Iutuaod u Isonbaa pjnom aq allas ail o3jum oI aapao ui Apadoad aiI do jt'stuaddt' uu lltm pat'maod snout oI BuioS si f4iD all di Pius Pula uoillaoU!njo jt'uoiliPPu aiI and Ilauaug •sj^I PON"gl AouZ aoAuyg -Alaadoad ail oslagoand oI pogsim aai;ua lnq `uoildo oslaal aiI ui polsaaalut Iou aaam ,fail Iugl pollaoipui 1u7ajgSnu-j3j^I ppo jL `aaBlaut'w Iuaau00 s,upuoH AaIIuA olddd lull Suiloow IiounoO 1800Z `ZI IsanV aqI it, sum Ii pula Suilaatu jiounoD `800Z `ZZ Ajnf aqI tuog aau of Suuaadaa sum pauuat'g •sW lull salnuitu aiI Iugl plus llauxug •sjg •sopq!oud aalumuuols amind and spund ail of uo ploq ulao )�410 aiI pappu OH 'sajltjioud aalumuuols uilalureuz of sum °pasn oq of aaam Mail gaiim and osodmd juuisiao ail osnlaoaq plos si c4jodwd ail di spund asogl do osn do suuol ui palitutl si ,fliD aiI lull Suiput'lsaapun sil sum li aouis spund ail llim op uuo f4i0 aiI It,gm oI Sumimaad Suilaatu Iiounoo `800Z `ZI IsanV aiI it, uoissnosip u sum aaail asnuoaq a3It'l Xutu f1iO aiI goigm ut ss000ad ail )iduujo of puu A410doad Ilan iod anjun pasit'addla ula �uilsijqulsa do ssaoozd u uo pup ngtua aq pjnom f4iD aiI It'll ut'jg2nu-I3W •aj^j pauuodui OH •possud li puu uoilotu u sum aaagl Imp auolo si li moN •opuui uaaq pug uoiloux u aaglagm of su auoloun sum ai Ilagl uxiq plol puq ai aagla `uagl °paumaod annul oI sum loafoad sill lull Suipuulsaapun siq sum It IMP 3100m sill uoillasaanuoo mall 8uunp ut'jtl�nt'Zojg aj�j pjol al pit's Xot,-j ao�iuj�l (pasnoaa vuquaug) •0-9 `paumo uoilotu aqs •Alaadoad sigi do asuaj ao alt's aqI and upuoH XaljuA olddd gljm aluilo2ou olddt'ls c4i3 mollu of `Jou3jong ioquzaug!ouno3 `800Z `9Z .LSflDfiv SE11 IMM 'IIoNnOO jaRD1vx2IM lsva d0 UIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 26, 2008, CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, July 22, 2008 2. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, August 12, 2008 3. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 7-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, August 26, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 20541 through 20613 in the total amount of $345,251.60. Warrant numbers 20561, 20562 & 20582 were voided. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 26622 through 26706, and direct deposit payroll warrant numbers 00194 through 00212, in the total amount of $324,063.05, paid August 5, 2008, for the month of July 2008. ACTION ITEMS 08-08-06 Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Option Contract for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate. Councilmember Hendricks asked what the ("Notice of Exercise") means in section one which was added to the contract. Mayor Lacy said the notice of exercise means an option to purchase. When you actually pursue an option to purchase you have to give notice of your intent to exercise the option under terms of the option. Mayor Lacy said he had received a clarification from City Attorney Poulson indicating he had made an error in advice given to Council regarding whether the City could opt out if the City does not feel they could financially move forward with the City Hall Expansion Project. At the August 12, 2008, City Council meeting Mr. Poulson indicated that was not an option. The language added to the contracts clarifies that the buyer has no obligation to purchase the property. Therefore, if the space needs analysis states that the property satisfies our needs and we accept it, East Wenatchee Investments, LLC, will pay up to $35,000 towards the analysis and if the City decides to choose something different then the City shall pay the $35,000. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt, to authorize the Mayor to sign an Option Contract for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate. The motion carried, 5-2. (Hendricks and Bremmer) 08-08-12 Authorization to negotiate, fmalize and complete an agreement acceptable to the City for the expanded banking relationship with Banner Bank. City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde said the City needs to have financial flexibility as they conduct the normal business operations of the City. He said due to the stream of our revenues we end up at times during the year when our financial resources fluctuate. For the past few years the City has completed some major capital improvement projects in which the City had significant cost sharing agreements. These included the Badger Mountain Road Project, Central Business District Improvement smolio3 sg spuoi oouuuipTo ail jo Xmillums oU (uosugor pule linODOW) •Z-S °paureo uopow atu -reiSw oql uBis of io vW ail oziaoglnt pug SpuTt'3-01BulS pagotlop oI Ailumd-OISMS uTog slot uitivoo uo sliun Buillomp 3o ol,fls agl 2MBuugo oouuulpio oql Idopu of ` ouuuazg Taquiougiouno3 Xq puooas `guug TaqutauglounoD Xq oputu suns uoilouT d :uoilay llounoa •dleui Iuld popuouTu oql uSis of iofvW aql zoJ ltnojddu io3 po3ist aqS -uoilou popuoulwooaa ail ul g2noagl poumo lou sum oftnBuui Iggl `.zanamoH •aouuuip•zo sigl slouuo goigm duui Itid popuoum ail uSis of zoAtw agl aoj uoiltzuoglnu polsonbai osit pug aqs ipounoD oql of iulliuTgns iuuiBi.To ail glim plus IlauTug -sW •aloe, iiuo aloa t a3lul iiim oq uosugop joquzaugounoo ,iq sluouTuToo aql jo IgBg ui pigs Sowi aosuw 'AIlUJgd -aiBuiS pagolelap of Spumi-aiBuiS uzo4 slot uiupoo uo sliun Sunlamp jo arils aqI aBuugo of aouuuipip DIP jo oSussgd uo ou alon of spualuT oq `aiojaaagZ jo areo ua3lul are suiali osagl amsuo of spun] luoioWns SuTnuq uoiluioossd s,aaumO auToH ail pug `snudoj `BuTmoid `laags aluniTd aqI jo suual ul sn oliq of 313uq auToo liim oouleuipio sigl jo oBussud lugl siaa3 aH •uoissiuTuToo Buiuut'id agl Jo uollupuauzuTooa.T agl IsuitBu soo8 IT gnogl uan,a pug BuOJM si uoTlupuaunTT000i slipIugl siaaj oq plus uosugop aaquTawpounoD 'xIiuTu3-alBuiS pagoulap of AiiuTt'3-ojSuiS wozg slot uiuvoo uo sliun BuTiiampjo alcls agI aBuugo of `IuauTdoiana(j Itun pauuleld sallelsg aBpig 3130g su umoiq Xiuouiwoo loofoid aqI .Toj 17Z-90 ooutuipio Suipuzan oouuuipTo ut 3o Suipum pu000S 01-80-80 sajNvNlcrdo (s)loiIpuoH) • 1-9 `paiuno uopow ag.L '000`00S$ 3o IiuTli iuiliui uu gllm Itpan 3o Dull u opnioui of Tog iouuug glim digsuoilleiai Bui3iuuq ail putdxa of isonboi agI anoiddu of `uosugor aaquTauTliounoD Xq puooas `lrequreg TagtuouTiiouno:) Xq opuuz suns uoilouT V :uoilad llaunoa •IuouTaoj& slip olui .Talua am su 3o aremu aq pinogs ,-4lD ail suoiltnlis iunsnun Xuu io soilLm mood Xuu Inoqu zolipnV alulS ail oI Bui311ul of palliunuoo aq pinom oq pappu aH •Ilpaao JO auil ail Suipunouns s[olouj Dip jo Auu Swpnioui saouulleq gsto olqulilenu uo noX of poluasazdai liodai Iuiouuug Iguuou u m Iiounoo of umou31 oq pinom suoilousuuzl aqI plus aH •suq fq!o ail slun000u Iuauno agI Buouile Xiluaiogja panouT oq of /.auouT .Toj ssaooid �-OpXIana analog uu si ioigm lloiXud puu sluouTXud Suinssi allgm saoutug fflio jo IualuoStuuuT gsuo ioj si siTil plus OH •Iipaso Jo Dull Iugl Suissaoou Jo suoilipuoo put' suuol agI sagiluapt Itpa.To jo Dull