HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/24/2008 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING NNE 24, 2008 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember McCourt, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner, to excuse Councilmember Raab from this meeting. The motion carried, 4-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Johnson, to excuse Councilmember McCourt from this meeting. The motion carried, 4-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner, to excuse Councilmember Barnhart from this meeting. The motion carried, 4-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth, Lori Barnett, Nick Gerde, Joan Sims, and Teresa Allen. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said he had met with Phil Jans, Chelan County Juvenile Detention Center in which he discussed concerns regarding detaining juveniles in their facility without a contract with the City of East Wenatchee. Mayor Lacy said an interim contract with Chelan County Juvenile Detention Center will be drafted to ensure that the costs of detaining juveniles will be paid by the City of East Wenatchee until a Declaratory Judgment has been made by the Superior Court Judge as to whether Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee is responsible for paying for the juvenile housing in the detention facility. Mayor Lacy welcomed Nick Gerde who has been hired as the Finance Director/Treasurer for the City. Mr. Gerde has already made some strides towards financial reconciliation. He has been working with Toni Nelson the "Small Cities Specialist" for the Washington State Auditor's Office, who has been providing assistance towards reconciliation following the departure of Linda Countryman. He said once we know the final outcome of the reconciliation, a report will be submitted. Mayor Lacy added it may be necessary to amend the budget based on the reconciliation report. Mayor Lacy said he has had the City Attorney and Staff working on proposed changes to the Employee Handbook. He said a draft has been completed which will be reviewed by staff and then brought forward to the City Council for approval. Mayor Lacy said he met with representatives of the SportsPlex along with a representative from the Boys and Girls Club of America, as well as a representative of the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation. He said the potential scope and direction of the proposed SportsPlex project is changing. He said in many respects he feels it is changing for the better in the sense that if we continue down the lines that have been proposed •loofoi(I jullaS o2i000 agl grim ui loofoid d uoWuD aqi opnloui of paoift sug LOQSM `ato�aiagZ auiladid d uoXuuO aqI 3o IuautuBille aqI poloajjt, Silooitp goigm gouoiddu aqI jo u8isap aqt paSuugo DAN �Cagl Ares OH •Ioafotd MHOS aS.toaO aqI JOJ .LOQSM gitm Suilaaut �Clijignlontlsuoa u aoj ilautleg aoioatiQ Iuautdolana(l c4!untuwo3 puu `punldsd Apuu-d `ivaptsoid •oul 2upaouiOug ZHU qPM Iaut aq piles OH •o2piig mjjoS oSjool) aoluuoS - d uoSuuO oql uo alupdn uu ant,B glosntW •jW laafoad a2piag .tellaS a2joaO - d u0Bne3 •tou .to lium oI aaluoB sauiooaq xsi.t aqI 3i aas put, dolanap ,Cage st, siou3 aqI it, 3lool u axui ant patsa2fns Sou -I JoSuW •auttl autos aoj sxtl.tano agt glint do doaN of could ui Suigiautos anuq of papoau anuq ant su unq of uuld Xul.tano uu tiutgns of glasnuW UW paloaatp suq aq `.tanamoH •SuipunJ d.LS OT Jo suual ui op ant JanalugM Jo luapuodapui SSt'I tano ino 3o dol uo 