HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/13/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING FEBRUARY 13, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember Barnhart from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen, Brandon Mauseth, Catalina Garibay, and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming the City of East Wenatchee's support for the 2007 Washington State Special Olympics Winter Games. PRESENTATION Wenatchee Valley Misawa Sister City Association President Tim Detering thanked the City for their ongoing support of the association and invited Councilmembers to join as part of the delegation in 2007 to Misawa, Japan. He added the deadline for applications is February 16, 2007. Okanogan County Transportation & Nutrition (OCTN) Executive Director Leanne Leifer said their organization provides home delivered meals in Chelan County, Douglas County, and Okanogan County, to seniors 60 years of age or older who are unable to leave home unassisted. Ms. Leifer said federal and state funding sources do not cover the cost of providing the service and OCTN does what they can to raise money within the communities to supplement the shortfall. She asked Council to consider supporting the organization in the amount of $800.00. She added Okanogan County, Chelan County, Douglas County and the majority of cities in Chelan and Douglas Counties contribute to OCTN. Mayor Lacy said he asked the City Attorney for a legal analysis regarding the request as he is aware that there are limitations regarding the gift of public funds. City Attorney Poulson submitted a memo to Mayor Lacy stating that it would not violate the State Constitution to allocate money to provide meals to seniors who are poor and/or infirm. However, if the meals were available to all seniors, even those who are not poor and not infirm, then the allocation of funds would be unconstitutional. Mayor Lacy said that in order not to make a gift of public funds we need to be concentrating our gifts toward the poor in our community and asked if it was possible to limit or direct our donations toward the low income seniors rather than just contributing generally to the program. Ms. Leifer said she can review the East Wenatchee recipient applications which list their financial capabilities. She added that the City can place a criterion Z suiSno(I •ouoz;)i u ioj 00'05I$ Inoqu pus luawpuawu usid anisuogaldwoD u 1o3 00'0SI$ inoqu dnooal of do las si ainpagos aa3 s,A4lD oql poppy agS •lauusw Xiowil u ui suoiluoilddu asogl ssaoold of olqu aq of do las lou si Cli3 agI su awil siql It, ssaoold ino 8ui8uugo 3o sulaouoo ssq aqs pins agS -XlunoD aql of uoilt,puawwooal liagl puas put, uoiluoilddu agl ssaoold Xilumm pinom X4lD aql -A npunog gvAoi[) usq.in aqI ui a5usg3 ouoz so a8uug3 usld anisuagaldwoo u 8uisodold polltwgns s► uoiluoilddu us ,CUM aql a$uugo pinom ssaoold aql pins aqS •nnou i►lun aagoluuaM Issg 3o f4iD oql of alnpaoold awus Isgl papualxo lanau suq 44unoD aql •auop OAt,g suoilo►psilnf aql lugm $upd000t, aouassa ui slusodold asogl uo uoilot, alul uagl X;)ql `sluslinsum aql glinn sa2uug3 asogl ssnosip Xotil olagnn doggiom s ui laaw slauoissiwwoo Alunoo aql put, uoiloipsimf aql `uoissiwwoD 8uiuuuid aql •Xlspunog glnnolg uugln aql pus uuld anisuagaldwoo aql of so2uugo pasodold liagl luosoid put, 8uil3aw luiof u ui s.iauoissiwwoD 44unoo aql puu uoissiwwOD 8uiuuuld aql of o2 `lusiinsum liagl g2nolgl `suoiloipsunf aaglo piss aqS •asn XjunoD alp ui suoiloipsilnf laglo lugl ssaoold aql 2uisn lopisuoo of Xl►o aqI 2ui3lsu suulnN N.IU i `saotnlaS put,-1 jo loloaliQ f4unoo sulBno(I wog iiswa us pantaoal ags ptus llauisg loloaliQ luawdolanaQ f4!unwwoD •uuojtun susid an►suagaldwoD ,CiunoZ) puu XIiD aql dool of lapio ui coop ,ClunoD aql lugm Suildopu 10 $uinolddu Xq uoilot, alul of ponnbal aq il►ls pinonn f4!Z) oql pappu aqS •,�lunoD aql Xq uodn popioap oq pinom Xlupunog glnnolg uugln agl jo opislno joX `uuld an►suagaldwoZ) s,,CliD oql uiglinn polt,00l swan -XiLpunog ginnolo usgln aqI uiglinn soSuugo glinn iuop Xluo s8utloaw luiof oql lsgl Suilsanbal On slauoissiwwoD , lunoD aqZ •suulnN jluW `soo►moS purl jo loloaliQ Xjunoo sslSnoQ glinn pt,q st,q ags SUOTILS10Auoo Jo linsoi u si slauoissiwwoo X4unoo st,12noQ oql Xq palliwgns nuol u piss aqS -Loki glnnolg uuglfl oagoluuaM Isug aql jo opislno slusodold of poluial snuoissiwwoD Xjunoo sul2noQ aql pus pounoD fI!D aagoluuaM lst,g oql uaamloq sSuusaq Iuiof 1oj pasn ssaoold oql SuipirSa.i pounoo wog sivawwoo paniaoal ssq aqs piss Ilaulug loloaliQ luawdolanaQ f4!unwwoD ,L2IOdg2I .LN�I�i.L2i�'d�Q -Xliunwwoo aqI 1oj ,CiluaioUjO pus Xljomb alow pagsildwoom oq uuo �?upjpw uoisioap luiof nnoq of su ,Cltunpoddo ut, ui aludioplsd 10 psagmods of ol!l pinonn f4D agI pappu OH •aloq alsool of AIiunlloddo iouaq s soilisnpui put, sossauisnq OAi`d 01 laisu3 suoisioap pus sluawl►wwoo 331t,w ut,o QM golgM of wstuugoaw t, dolanap of alil pinonn ann Isgl slauoissiwwOD loillstQ 1alt,M agI of ,Cuia1 01 autpuaztlg 'JW p331ss Xosrl 1oxuw •loills►Q 1aluM agl jo suare 1u1n1 pus uugln gloq u► spuswap laltm ui sasrwoui paloafold laaw of s1uaX alnln3 w gsildwoom of uuld Xogl lugm puu s1t,aX OI Ist,i agl 1an.o pagsildw000u suq laillsi(I 1alt,M oql sloafold Sulmogs uoiluluasald luio liomod t, ant,S auipuozilg Swo 132uuuW loilisiCl 1olvM aagolt,uaM Ist,g '0-9 `patuso uoilow aqZ •aagoluuaM Ing ui sloiuos awooui nnoi oI sivaw apinold of uoilillnlq puu uo►lullodsuul jL ,ClunoD utSousl0 of 00'008$ alsoolit, of uosugof lagwowltounoD Xq puooas `1amlong lagwowpounoo Xq apsw suns uoilow d :uoilad paunoz) •Xauow s,,�Iio oql jo asn iuuo►lnipsuoo t, aq pinonn put, luawulano2 jo osodind luluowupunj s anlos pinom uoilulnll puu uoilullodsuulZ XjunoD uu2oumip agI of paluooiiu spun3 aql amsua of poilddu On spun3 aqI nnog agI jo idal aq Ilion plooal u lugl put, uugu► io/puu rood aqI 1oj pasn aq pinom spuig oql 8uilsoipui lallal luowliwwoo u ltwgns of uoilillnfq pus uoilullodsuulZ ,clunoD uuSouujo agI axil pinom oq ainlulS aIuIS glint Xldwoo of 1aplo uT piss Xou-1 loxuw •Sluaw aql OAiaoal of Sauo aqi aq pinonn signal awoou► Wool aql uigltnn 1133 oqm oldood iugl amsua pinom aqs puu spuig 3o lliS aqi uo LOOZ `£ I k-dVfl-dgHA SglfINIW 'IIDI MOD g3HD.LVNgM ISVR -I0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 2007 County receives $1,000.00 for a Comprehensive Plan amendment and $950.00 for a rezone. She added there is a significant amount of costs involved in processing the application. She said she would propose adopting the procedure next year and by adopting this procedure the City would be consistent with all other jurisdiction located in the county. She added the County starts their process in March for their Comprehensive Plan zone change amendments and the City starts their process in October. She would like to mesh the two together. She said at this time she in not willing to make a recommendation that we start taking that on. If Council feels differently she can work in that direction but at this point she would recommend we contact the County Commissioners and say lets gear up for this transition next year we appreciate being on a level playing field with the rest of the communities in Douglas County but she does not feel she can take that on this year. Mayor Lacy asked if this was a manpower issue or a dollar issue or a combination