aqI pius ap.TaD •ryq -sluouzaimbai magl Blinn Aouanoou omsuo of oogjp s,jolipnv olulS aql Bunn possnosip oq pinom l000loid ail 3i puu IiounoD 3o Iunoiddu Suinuq Iscg Inoillm Ilpaao 3o ouil undo uu jo osn Bupluiu jo sn2uup Dill Suipm2oj swoouoo possajdxo pug suoilsanb po3isu Iiounoo ',14l1iglxag jo pupi Iuil anuq of sn ioj luopnid oq pinom lT lugl san ailoq `,ilio oql do saouuug aqI It' BuT1001 ui put III panlon ul oq of sigl a3iil uoTlgzluuBao ut joj uoilunlis iunsn puu uouTTuoo u sl Ilpa.zo Jo Dull u pappu ail -aniltuTaliu Bulouleug .Taglout anuq am Buloutug uual Buol 30 luauTliuuuoo u To spun] IuauTan oidun longs aoj oq IT iaglagm spun] joj TUOU41U UToo g a)luw of paau om uagm souni are ojogl uagm Iugl os Tmq ano gllm digsuoilujoi mo oouuquo of sn zoo luoilouTd st lT premTo� sanouTi� Dill su pius ail uolluxauud �iaionlua�l aql uo read sTgl apuuT IuouTXud Ileug ail st Ilam su `xul salts aoJ `LOOZ oluT papualxa Iuil uolltxauuV .TaumZ zip uoTaldwoo l ail puq am aunt Duns Iuil Buunp Iuil pappt off -loofoad puo-d puleisI Moog agl mou put `loofoad `800Z `9Z ,LSnrJnd SHMNIK 'II3Nn00 E[aHD LVN9.& -LSVH 40 AID D CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 26, 2008, ORDINANCE NO.2008-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 06-24 FOR THE PROJECT COMMONLY KNOWN AS ROCK RIDGE ESTATES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, TO CHANGE THE STYLE OF DWELLING UNITS ON CERTAIN LOTS FROM ATTACHED SINGLE-FAMILY TO DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 08-08-11 Second reading of an ordinance amending portions of Title 17 (Zoning) of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to increase building heights in the R-L, R-M, CBD, and WMU-North Bride District: to change the building height measurement method; to amend lot width and depth standards in the R-M District; to amend the Commercial Land Use matrix to clarify storage requirements for various uses, and allow body shops in the CBD zoning district. Mayor Lacy said first reading of this ordinance was held at the August 12, 2008, City Council meeting. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to increase building heights in the R-L, R-M, CBD, and WMU- North Bridge District: to change the building height measurement method; to amend lot width and depth standards in the R-M District; to amend the Commercial Land Use matrix to clarify storage requirements for various uses, and allow body shops in the CBD zoning district. The motion carried, 7-0. The summary of the ordinance reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO.2008-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE BUILDING HEIGHTS IN THE R-L, R-M, R-H, CBD, G-C, AND WMU-NORTH BRIDGE DISTRICT; TO CHANGE THE BUILDING HEIGHT MEASUREMENT METHOD; TO AMEND LOT WIDTH AND DEPTH STANDARDS IN THE R-M DISTRICT; TO AMEND THE COMMERCIAL LAND USE MATRIX TO CLARIFY STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR VARIOUS USES AND ALLOW BODY SHOPS IN THE CBD ZONING DISTRICT, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Lacy said there was nothing on the agenda with respect to the Juvenile issue but asked Probation Manager, Gary Smith, of the Chelan County Juvenile Court if he would like to speak to that issue. Mr. Smith said their administrator Phil Jans had met with the Council at the previous Council Meeting requesting the balance of $1,100.00 from the City of East Wenatchee for Juvenile Detention Services prior to June 2008. He said Mr. Jans had attended the Chelan County Commissioners meeting in which a contract between the City of East Wenatchee and Chelan County for Juvenile Services had been placed on the agenda. However, the Chelan County Commissioners said they would not sign the contract until the $1,100 was paid. Mayor Lacy explained to Mr. Smith that due to his recent trip to Japan he had not had an opportunity to get this item back on the agenda for action. 