2uidawl inoqu suaaouoo s3l0lJPu3H laqu owpounoO of anitisuas st aq Pius btl-j 10XLIW •Ioa fold iugi ao3 puog luujo jo uorpod .tamol aqI do uado utu5u oI loofoid o2ppg .tullaS o2ioog aqI .toj autil ui isnf loafoid agl ololdutoo pinom f4iD oqt puo21 luujD jo uo►liod .tamol agl jo Butuopim oql grim lugs pappu aqS •aaqBiq gonut oq pinom sisoo s<<14t3 oql unto ino uo ioafoid onluo oql op of atom ant ji `atojojogl, •sn .toj lugs op of luullnsuoo u loolas put, SOOIA10S Iuullnsuoo joj ino o2 of anuq pinom AI!D aqI plus aqS -loofoid aqi aoj slqoud piq oql 5mulutgns pule `Buistltanpu `uoiluZtltgout `Outaaautliuo iiutpnlout `lu 2ul3lool oq pinom f4!0 oql sisoo luuotlippu a.tu a.tagl lugl pautuldxa llaulug ioloanQ luautdolanaQ ,CliunututoO •0I0Z uo p3lon4suoo oq of ioafold a2piag tullaS o2joog aqI ui It apnloui of (ZOQSM) uotiultodsuuts jo Iuaut mdaQ olvIS uot2uigsuM aqi glim silojja ino ouiqutoo oI sum uoiluoilddu aqI jo oiSol aqI pius glosnvW •jW •osuonui sisoo atojaq mou ii aialdutoo put, piq .to3 ino loofoid aqI ind pinoo 14i3 ag13i pule pololdwoo si XUI.tano uu aaojaq snoX oMI aaglouu Isul slim puo21 IuwD di pa3isu s3loupuaH iaqutautliounoO -fqunoO uulagD put, `uoilu:podsuuiZ jo luotupedaQ atutS uol2utgsuM `aagotuuoM jo f4!0 oqt gtiM loofoid tutor u si goigM uotilellt,tsul sluu2iS ogjuas, uuuisopad algipnd oqt put, SulioAo luauzanud pleoId tuletO aqi popnloui aagotuuaM isug .toj paloalas loofotd aqj •papun3 oq of loofoid anuand fblontuoM aqI apnloui Xlgissod put, suotluoollu 2uipung jo .tuoS q}Ig aqi olui 8uio2 jo uoildo oql ssnosip uogl llim ogM liounoO antinoaxg aql of uuld oqt Iuaswd uagl puu fq!Z) oqt uto.g s.tullop Sutgoluuz ost,aioui so sisoo osuatoap oI Clem u st a.tagl 3i aas put, loofoid aqt jo odoos aqI It, Tool of f4iD aqI po3isu suq pounoo antlnoaxg agl Pius OH •paloolos lou sum Ioafoid uotlongsu000l anuand f-jonlua}I aql pappu OH •Ioafoid golea .to3 suotluoollu 2uipunj jo isil u popnloui oslu sigZ •2uipunj aniaoa.t of palaalas wom Iugl sloafotd luin.t su llam su stoafoid uugin agl jo isil le paltiutgns off • I I OZ g2nojgl 800Z .toj paluoollu spung (,IIS) utuj2oJd uottutlodsuu.t,L aoujinS oqt uo alupdn ut, anu2 glosnuW uopuu.tg ioBuuuW suottundO puu amlonzlsuzjul •uoileaolle spun; (d.LS) uteAoad uoilel.todsue t,L a3e3 inS I'dodau .LA 3wjLldvd2lQ •s7laaM maj lxou aqi ui It,sodoid ogioads oiout u Sutlitutgns aq lPm xaldsltodS oqt puu t,oilautd jo gnlD sliig put, sxOg oql .toJ saniluluasatdoi aqi pappu OH •utsi.tnol su Ilam su fCliunututoo aqI jo glnoX aqt 8uidlaq uo oq pinom snooj ogioads agt Pius OH •uottoaatP Ii ant2 puu ii olpuleq of gloq dnoaS paisal puu paid u anuq pinoM OM .tanaMoq 94tliouj aqi jo aaumo aql aq pinom ,CI!O aql -loofoid agI3o uoilongsuoo puu uStsop 3o osmoo aqi Suunp Cliouduo luau oSieuuut u ui luautaAtonut s<<CIiO oqt oluuiuttla llim stgZ •loaro.td aqi un t puu dolanap oI not tauzd jo gnlO sl tiO V sXog oql of JOAO ti u.tnl puu f4iodoid oql osugoand Kldutts of 2utpunq tuautaSuuuW alsuM Sutsn do spua X4i3 aqi a.tagm uotilenlis u olut leant pinoo ioafoad stgl 800Z `bZ aNflf SRIfUl W 'IIDN-nO0 aaIO.L`dMat1c1 IM JO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 2008 Ms. Barnett said the City still needs to explain to the Public Works Trust Funds that we are not going to be able to build this in 2009. During the constructability meeting they talked to WSDOT about some alternatives. One of which, is to construct the missing links that were not done with the Central Business District (CBD) Project. One of those is the connection to the