of both. He said the City can solve the dollar issue by ordinance raising the fees for those processes. If it is a manpower issue due to the workload already in the pipeline he would certainly support waiting. Ms. Barnett said it is a bit of both, but this year it is definitely a manpower issue. She listed several projects she is working to complete this year. Mayor Lacy said he is concerned the issue will go away if it is tabled. Ms Barnett said she started an outline of what needs to happen in order for the City and County to mesh this process together. She said the City does not have the statutory authority to make changes in the Urban Growth Boundary outside the city limits, and would recommend an Interlocal Agreement with Douglas County stating that these are the things we are going to do, how we are going to do it. Ms. Barnett recommended we work on an Interlocal Agreement and put together a timeframe to list the activities needing completion in order to prepare for next year. She added that she does not want this opportunity to go away, this is something the Country Commissioners have recognized and she feels it is an important event in their recognizing that we should have some control over our UGA. Mayor Lacy asked Ms. Barnett if she would be willing to submit a schedule stating a timeline for getting this done and to outline any additional needs, so that we can present that to the County. Ms. Barnett indicated she would do so. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he has received letters from 12`h District Representative Cary Condotta, and 12`h District Representative Mike Armstrong, in response to a letter he had sent asking for their support in regards to the Attorney Generals opinion of how cities may or may not use Hotel/Motel tax dollars. CONSENT CALENDAR Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, January 23, 2007 Consideration of Bills Approval of vouchers for the Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitor's Bureau Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. 2007 Payables As of this date, February 13, 2007, Council does approve warrant numbers 18284 through 18348 in the total amount of $534,395.96. /rtutuutns 30ututPio otp peal Xou-1 IOXUW •t7-VD Xoilod sua.td Itoij!iD oql 2upolop Xci utld 0AisuagaadwoD taad aagoluuaM Isug ialuatrJ aql 2uTpuautt 30ututpto ut jo 2utPuQ1 puooaS bO-ZO-LO •0-9 `pai.uto uotlout aqL 'MN Iaoils y,6Z Put ,CVmIISIH IasunS 30 latuoo gN aqI It palt0ol kliadotd toy drat uoiltttSisap asn puul oql Sutpuawu aoutuipio oql Idopu of IItMaCl .tagmautliounoo Xq puooas `uosugof iaqutautl!ounoD Xq opuut suns uotlom d :uoilaV Ilauno3 'd.LVQ 3AI.L33333 NV ONIHSI'IEIV LS3 QNV `3SfId'IJ A.LI'IIgvHHA3S V ONINIV LNOJ `(N-J) 'IVIJI13WWOO QOOHHOgH9I3N O.L (WH) 'IVI.LN3QIS3H A.LISN3Q WfIIQ3W WOHA NO.LONIHSVM `A.LNfIOJ SV'IOfIOQ NI 'W'M `,LSVH OZ 39NVHi `H.LHON £Z dIHSNMO.L `9Z NOI LMS 30 'H3.LHVflb MS all L 30 NOI.LHOd d Zd Q3.LVJ01I Aluadoud lIV2111 HOd dvw NOI VNOISM 3SfI QNV" I NV" Id 3AISN3H32IdWOJ VaHV 33HO.LdN3M .LSd3 Hg LV2[HD 3H,L 9NIQN3wVV `NO.LONIHSVM `33H3.LVN3M .LSV3 30 A.LIJ allL 30 3JNdNICrdO NV £0-1.0OZ 'ON 3JNVKICIdo Xi ututns aouuuiplo agI puaa Xou-I ioXuW '3N laaalS p6Z Put: Xt'MgB!H IasunS jo nwoo gN oql lu paluool ,44ndold loj dvW uo►ItuStsaQ asn putg uuld 0Atsu3gaiduto3 VON aagoluuaM Isug .13M.10 aqI Sutpuatut aout:utplo ut jo Sutpua.t puooaS CO-ZO-LO S3JNVNI(MO 'w'd 9ti:L It OUIMq otlgnd aql pasolo XouZ loXLW `luaututoo otlgnd ou SuutaH •tu•d Sb:L lu Sutttaq otlgnd aql pauado XOU-1 .toXtW •opoo ItdiotunW aagoluuaM Isug aqI 3o Ll PuU `91 `SI sail!l tapun poss000id slnutad Iuautdolanap u► pannbal aq Xuut su io slaa.tls