3IsaiD '14iD pauureg sung V 119 'uj'd OZ:8 — jLmaLQNuaorcr v' '80OZ `IZ Ainf PuL, 180OZ `8 i lsn2nV uo plOq Ioi gsiQ TllluaH sgSno(j-uujogo uzog salnuiTu palliuzgns lznoozW .Tagtuoug!ounoD 'HN 1004S ,,t uo sagsnq Dill Tuul oI aaumo f4 Tadoad Dill Sutlla8 To3 kToIS 2a t>) paTunTil ImoDoW zaguzauziiounoo 'Um OO:Oi In `80OZ `£ JaquzaidaS uo s,aolipnd almS ail Tiltm main.Taiut Iixo uu oq slim aaaTil piss oploD iomsua.I L f4iD .,III I .TaquioldaS uo Builoaux iiounoD uoilupodsuujZ ,falluA aagoluuaM Dul Puu `,,,Oi jaquTaldaS uo Suiiaatu Iuouzdolana(j V uoilumosuoD aoanoso-d aril pus loi4siQ IuauzdolanaQ oTuzouoaH Qqj pualls of olquliunu aq pinom saniluivasaadaa olumollu aip ji pa3lsu pus SullaouT iiounoD 40 `80OZ `6 aaquzaldaS Dill pualiu of olqu aq IOU Ilion ail plus imlong .TaquiowpounoD 'OOb`9I$ XialuLuixojddu3o osuojouT uu si g011gA1000`ZLZ$ sisonbw 60OZ ui joSpnq ijuzp posodozd aril puu saoinjas yludsip joj 000`SSZ$ P?ud fi10 DTii 80OZ ui plus OH Ia�pnq }isTp n 2uipTu50J uzoDzaniH Is $utlaauT iuioadS sjo aoilou panTaoaz purl aTi piss lTUTiuTng iiounoo `poiuso uoilow agjL •fIiiiouj ooiisnf f4unoo uuiaTiH Dill Tipm Iuauzaftvmu joi.Td oql jo laud su 00111$ Xud of `quug JaquxauzitounoD Xq puooas `Jamlong aagtuawpounoD Xq opum suns uoiiouz V motlaV Itaunoj •aouuinq Suipuuisino oTII ao3 luoiuAd ano.Tddn liounoD popuouTux000i fou7 JoXuW TuinoilTud ui sunf 'JW of puu 14i1iouj alivannf )14unOD unlQgD DIP of uoilnpouzuz000u uu su `.TanamoH •uoiluBTlii jo asuodxa aril inogjpA Jallutu aril uo uoiuido s,lu.Tauag X u.ToIIV uu IDS of XoUJo:4V $upnoasol"I ,ilunoo uuiaTlD aril uzoij uoilu.Tad000 joS of Suidoq suns ail su ivauTgpnf X..Tolu.Teloap Dill ponsznd IOU stq 4D DIP piss OH •uoilsSiigo sigl oArq om IOU ao .TaTjzyA of su Dire of aSpnf u IaS pun onssi siTll dano A4uno:) ss12no(I ui uoilos luouiSpnf Alolu.Teloap u Sui.Tq of uoTluzuogjnu suTi ail pappu Xou-I JoAW •palsaJM are ADTil QUIII A.Tana na.Tu Dun3lodS Dill of solivannf lluq of luoprud aq li pinom jou p.Tojjn IOU uuo f4iD aqs •iuoummpoid u ui sn Sulould `solivannf aril of salula.T li su smut Dill Do.Tojuo of IOU s.TDoWo Dill lial IOU uuo am otignd oql of aoinJas u su pu8q saTiio Dill uo •solivannf jo Suisnoq aoj Abd of mui oluls ,iq uoiiu5ilgo AI!D u IOU si lT su oluil autos Jo3 Imp Suilsisa.T uaaq anuq DAk •slsoo osoip ownssn of f4!0 aril poluum psalsui puu palsouu ajam solivannf uogtA Ailuooi Suisnoq AxuJoduzal Jo3 SmAud onuTluoo of 8u108 IOU Daam AOIP inTil papioap AOIR s4uinss Isoo u su auil alp Suolu ajoyAouTos pus )Iiiiou3 alivannf ilsH uiww of uuatp a3M of papioap pus saltuannf.natal jo Suisnoq of polula.T li su liuf luuoi5a-d f4unoo uuiagD Tllim ssouisnq op of onuiluoo of fuio4 IOU wom Amp ltlgi papioap ,fiunoD sul5noQ osnuoaq si luaumoipaid sigl ui On am uosuai ail I, •mu7 DIMS Xq sailunoo alp of poAnsaa si llagjL •ooilsn f olivann f of loodsw Tiiinn uoiluSilgo ou suq mul Aq aagoluua� IsuH jo 4!D Dill IsTll `ouoA.Tana of .Tuolo puu pnol a5ussotu u puas of o3pi Pinom lt,tp jlugoq umo siTi uo laid plus AouZ .ToAvW `800Z `9Z ZSflDfly SalflRM'II0Nn00 HaIO•LVNgAl IM ,301iM