HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/12/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY AUGUST 12, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Nick Gerde, Catalina Garibay, Joan Sims, Dawn Collings, and Teresa Allen. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Tim Detering, President of the Wenatchee Valley Misawa Sister City Association thanked the City of East Wenatchee and City Councilmembers for their ongoing financial support and participation. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES Mayor Lacy presented Ambassador Certificates to Student Delegates Megan Quick, Kalee Auvil, Victoria Bravo, Catherine Carino, Devin Diaz, Jana Divis, Nicolette Kruse, McKenna Jewell, Joy Lawless, Michalla Maupin, Karissa Sanchez, Rachel Sanders, Katelyn Shurtz, and Caitlin Stumpf who will be participating in the Misawa Sister City Wenatchee Valley 2008 Delegation going to Misawa, Japan. The delegates performed a dance routine that they will be performing while in Misawa, Japan. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Lori Barnett said the Request for Qualifications for Architectural Consulting Services for a Space Needs Assessment and Alternatives Analysis for City Hall Expansion has been published. The deadline to receive proposals is August 21, 2008. She said the deadline for the Architect to be done with the Needs Assessment and the Alternatives Analysis is October 17, 2008, so that we can hold a workshop prior to Council making a decision as to what route they wish to take. She said all they are looking for now are the qualifications of the firms that submit the proposals. She asked if there was an interest of any Councilmembers that would like to participate in a selection process on August 22, 2008. She said the City has reserved the right as to whether they will or will not have interviews. Councilmember's Bremmer, McCourt, and Buckner said they would be available for participation in the selection process. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he spoke with the representatives from the Cal Ripken, Sr., Foundation, the McNaughton Foundation, and a representative for the property owner's regarding the Sportsplex issue, in which they maintain the same position that the City would have no financial commitment to this project moving forward other than an assignment of funds so that they have the funding through the City to do this. Mayor Lacy said he raised an issue for the benefit of the Metropolitan Parks District with respect to their participation in this project and they are open to further discussion. He asked them to present a proposed aajjo oI suq uoj2uigsuM Iu4ua3 tlltoN lugm Sofug of otuoo oI sauoX ui xouq autoo Xuut puu `uotsai ino aaoldxg Sum puu sotdtuXIO aqI Sutltstn a.re `LIpuuuO 8u►duosg oq ,(uut oqM osogl IoLIallu of uol2ucgsuM lu4uoD quoN soli i Ipm (£g) dno.t0 uoy9uigsuM Iu4uoo gttoN ,Cofug `oioldxg `aduosg aqI `sltstn MOOS apu4 puu `slouluoo utpaut `oouasaid altsgann `utpaut lutad g2noagl, •D•g `.tannoouuA ut soutu0 .talut)W otdtuXIO 01OZ aqI to aouunpu ut aouasatd u suq uolBuigsuM ILI.4uao glzoN lugl a ns a3luut oI ttoJJa antluaoqulloo u dolanap of Suilaacu uaaq anuq satlunoJ uuSouu31O puu `sul5no(I `uulogD ftluosoidai slunpinipui to dnoj2 stgl, •(uo12utgsuM lu.4u00 glzoN Xofug `oioldxg `oduosg) £g polluo dno.r2 u to trod u aq of f4!unttoddo uu pug suq aqs aagoluuaM ISug to f4tD aql 8utlajauut ut ptuS `SBUIIIoO UM10a `aoluutptooO Iuang •uojButgsuM IuwoD gttoN3o slgzuoq Xuuut aqI Bulutllno oingoo.tq uto uotingtilstp puu uotlonpoid aql punt dlag oI `60OZ ut OOS`i$ PUB `80OZ ui OOS`l$3o Iunoutu aql ui satuout xul lalow/laloq to ainitpuadxa aqI anoiddu of uoiluzuoglnu .tol Isonboi d ZO-80-80 SN21 LI AIOI.LJv 'w'd bS:9 lu 8uimzq otlgnd posolo Aouq to.iuW luawwoo otlgnd ou Buinaq •urd £5:9 lu Butauag otlgnd u pouodo A3ug toxuw •lot-Osip 8utuoz QgO aqI ui sdogs Apoq mollu puu `sosn snouun 103 sluauta.nnbaa a2uiols Ajtrelo of xttluuz osn puu? IutoaaututoD aqI puaure of `.lotzlstQ W--d aql ui