aluAud puu ,CIio 3o uotlotulsuooai .to uotlonnsuoo mou ioglo put 32p►.iq `jowls lit, .toj sltuuod jo aouunsst atp ao suotluoilddu jo 2utlg aqI of Sutltiaa £I-90OZ 'oN aouuutpap jo poiaad aAtlOaJJa aql Jo u01sualx3 ut 2UTPJu201 sluaututoo anta0a1 of !?uutaq otlgnd d ZO-ZO-LO 'w'd tbb:L It 5u►auaq otlgnd oql pasolo Cot -I 1oXvW `Iuauttuoo otlgnd ou'But.MQH •ut•d £ti:L It 2ut.tu314 otlgnd aql pauado Xou-I loArw 'b00Z aaqutaldoS P3IUP 9LO -01-t,0 aagtunN uotluoilgnd `uojBu►gstM utalsug ioj lunuuW luawo tuuW mumuuolS otp jo I'Z uo►IoaS ut pougop su sloafaid luotudolanapat puu Iuautdolanap mau iit io3 sltuuad3o oouunssi atp to suoiluoilddu jo gutig aql of 2utltial ZI-90OZ 'oN aouuu►plp jo potlod aAtlOajja agI 3o uotsualxa ut 2utpre0W sluauttuoo aA1000.1 of 2utat31i otignd d IO-ZO-LO SONIHVaH JPIgrld 0-9 `Patuuo uoilout aq L •paluosa rd su iupualuo Iuasuoo aql ano iddt of IlnoDoW tagtuautltounoD Xq puooas `uosugof taqutautliounoD Xci apuut suns uopow d :uollaV I!ounoj LOOZ `£I AdVfl'dg3,4 S3lnNIW 'IIONnOO 33HO.LVNaM ISV3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE GREATER EAST WENATCHEE AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY DELETING CRITICAL AREAS POLICY CA-4, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Buckner to adopt the ordinance amending the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan by deleting the Critical Areas Policy CA-4. The motion carried, 6-0. 07-02-05 Second reading of an ordinance adding and amending portions of Title 10 and Title 17 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to satisfy the requirements for the 2006 GMA Review and update of the City's Development Regulations. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO. 2007-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADDING AND AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 10 AND TITLE 17 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE TO SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE 2006 GMA REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, AND AMENDING THE CITY'S OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Raab to adopt the ordinance adding and amending portions of Title 10 and Title 17 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The motion carried, 6-0. 07-02-06 First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2006-12 by extending the effective period, relating to filing of applications or the issuance of permits for all new development and redevelopment projects as defined in Section 2.1 of the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington, Publication Number 04-10-076 dated September 2004. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO. 07-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 2006-12 BY EXTENDING ITS EFFECTIVE PERIOD, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Hendricks to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 6-0. '0-9 `Pat.Uuo uoilow 041 Iuawaa. SU luuliwoouoo u ais of aoXuW agl oz►.ioglnu puu sluawano.idwi oilgnd 3o luauuajap Dill anoaddu of s31311pu0H .iagwawpounoJ Xci puooas `uosugor aagwawl!ounoD ,Cq apuw suns uoilow d :uogad paunoa Nuug )Cliunuiwoo uol2uigsuM lu iluao q:polq) 'gS Ina ilS P,£ ,lo iawoo qN aqI uo afuuiu.ip uuols puu `sNlunnapis puu ialln2 `gano 5uipnloui sluowanoidwi laalls aoj IuawooBu luuiiwoouoo u uo io,(LW aqI jo a.inluu2is put, sluawanoadwi oil gnd jo luauuajap u jo lunoiddd 01-ZO-LO '0-9 `Poinuo uotlow oqs •luawnoop plus alnoaxa of uial-oj l .ioXuW aqI azi ioginu put, luawaa.i2u uoisualxa aqi ano.iddu of s3l3t.ipu0H .iagwawltounoJ Xq puooas `uosugor logwawliounoJ Xq apuw suns uotlow d :uoilad l►Dunoj •aagoluuaM isug jo fit3 