HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/9/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
OCTOBER 9, 2007
6:30 P.M.
Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Barnhart,
Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks and Mayor Lacy.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember McCourt to
excuse Councilmember Buckner, from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Barnhart to
excuse Councilmember Johnson, from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Joan Sims, Brandon
Mauseth, Bruce Nash, and Devin Poulson.
Mayor Lacy welcomed the Boy Scouts in attendance this evening, some of which may be participating as
part of their fulfillment of the Citizenship in the Community merit badge.
Robert Merrill suggested City place a spot on the City's website for citizens to post information regarding
street lights, don't walk lights that are not working, or other areas that may need attention by a City
Mayor Lacy said the Network Administrator is in the process of updating the City's webpage and
indicated this information will be passed on to him.
Mayor Lacy presented Ambassador Certificates to Sonny Anderson, Josh Martin, James Parsons, and
Mitchell Parsons (not in attendance), the Student Delegates who were part of the Wenatchee Valley Sister
City Delegation in August to Misawa, Japan and thanked them for representing the Wenatchee Valley.
Each of the Student Ambassador's gave a brief overview of their trip.
Mayor Lacy reminded the budget committee of the budget meetings scheduled for October 11`h, October
17`h and October 25`h.
Community Development Department Director Lori Barnett gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding a
proposal for the expansion of City Hall.
sll!g3o uollut3p!suo3 Z
LOOZ `SZ .taquualdaS `uo!ssaS .tuin23-d — solnuiW jo uo!lu13ptsuo3 • I
-/,vadoid jo asugoand lulluolod 2u!pa0ai
2Utu3n3 stll uo!ssas antlnoaxa oql pioq of snsuasuoo Xq paaiBr pounoo •pappu aq pinoo oral! s!ql `sagslm
I!ounoo ji puu lollum .iaglouu uo 2UIUOna sill uo!ssas antlnoaxa uu uo popuolui puq aq p!us Xou'I loxvw
2utuana sigl plaq oq pinoo uolssas antlnoaxa uu j! paNsu sNo!apuaH aagmauul!ounoo
y,OZ .uaqutanoM st fgi3dotd Iugl loj atop Outsolo all pappu OH -kvodoid
siq asugo.md of uo!sloap s,,Cl!D oql uodn luagutluoo `X3uout Isamu paould suq ag go!gm ul fgiodo td
3o aooid u punoj suq aq p!us saidwuS -jW •polisop os oq j! Moods of soldumS •.IW paI!nu! Xou-I .ro,(uW
•loolud s!q 2u!sugomd ui palsaaalu! s! XI!3 oql aaglogm of su iomsuu uu io3 I!um
of Oullpm s! oq �?uo1 moq soldwuS plujoD ql!m possnos!p uaaq suq I! d! polsu l.inoDoW ioqutauq!ounoD
uoil!s!nbou Xpodoid lu!lualod
ssnosip of upuo2u Ixou aqI uo paould oq pinoo uo!ssas antlnoaxa uu j! palsu pugu.tug aaqutauq!ouno:)
•uotssas antlnoaxa ui passnos!p oq uuo lull Ou!glauuos si uotl!s!nbou puul pappu
OH •puul 2umnbou Iauls of X4!D oql loaalp of `uo!louu ao snsuasuoo Xq anoaddu of uotldo aqI suq pounoD
lull pappu OH •uoissnosip u!uuu aqI su oral! s!ql ql!m Iuatla2I pounoo u poludlo!luu puq aq p!us ,Court
ioXL,w •suo!Ido Su!punj puu `s2u!pl!nq agl jo Ino,Cu1 oql `suo!Ido luaiojj!p oql possnos!p sloquuaaq!ounoD
•plus ioj si sloond oqljo ouo Iugl poluo!pu! puu ,Cliodoad luon[pu Oulsugomd
lu Nool of paau pinom XI!D all pappu aqS •Iusodotd .nagl ui polsa.talui ta2uol ou olu am lugl ol!s loogoS
g21H io!unf ogl3o iodolanap all ut.uoju! pinogs XI!D oql pools all ssoin iClaadold osugo.md of uugl iaglua