spnpuuls gldap puu glp►m 101 puautu of `.poglaut luomoinsuaut lgSioq Sutppnq oSuugo of :Ioiusi(I a8pt,ig gljoN-fIWAN puu `QgD `W-X ',I -?I aql ui slg2taq 2utpltnq asua.tout oI (DPVMH LI alltl,) aouuu'PJO SutuoZ aagoluuaM Pug agI ut Suotlulnat luautdolanap agl puautu oI Iusodotd u 30 ■ Iunoaddu .tol uotlupuaututooa.t uotsstututoD 3utuuuld agl .taptsuoo oI Suttuag otlgnd d I0-80-80 OAIRI'VHH JYIgfld •papton SLIM 0£tOZ .taqumu Iuu.ireM ' 1 i'St70`L9£$3o Iunowu lulol oql ui ObSOZ gSnOJgl L6tbOZ s.tagtunu Iuuu m anoiddu soop ItounoD `800Z `ZI lsnSnd `alup sigl to sy. •ltounoD of alqultunu opuut uaaq suq goigm `Ouilsil u ui papa000i uaaq anuq 060'bZ-Zb MJ2I Aq paatnbw su pogiljoo suuulo Iuowos.tnqunaa osuadxa asogl puu 080'bZ'Zb A&DII Sq pattnbai su noglo Sutltpnu aqI Xq pogtltao puu poltpne s.tagonoA 'O-L `Pat.uuo uotlout oql, •paluasatd su .tupualuo lugsuoo aql anoiddu of `ttuqutug .tagtuautlto,unoO , q pu000s `uosugof .tagwaugtounog Aq opuut suns uotlout d mo►lad I►aunoO slltglo uotlu.taptsuoO ,dV(INH'IVJ ZuHSUOO 'qred 11% aauaZ lofuN agllo ouo aallu pawouud st gotgm swuojC[3o plat3 u pltnq ,(oql `stgl o3ltl Ioafoid u qj!M panlonut slab puu uotluool u olut saoB uotlupuno3 `•is `uo3ldRl lug aql to uuuutugO aqI uagnn plus AoLIZ aoAuw •sluudtotwd aqI Ilulo suual ui Sutssaj2otd st Ioafotd aql nnoq uo Altunututoo oql olupdn of uotluluosatd Bolq u op pinom aq uotluuuolut Iuuoiltppu Sutntaoat .ta}Iu pappu OH •luatoWns oq ll!m alqultunu anuq OM Iugl urealls autoout aqI .taglagm gas oI It lu Tool uuo am os loofoid stgllo Ino-pltnq aqI .to3 joOpnq 800Z `Zi Lsflofly SH.LfllMW'IION-nOJ HaHD.LVMRAk ISV2130 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2008 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson, to authorize the Mayor to approve the expenditure of hotel/motel tax monies in the amount of $1,500 in 2008, and $1,500 in 2009, to help fund the production and distribution of a brochure outlining the many benefits of North Central Washington. The motion carried, 7-0. 08-08-03 Approval of a change eliminating the current mid -month process, or approval of a new process and the associated costs to comply with the IRS regulations for mid -month draws, changing to a semi-monthly payroll process for all employees. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McCourt, to authorize the Mayor to approve a mid -month payroll process for all employees. City Treasurer/Finance Director, Nick Gerde, said that if the City were to eliminate the mid -month draws there would be very little difference in cost to the City. However, on the other hand, if Council approves having two checks for employees a month we would go to a semi-monthly payroll for all employees. Councilmember Hendricks said he is definitely against the draws but he could be swayed either way regarding a once a month payroll or a semi-monthly payroll. Therefore, he is withdrawing his previous motion. Councilmember McCourt withdrew the second to the motion. Mr. Gerde stated the change would take effect possibly by October 1, 2008. He added this will also include Councilmembers. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Johnson, to change the payroll process to a semi-monthly payroll period for all employees. The motion carried, 6-1. (Buckner) Mayor Lacy said if there are no objections he will move item number 8 to this portion of the agenda. 08-08-07 Approval of a Lease Agreement of Real Property with Apple Valley Honda to lease City - Owned property currently used for a stormwater infiltration system. Councilmember Barnhart recused him self from the discussion due to potential conflict of interest. Apple Valley Honda General Manager, Todd McLaughlan, said that after reviewing the lease agreement that was written up are they not really interested in leasing the property, but rather purchasing the property. He said without purchasing this property it would be a tough sell for Honda as there would not be any frontage. Mr. McLaughlan said there was also a concern by the City that they may need to come in and tear