aqi puu `•S•d ouu}I Xou-I jo uui3 mu -I aqi uaowaq ,14jadoid IuuouA Jo asual IOJ Iuaw3a12u uoisualxa uu 30 luno1ddy 60-ZO-LO •Walt sigl uo lano aJul of IIiMaQ wal-o.id JOXLIW pD)lsu aH •Wig of Isa.ialut aluAild u sanlonut It su wal► upuafu Suimollo3 aqI Woi3 3loswiq pasnooi Xoug ioXtW •0-9 `Pai.uuo uotlow agZ •luawnoop ptus ugis of .ioXuW aqi azi.ioglnu puu saaiAloS I.toddnS .iaindwoD .ioj Iou.iluoo aqi anoiddu of uosugor jogwawpounoJ ,Cq puooas `iltMaQ aagwawpounoo Xq apuw suns uoilow d :uoilad liounoJ aagoluuaM Isugio '14i0 aqi aoj saoiA.iaS jdoddnS ioindwoD joj sooiAlas luuoissajold .ion Ioualuon u Jo lunoiddd 80-ZO-LO '0-9 `paiuuo uoilow oql -pound aniloaJJa aqi guipualxa £I-90OZ anuuutpa0 2uipu3wu oouuuiplo aqi Idopu of IIiMaQ lagwawpounoJ ,Cq puooas `.iomlong .iagwawliounoD Xci apuw suns uoilow d :uoilad liaunoa 0-9 `paiuuo uoilow aq j •?utpua.i puooas of aouuuiplo aqi alunala of l.inoDoW iagwowlTounoJ ,Cq puooas `quug .iagwowlinunoJ Xci apuw suns uoilow d :uoilad paunoJ *HIVQ 3AI.L321339 NV ONI.L.L3S QNd `HSfIV'IJ A.LI'119V-ddAdS d 9NINIV LN03 `QOIH3d aAI.LOd33a S.LI JNIQNa.Lmi AS £I-900Z aamvNIQ2I0 ONIQNawv `NO.LONIHSVM `33HJ.LdN3M .LSVa 30 AID HH.L AO aDNdQNICrdO NV LO-LOOZ 'ON HJNVNIQ2i0 ,tiuwwns oounuiplo aqI puaa Xoug io,CuW •apoJ ludioiunW aagoluuaM Isug ag13o L I PUB `9I `S I soli► jL .iapun possaoold sl►wlad luawdolanap u► polinbai aq �rw su 10 slaails aluAiid puu (I!J jo uoilonlisuoow to uoilon.ilsuoo Aga❑ .iaglo put, oOpi.iq `pails IIu 103 sl►uuod jo aouunssi agl jo suoiluoilddu jo Butlg oql of Suilulai poi.iad aniloajja aqi Suipualxa .Cq £i-900Z 'oN aouuuipi0 �uipuawu aouuuipio uu �o �uipu31 Isill LO-ZO-LO 0-9 `PaLuuo uoilow ail 1, •potsad anil3333a aqI 2uipuaixa ZI-90OZ 03uuu►p.10 Suipuauru aouuuiplo aqi Idopu of lau3long .iagwawliounoD Xq puooas `Ilima(I .iagwawliounoo ,Cq apuw suns uoilow d :uoiloV liaunoJ LOOZ `£l AIIVfl' HSgri SaIf1I1 W -IIDNf10J ggHDIVN31A ISV9 40 AIIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 2007 07-02-11 Approval of an agreement between the North Central Washington Community Bank (NCWCB) and the City of East Wenatchee concerning occupancy of City right-of-way on 3`d Street SE for excess parking and landscaping. Community Development Director Barnett said the City is not giving the property to NCWCB. The bank is improving the right-of-way and using it until such time that it is needed for street improvements in that area. Mayor Lacy suggested that language be added to read that this is being done in consideration for the landscaping and maintenance obligation. Councilmember Hendricks feels a right turn lane is needed at that intersection and is not in favor of approval. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Johnson to approve the agreement for occupancy of right-of-way with the suggested added language. The motion carried, 5-1. (Hendricks) EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:20 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a ten minute executive session regarding potential litigation. Council reconvened at 8:30 p.m. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson submitted minutes from the North Central Washington Regional Conservation & Development and the Economic Development District meetings held January 10, 2007. Councilmember Hendricks submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on January 11, 2007. Councilmember Raab submitted a report regarding a Stormwater Utility meeting and a Solid Waste Advisory Council meeting he attended. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce meeting held on January 11, 2007. ADJOURNMENT — 8:35 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk 7