HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/23/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING OCTOBER 23, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Johnson, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember DeWitt from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-1. (Barnhart) Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Joan Sims, Brandon Mauseth, and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Sarah Strang, 1122 N Devon, East Wenatchee said she is a senior at University of Washington studying for her master's degree in Library Science. She submitted results of a survey to City Council, which was part of an assignment she had completed for her schooling. The survey was to determine if the public believes the library role is being met, and if they were willing to pay more taxes. She said 80% of the responses dealt with increasing the size of the library. Ms. Strang said she attended the previous Council meeting in which the East Wenatchee City Council heard a report on the expansion of City Hall facilities and voted in favor of authorizing the Mayor to enter into negotiations for the purchase of adjacent property for the expansion. She asked City Council to consider expanding the size of the Library during the remodel and expansion of City Hall. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said the Budget Committee will meet on Saturday to review the preliminary budget requests received from each department. He mentioned some of the requests include parity of some positions based on a statewide survey, reorganization of the Street Department, and an increase to the Public Defender salary due to an increase in case load. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 9, 2007 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, October 23, 2007, Council does approve warrant numbers 19315 through 19371 in the total amount of $64,033.09. Warrant numbers 19336 and 19340 were voided. 31,010 40 pnuing wo(I 'w'd S£:L —,LNHIVNI2 OfGV 0-9 `Polino uoiloui oq j •s,Cup f4liql uiglinn sosiwaid agl alunuA oqj isonboi puu ouu)l Am-1jouui j nnu-I aqI puu f4iD aqI uooAnlaq siuowooJ2 I osuo-f aqI SuTluutuual aallal u puos of ,Couiouv M!D aqI ozljoglnu of jotgong .Tagwouq!ounoD Xq puooas `uosugo f aagwawltounoD Xq opuw suns uoTlow d :uo[laV paunoa •tud 0£:L lu Pauanuoaa.T Itounoo •salnuiw ang Iuuotlippu uu uotssas aAtlnnaxa agl Papualxa s 3TJPuaH .TagwowiinunoD wd SZ:L Id alulsg Iua2I3o alus puu osugomd puu `uotlu2tliZ Iutlualod SuTpauSaT uoTssas aATlnnaxa alnuTw uaa}Ig u paliun Sj3lTpuaH .Tagwawl!ounoD wd SO:L Id •uoTssas aATlnoaxa aqI lonpuoo of s3I3upuaH loquiotupounoD of JOAO 0uTlaaw agl ouluml aq IIIM oq jo jloswig asnoai pinogs oq lugl s.Taliuw aAJOAUI uoissas aApnoaxo oql uo swolt lugl Inuj agl of onp pins XouZ aoSrW NOISSHS dAIlf10HXH 'LOOZ `LZ .Tagwoldas plag 2wlaaw u ual luawa2umW fI[Iilfl .TalunnuuolS aqI wog solnuTw palliwgns quud aagwowli3uno3 'LOOZ `LI iogwzldoS uo plag SuTlaaw glluaH Jo p.Tuog loi.TisiQ glluaH sulifnoQ-uujogD aqI wojj solnuTw palliwgns l noDoW aagwowpounoD •sloolud oAu .Taglo oql uo uaaq lou aAug suoilu[1090u pappu OH •Iunoum IusTUTddu aqI aaAo ,Cud lou ,Cuw ,CITD aqI su `uiulgo of pannbaa si '14iD aql goignn `Iusiu.Tddu uu uo luo2uguo3 aoud 2unisu siq of do ,Cud Ilion ,CITD aqI nnou3i soldwuS -JW lal Puu IIuH f4I0 of luanufpu fgiodoid siq jo asugoand aoj soldumS -JW glinn uoilu►lo2ou u uo 3I.Tugwa uoslnod ,Cau.TollV 4!D puq aq 2ullaaw pounoD Isul aqI lu wiq of paluuA f4!joglnu aqI gltnn ptus Aou-j aoSuW sluodaI lilJNf100 •asualnuT sTgl Jo a8uluunpu o3jul of paau u aq ,Cuw a.Tagl sanaIIaq ag laspng aagoluuaM Iseg 800Z aqI joj sisonboi lo2pnq posodoTd aqI ut osuoiouT aqI gltnn puu sm,C Iu.Tanas lsud aqI JOAO asua.TnuT %I Iuuollippu aqI ualui lou suq 4D aqI pappu OH '4ouduo SAol xul 14iodoid aininj s,f4!D aqi looloid of paau luiluuisgns a.minj u Suuuloop oouuuipTo uu poldopu ,Slip aqi ssaooTd joSpnq 900Z aqi guunp ptus OH •aua,C sTgl osua.TouT xul ,Ciaadoid %I aqi o3lul ,CITD aqi lugs SuTsodoid sT aq plus Xou-1 ioAtW 'wd 10:L Iu 5ui.Tuaq oilgnd aqI posolo ,Cowl JokaW luawwoo otlgnd ou guimaq `wd 00:L It' guTTuaq o►lgnd aqI pauado Soul aoSPW •Io2png aagoluuoM Ing 800Z posodoid aqI ui saxul 4iodoid Swp.TuOaa 2uT.Tuoq oilgnd d ZO-OI-LO WIMH JI'land -0-9 `Pauauo uoTlow oqs •poluasoid su upuaSu luasuoo aqI Idopu of uosugo f lagwawl!ounoD ,Cq puooas `.I.TnoDoW .Tagwowl!ounoD Sq opuw suns uoTlow d :uoilad Iiaunoj LOOZ `£Z NH901DO Sa.LDMW 'II0Mn00 aaH0.LVNaM .LSdg 30 AID