up the lot to do repairs to utility lines. Mayor Lacy said there are some impediments regarding the property since it was purchased with grant funds, those funds would have to be paid back upon the sale of the property. He said he does not have those figures at this time. He suggested tabling the issue since the City can not approve a lease that Honda is not willing to enter into. He said the item could be brought back in two weeks for a re -analysis of this to see if sale is an option. Councilmember Buckner asked if they could get some input from staff as to any kind of cost involved with this. He also stated that the City can not guarantee that the federal funds will be released even if a short term lease is approved. He said he would like to see this project move forward. •DZ-I `sluoutisanul aagolzuaM Ing Aq patajjo Sutpunj aql sa3jul �[I!D ag13! osugoind u oI A4!D ogl;tututoo pjnom i! uou!jm Xjluouno si lou4uoo uotido oql Aram oql spuulslopun aq plus Sowl ioAuw •urd S 1:8 lu pauaAu000i jpounoD •solnulut ual juuolitppu uu uotssas aAtinoaxa oql papualxa Sou -I JOSSN urd 0i:8 Id •uollu8titj jutivalod SutpauSaa uotssas aAtinoaxo olnutut 0£ u pajjuo AouZ toAuW •urd Ob:L id NOISS3S 3AI. UMM •upuaSu Sututuuua aql gl!M uo SulAout aiojaq aural stgl Iu uotssas aAtlnooxa oql Sutpjoq polsaifns ltuquaug .taqutautjtounoD •kpodoid oql osugo nd of 2ulpun3 anuq Iou op Xogl j! ino ido of 14l3 oql ao3 uotido uu ut ppu of a3jtj pjnom ag plus tatuutatg jaqutautjtounoD •Iuawssassu spaau-aouds u jo lsoo oqi aoj 00.000`S£$ of do ,Cud pjnom SluautlsaAuj aagoluuaM Iseg atagM luauzaOBU uu aAotddu of paAout jpounoo oql Sutiaatu jtouno:) snotnaid u lu lugl plus `uosjnod utAaQ `Aauaoliy f4!D •olulsg juax jo osugoand puu ajuS .toj louiluoD uolidp uu Jo juAoiddd 90-80-80 •0-L `pal.uuo uotlout oqZ •suotluotuntmoD jaltugD gl!m luautaaj2V uotsuoixg ostgouLjj u aAotddu of .toXuW aql ozuoglnu oI `quux taqutautjtounoD ,Cq puooas `lregureg iaqutautjtounoD ,Cq apuuz suns uollout d :uotlad I!aunoa •suotluotunuttuoD .talregD gl!M luautaQIgV uotsuaixg astgauui3 u Jo juAotddd 5O-80-80 •paltstA-a.t oq Am onsst oqi puu upuoSu stgi of pappu uaaq suq uotssas aAtinoaxo uu pappu OH •Igs'uol uadduq of popaou lugs iailuut juotiuo u sum stgl j! pa3jsu (ou-I ioAuW •sln000 uotssnostp u plun uotstoap u a3juut of aluttdoidduut aq pjnonA it sjaaj aH •uoiluuuojut jutouuug juuolltppu anuq ant plun goal stgl lu pajqui oq oral! stgl lugs )1st, pjnom oq Iuautpuoure joSpnq u ajtnbw pjnom stgl gouts plus Xou-1 .to,Cuyg •sSutjg laloll3o aaqumu oql ut osua.tout uu of anp pajgnop suq 31tomjo lunoure oql su uolitsod stgl aoj sinoq juuotltppu Isonboi of goal pool u oq pjnom stgl Ijaj aqS •uotltsod lugl Suljjg jo ss000td oql ut st puu `800Z `t,I Isn2nd uo oq pjnom Aup Isuj s,00Xojduta outtl-:pud sag lugl plus suns uuor iolu.4slututpd:pnoZ) •uolllsod 3j.iajD.2uij!A j.tajD AClndaQ goal-ltud oqi .to3 sinoq juuotltppu aoj isonbat u Jo juAoaddd V0'80-80 •auttl stgl it, upuaSu oqI utog paAouta.t 8utaq si wal! stgl plus Sou -I loSuW •uotinjos juug u gl!tA 313uq autoo uogl puu sonsst juaanas aAjosa.t of anuq ll!m f4!0 OT pappu OH •si uotiuugou! alagl Iugm jo 2utpuulsjapun puu uotstoop pouuojut .tallaq u o3pw of jpounoo oql Mojju pjnoM it iCuM lugl Siouj 3o Jos .tallaq u SuldojaAap uo ljoM jjuls oAuq pjnoM oq plus Aou•I doAuW -[4!D oql .toj ui ouuj uml;a3jood oql Ind upuoH Xajjun ajddd 5utAuq jo A!Ilq!ssod oql lu 3jooj Iou Xqm auuj u.mi Ia3jood u oq of spaau atagl3! lugl pappu OH •preAuoJ annul loofoid agl gas of o3l!j pjnom oq plus .taututaig .taqutautj!ounoD •gosuosoi aiout oq of spaau atagl os uotido uu Iou st lugl `,Cjluojuddu `ntoN •gS lazgS pi£ uo omsodxo o5uluog aoj sent f4iodoid oqI jo osn aql inoqu uotssnostp juut5t.to oql lugi pappu aqS •313uq plod oq of anuq pjnom onuanai gonut mog of uotl!ppu ut populuo Ioafoad Iugl Iugm of su f4unoo sujgno(I LU04 jaAaj JJuls it, uotiuuuojui g8noua anuq Iou soop AItZ) oqi lugl plus ilaung •sw 800Z `Zi .LSfi0fiv Sd.LflNIW'IIDNflOD 213EDIVRaM ISVE1 dO AlID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2008 City Attorney Poulson said if the study comes out that purchasing the property is the best option, the City would pay the $35,000. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Option Contract for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Johnson to amend the motion to add a clause for the City to opt out if the City found it was not feasible to fund the project. The motion carried 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to authorize the Mayor to sign the Option Contract for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate with a modification to include a provision that the option would not take place if the City determined that it was not financially feasible or desirable to enter into the contract. The motion carried, 6-1. (Hendricks) 08-08-06 Council re -visited Agenda Item 5, regarding approval of a request for additional hours for the part-time Deputy Clerk/Filing Clerk Position. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to deny the request for additional hours for the part-time Deputy Clerk/Filing Clerk Position in the 2008 Budget year. The motion carried, 7-0. 08-08-08 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a Settlement Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, Springhill, LLC, and Strider Construction regarding outstanding claims relating to the Central Business District Road and Drainage Improvements Project. Mr. Poulson said the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will pay the 87.5 % of the settlement amount leaving the City to pay $3,125. He added that before negotiations started he made sure WSDOT was on board with the process. He added if the State does not pay there would not be a settlement agreement. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to authorize the Mayor to sign a Settlement Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, Springhill, LLC, and Strider Construction regarding outstanding claims relating to the Central Business District Road and Drainage Improvements Project. The motion carried, 7-0. 08-08-07 Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County for Juvenile Detention Services. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to authorize the Mayor's signature on an Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County for juvenile detention services. The motion carried, 7-0. Mr. Poulson said that as part of the agenda item the detention center has sent several bills for the juveniles who have been arrested by City officers and detained in which those bills have not been paid. Therefore, the detention center would like approval for the City to pay for the unpaid bills that occurred in the past. Mayor Lacy recommended the City approve payment of the bills from the date he met with Mr. Jans regarding this issue in June. Lafuugo auoz polsonboi oql jo sluouoddo put, sluouodoid oql 3o suoiltsod poloodsoi oql of su ,Cliuipudutt pun fq.nuj .iallt,ui stgl .ivaq puu Its lou ut,o aqs 10 aq It,gl sanailoq ognm ItounoD sigl jo aaquiaui u aiagl sI •9 •suoiloofgo ou alarm aaagl •anssi sigl 2uiptoop uosugo f .iaquiauzitounoD of posoddo are ,Cagl jt loafgo ,Cuui aaquiauiltounoD u plus AauaollH ,14tD -Sgnm unq paxst, oq puu anssi aql uo aloA lou pip tantlp *JW pans OH •.iantlp uoQ Jo aureu oql Sq smotssiuzuioD Sutuuuld agl Jo auo TPA uoilus.ianuoo u pug oq lugl plus uosugo f aaqutaugtounoD Lfutpaaooid sigl 3o amoolno oql o5pnf aid of pounoD oql osnuo pinoo so pinonm gotgnm Sutpaaooid sigl jo sluaui oql jo oouulsgns oql lnoqu oSpolnmotq lutoods ,Cut,ant,q ltounoo sigl jo .iaquiaut Auu soo(I •S •palsonba.i Suiaq si auoz t,a.re oql goignm jo laaj paapunq aa.igl utgltnm ,Claadoid unmo io anil ItounoZ) stgl jo i3gtuow ,Cut, saoQ •t, LSutpaaoo.id sigl jo auioolno oql ui lsatalui uu suq jo polsonbaa si oSuugo Sluo sigl goigM lo3 uare aql ui lsaaalui luiouuug u suq ia,Cojdtuo aiagl lou ao aaglognm nmouai ltounoD aql jo aaqutaui ,Cuu soocl -£ •Buipaaoo•id sigl jo awoolno oql ui lsaaalui ,Cretunood uou .io Silaiunood u .iaglta anuq ItounoD oql