Eastmont pipe and then taking it to the eastern edge of SR28 that way they would have a structure at the eastern edge of SR28 to plug into. She added there have been no decisions made on how that route will go. Mr. Mauseth reported that while the Street Maintenance crew was doing pothole repairs at the canal crossing on 19`s Street NE they could see water through the road. This being an emergency situation the road was closed and the asphalt was removed which exposed the decking material, revealing a three foot section of metal decking material that has rusted out and an additional one foot section that was broken out just as you approach the canal crossing. He said the Street Maintenance Crew cut out a section of asphalt and installed a one inch thick, 8 foot by 20 foot steel plate and asphalted the plate into place. RH2 Engineering is working on some ideas for a temporary solution as well as a long term solution. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, June 10, 2008 2. Consideration of Bills 3. Set July 8, 2008, as the date for a public hearing regarding the Six -Year Transportation Program. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, June 24, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 20338 through 20367 in the total amount of $8,012.12. Council does approve warrant numbers 26443-26529 and direct deposit warrant numbers 00157 through 00174 in the amount of $324,505.72, paid June 5, 2008, for the month of May 2008. Councilmember Barnhart requested a report on the amount of overtime in the Police Department for the month of May 2008. PUBLIC HEARING 08-06-04 A public hearing to review the recommendation of the East Wenatchee Planning Commission for consideration of the adoption of an updated Douglas County Regional Shoreline Master Program (SMP), issuance of the final integrated SEPA/GMA plan EIS and repeal of the 1975 Douglas County SMP concurrent with the adoption of the Regional SMP by the Department of Ecology. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. Hearing no public comment Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. b 'O-S `paiueo uoilow oq,L -ssaooid lsil .�opuan a Suigsilgeiso uoilnlosoi aql Idope of `iawwa.ig iaqu owpounoJ Aq puooas `wqweg iagwawliounoD Xq opuw seen uoilow y :uoi Iiaunoj '.LJHf011d SX HOM JI'Ifllld d 01 GHIJIIAIAiOJ ION S931AHUS QAid `S'IVI Hd.LVW `.LA gNalflOH `SHI'IddflS AO OAIISdHJ'dfld dHI HOA SSIIJOHd ZSI'I HOGNHA d DMHSI19VISII `KO,LOAIIHSdM `IIdHJ.LdAidM .LSdd AO A,LIJ allL 30 AIOI.Lfl'IOSd2I d 80-800Z *ON MollfYIOS3I 'ally uoiinlosoi aqi peai br-1 ao(eW '00'000`9 i $ UBgl 010W ou pue 00'009'L$ legl ssal ou an iugi siou4uoo jo3 ioafoid s)ijonn oilgnd a of paioauuoo lou sootnaas pue `sleiJaieui `iuouidmbo `soiiddns jo Smsegoind aql aoj ss000id isil iopuan a iiuigsilgelso uoilnlosoj y 90-90-80 -stagwowl!ounoD f4iD aqi se llann su31asuziq ,Cq paints aq of ii pwgns puu lall2l u lgelp of iiaureg -SW p331se ,Coe-1.io, RW •Joneapua stgl uo preq os Po3ponn ognn aalliuiuioo oql oI olou noX aluegl a 2uipuos palsoUns liequmg iagwawpounoD '0-S `paiimo uoilow oql -Boloog jo IuounjudaQ aieiS uoi2uigs )W aqi Aq dWS2I agi 3o uoildopu aqi ql!m ivaunouoo ureJ20id .talsuyg auila. NS 9L61 aql Sucluadw pue wej2oid joisuW ouiloiogS luuoiBa-a f4unoJ sel2noQ aqi Suiidope aoueuipio oql idope oI `iou3long iaquiaugiounoD Aq puooas `vugwug iaquiaugiounoD Aq opeuz suns uoilow d :uol;aV iiaunoa •0-9 `pai ueo uogow oq j -Suipea i puooas of Boloog jo Iuouwuda(I alelS uol2uigsu1A oql ,(q dWS-d agl jo uoildopu