HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/9/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 9, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember DeWitt from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Richard Olton, 1707 Eastmont Avenue, expressed concerns as a result of the re -construction of his driveway during the Eastmont Avenue Construction project. He added he has spoken with Mayor Lacy and Street Superintendent Bob Goodman and wanted to ensure something was being done to correct the problems. Mayor Lacy assured Mr. Olton that his concerns are being taken into consideration and the City is looking at solutions to resolve the issue. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Barnett reminded Council of the Douglas County / City of East Wenatchee Joint Informational Workshop of the Regional Planning Commission to be held on Wednesday, January 17, 2007, at 6:30 p.m., regarding the Pangborn Memorial Airport Overlay. She gave a brief overview of preceding action on the issue. Community Development Director Barnett said the Planning Commissions have completed the work they had been doing in 2006 for the update to the Development Regulations. She added a public meeting will be held immediately following the Council Meeting scheduled for January 23, 2007. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he received some responses from Councilmembers regarding Council assignments for 2007 and said if there were no objections Councilmembers would remain in their current Council Assignment positions. 0'S `pai.uuo uoTloui aqZ •poluosaid st, lnpualna luasuoo aqI ano.iddu of Inquit,g .iagLuowltounoD Xq pu000s `uosugo f aaqu owpounoo , q apuw suns uoilow d moilay ITaunoD *90,18 Z` S £$ 3o lunouiu Iulol oql ui ZOZ81 g5no.igl 68181 slaqumu luuuunn anoiddu saop pounoD `LOOZ `6 tiunuu f `olt,p sigl jo sd solquXud LOOZ '900Z nquzanoN Jo gluoui aql .ioj `900Z `S loquiaoa(I pied `ZL'£SO`09Z$ 3o Iunouiu lulol aql ui 888tZ gBnoigl 96LbZ sioqumu luuuum IIoiSud anoiddu saop liounoZ) •papion Ql;)m L9 i 8 i Put"ES 181 `868L I s.iagwnu luunuM '6L'86£`Zt,$ 30 lunouiu tulol aql ui 88I81 gSnoigl Z£18i sioquinu Iuu.uuM anoiddu saop liounoD `LOOZ `6 kmnuuf `alt,p sTgl jo sd saiqu,(ud 900Z 'iiounoo of algt,liunu oputu uaaq suq lugl Suilsil t, uo popi000i uaaq ant,q 060'bZ'Zt, MO2i Xq pa.iinba.i su poggiao swiulo Iuauiasingwmi asuodxo osogl put, 080'bZ'Zi7 AkDX ,Cq pannbw su ioogjo Suilipnu aql ,(q pogilsao put, polipnu siagonon nuoing s,lolTsiA a8 uotluanuo:) ,Callus aagoluuaM aqI ioj siagonon Jo lunoaddd £ sllig3o uoilulopisuoD Z 900Z `Z I joquiaoaQ `uoissoS juln2o-g — solnuiW jo uoilujapisuoo • I KV(INIgllva .LNHSKOJ •aagolt,uaM .ialuzJD Jo luauiaSuuuW MUM put, aagoluuaM Isug jo XI!D oql uaomloq lot,iluoo nnau u aoj suoilupo2au jo Ilnsai luug agl si slajot,d liounoD ui papnlouT louiluoo luacua2t,ut,W alsuM agI plus ,Cou-1 IoXt,W •lusodoad uoiluxauuu loijisiCl ioluM aagoluuaM Isug aqI OuTp.iugaa alup Suijuaq oTlgnd t, su `•urd 0£:9 lie `LOOZ `I kmniga3 las suq p.Tuog nnainag furpunog aqI plus ,Cou-I joXxW •2uTlaaui Iiounoo `LOOZ `£ I kmniga j aql It, uoiluluoso id u 2uTnT2 oq pinoM uoili.ilnm T uoilul.iodsuul L ,Clunoo uu2ouulp oql pius p.Tuuaug 3I1alD c4!D •uugui puu food aql poddns of spun] oilgnd 13iO of mr-1 alulS aluloin lou pinom li punoj suq puu anssi oql pago.Tuasoi uoslnod ,Cauaolld ,14T0 •alnluls spun] oilgnd jo Ij!2 aql goat,asa.i of uoslnod ,CauiopV 44i3 pwisu aq ,Cliunwwoo aagoluuaM Isug oql ui sioiuos oql .io3 apino.Td of anuiluoo of uiagl olquuo of aagoluuaM lsug jo f4i3 aql uio.ij oouulsissu Suiputij 2uilsanbai uoilT.ilnN a8 uoiluilodsuua,L fqunoD uuSouu�o WOJJ paniaoai .Iallal u jo llnsoi u su ptus ,Cou-I io,CuW •,Callus aagoluuaM oql ui sais owoolam mou aould of slaojja .iiogl ui nuoing s.iolisiA puu uoTluanuoD ,Callus aagoluuaM aql I_ioddns of snsuasuoo Xq paoj2u liounoo '«plaoM oql jo IulidLD alddd oql `'XQIIUA aagoluuaM aql oI auioolaM„ Puai pinom It,gl s.iolisin Suiuioolann suSTs Mau aaJgl guiould jo uapi aql .iapisuoo ,ClanTluaad000 of aagolt,uaM puu aagoluuaM isug jo s,l!ouno: ,14i0 oql po3isu jonal agjL 'puuiq ,plioAk aql jo Iuliduo alddd„ oi.iolsiq aqI Palgsilgsiq lugl U&S aagoluuaM of auioolam plo aql jo ssol aql of uoilnlos Iuilualod u Sui.iajjo nuamg s.iolTs'A put, uoTluanuOD ,CaIIUA aagoluuaM aql wOJJ .iallal u paniaoaa ,Cli3 agl pius Xor-I ioXuW LOOZ `6 A2IdfIMVf SRIf1NJW 'IIDNMOO 9HHD.Lt M9Ak ISdd d0 AID D CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2007 1 ORDINANCES 07-01-01 First reading of an ordinance amending Title 9 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code amending the definition of Disorderly Conduct. Police Chief Harrison said the logic behind the ordinance was to include fighting in the definition of disorderly conduct, making it a crime. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.07-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING A PORTION OF TITLE 9 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF "DISORDERLY CONDUCT," CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McCourt to elevate the ordinance amending Title 9 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code amending the definition of Disorderly Conduct to second reading. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McCourt to adopt the ordinance amending Title 9 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code amending the definition of Disorderly Conduct. The motion carried, 5-0. 07-01-02 First reading of an ordinance amending Title 10 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to Vehicles and Traffic and creating a new Chapter 10.56, Motorized Scooters. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:16 Mayor Lacy called a twenty-five minute executive session regarding potential litigation. Council reconvened at 7:35 p.m. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District meeting held November 20, 2006. Councilmember Johnson submitted minutes from the Resource Conservation & Development Council meeting held December 13, 2006. Councilmember Hendricks submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held December 14, 2006. 3 L 1 311310 f4?O pieuiug UusQ V Wd £b:L-.LAIHWNMfl0f(IV LOOZ `6 A,-MIMVf SF[IfINIW "IIONnOO HaHO.L` KHM ISd9 AO A.LIO