HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-19 - Eastmont Youth Baseball - General Agreements / General Service Agreements
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Grant Agreement Between
The City of East Wenatchee
271 9th St. NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 884-9515 And Grantee Eastmont Youth Baseball dba: Apple Capital Allstar Tournament
630 Valley Mall Parkway #399 East Wenatchee, WA 98802 c/o Ian Hunter (509) 885-0394
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1. Grantee’s Obligations. Grantee will:
a. Host an event on June 24-26, 2022, generally described as Apple
Capital Allstar Tournament.
b. Acknowledge the City’s contribution in the event’s formal promotional
materials and efforts.
c. Acknowledge the City’s contribution on the Grantee’s website.
d. Acknowledge the City’s contribution on the Grantee’s social media
e. Submit a Post Event Report to the City within 14 days of the event’s
completion that contained all the information set forth in Exhibit A.
2. The City’s Obligations. Within 30 days of receiving the Post Event Report, the
City will reimburse the Grantee in the amount of $7,300.
3. Indemnification. Grantee releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold
harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and
volunteers for any and all claims, demands, losses, negligent acts or
omissions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney's fees) to or by any
and all persons and entities, including without limitation, their respective
agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or
connected with this Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts,
errors or omissions of Grantee, its partners, shareholders, agents,
employees, or by the Grantee's breach of this Agreement.
4. Insurance. Grantee shall obtain and keep in force during the terms of the
agreement the following insurance with companies or through sources
approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to R.C.W. Title 48:
a. Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance as required by the State of Washington. b. General commercial liability insurance in an amount not less than a
single limit of $1,000,000 for bodily injury, including death and
property damage per occurrence.
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Exhibit A
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Post Event Report
Organization/Agency Name:
Federal Tax ID Number:
Activity Name:
Proposed Date of Activity:
Contact Name and Title:
Phone: Email Address:
Please provide the number of participants in each of the following categories:
Overall attendance at the event/activity:
Number of people who travelled more than 50 miles to attend your event/activity:
Number of people who traveled from another state or country to attend your event/activity:
Number of people who travelled more than 50 miles to attend your event/activity and who stayed overnight in the Wenatchee Valley:
Of the people staying overnight, the number of people who stayed in paid accommodations:
Number of paid lodging room nights resulting from your event/activity:
At an average daily rate of $92, my paid room lodging impact was:
Please explain how your organization collected and verified the above
Amount of Lodging Tax Requested*
Federal Tax ID #*
Organization/Agency Name*
Eastmont Youth Baseball C Corporation
Limited Liability
S Corporation
Sole Proprietor
Type of Organization*Please List*
Activity Name*
Apple Capital Allstar Tournament
Proposed Start Date ofActivity*Proposed End Date ofActivity*
First Name*
Last Name*
President - Eastmont Youth Baseball
Primary Phone*
Cell Phone Email*
Mailing Address*
630 Valley Mall Parkway, #399
East Wenatchee
Zip Code*
Tourism Promotion Grant - Submission #1035
Date Submitted: 5/22/2022
6/24/2022 6/26/2022
Operation of a Special Event/Festival, Designed to Attract Tourists
Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency
Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility
Tourism Promotion/Marketing
Service Category (Check All That Apply)
Section I - General Information
Is this a new Activity?*
Are you requesting/using otherCity funds for this Activity?*How many years has this activityexisted?
Proposed Location of Activity*
Eastmont Metro parks 4-plex
Short Description of the Activity*
Hosting approximately 16 youth baseball teams for 11 and 12 year old baseball teams.
Describe the Prior Success of Your Activity*
The funds generated from this tournament helps subsidize our local youth baseball league program. Typically we gross about $8,000 to $10,000 which allows us to net $2,000 to $4,000 which allows use to purchase equipment, uniforms and other costs that benefit this local league program.
Describe Your Target Audience*
Other Cal Ripken allstar teams from north central Washington State.
Describe How You Will Promote Lodging Establishments, Restaurants and Businesses Located in the City of East Wenatchee*
We will email recommended lodging and restaurant establishments to all attendees.
Budget for Activity*
Apple Cap Tourn Budget - Sheet1.pdf
Allowed types: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .doc,
.docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .pdf, .txt
What costs will the Tourism Promotion Grant cover?*
All operational costs (facility fees, umpires, baseballs).
What organization and staffing do you have to support this activity?*
All staffing/support will be volunteers. Eastmont Youth Baseball board members and coaches will be organizing and staffing
the event.
Does your organization have a current City of East Wenatchee Business License?*
Note: A grant recipient must obtain a business license. Business license information can be found on the City's website under the
Business tab on its homepage.
Full Description of the Activity. Expand from the above questions, such as: what it is you wish to do; the tangible and intangiblebenefits to the community; visitor impact; and how you will evaluate the success of the project.*
The main goal of this event is to help subsidize the costs of our league and allstar programs. These programs are available to
all youth (5-12 year olds) in the Eastmont area. All funds generated from this event are desperately needed since the 4-plex
facility was damaged by the snowstorm in April of this year. Because the 4-plex was damaged, EYB was unable to sell
concessions which is our main fundraiser during our youth season.