Iusodotd stgl ql!m o2 of sasootlo I!ounoD j! Mus Ilau.reg •sW '00'bi£`58L`t,$ IElol pinom looj atunbs .tad
00'09I$ uo pasuq load atunbs 000`OZ oq pinom Z uo!ld0 Puu 0WNCS86`S$ iulol pinom lood aaunbs .tad
00'05I$ uo pasuq `laaj aaunbs 000`8Z oq pinom I uo!ldp — Ou!ppng aotlsnf ?p murl •soluuu!Iso asugo.tnd
fgi3doid Iullualod puu sluautanoiduut olts-uo posodoid apniout slulol paluuu!lso osagl plus aqS •looj
onnbs .tad Isoo uo pasuq soinuoos Isoo iuiluolod aatll popnioui go!gm laagspuatds u pama!na.0 llau.reg 'SW
•loored goingo JUMMOD Iu31132uung aouataJUOD og!oud tl:PoN aqI JO uotlaod u puu loom'd
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pinom Iugl sorpodoid oql puu pags!louuap oq pinom Iugl s2u!plmq pomogs oslu duo► ogjL ,Cltl!ou3 oo!lsnf
puu mu -I u puu `s2u!pl!nq sNiom o!lgnd jo uotlorulsuoo mou Iu!luolod 2utlo!dop dutuu u pamogs llaureg •sw
linoo su Ilom su oouds Outpour otlgnd u ap!notd of tum pnoo asodmd-gintu u su pauuuld s! /Cl!I!ou3 linoo
oql pappu aqS •l.tnoo Iud!o!unuu puu luautyredap ao!lod oql opniou! pinom A4!l!ou3 oql plus aqS •Xl!l!ou,g
ooilsnf puu mu-1 mou u lon.ulsuoo of Xl.uadoid IIuH A4!O 3o Isua puui iuuotl!ppu jo osugoind all sopniout
osiu lusodold sigL •.tolu.uls!u!uupd )IaomlaX all puu molD laatlS aql olupouuuu000u of saogjo pnoo puu
aotiod 2ulls!xa aql lapouual pue kv3doid IIuH XI!D 2uils!x3do uoipod gytou oql of s2u!pl!ng aouuualu!uW
laatlS oql oluoolol of s! Iusodotd luaaino aqI p!us aqS •Oui laud g2noua 13jjo puu sasn llu olupomuu000u
lou pinom kpodotd aqI jo uotivin2guoo aqI ILgl ivolo auuuoaq It aouts ponu!luoostp sum uotldo Iugj
•ol!s lua.ttno oql uo sa!l!I!ou3 puudxo of sum Iu pwiool guls uolldo Istg all plus aqS 'IIuH JClD Jo uotsuudxa
Iulluolod ioj s!sXluuu Isoo u uo Bui�.tom uaaq suq J3ulS `I!ounoD Xq polsonbat su plus Ilauaug •slq
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense
reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has
been made available to Council.
As of this date, October 9, 2007, Council does approve warrant numbers 19273 through 19314 in the total
amount of $183,512.56.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt; second by Councilmember Barnhart to
adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried, 5-0.
07-10-01 Authorization for the Mayor to sign "Purchase and Sale Agreement" and "Permit to
Enter Upon Real Property" for each of the properties located at 180 Rock Island Road,
200 Rock Island Road, 209 & 213 Rock Island Road, 225 Rock Island Road, and 226 &
300 Rock Island Road, for right-of-way acquisitions as part of the Rock Island Road
Project. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney).
City Attorney Poulson said this is part of the right-of-way expansion for the Rock Island Road Project. He
said the purchase price is the appraisal price plus what the engineers have calculated to remove the
vegetation. He added the City hopes to have all the land purchased by the end of the month.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks; second by Councilmember Raab to
authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to purchase right-of-way and pen -nits to enter
upon property for the Rock Island Road Project. The motion carried, 5-0.
At 7:20 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a twenty minute executive session regarding Potential Litigation and
Potential Acquisition of Property. Council reconvened at 7:35 p.m.