jo aaquiaut Suu soocI •Z La�?uugo posodoid sigl jo sluouoddo oql so sluouodoid oql .iaglta gltnm ssouisnq polonpuoo �?utnuq jo a2polnmou3i anuq itounoD oql jo .iaquiaui ,Cut, saoQ • i •loofoid stgl jo sluouoddo ao sluouodoid gltnm puq anuq s,.taquiaugtounoD lugl louluoo autos ,Clgtssod puu uoisioap stgl jo a.tnluu Iutoipnf isunb olqugoid oql 3o osnuooq siql of loodsoi gltnm pa3isu aq of poau It,gl suoilsonb a.tu aaagl 8utpuulsaapun stq of lugl plus foul .io,CuW aouuuipio oql jo 2uipua.i lsig plow Sou-1 .io,CuW 'XIture3-ojSuiS pagoulop of Altuiu3-ojSutS pagoullu utog slol uiultao uo shun 2utilanmp jo al,Cls aql oBUugo of `Iuauidolana(I lturi pauuuld salulsg 32pt2I 3130-H sn unmou31 ,Cluoututoo loofold aql aoj t�Z-90 oounuipip Sutpuowu aouuuipio uu jo guipua.i lsat3 80-80-80 SaDmv IIQ2I0 •anssi oql ssaappu of upua8u oimtij u uo could oq of p031su OH •paa300 saotn.ias aql .ioj polusuaduioo oq ,ClunoD oql puu ,Cou02u atagl lugl 31su puu ltounoD oql ssoippu of a)ltl Plnonm aq `.tananmoH •osuo oql oq ,Coot lugl plus suuf -jW •slltq osogl Sut,Ct,d l.rels pinonm f4tD aql `,Clantloodsw olup lugl utoag lugl suns Sutlaaui .nagl aagu luolui siq su sigl go.reasoi of anuq pinonm oq plus foul aoklaW •800Z AuW ui poun000 lugs slltq autos ojo m aiagl su `800Z jo io7pvnb PoZ oql •io3 00 11 1$ jo lunoure oql ui luaut,Cnd opnioui oslu pinoo sigl 3t polst, suuf •jW '0 -L `pat.uuo uoilout aql •saot,uas uoilualap altuannf aoj p.iunmaoj oun f uio.ij slltq jo luaui,Cud agl azt.toglnu of `ltuqureg .iaqu owpounoD Sq pu000s `uosugof ioquiautltounoD ,Cq opuw sum uoiloui d :uoiloV Iiaunoa 800z `zt .Lsflofld S3.LfllMW 11DNMOD 99HD,LVNaAk .LSV3 dO A.LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2008 7. Is there any member of the audience who because of the appearance of fairness doctrine wishes to disqualify a member of the Council from hearing this matter, if so please state the name of the Councilmember and the reasons why you believe the Councilmember should be disqualified because of the appearance of fairness doctrine. Ms. Barnett said there was a request to elevate the ordinance to second reading since this has already gone through the Planning Commission. The Planning Commissions recommendation was for an approval. Mr. Jessup is waiting for this approval so he can get started building the homes. Allen Jessup, representing Jessup Home Design (property owner) applied for an amendment to an approved major subdivision and the residential planned unit development to convert 8 lots designated for zero -lot -line attached family home lots to lots for single family detached homes with reduced setbacks. Council discussed concerns regarding the request for the amendment. Mayor Lacy said he had read it as a first reading and is asking if Council wishes to elevate the ordinance to a second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner, to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion failed, 3-4. (Bremmer, Johnson, McCourt, and Hendricks) 08-08-11 First reading of an ordinance amending portions of Title 17 (Zoning) of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to increase building heights in the R-L, R-M, CBD, and WMU-North Bridge District: to change the building height measurement method; to Amend lot width and depth standards in the R-M District; to amend the Commercial Land Use matrix to clarify storage requirements for various uses, and allow body shops In the CBD zoning district. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director). Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab, to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion failed, 6-1. (Hendricks) COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Bucker submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on July 10, 2008. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee meeting held on June 26, 2008. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the North Central Washington RC&D Council meeting held on July 9, 2008. ADJOURNMENT — 8:42 p.m. &W, Dana Barnard City Clerk 7