HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING DECEMBER 11, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, and Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to excuse Councilmember Hendricks from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to excuse Councilmember Johnson, from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Linda Countryman, Brandon Mauseth, Catalina Garibay, and Bruce Nash. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS PRESENTATION Eastmont High School Baseball Coach Brandon Schmitten said the Eastmont Baseball Program has submitted a permit application to the City of East Wenatchee to build a Clubhouse/Storage Building on High School property. He said the facility will allow athletes a place to shower, change, and have a safe place to store their gear. He said the facility will also be used by the American Legion and other community members. Mr. Schmitten added, the Baseball program does not have the funds to build the Clubhouse and has asked local businesses and community members if they would support the project by donating funds, products, and services towards an improved facility. Mr. Schmitten asked Council to consider waiving the permit fees for this project. Mayor Lacy said Building Inspector/Code Compliance Officer Jeff Morrison submitted a calculation of $1,010.44, for the total permit fees which are based on square footage and total construction value. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember McCourt to waive the total permit fees for the Eastmont Baseball Program Clubhouse/Storage Building Project. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORT Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth said the Rock Island Road Improvement Project Advertisement for Bids has been published with a bid opening date set for January 8, 2008. Mr. Mauseth said due to timing of Council meetings and the bid opening date he would like the City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign Interlocal Agreements to expedite the process in coordinating with the local utilities, which include Douglas County Public Utility District No.l, East Wenatchee Water District, Verizon, and Charter Communications, for the replacement and adjustment of utilities during the construction of the Project. w Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner, to authorize the Mayor's signature on Interlocal Agreements with local utilities during the Rock Island Road Project. The motion carried, 5-0. 1 suollisod lueoeA uaweg uo-1 6UNUEld PaysJOWAA oe-I jo eW pRo9 sluaA3 aayoleuaM lse3 83M3 geeb iagwawpounoO oe-1 jo eW pounoo leuo! ab Alunoo sel noa Awl jo eyq 1/n000" jagwawl!ounoO loulsla UlleaH sel no4 - uela4o oel jo eW neain8 sJollslA pue uolluanuoO AelleA aayoleuaM BAOAM pol / uopueje geeb jagwawllounoO Almin jaleM wims: nAAs vnoOoyq jagwawllounoO geeH jagwawllounoO anllnoax3 aall!wwoO AJOSIAPV leoluyoal OVl un000W jagwawl!ounoO geeb jagwawl!ounoo aalllwwoO os!ApV alseAA P!IoS OVMS oel jo eW jau�onq jagwawpounoO lalueo leinllno Q wnesnn AelleA aayoleuaM WlipuaH jagwaw!lounoo jauMon8 jagwawl!ounoO uogez!ue jO uluueld uel!lo ojlalN pounoo uo!lelJodsuejl .(apeA aayoleuaM O1MA uosuyop jagwowpounoo jauNon8 jagwawl!ounoO louls!Q luaw olana4 olwou003 443 uosugor jagwawl!ounoO jauXon8 jagwowpounoo luaw olana4 pue uollmasuoO aoinosaa OR08 s�oupuaH jagwawl!ounoO jaujon8 jagwawl!ounoO uo!lez!ue io u!uueld uogepo sued leuo! aH leJluaO WON OdlilON pn000lW jagwowl!ounoo NIOAg@N poddnS leuo! ea sel noa-uelagO NSa geed jagwawl!ounoO uosuyor jagwawllounoO l!sueal Nu!l NNII sNoupuaH jagwawilounoO lin000lN jagwawpounoO aayoleuaM to Apo ayl �R Alunoo uelagO;o luoylny buisnOH * lieyweg jagwawl!ounoO vole s!p LW W00�I3AI8 oel jo eW 1auXonq Jagwowpounoo aojawwoo to jagweyO AGIleA aayoleuaM OOAM japon8 jagwawpounoO l/n000W jagwawpounoo sluawuJanoO to pounoo JOO aleuaaliy aAi uollezlue io :sluowlutoddu Buimolloj au} Opew oq slu3wu2tssu pounoo 2uip.lu2aa sngwowpounoo wo.g p3AI303J oq 3suods3i aq; uo pasuq p!us ,Coe-1 .lo/CeW •puouu of s.lagwowiiouno3 XI!D oql polse PUB uoou lu `q,L I .logwon(I `/CupuoW ploq oq ll! m uoogoun-i uotlu►oalddd aa,Coldwg oql pies ,Cou-1 io,Cew '33u}S XI►D puu siogtuotupounoD /CllD glim Oupliom po/Cofuo seq aq p!us pue auo,C.lana paIuugl l;>MaQ .lagwawliounoD •aouepualle ui suazil►o pue `JFIS AID `s.logwawpounoo wag osnuldde glim law a.lom sluawwoo s,.lo,CuW aql •luowu.lano[) XIiD jo sloadsu nglo ui olud►mind puu sanssl ul panlonui ,Cuts of awil pug slim lliMaQ aagwawiiouno:) Inj3doq si aq pies ,Cowl .lofvW •wiq glim puq anuq am uoiluioossu oql puu ,(IlD oql of pap►Aold suq lliMaQ j3gw3wliounoD aoimos aqI JO anlluioa.iddu ,Ciawailxo si oq pappu OH -pounoo /C4!D oql of aotAios siq of loadsw qvm luOi?il>p puu lualstsuoo uaaq suq pu-e `/Clt.i?alui snopuawa.11 glim suual oml paA.Ias seq lliMaQ logwowiiounoD p►us Cowl io,CuW-iogwawpounoo /Clio u su 2u►pu3l4u aq pinom IIIMaQ .lagwowl!ounoD 5u►loaw pounoo lsul aql aq pinom sigl poounouuu ,Cowl .lo,(UW •wnionb u jo jouI aql of onp pollooueo oq IVAN `LOOZ `9Z jogwaoaQ `,CupsoupaM ioj palnpogos Oullaaw pounoD oql pius /Cowl .lo,CuW 2uluaA3 slgl aouepuolle u► shoos qnD oql powoolom /Cou-i loXuW .LHOdHH S,-doAvw 0-S `p3llluo uogow oq,l, goafoid puo2I puulsl Noo-d oql Outinp soiltliln Ieool glim slumool2V luooliolul uo a.lnluu�?is s,ioXLW aql oziloglne of `i3mjong 13gwowliouno: Cq puooas `l.luquleg ngwowpounoo ,Cq apuw sum uoilow d mol;av ilaunoa LOOZ `I 12I9gWH3Ha ST IMN 'IIDI MOD HdHD LVX9Ak ISV9 AO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 2007 Mayor Lacy said he would talk to incoming Councilmember Dave Bremer to see if he would like to fill the positions vacated by Councilmember DeWitt. He added he may not be available to attend the January 8, 2008, City Council meeting as he will be recovering from surgery and asked if someone would like to make a nomination for the Mayor Pro Tern position for 2008. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember DeWitt, to nominate Councilmember Raab for the Mayor Pro Tern position for 2008. The nomination was approved by consensus and Mayor Lacy appointed Councilmember Raab for the Mayor Pro Tern position for 2008. Mayor Lacy said in an effort to get information out to the public and receive feedback from the citizens he has begun a blog on the internet. He said this blog is still in its infancy as he was only able to send out invitations to local entities such as the Utility Districts and School Districts for which he has email addresses. He said his intent is to get the word out so that there will be enough people signed up for this that it will represent a cross section of the whole City. He added this blog site will provide an opportunity to submit postings on specific topics and projects for the purpose of getting feedback from our citizens on these issues prior to making a final decision or a commitment of funds. Mayor Lacy invited Councilmember's to periodically make commentaries on the blog, and said if they wish to communicate a position or an idea to the people in the City he would like them to use this blog for that purpose. He added the address for the blog is www.cityofeastwenatchee.blogspot.com. Councilmember Barnhart asked if the City can make the blog postings available in printed form to the people who do not have access to the internet. Council also discussed placing an icon to the blog on the library's public computer. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, November 27, 2007 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, December 11, 2007, Council does approve warrant numbers 19510 through 19573 in the total amount of $111,899.65. ACTION ITEMS 07-12-01 Approval of a Firearms Use Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and North Central Washington Gun Club, Inc., for use of the Gun Club facilities for training purposes. City Attorney Devin Poulson said the East Wenatchee Police Department has created a firing range on the North Central Washington Gun Club's property that is primarily used by the East Wenatchee Police Officers. He said City will pay an annual user fee in the amount of $625.00 for use of the Gun Club facilities. He added in addition to the user fee the City will apply at their expense weed control chemicals to the firing range used by the Police Officers on an annual basis. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner, to authorize the signature of the Mayor on the Firearms Use Agreement. The motion carried, 5-0. 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Street Superintendent Mauseth reviewed the Storm Water Utility 2008 Budget request. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember DeWitt, to elevate the ordinance adopting the final budget of the Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Budget for 2008. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember McCourt, to adopt the ordinance adopting the final budget of the Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Budget for 2008. The motion carried, 5-0. The ordinance title reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2007- 24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET OF THE GREATER EAST WENATCHEE STORM WATER UTILITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2008, AND APPROVING AN ORDINANCE SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION. DISCUSSION ITEM 07-12-04 A discussion regarding eliminating the use of studded tires on City owned vehicles. Mayor Lacy said he had received a letter from Mayor Dennis Hession of the City of Spokane who has taken action in the attempt to provide some leadership with respect to this issue by issuing an Executive Order eliminating and prohibiting the use of studs on tires on all City vehicles. Mayor Hession encouraged other cities and counties to do the same. Mayor Lacy said he has spoken with the Street Superintendent Mauseth about the issue in East Wenatchee and felt it was appropriate to bring it to Council for discussion. Mr. Mauseth said there is one Staff vehicle and eight Police vehicles that use studded tires. Mayor Lacy said the Department of Transportation has completed studies of the damage these studded tires are doing to these roads. He said a lot of money is spent each year planning, repaving, and resurfacing streets due to the wear from studded snow tires during a five month period of the year. He added he is in favor of doing something similar to the Executive Order from the City of Spokane and take action with regard to City vehicles to set an example and provide some leadership in this regard. Council discussed options other than studded tires for City vehicles and said they would like an opinion from the Police Chief prior to taking action. Mayor Lacy said Chief Harrison is out on vacation and upon his return he will discuss the issue with him. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:25 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a thirty minute executive session regarding potential litigation. Council reconvened at 7:50 p.m. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember DeWitt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network Governing Board Meeting held on November 5, 2007. 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