How will you advertise, publicize or otherwise distribute information regarding your activity?*
Tournament information has been distributed to all NCW Cal Ripken programs and it is posted on our website.
Section II - Projected Tourism Benefit
RCW 67.28 provides authority for cities and counties to use lodging tax for tourism promotion to attract visitors and encouragetourism expansion. State law also details certain reporting requirements for jurisdictions that levy a lodging tax. Each agencyawarded East Wenatchee lodging tax funds will be required to submit a Tourism Funding Expenditure Report Worksheet to theCity with detailed actual information at the conclusion of their tourism promotion activities. Provide an estimated number ofparticipants, who will attend your Activity, in each of the following categories:
Overall Attendance at theEvent/Activity*
Travel More Than 50 Miles*
Travel from Another State/Country*
United States
Travel More Than 50 Miles and Stay over Night in the
Wenatchee Valley*
Of the People Staying Overnight, the Number of People Who
Will Stay in Paid Accommodations*
Number of Paid Lodging Room Nights, Resulting from YourProposed Activity*
Lodging Impact*
Explain How You Calculated the Previous Estimates*
Sixteen teams (of which 12 will be traveling to the area). Each team will have about twelve players on each team. Traveling
teams will likely to stay two nights in local hotels.
How will you collect and verify the above information for your Activity?*
These numbers are pretty easy to verify once we have a final list of the teams that are attending our tournament.
Section III - Evaluation Criteria
State law defines Tourism Promotion as: “Activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited toadvertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developingstrategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding marketing and operations of special eventsand festivals designed to attract tourists.”
Meets the definition for Tourism Promotion
Promotes a positive image for East Wenatchee
Promotes East Wenatchee as a "Destination"
Attracts visitors, builds new audiences and encourages tourist expansion
Increases awareness of East Wenatchee’s amenities, history, facilities, and natural environment
Supports "Regional Tourism" planning
Tourism Promotion Funding Criteria (Check All Boxes That Apply)
Benefits the citizens of East Wenatchee
Benefits the overall Community, rather than a specific segment or interest
Benefit to the Community (Check All Boxes That Apply)
Moves an existing program in a new direction
Unusual or unique
Innovation (Check All Boxes That Apply)
Broad-based Community appeal or support
Evidence of need for this Activity
Community Support (Check All Boxes That Apply)
Exhibits a degree of Partnership
Volunteer involvement, inter-jurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support
Evidence of Partnerships (Check All Boxes That Apply)
Multiple revenue sources to support this Activity
This is the only funding source
Funding Sources (Check All Boxes That Apply)
Request is for a new Activity
Request is to continue or expand an on-going Activity
Previous & Replacement Funding (Check All Boxes That Apply)
Activity is of a scale that is suitable for this funding program
Scale of Project (Check All Boxes That Apply)
How does your Activity meet the above Tourism Promotion funding criteria?*
This activity will help support a community program like Eastmont Youth Baseball (that is available to all local youth) and bring
tourism dollars to East Wenatchee.
Section IV - Signature of Applicant
I attest the information in this application is accurate, that I am an agent authorized to represent the Organization and Iunderstand the funds requested, if granted, will go to the Organization. I have contacted the City of East Wenatchee and willmeet all necessary requirements including, but not limited to, insurance, business licensing, permitting and state reportingrequirements. If my activity is funded, I agree to use the approved East Wenatchee logo in all promotional material. Iunderstand the Washington State limitations placed on use of the Lodging Taxes, and certify that the requested funds will beused only for purposes described in this application or as approved by the City of East Wenatchee. I understand use of funds issubject to audit by the State of Washington. I acknowledge that all of the contents of this application are subject to disclosureunder the Washington State Public Records Act, RCW 42.56, and that the application will be discussed in meetings of the EastWenatchee Events Board, which acts as the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, that are open to the public under RCW 42.30.
I understand:
I am proposing a tourism-related service. If awarded, my organization will enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City and will provide
liability insurance for the duration of the Contract. The insurance will name the City as an additional insured and in the policy will be in an
amount to be determined by the City of East Wenatchee. The City of East Wenatchee will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my
organization/agency. Reimbursement only occurs after the service is rendered and after I submit a signed Request for Reimbursement form to
the City of East Wenatchee. I will include copies of invoices and payment documentation with the Request. My organization/agency will submit
a report documenting the economic impact results in a format determined by the City of East Wenatchee.
Digital Signature*
Ian Hunter
Signer Email*
Estimated Price Quantity
Facility Fees ($(1,200.00) 1 ($(1,200.00)
Field Prep ($(25.00) 32 ($(800.00)
Umpires ($(125.00) 32 ($(4,000.00)
Baseballs/Equip.($(500.00) 1 ($(500.00)
Team Registration Fees ($600.00) 12 ($7,200.00)
Concession Sales ($2,000.00) 1 ($2,000.00)
Estimated Net Profit ($2,700.00)