Potential Litigation
Mayor Lacy said Douglas County Superior Court Judge John Hotchkiss has reversed his decision which
will allow the East Wenatchee Water District to expand into 4,000 rural acres east of East Wenatchee. He
said we had a decision by the court that indicated at one point in Judge Hotchkiss' view that the
expansion of the water district was violative of the Growth Management Act because of the fact that it
was for urban development outside the Urban Growth Boundary. Now Judge Hotchkiss has indicated that
while he believes that to be the case he can not say that based on additional law that has been provided to
him that the decision of the Boundary Board was clearly erroneous in that regard.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember DeWitt to
authorize the Mayor and City Attorney to appeal the recent decision by Judge Hotchkiss reversing himself
with respect to the expansion of the Water District. The motion carried, 3-1. (Councilmember Barnhart)
(Councilmember McCourt abstained)
Mayor Lacy said that by doing an appeal to get a reversal because the City still feels this does violate our
Comprehensive Plan, but more importantly a decision by a Superior Court Judge is not precedent for any
future decision making. In other words, in the future if there are issues like this decision of Judge
p.Tuung uuua
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'LOOZ `£Z IsnSnd uo plaq 2utlaaw luin2al aagoluuaM
jo XIlZ) aqI V flunoZ) uulagD jo (4i.ioglnV 2utsnoH aqI wojj solnu►w palltwgns linoDow logwauti!ounoD
'LOOZ `01 .TagwaldoS uo plaq $utlaaW
pjuog )IiomgoN lioddns IuuoTiia-a sq!?noQ-uulag3 wotj salnuiw palliwgns u!AMaQ ngwatupounoD
'LOOZ `£I-iogwoldaS
uo ploq �?utlaaiu (DIAM) pounoD uotlulaodsml A311RA aagoluuaM aql Puu `•LOOZ `ZI iagwoldas plaq
`2utlaaw (CIVDII MCI) pounoo IuawdolanaQ UOIILA13SUOD puu oolnosa-g uolButgsuM IualuoD gllom
oql puu (QQg) Io►_TIsiCl IuawdolanaQ oIwouoog aql woij solnutw polltwgns jawiong .Tagwowllounoo
•auaX 2uTwoo aqp ioj Iluo .Tad SL'Z£$ Xud
Illm puu lluo .Tad 90't£$ sXud Al►o all CIjuaijno •sooiAios goluds►p Xoua2.Taw3 .ToJ `00'Li8`bSZ$ oq Illm
ivoX ixau loj pa2pnq s,aagoluuaM Isug ptus OH -jim� snotnaad aql wo.T3 000`OZ$ do on, aagoluuaM Isug
jo XCITD aqI ioj sonuana.T oql puu 2upootu Opng u puq utoo.TanT-d Iugl paproda.T p.requ.Tug aagwowllounoD
Sluodad 7IaNfloD
'0-S `paia.tuo uotlout oql •Outlaaw sigl 2utinp possnostp uaaq suq
su HUH fq!Z) 3o uoisuudxa aqI ioj Xhss000u su suotlt'go2m fgjodoid olui .talus of lo/CuW oqp oziioglnu of
sIOUPuaH .Tagwatupounoo Xq puooas `.IItMaQ jogwawliounoD Xq apuw suns uogow d :uogaV paunoa
lWilaow pounoD stgl Outanp possnostp put, posodoid uaaq suq pugl uotlowip oql
u► uoTlon.tlsuoo puu uoisuudxa 2wnsind jo uoilowip oql ui an.ow of aNil pinonn pounoD ptus Xoug loxiew
•uollout aql
of puooas s►q nna.Tpglinn s3l3t.tpu3H jagwatu pounoD `X:padotd soldwus agl jo osugoind aqI aoj suo►Iuilo�au
olut aaluo of ioXuW oql Sutzt.toglnu uotlow oql nnaaptlltne pp►moCl aagw3wjt3uno3 moipV Iiaunoa
•auo Isnf uugl
lzglua sorpadoid aa.tgl Ilu Suisugoind olupoSou f4!0 aql oas aaglua pinonn aq ptus quad logwawpounoD
-kvado.Td soldmS oqljo osugoind oqlioj suotltgo0ou olu► .talus of lokaW oql azl.Toglnu of
sIotapuaH iogwawl!ounoD Xq puooas `•II►MaQ aagwowliounoo Aq opuw suns uotlow d :uo[pad Ilaunoa
Spadoad;o uoillsinbad Iu►lualod
•ouop oq uuo stgl Tagpagnn oinlrtj aqI u► nnoul lltnn XpoqXaana puu Ilu 10J puu aouo ansst
aqp an.Iosaa lllM ann `:pnoD awaadnS aqI .To sluaddd jo lanoD aqI !3uluuaw `pl000l jo linoo u Xq uotstoap
u IO2 puu lanai pxau aql of 02 aM JI •puapooatd Iou st IT osnuoaq Ig0iom Xuu naq you pinonn I► ssllgoloH