aqi ipm luounouoo wuj2oj l iolsuW ouilalogS SL61 oql Suileadai pue umiSoid joisuW ouilaiogS IeuoiBa-d f4unoZ) sul2no(I oql Suildope aouuuipzo agi aienala of `vuqureg .iagwowjiounoD Aq puooas `iaupng iagtuowliounoD Aq opeui seen uoilow d :uoilaV liaunoa 'IIZdQ IIAIIJHAA3 Aid OAIIHSI'IH'V LSd (INV `dSfld'IJ A.LI'IIHVH3AdS d OAIIM V LAIOJ `A00'I032130 .LAIaW LIIddIIQ HMS dH.L AS WVH90UJ HaISVW dAII'Id2IOHS TVM0I9212I AIMflOJ Sd'IOflOQ alll AO 'IdAO Hddd alll HIM .LNaUUIIJMOJ L VHDOHJ Ha LSdIV aMlla IOHS AIMflOJ Sd'IJflOQ SL61 dHI 9AII'Idddd2H `.LJd .LAIaWaDdNVW aNI'Id2IOHS allL QAid IJd .LAIaWa9dNVW HIAAO'dJ alll AS (12M ladZH Sd AIOI.Ld'IflOaI sVaHV 'IdJLLRIJ (INV aNala IOHS (la LvH9a LAII Aid Sd !b1Id2I002Id UHISVW dAII'IdIIOHS 'IVN0I9d2I AINflOJ Sd'IOfIOQ alll OAII,LdOQd `AIO,LOAIIHSdM `ddHJ.LdAiaM .LSV3 90 AID dH.L AO a.3MV lCrdO Aid L0-800Z *ON dJAIdAIIQ2I0 kwwwns aouuutpio aqi pea. An -I joAB g -Boloog jo luou4ndaQ oleiS uol2uigseM aqi Xq dWS-d agijo uoildopu aqi ql!m ivaunouoo u-mi2oid iaisuW ouilalogS SL61 aqi Suileadoi pue wvAoid iaist,W ouilojogS leuoigag A4unoD selBno(I aql Supdope aoueuiplo ue jo sulproi Isn3 SO-90-80 33KVMGHO 80OZ `bZ 9MIU SHIfIAIIWIIJISMOJ HaHD LdI gAk .LSVa 90 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DUNE 24, 2008 1 1 ACTION ITEMS 08-06-07 Authorization for the Mayor to sign an amendment to an Agreement for Services between the City of East Wenatchee and the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau extending the term of the agreement to October 13, 2009. Mayor Lacy said he asked that this extension be limited to a shorter term than the previous agreement. He said the reason is, that he would like to revisit the issue of the hotel/motel tax expenditure at the time that the Coast Wenatchee Center Hotel sells or when the Convention Center is no longer an obligation for the City of East Wenatchee. At that time Council may want to make a decision with regards to the direction of hotel/motel funds and how much of it we should keep in contingency or whether we want to use the funds for other purposes. The term of this agreement coincides with the expiration of the Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee for a portion of the hotel/motel tax to go towards financing the expansion, modification and refurbishing of the Convention Center located in the City of Wenatchee. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment to the Agreement for Services extending the term of the Agreement to October 13, 2009. The motion carried, 5-0. 08-06-08 Authorization for the Mayor to sign Contract Amendment No. 1 — Kenroy Sidewalk Improvement Project with RH2 Engineering for engineering costs. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner, to authorize the Mayor to sign Contract Amendment No. 1 with R112 Engineering for the Kenroy Sidewalk Improvement Project. The motion carried, 5-0. Council again discussed different options for hiring an in-house Engineer. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes for the Chelan -Douglas Health District Board of Health meeting held on May 19, 2008. Councilmember Barnhart reported that the Douglas County Sewer District has awarded an odor control contract. The estimated cost of the project to fix the odor problem is nine million dollars Mr. Mauseth submitted a preliminary Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program for Council to review prior to the public hearing. ADJOURNMENT — 7:25 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk